
更新时间:2024-04-27 11:32:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰

2?This icy force both foul and fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 3?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 4?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 5?Strike for love And Strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 6?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.? 冰雪美人冷艳又危险 7?Split the ice apart.?掘开寒冰勇向前

8 ?And break the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心!

9?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 11?Beautiful! Powerful!?美丽又强大! 12?Dangerous! Cold!?寒冷又危险!

13?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.?冰雪的魔力难驾驭 14?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.?一当十一当百 15?Stronger than a hundred men!?谁人能挡寒冬至?

16?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰

17?This icy force both Foul and Fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 19?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.? 劈开冰块冷又坚

20?Strike for love and strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱

21?There's beauty and there's Danger here.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 22 ?Split the ice apart!?掘开寒冰勇向前

23?Beware the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心! 24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特! 25 Elsa. Psst艾莎 喂 26 Elsa!艾莎!

27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒 快醒醒 28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜 快回去睡觉

29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着 天还醒着 我也醒着 30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧 31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧

32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人? 33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快! 34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法! 35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦!- 喔... 36This is amazing!哇!好神奇! 37Watch this!看好了!

38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱! 39I love you, Olaf.我爱你 雪宝

40Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我!-接住啦!

41Again! Wait!再来一次!-等下! 42Slow down!慢一点! 43Anna!安娜! 44Anna?安娜?

45Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!

46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的 安娜 姐姐抱

47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand! 艾莎 你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!

48It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心 对不起 安娜 49- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go她浑身冰凉!-我知道怎样救她 50Ice?雪?

1083?throw a little love their way.?让爱情生效 1084?And you'll bring out their best!?你会令他变更好! 1085?True love brings out the best!?真爱使人变更好! 1086?Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,?每个人都需要爱来改变 1087?That's what it's all about.?这是我们的口号 1088?

Father, Sister, Brother We need each other?父母兄弟情同手足 1089?to raise us up and round us out.?我们都需要互相来关照 1090?Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,?所有人都需要爱来改变 1091?But when push comes to shove.?但当缘分来到 1092?

The only fixer upper fixer that can fix a fixer upper is.?唯一能改变人生的

就是 1093?True, True, True, True, Love.?真 真 真 真爱 1094?Love, Love, Love, True Love... - True-e-e-e-e-e.?爱 爱 爱 真爱... - 真... 1095?

Do you, Anna, take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded...?安娜 你愿意与克里斯托弗成为合地精法的... 1096?Wait, what?!?等等,什么? 1097?You're getting married.?你要结婚了 1098She's as cold as ice.她浑身冰凉! 1099There's strange magic here!我感觉到一股奇怪的魔气! 1100Grand Pabbie! Bring her to me.佩比爷爷! - 快 让我看看 1101Anna, your life is in danger.安娜,你现在很危

险 1102There is ice in your heart, put there by your sister.你姐姐在你心里刺进了一块冰 1103If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze, forever.如果不把它融化,你全身都会冻住的,永远 1104What ...? No.什么? 不会吧 1105But you can remove it, Right?但是你能治好,是吗? 1106 I can not, I'm sorry Kristoff...我不能 对不起 克里斯托弗... 1107If it was her head that would be easy.如果只是头被冻住还好 1108But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.但解救冰封的心,只能靠一个发自真爱的行动 1109An act of true love?发自真爱的行动? 1110A true love's kiss, perhaps?也许是...真爱之

吻? 1111Anna, we've got to get you back to Hans.安娜,我们得带你去找汉斯 1112Hans.汉斯... 1113Pull us out, Sven.把我们拉上来,斯特 1114Olaf! Come on. I'm coming!雪宝!快走 - 我来

了! 1115Let's go kiss Hans! Who is this Hans?!去吻汉斯喽! 汉斯是谁

啊? 1116We are here to find Princess Anna.我们是来找安娜公主

的 1117Be on guard,保持警惕 1118but no harm is to come to the Queen.但是不要伤害女王 1119Do you understand? - Yes, Sir.明白吗? - 是 殿下 1120The Queen.女王在那! 1121Up there! - Come on!她在

那! - 快! 1122No, Please.不要! 1123Stay away!快走开! 1124Fire! Fire.射!快射 1125Get her! Get her!抓住她 抓住她! 1126Queen Elsa!艾莎女王! 1127Don't be the monster they fear you are.不要变成他们所说的“妖怪”! 1128No... What have I done?不..我都做了什么? 1129Why did you bring me here?为什么把我带到这里来? 1130 I couldn't just let them kill you.我不能让他们杀了

你 1131But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna.但我对于阿伦戴尔是个威胁 把安娜找来

1132Anna has not returned...安娜还没回

来... 1133If you would just stop the winter,请你停止这场严冬 1134bring back summer... please.恢复夏天...求你了 1135Don't you see... I can't.你不知道吗...我做不

到 1136You have to tell them to let me go.你得让他们放我走 1137I will do what I can.我尽力

吧 1138Just hang in there. Come on, buddy, faster!坚持住 快点伙计! 1139 I'll meet you guys at the castle!我们在城堡会

合! 1140Stay out of sight, Olaf!别让别人看见你! 1141 I will!知道

啦! 1142 It's Princess Anna!是安娜公主! 1143Are you g-gonna be okay?

你还...还好吗? 1144Don't worry about me.别瞎操心

了 1145Anna! Oh, you had us worried sick...My Lady.安娜!您可算回来了...公主殿下 1146Get her warm and find Prince Hans, immediately.注意保暖 快去把汉斯王子找来! 1147We will. Thank you.放心吧,多谢了 1148Make sure she's safe!一定要照顾好

啊! 1149 I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna.我要回去找安娜 1150You cannot risk going out there again.你不能再冒险出去了 1151If anything happens to her...万一她有不

测... 1152If anything happens to the Princess,万一公主不幸... 1153you are all Arendelle has left.阿伦戴尔就全靠你了 1154He's in here. Prince Hans.他在这儿 汉斯王子 1155Anna. You're so cold.安娜 你浑身冰

凉! 1156Hans, you have to kiss me... - What?汉斯 快吻我... - 什

么? 1157Now. Now.快 快! 1158We'll give you two some privacy.诸位大人,我们是不是回避一下 1159What happened out there?究竟怎么回事? 1160Elsa struck me with her powers.艾莎用魔法攻击了我 1161You said she'd never hurt you.你说过她永远不会伤害你 1162I was wrong.看来我错了 1163Anna?安

娜? 1164She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.她冻住了我的心,只有发自真爱的行动才能救我 1165A true love's kiss.真爱之吻? 1166Oh, Anna...哦,安

娜... 1167If only there was someone out there who loved you.真希望有人

真的爱你 1168What?什么? 1169You said you did.你说过你爱我 1170As thirteenth in line in my own作为王位的第十三顺位继承人, 1171...kingdom, I didn't stand a chance. I knew...在我的祖国,我没什么机会出头... 1172I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere...而联姻,是获取权力的捷径... 1173What are you talking about?你在说什

么? 1174As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course.艾莎本是我的首选,她是王储 1175But no one was getting anywhere with her.但她很难接近 1176But you... - Hans?至于你呢... - 汉

斯? 1177You were so desperate for love,幻想完美爱情的小姑

娘 1178You were willing to marry me, just like that.如此急切地想要和我结婚 1179 I figured, after we married, I'd have我本想,在我们结婚后 1180to stage a little accident for Elsa.我会制造一场意外 杀死艾莎 1181Hans. No, stop.汉斯 别这

样 1182But then she doomed herself, and you were结果她竟然自寻死路 1183...dumb enough to go after her.而你竟傻到去救她 1184Please.不 1185All that's left now is to kill Elsa and bring back summer.现在只要杀死艾莎 恢复夏天 1186You're no match for Elsa.你不是艾莎的对手 1187No, you're no match for Elsa.不 败在艾莎手上的是

你 1188I, on the other hand, am the hero who is而我 则是将阿伦戴尔从严冬中 1189going to save Arendelle from destruction.拯救出来的英雄 1190You won't get away with this.你不会得逞的 1191Oh, I already have.哦~~可惜我已经得逞

了 1192Please, somebody help.救命 谁来救救我 1193Please, please!救命,救... 1194It's getting colder by the minute.这里越来越冷

了 1195If we don't do something soon, We'll all freeze to death.如果再不采取措施 我们都会被冻死的 1196Prince Hans... - Princess Anna is...汉斯王子 - 安娜公主已经.. 1197Dead. What...?死了 -什么? 1198What happened to her?她怎么

了? 1199She was killed by Queen Elsa.她被艾莎女王...杀死了 1200Her own sister.这可是她的亲姐姐

啊 1201At least we got to say our marriage vows...她躺在我怀里的弥留之际 1202before she died in my arms.我们已宣誓结

婚 1203There can be no doubt now,现在的情况已经毋庸置

疑 1204Queen Elsa is a monster and we are all in grave danger.艾莎女王是个妖怪,她要把我们都杀死 1205Prince Hans, Arendelle looks to you.汉斯王子 阿伦戴尔就全指望您了 1206With a heavy heart,怀着沉重的心

情 1207I charge Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason我宣布艾莎犯有叛国罪 1208and sentence her to death.将被处以死刑 1209Hurry Up!快! 1210She's dangerous. Move quickly and be careful.她很危险 小心点 动作要快 1211The Door not open!门打不

开! 1212What is it, buddy? Hey, watch it.你怎么了伙计? 干嘛! 1213What's wrong with you?怎么回

事? 1214I don't understand you when you talk like that.你这么讲话我可听不懂 1215Ah! Stop it! Put me down!喂喂!把我放下

来! 1216No, Sven! We're not going back!不 斯特! 我们不会回去的! 1217She's with her true love.她跟她的真爱在一起 1218What the...天哪... 1219 Anna!安娜! 1220 Help.救命

1221Anna. Oh no.安娜! 噢 不

1222 Olaf? Olaf. Get away from there.雪宝? 雪宝 离壁炉远点 1223 So this is heat... I love it.哇 这就是火... 我喜欢 1224 Ooh! But don't touch it!噢! 还是别碰它

1225 So, where's Hans? What happened to your kiss?汉斯在哪? 他吻你了吗?

1226 I was wrong about him. It wasn't true love.我看错他了 这不是真爱 1227 Huh. But we ran all the way here?那我们不是白跑了?

1228 Please Olaf, you can't stay here, you'll melt.雪宝 你不能待在这儿 你会融化的

1229 I am not leaving here until we find在找到能救你的真爱之前 1230...some other act of true love to save you.我是不会离开这里的

