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- 2001年1月托福听力推荐度:
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1. I lent him a book.
2. Bob wanted to be a doctor, but he became a teacher instead.
3. No one ever listens to a word I say.
4. Gary's beginning to come around to my point of view.
5. Get to the movie theater by seven and you won't have to wait in the ticket line.
6. This biography isn't half as well - written as the last one I read.
7. What a wonderful story!
8. George helped himself to another piece of pie.
9. On the bookshelf in the office is a dictionary for everyone's use
10. I like'd a larger suitcase than this one.
11. Bill and Mary were enraged when their meeting was cancelled.
12. How about keeping the noise level down in here?
13. They are getting along fine in their new school
14. Typing the essay is the least of my worries.
15. I didn't discourage Pamela from doing her art project.
16. I suggest we keep the party for Beth as a surprise, 17.Sarah wanted to take a makeup exam.
18. Are there enough assignment sheets to go around?
19. Wasn’t that the city bus that'd just pulled away!
20. No one knows more about the subject than Polly.
21. Paula, will you be ready to leave at eight?
No way.
Q: What does Paula mean
22. Go ahead and have a seat.
Thanks, but I'd rather stand.
Q: What will the man probably do?
23. Did you call an electrician to repair the lamp?
No. I got Mike to do it
Q: What does the woman mean?
24 .I am not sure what the best way is to hang this poster without damaging the wall. Couldn't you use tape? It peels off easily.
Q: What does woman suggest?
25. Chemistry 502 is really a hard course.
So was Chemistry 402 .
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
26. Mark is watching a movie on TV.
Should he be doing that now with the exams coming up next week?
Q: What does the man imply that Mark should be doing?
27. Have you picked up your ID card from the office yet?
No, the camera for taking photos was broken.
Why hasn't the woman gotten her ID card?
28. Shall I call you to let you know about the next meeting?
By all means.
Q: What does the man imply?
29. Did you get cut off?
No, they asked me to hang up and try again later.
Q: What has the woman been doing?
30. Would you like to take a break and get a soda?
Would I ever!
Q: What does the woman mean?
31. I can't decide whether to take anthropology or geology this term.
It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Q: What does the man mean?
32. Did you really give away all your science texts when you moved?
Only the out-of-date ones
Q: What does the woman mean?
33. I don’t imagine you would have time to help me with this.
As it happens, I would.
Q: What does the man mean?
34. I'm going to the drugstore to buy a birthday card for Aunt Margaret If you wait a minute I'll go with you. I need some aspirine.
Q: Why are the man and woman going to the drugstore?
35. Dick seems to think this year's football season will be disappointing.
That's his opinion. Most others think differently.
Q: What does the woman mean?
Questions 36 - 40
Excuse me, Dr. Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.
Please do, Jenny How can I help you?
I need to get your signature on my schedule card here, on the line above advisor’s approval. Sure, but let's look at it over together first. How many courses do you have here?
Six? That's quite a heavy load. Any particular reason?
I have to drop my chemistry course last semester when I went into the hospital, so I need to take it again,
So you've already learnt a lot of the material.
Right. And calculus is a part of the second year requirement.
Let's see, Chemistry ,Calculus. Oh I see you'll be in my seminar on the
modern American novel.
Yes, I'm looking forward to it and the romantic poetry seminar, too. Two seminars? That is rather a lot. Can you handle the work?
I think so. The introductory economics is fairly easy and so is the music course.
Well, then I'll be happy to sign the card. However, I insist that you come see me after the first
week of classes so we can make sure this isn’t too much for you.
That's a promise.
36. Where does this conversation most probably take place? 37.When does this conversation take place?
38. Why has the woman come to see Dr. Tyler?
39. Why did the woman drop her chemistry course?
40. What does Dr. Tyler seem most concerned about?
Questions 41-45
We are rapidly nearing the end of this course in the history of classical music. We have covered several centuries in a very short time. Much too short to do the music justice, of course, but then this is a survey course. From now until the end of the term, we’II be talking about and listening to electronic music You probably already know it was in the 1930 s that musical computers and synthesizers first appeared in universityies. The first commercial synthesizers were sold about this time, too. The sophistication and complexity of these instruments has now increased to the point that they can produce almost any kind of sound. Some alarmists believe these new instruments will bring an end to classical music or they've already have You know I don't share this view, though I agree we are in the midst of a revolution in instrument design. This, however, is not the first such revolution in musical history and probably not the last one either. Remember we’ve already studied a similar case in the early nineteenth century when The piano replaced the harpsichord and modern brass and wind instruments came into being.
One of the most important reasons for the great popularity of electronic instruments is of course their relatively cheap price. Well, just look at it. Only about 400 dollars for an electronic keyboard compared to nearly 3000 dollars for a piano. Naturally, this has done a lot to increase sales of electronic instruments. But I don't think even the most ardent supporters of electronic instruments expect them to completely replace acoustic instruments.
41. What is the speaker's main topic?
42. At what point in the semester is this talk being given?
43. What is the speaker's opinion of the idea that electronic instruments will destroy classical music?
44. When does the speaker say that another significant change in instrument design took place?
45. According to the speaker, how does the price of the electronic keyboard compared with the price of the piano?
Questions 46- 50
The volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Saint Helens certainly caused a lot of damage, didn't it? It did, but not as much as experts have predicted. It seems to have had a beneficial effect as well. Really? But weren't crop losses great? Yes, However, since the weather following the eruptions was unexpectedly good, some crop yields remain steady or even increased beyond normal expectancy level. I'm glad to hear that. But what was the beneficial effect you mentioned?
A mass destruction of various insect populations.
How could the ash have killed insects without affecting people too? It's highly abrasive and quickly wears away the outer wax layer protecting insect bodies. Removal of that layer causes insects to lose body moisture by evaporation, the result is usually lethal. How about that! Sounds like an effective yet natural insecticide.
46. What is the main topic of the conversation?
47. According to the woman, what was the extent of crop damage?
48. What beneficial result did the volcanic ash have?
49. What can be inferred about the effect of volcanic ash on people?
50. What is the man's attitude toward the information?
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