江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校七年级英语上册牛津译林版《Unit 7 Shopping Reading》教案 - 图文

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7 A Unit 7 Shopping Reading(1)

Type of lesson: Reading(1)

Teaching aims and learning objectives: The students will be able to:


1. identify general information about shopping from the reading conversation. 2. use the expressions to talk with shopper and the customer. 3. cherich their presents,love their parents and friends. Teaching Contents:

Words:(four skills):pretty cost cheap match pink enough change (three skills):shopkeeper hair clips Phrases:just a minute take a look different from Sentences: Can I help you? / What can I help you?

How much do they cost?/ How much are they? I’ll take them. Here’s your change.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1.Help them to grasp the basic words and expressions of shopping. 2.How to make students use the language to talk about shopping. Teaching methods:

Task-based teaching skimming and scanning Teaching tools:

A tape recorder ; Multi-media Teaching procedures: Step1 Revision:

Revise the phrases learned last period and then have a free talk. Do you like shopping ? What presents do you often buy for…? Step 2. Lead-in

1.Read the new words loudly and Finish PartB1 on P83 quickly. 2.Amy is busy these days, can you guess why?


Amy is at a Sunshine shopping mall.She is shopping.Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.

Q1.What does Amy want to buy for Simon? Q2.What does Amy want to buy for Sandy?

Step4. While-reading

1. Scanning.


Have the students read after the tape loudly and then finish Part B2 on P83 in pairs.

2. Read in roles and finish PartB3. 3. Pair work: Act the dialogues out.

4. Summary: useful expressions about shopping Step 5.Post-reading

Group work: Make new dialogues.

1.Your classmate Daniel ’s school bag is old. You want to buy one for him. You give the shopkeeper 50 yuan.

2. You are in the clothes shop. The shopkeeper tells you the red dress is 100 yuan and matches your T-shirt. You like it very much.

3. You are in a shoe shop .You want to buy a pair of red shoes, but you think they are

[来源学优高考网]too expensive . You do not buy them.


A: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you ? B: I’d like to buy…/I want … A: Just a minute .

B: How much do/does …cost?/ How much is/are...? A: It costs …/ They cost … It is...../ They are...

B: It’s not cheap/expensive./The price is high. I don’t have enough money. A: Never mind. There’s a discount on … B: Ok , I’ll take / buy … A: Thanks. Here’s your change.

Step 6. Summary

Remember: Money doesn’t grow on trees. Saving is getting.What do we learn today?


1.Learn some useful knowledge about shopping. 2.Learn how to go shopping in English. 3.Learn green shopping and to use money wisely.

Step 7. Homework :

1.Sum up the shopping expressions. 2.Make a conversation about shopping . 3.Remember the two dialogues.

