新视野大学英语3第三版Unit 1习题翻译及答案

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maintain 保持 inhibit抑制

prestige 声望 whereby 其中



patriotic爱国的 dedication奉献

endeavor努力 transcend超越

1. Most cities in the country have introduced \Air

Zones\ (whereby) factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel. 全国大多数城市都实行了“洁净空气区”,工厂和家庭只允许燃烧无烟燃料。 2. He knows that the (pursuit) of social status can consume vast amounts of his

time and effort. 他知道追求社会地位可以消耗他大量的时间和精力。

3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to

(inhibit) the spread of the disease. 医生们感到困惑,因为到目前为止还没有发现能抑制这种疾病蔓延的药物。 4. We see many special education directors trying to (maintain) the quality of

their programs with much less money and much smaller staff. 我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用少得多的钱和少得多的职员来维持他们的节目质量。

5. People there are told it is their (patriotic) duty to support the national

economy by buying their own products. 那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱国责任。

6. Darwin's thinking both drew upon and (transcended) the conventional ideas of

his time. 达尔文的思想都借鉴和超越了他那个时代的传统观念。

7. In spite of all your (endeavors) , there may be times when you encounter

difficulties in the training process. 尽管你尽了最大努力,但有时你可能在训练过程中遇到困难。

8. My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in

medicine, as this is a field which requires a lot of (dedication) and long working hours. 我对斯图尔特先生的建议是,在进入医学事业之前要仔细考虑,因为这是一个需要很多(奉献)和长时间工作的领域。

9. Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions that are stable


and could bring (prestige) and economic benefits.

大多数中国父母倾向于选择一些稳定、能带来声望和经济利益的职业。 10. It is legally possible for an elderly person to (nominate) someone to act for

them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.




descendant后裔 neglectful疏忽 respectful恭敬的

attendant服务员 Contestant选手

tolerant 宽容

pollutant污染物 resultant结果 boastful自夸


1. Thomas Edison is often cited as an example of a great inventor who would never

yield to hardships in his quest for new inventions and deserve

his resultant success. Thomas Edison经常被引用为一个伟大的发明家的例子,他在寻求新发明时决不屈服于困难,值得他成功。 2.

They're tolerant of unconventional attitudes toward marriage and the

changing roles of the sexes.


3. Most scientists in the world today firmly believe the effective means to stop

global warming is to reduce emissions of airpollutants . 当今世界大多数科学家坚信阻止全球变暖的有效手段是减少空气的排放。 4. Earthquakes have plagued our lives and resulted in great damage to the human

beings for as long as people haveinhabited the earth. 地震一直困扰着我们的生活,对人类造成了巨大的破坏,因为人类有地球。 5.

Miss World organizers claim on their official website that contestants are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance.




Many of today's Chinese Americans are the descendants of early immigrant miners and railroad workers who came from southeast China.

当今中国的很多美国人是早期移民矿工和铁路工人来自中国东南部。 7.

The Princess was followed by five or six attendants when she got off the plane at the Pittsburgh International Airport.

公主是由五或六时,她下了飞机在匹兹堡国际机场。 8.

I don't think she'd get angry if you were a little more disagreed with her on matters of child rearing.

我不认为她会生气,如果你多一点,当你不同意她在养育子女的问题上。 9. The attendance has increased steadily over the last five years and the conference

attracts more and more internationalparticipantsrespectful when you . 在过去五年中,出席人数稳步增加,会议吸引了越来越多的国际人士。 10. Although she had sacrificed so much for her family, her husband accused her of

being neglectful of her duty as a wife and mother. 虽然她为家庭牺牲了那么多,但她的丈夫却指责她有妻子和母亲的责任。 11.

Educated young people in China now are clever and resourceful , full of

plans, and able to cope with the world of high technology and constant change. 受过教育的年轻人在中国现在是聪明的,充分的计划,并能应付高技术和不


12. In order to leave a good impression on the interviewers, you should emphasize

your good points without soundingboastful 为了给面试官留下好印象,你应该强调你的优点,而不是冠冕堂皇。


Where there is a will, there is a way. This proverb means that if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will(1)

eventually find a way to do it well. The (2)premier point is that you must

have the will to achieve success.


Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact that there is no strong will involved. Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not make any (3)endeavor to achieve it. So, instead of getting it, they use the poorest excuse to explain the situation away.


On many occasions, people tend to (4)handicapsbypassevery minute obstacle, making the objective impossible to attain. In reality, if they have the will to succeed, they can get rid of the (5) and achieve their goals. 在许多情况下,人们倾向于(4)每分钟的障碍,使目标不可能达到。事实上,如果他们有成功的意愿,他们就可以摆脱(5),实现他们的目标。 Only those with a(n) (6)attainedcommitted and focused will and spirit can fight their way transcendto final victory. Many a famous man has the same experience. They have (7)

their prestige because they have had the will to (8) apparently insuperable (无法克服的) obstacles. Many artists, statesmen, writers and inventors have managed to succeed because they possess a fierce will, which has helped them to accomplish major(9)feats. 只有那些拥有(N)(6)和专注的意志和精神的人才能为最终胜利而战。许多名人都有同样的经历。他们有(7)他们的声望,因为他们已经将(8)(无法克服的)显然是无法逾越的障碍。许多艺术家、政治家、作家和发明家都成功了,因为他们有强烈的意志,帮助他们取得了重大成就(9)。

Therefore, we can see that the main thing which one needs is a strong will. Weak-willed people never climb to the top. They collapse at the (10)


slightest use of force against them. Strong-willed people, on the other hand, will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed.


preclude ... from

deviate from

fail in

triumph over

remove ... from

work one's way into in the pursuit of write off

1. When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind his classmates and he

was removed from the second into the third class at his own desire. 当弗兰西斯在复活节后回来,他远远落后于他的同学,他是第二个进入第三班在他自己的愿望。 2.

The president acknowledged that he had somehow communicate to the American people.


3. Unfortunately, as history has shown, some of the companies are guilty of

misconduct in the pursuit offailed in his ability to profit. 不幸的是,正如历史所显示的,一些公司犯有不当行为利润。 4.

The ship deviated from the agreed voyage and arrived about 10 days late

and in the meantime the price of sugar had fallen and the merchants lost over £4,000.

这艘船经过议定的航程,晚到10天左右,与此同时,糖的价格下降了,商人损失了4000英镑。 5.


Because the transcript is still under seal, the law (1)precludes them (2)fromreading and discussing the evidence in detail. 因为抄本仍在盖章,法律(1)他们(2)详细地阅读和讨论证据。

6. In carrying out the plan we are likely to come across difficulties, but we are

determined to triumph over them all. 执行这项计划时,我们可能会遇到困难,但我们决心把它们全部解决。 7. Without increasing investment in education, it will be increasingly difficult for

low-income people to work their way intothe middle class. 如果不增加对教育的投入,低收入者对中产阶级的难度将越来越大。

8. All the passengers in the plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes

Mountains a week ago were written off as dead. 一周前坠毁在安第斯山脉中部的飞机上所有乘客都死了。


fromreading and discussing the evidence in detail. 因为抄本仍在盖章,法律(1)他们(2)详细地阅读和讨论证据。

6. In carrying out the plan we are likely to come across difficulties, but we are

determined to triumph over them all. 执行这项计划时,我们可能会遇到困难,但我们决心把它们全部解决。 7. Without increasing investment in education, it will be increasingly difficult for

low-income people to work their way intothe middle class. 如果不增加对教育的投入,低收入者对中产阶级的难度将越来越大。

8. All the passengers in the plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes

Mountains a week ago were written off as dead. 一周前坠毁在安第斯山脉中部的飞机上所有乘客都死了。


