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Vocabulary and Grammar



1. Hannah Jones looks into the future. 汉纳·琼斯展望未来。 Paragraph 1

2. In the 18th and 19th centuries, especially the latter, the most common theme in science fiction novels was the future. 在18世纪和19世纪,特别是后者,科幻小说最常见的主题是未来。 Paragraph 2

3. The seminar starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the endless possibilities of the future. 周五将召开研讨会,专家们将讨论未来世界无限的可能性。

4. attend the seminar with dreams of starting new enterprises怀揣着开展新事业的梦想参加研讨会

5. I clicked into the websites of a few futurologists. 我登陆了一些未来学家的网页。 Paragraph 2.1

6. become handier变得更加方便使用

7. Shortly all of us are going to use our voices to give instructions to computers. 不久以后我们所有的人都将使用声音对计算机发出指令。 8. download any file下载任何档案

9. update our computers更新我们的电脑 Paragraph 2.2

10. By the year 2015, the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them. 2015年之前,服装工业将生产出新型的材料,不管你将什么东西洒在上面,都不会留下污点。 11. red wine stains红酒渍

12. get old and worn变旧或磨损 Paragraph 2.3

13. die of starvation死于饥饿 14. live on welfare依靠福利生活

15. Discrimination will be a part of the past. 歧视将成为历史。 16. live together in peace and equality在和平与平等中一起生活 Paragraph 2.4

17. By the year 2030, development in biochemistry and medical science will have made it theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years. 2030年之前,生物化学和医学的发展将能够在理论上使人类至少活到150岁。

18. assess our health and carry out repairs to keep us healthy评估我们的健康状况和进行修复工作以保持我们的健康 Paragraph 2.5

19. By the middle of the century, computers that are millions of times smarter than us will have been developed. 到本世纪中叶之前,比人类还要聪明几百万倍的计算机将会问世。 20. 一个庞大的数据库a huge database

21. 一种新型的电子人a new type of electronic human Paragraph 2.6

22. By the end of the century, we will have discovered other places in our solar system suitable for living and we will have discovered ways to go further into space. 到本世纪末,我们将会在太阳系中发现其他适合人类居住的星球,并将发现进行更远空间探索的方法。

Vocabulary and Grammar


