通用压缩率 45页USCAR21

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1. SCOPE范围

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In any intended vehicle application, if the products covered by this specification are, or may be, subjected to conditions beyond those described in this document, They must pass special tests simulating the actual conditions to be

encountered before they can be considered acceptable for actual vehicle application. Products certified by their supplier as having passed specific applicable portions of this specification are not to be used in applications where conditions may exceed those for which the product has been satisfactorily tested.The Authorized Person is the final authority as to what tests are to be performed on his or her parts and for what purpose these tests are required. He or she is also the final authority for resolving any questions related to testing to this specification and to authorizing any deviations to the equipment or procedures contained in this specification. Any such deviation must be documented and included in the final test report.


1. This specification defines basic test methods and requirements for solder-less crimped connections.


2. Crimp applications validated to this specification supercede any crimp information on Ford, GM, or DaimlerChrysler component prints. It is preferred that the terminal supplier do testing and selection of crimp tooling and supply detailed crimp information or make crimp tooling available to the wiring assembly supplier actually doing the production

crimping. If the wiring supplier deviates from this information or it is not available, then the responsibility for testing to this specification or getting approval from the customer with appropriate test data showing that the crimp will function in it’s intended circuit lies with the wiring harness supplier.

2.该生效的压接规范代替了Ford,GM, or DaimlerChrysler的任何压接信息。端子供应商做试验和选择压接工具和提供详细的压接信息,或需要端子压接的供应商制作压接工具。假如与该规范违背或不适用,那么该规范的试验或关于证明符合预期压接功能的试验数据得到顾客的批准的责任将由线束供应商承担。

3. New or revised terminals shall be designed to meet this specification. 3.新设计或修改的端子设计需要符合该规范。

4. All new crimp applications shall meet this specification. New crimp applications are defined as terminal/wire crimp combinations not previously specified on Ford, GM, or DaimlerChrysler vehicle wiring harness assemblies. Existing crimp applications may be carried over if approved by the customer engineering department.

4.所有新的压接应用需要符合该规范。新的压接应用定义为端子/导线的压接连接,不是以前在Ford, GM、DaimlerChrysler汽车应用中规定的线束装配。如果顾客的工程部门批准,现存的压接应用可以继续使用。

5. Electrical tests in this specification have been proven by past experience to ensure that crimps will meet the requirements in SAE/USCAR-2 and SAE/USCAR-20 by including

Thermal Shock, Temperature Humidity, and Power Current Cycling. Testing and

electrical acceptance criteria will detect defects in crimp tooling geometry, plating quality, inadequate strand distribution in the grip, or cable stranding. Crimp applications that have passed SAE/USCAR-2 and SAE/USCAR-20 normally have only passed the nominal crimp height and usually only with the largest gauge size. Therefore, crimps within the production crimp height range may not necessarily pass this test.



6. Procedures included within this specification are intended to cover performance testing at development of electrical terminal crimps that are part of the electrical connection

systems in low voltage (0 - 48 VDC) road vehicle applications at ambient temperatures of

maximum. The OEM customer must approve use of these test procedures for use

at voltages and temperatures beyond these limits.

6.该规范中包含的程序覆盖了端子压接开发过程中需要思考的性能试验,端子压接是电连接系统的一部分,该电连接系统应用在电压是0 - 48 VDC,最高环境温度是的汽车中。对于超过该电压和该环境温度的情况,如果要使用该规范中的试验程序,需得到OEM顾客的批准。

7. These procedures are applicable only to terminals used for in-line, header, edge board, and device connector systems.

7.该程序只是适用于以下应用情况中的端子:in-line, header, edge board, and device connector systems.

1.1 Crimping Parameters 1.1压接参数

1.1.1 The Crimp connection performance is characterized by:

Mechanical performance is measured by terminal to conductor Pull-Out Force. Electrical performance is measured by terminal-to-conductor Crimp Resistance. 1.1.1压接连接的性能由以下方法来判断:

机械性能通过测试端子与导线的拉脱力来判断; 电性能通过测量端子与导线的压接电阻来判断。

1.1.2 The geometry of a conductor crimp is characterized by: Conductor crimp height (CCH) Conductor crimp width (CCW) Insulation crimp height (ICH) Insulation crimp width (ICW) Cut-off

End of conductor End of insulation Bellmouth (flare)

Burr (anvil flash) dimension on the base of the conductor crimp Step between the core and insulation tools Crimp tooling geometry

1.1.2压接的几何尺寸由以下方法判断: 导体压接高度(CCH) 导体压接宽度(CCW)

绝缘体压接高度(ICH) 绝缘体压接宽度(ICW)

料带切断截面(料带分离处) 导体末端 绝缘体末端 喇叭口(张开)


导体压线脚和绝缘体压线脚之间的台阶(即压接模具前后角的台阶) 压接工具的几何尺寸


2.1 Document Hierarchy

In the event there is a conflict between performance standards, part drawings, and other related standards or specifications, the requirements shall be prioritized as follows: 1st-Applicable FMVSS requirements and other applicable state and Federal requirements.

2nd-Applicable part drawings

3rd - Applicable product design specification(s).

4th-Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) 5th-Applicable USCAR/EWCAP performance specifications 6th-Other applicable standards and specifications 2.1文件层次

假如性能标准,零件图和其它相关的标准或规范有冲突则按照以下顺序执行: 1st- 适用的FMVSS(联邦汽车安全标准)和国家法律法规和联邦要求 2nd-适用的零件图


4th- Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)、PPAP 5th-适用的USCAR/EWCAP性能规范 6th-其它适用的标准和规范 2.2 Test Request/Order 2.2试验要求/规则

2.2.1 Samples, Test Type and Special Tests

The laboratory test request/order shall provide location and documentation of test samples, identify the type of test to be performed (development, validation, special

purpose, etc.) and describe any special tests that are not a part of this specification. Any required revisions to, or deviations from any tests in this specification must include detailed instructions for each change. 2.2.1样品,试验类型和特殊试验


2.3 Materials And Processes Standards

Suppliers are expected to adhere to the appropriate Materials and Process Standards that are referenced in this specification and any associated drawings and reference

documents. Unless otherwise specified or required by law, suppliers are expected to use the most recent versions of any applicable drawings, reference documents, and standards.


供应商要符合该规范提到的材料和过程标准,要符合任何相关的图纸和参考文件。除非法律另外说明和要求,否则供应商应该要使用相应图纸,参考文件和标准的最新版本。 2.4 Other Referenced Documents ence Manual -2 Performance Specification for Automotive Electrical Connector Systems -20 Field Correlated Life Test Supplement to SAE/USCAR-2 2.4其它参考文件 低压电线电缆 低压电线电缆 低压电线电缆 测量系统参考手册

AE/USCAR-2 汽车电连接系统性能规范 -20 补充SAE/USCAR-2的寿命试验 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.总体要求

3.1 Record Retention 3.1保存记录

The supplier shall maintain a central file for the storage of laboratory reports and calibration records. Such record storage must be in accordance with established QS-9000 and AIAG policies and practices. 供应商应该保存试验报告和校准记录。这些保存情况必须符合QS-9000 and AIAG的体系要求。

3.2 Sample Documentation

All test samples shall be identified in accordance with the requirements of QS-9000 and the AIAG PPAP. 3.2样品记录

所有的样品必须符合QS-9000 and the AIAG PPAP的要求进行标识。 3.3 Sample Size

Minimum sample sizes are given for each test in this specification. A greater number of samples may be required by the test request/order. However, no part or device may be represented as having met this specification unless the minimum sample size has been tested and all samples of the group tested have met the applicable Acceptance Criteria for that test. It is never permissible to test a larger group, then select the minimum sample size from among those that passed and represent that this specification has been met. 3.3样品数量

该规范中的每一个试验都规定了最小样品数量。如果试验要求/规则需要,允许使用更多的样品。除非数量符合最小样品数量要求并且所选的样品都符合接收标准才证明该样品符合规范要求。若只是部分样品符合或没有达到要求的数量就不能证明该样品符合规范。决不允许选择较多的样品数量,然后从中选择符合要求的样品。若是这样,即使满足规定的最小数量要求,也不能证明该样品符合本试验规范。 3.4 Default Test Tolerances

Default Tolerances, expressed as a percentage of the nominal value unless otherwise indicated:

A. Temperature = ± 3 C B. Voltage = ± 2%

C. Current = ± 1% D. Resistance = ± 1% E. Length = ± 1% F. Time = ± 5% G. Force = ± 5% H. Distance = ± 1%

I. Relative Humidity = ± 5% 3.4默认的试验公差

除非另外说明,否则默认的试验公差以基本值的百分比来描述。 A. 温度 = ± 3 C B. 电压 = ± 2% C. 电流 = ± 1% D. 电阻 = ± 1% E. 长度 = ± 1% F. 时间 = ± 5% G. 力 = ± 5% H. 距离 = ± 1% I. 相对湿度 = ± 5%

3.5 Test Default Conditions

When specific test conditions are not given either in the product design specification, the test request/order or elsewhere in this specification, the following basic conditions shall apply:

A. Room Temperature = 23 ± 5o C B. Relative Humidity = Ambient C. Voltage = 14.0 ± 0.1 VDC 3.5默认的试验条件

如果在产品设计规范、试验要求/规则、该规范的其它地方没有提到试验条件,则按照如下的基本条件做试验: A. 室温 = 23 ± 5 C

B. 相对湿度 = 环境湿度 C. 电压 = 14.0 ± 0.1 VDC 3.6 Equipment

Neither the list shown in Table 3.6, nor the list in each test section is all-inclusive. It is meant to highlight specialized equipment or devices with particular accuracy

requirements. Many other items of customary laboratory equipment and supplies will also be required. 3.6设备


描述 AC/DC电源(可调节) 微欧计 要求 ?0-20 V 0-100 A? 最大开路电压:0-20 mV 最大试验电流:?0-100 mA 分辨率:0.03 m?? 多功能数字测试表(外用表) 测量能力: 0-50 Volts DC 全刻度精度 0.5% 0-10 MegOhms全刻度精度0.5% 100 mA,精度 ??1% 分流器 毫伏计 热电耦 测力计 数据记录器 温度循环/热冲击试验箱 空气烘箱/炉 温度试验箱 温度/湿度试验箱 0-100 mV DC,精度0.5mV或更好 \或\类型 测量精度小于等于1% 若必要 ?-40 C to +125 C ?0% to 98% RH? +85 ±3 °C? -40 +/- 3°C?? 95 to 98% RH at +65 +/- 3 C? Note: Use of equipment with a lesser range is acceptable for specific tests where the required range for that test can be met. The equipment range specified does not preclude use of equipment with a larger range, but the accuracy must remain within the specified

tolerance. For example, a DMM with a range of 0-100 volts could be substituted for one specified as 0-50 volts, with the provision that the accuracy could be maintained as 0.25mV or better.

TABLE 3.6 - Equipment

注意:只要量程能满足试验的要求,适当的减小量程的范围是允许的。并不排除使用更大量程范围的设备,只要精度符合要求。例如,量程是0-100 volts的外用表可以代替量程是0-50 volts的外用表,只要精度有0.25mV或更好。


3.7 Test Order And Set-Up

Diagrams are provided where necessary to clarify the details of the various test procedures. The tests in each section must be performed in the order given unless

otherwise specified in the test request/order. Construction details for selected test fixtures and equipment are provided in each section. 3.7试验顺序和设置


3.8 Definitions And Glossary Of Terms

Terms defined in the definitions or glossary are capitalized (i.e. Room Temperature, Steady State, PLR, etc.). A list of definitions is provided in Appendix B. A glossary of terms is provided in Appendix c. 3.8定义和术语表

定义和术语表中项目内容描述以大写字母开头(如 Room Temperature, Steady State, PLR, etc.)附件B中叙述了定义。附件C提供了术语表。 3.9 Measurement Resolution

Unless otherwise specified, meters and gages used in measurements of the test

sample(s) shall be capable of measuring with a resolution one decimal place better than the specified value. For example, even though a wire diameter specified as 0.1 mm might actually be the same as one specified as 0.10 mm, calipers capable of 0.01 mm resolution may be used to measure the first wire but a micrometer with 0.001 mm resolution is required to measure the second wire. 3.9测量精度

除非另外说明,否则测量仪器的分辨率比所标参数数值要高一个等级,即小数点要往后移一位。如:导线直径是0.1mm与0.10mm数值是相等的,但前面的导线可以用0.01精度测量,但后面的导线必须用0.001精度来测量。 3.10 Test Repeatability & Calibration

All equipment used for test sample evaluation shall be calibrated and maintained according to the applicable standards and requirements set forth by QS9000 and the AIAG publication Measurement Systems Analysis Reference Manual. Copies of this

Manual can be obtained from the AIAG by calling (248) 358-3570 or writing to AIAG, Dept. 77839, Post Office Box 77000, Detroit, MI 48277-0839, Attn: Customer Service. Documentation is to be recorded and retained in accordance with Section 4.1 of this USCAR/EWCAP specification. A list of instruments and equipment used, date of the last calibration, and when the next calibration is due is to be included in each test report. 3.10试验的重复性、再现性和校准

所有的设备都必须要校准并且始终符合QS9000和AIAG出版的测量系统分析参考手册。如果要得到该份文件的复引件可以拨打电话(248) 358-3570,或写信到AIAG, Dept. 77839, Post Office Box 77000, Detroit, MI 48277-0839, Attn: Customer Service。文件的记录和保存要符合该USCAR/EWCAP规范。

3.11 Conformance Determination

Test conformance shall be determined by the performance requirements of the test being conducted. All samples must satisfy the performance requirements regardless of sample age, test cycles, or test temperature, except where a test to failure is specified. 3.11符合性判断

试验完成后需要进行符合性判断。所有的样品不管试验周期,试验的循环数或试验温度如何,必须满足相应的接收标准,若不符合需要另外说明。 4. TEST & ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.试验和接收要求

4.1 General Testing Requirements

The test procedures that follow were written as stand-alone tests and may be used as such. However, they are normally used in a sequential test format and common sense is required to overcome any redundancies in sample preparation or in procedures. For example, if samples have already been prepared for the preceding test in a sequence, it should be obvious that the sample preparation step for that individual test (included so that test can be used as a stand alone test) should be skipped. Should any conflicts or questions arise concerning procedures and/or requirements, contact the Authorized Person.



4.1.1 Dimensional Characteristics

Part construction shall conform to the dimensions, shape, and detail attributes specified on the latest revision of the applicable part drawing(s). 4.1.1外观特性

零件结构应该符合最新版本零件图中的尺寸,形状和详细属性的要求。 4.1.2 Material Characteristics

All material used in each test sample shall conform to the material standards specified on the latest revision of the applicable part drawing(s).

1. Any engineering development, prototype, or production parts may be submitted for test.

2. The samples submitted for test should be identified by description, part number, and revision letter.

3. For validation testing, all parts are to be in their \condition when testing begins. For example, electrical terminals typically have residual die lubricant on them when finally assembled into a vehicle. This same condition must prevail for test samples.

4. Samples submitted for any test shall be prepared per Appendix E. 4.1.2材料特性

试验中样品的材料必须符合适用的零件图中材料标准的要求。 1. 任何工程开发,原型样件或生产零件都可能提交用于试验。

2. 用于提交做试验的样品必须要有标志,如描述性文字,零件号和修订字母。

3. 对于确认试验,所有的零件都要在与其实际使用条件相同的情况下做试验(用于汽车中


4.2 Visual Inspection 4.2目测

4.2.1 Purpose

This test is used to document the physical appearance of test samples and to assist in the evaluation of the effects of environmental conditioning on test samples. A comparison can then be made with other test samples. Examinations in most cases can be

accomplished by a person with normal or corrected vision, and normal color sensitivity, under cool white fluorescent lighting. Photographs and/or videos are encouraged as a more complete means of documentation. An appropriately identified untested sample from each test group must be retained for post-test physical comparisons if photographs/video’s are not taken. 4.2.1目的

该试验是用于检查试验样品的物理外观,也用于样品进行环境试验后的外观情况。与其它样品进行比较。在大多数情况下该项检查由一个人(正常视力或纠正视力)在白炽灯下完成即可。鼓励用相片或视频录象的形式记录检查结果。假如没有使用相片或视频录象的形式记录检查结果就需要留几个样品(需要作出标志)用于与经过试验的样品作比较。 4.2.2 Samples

1. The samples should conform to the requirements of the specified conditioning and any additional measurements that are to be performed.

2. For purposes of comparison and especially when only subtle appearance changes are anticipated, it is desirable to submit an additional sample to serve as a control. 4.2.2样品

1. 样品应符合规定的试验条件和任何附加的测量方法。

2. 出于比较的目的,特别是预期的微妙的外观变化,要求提交附加的样品用作控制。 4.2.3 Equipment

Video/photography equipment. 4.2.3设备

视频设备/照相设备 4.2.4 Procedure 4.2.4步骤

1. Visually examine each test specimen prior to testing and/or conditioning, noting in detail any

manufacturing or material defects such as cracks, bending, deformation, etc. When specified in the test request/order, take photographs and/or video recordings of representative samples to be tested and keep a properly labeled control sample. 1.在试验和/或条件处理前目测每一个样品,详细记录由于制造或材料原因引起的诸如裂缝,弯曲,变形等。当有要求时采取相片或视频的形式记录样品并且恰当保存贴了标签的受控样品。

2. After testing and/or conditioning, re-examine each test sample and note in detail any observable changes, such as physical distortions, cracks, etc. Compare the tested and/or conditioned samples to the control samples, the videos, and/or the photographs,

recording any differences in the test report. The Authorized Person will need to provide an additional sample for this purpose.


3. If the terminal supplier’s appearance requirements are more strict than those specified below, then the terminal supplier specifications should be applied.

3.如果端子供应商的外观要求比该规范的要求更高,则执行供应商自己规范中的外观要求。 4. Return test samples to requestor after all tests are completed and all necessary data have been obtained.

5.当试验完成后并且获得需要的数据后将样品还给请求者。 4.2.5 Acceptance Criteria 4.2.5接收标准

1. General Appearance – Refer to Figure 4.2.5. The crimping operation should not affect the contact, locking, connector mating, or insertion functions of the terminal.


2. End of conductor

The end of conductor must extend beyond the front edge of the conductor crimp. The insertion and locking functions of the terminal must not be affected by the projecting end of the conductor. Mat seals (plug through seals) must not be damaged by the core, and may require core depressors and strip length control to depress the core in front of the core wing. 2.导体的末端

导体的末端必须超出芯线压线角的前端。导体的末端的突出不能影响端子的插入和锁住功能。配合的密封物不会被芯线破坏并且需要控制芯线和剥头长度,芯线在芯线压线脚的前端。(此处芯线即是导体) 3. End of insulation

The end of the insulation must be visible in the window between the conductor crimp wings and the insulation crimp wings such that conductor is visible and should be

centralized as much as possible. In no case may insulation be crimped in the conductor crimp.


在芯线压线脚与绝缘体压线脚之间需看到绝缘体末端。绝缘体末端尽量在它们的中间。不管什么时候绝缘体都不能压在芯线压接处。 4. Cut-off

a. The cut-off length shall not exceed 0.5 mm unless otherwise specified on the component print.

b. The burr on the cut-off must not exceed 0.3 mm unless otherwise specified on the component print.

c. The cut-off and burr must not affect the insertion function of the terminal into the

a. 压接底部的毛刺宽度不超过0.1mm(对于压接高度准确的,推荐毛刺高度不超过压线脚


b. 毛刺不能对随后的操作产生有害的影响。对于使用垫子密封的情况需特别注意。 3.绝缘体压线脚的截面图 理想的绝缘体压线脚截面 对称



一些不标准的压线脚的例子包括:“T”字型,方形,“B”字型 参考供应商关于非标准绝缘体压接的接收和拒收标准。 能够接受的绝缘体压接:

绝缘体压线脚接触到芯线但没有损坏芯线 绝缘体压线脚两边没有闭合并且线皮往外逸 不能接收的绝缘体压线脚:

绝缘体压线脚的一边或两边压到绝缘体压线脚的底部或其他内表面。 绝缘体压线脚的一边或两边刺入弄伤芯线 线皮被弄伤裂开 不充分的应力释放 4.电缆线密封

不能弄伤或切入电缆线密封环或导线组件密封环,绝缘体压线脚的两边不能刺入密封环。 端子和导线设计时必须注意导线组件(端子和导线)穿过密封垫时不能损坏密封环。 4.4芯线压线脚的拉脱力测试 4.4.1目的


该测试只是检查压线脚的机械性能而不能检查其电性能。 4.4.2设备


2.能够将绝缘体压线脚分开的设备(如果在压接时没有压接绝缘体压线脚,则该步骤可以省略) 3.测力计

4.剥线皮的设备,老虎钳,剪刀等工具 4.4.3 Samples

1. A minimum of 20 samples is required to be tested for each production crimp height. Data

shall be obtained and recorded for minimum, maximum, and nominal production crimp heights.

2. Samples shall be applied to appropriate cable with overall length no less than 150 mm. 4.4.3样品

1. 至少对于每一个压接高度准备20只样品,对于最大,最小和基本接高度的情况都需记录


2. 不少于150mm的电缆线/导线用于样品上。 4.4.4 Procedure 4.4.4步骤

1. Pull-out force test shall be performed on leads with the insulation crimp wings open (not crimped).


2. Pull-out force test shall be performed on taut leads (i.e., remove slack in cable before performing pull-out test to prevent incorrect test results due to “jerking”).


3. Refer to Appendix E, 7-9. Measure and record the conductor crimp and insulation crimp

heights and widths in millimeters for each sample.

参考附件E, 7-9。测量芯线压线脚和绝缘体压线脚的压接高度和宽度,以毫米为单位。 4. If the insulation crimp is not already open, open the insulation crimp with the

de-crimper or other suitable tool so that the pull-out force will reflect only the conductor crimp connection.


5. Visually inspect the de-crimped area to ensure that none of the conductor strands have been damaged. Do not use any samples that have damaged conductor strands.


6. Measure and record pull-out forces in Newtons for each sample. 6.测量和记录每一个样品的拉脱力,以牛顿为单位。

7. Apply an axial force at a rate between 50 and 250 mm/minute (100 mm/min. is recommended).


8. For double, triple, or multiple crimp setups with conductor sizes within one step, pull the smallest conductor. (e.g. for a .35/.50 double, pull the .35mm2 wire)

8.对于压接双线,三线或多线一次性压接的情况,测量拉脱力时只需测量最小的导线(例如,压接35 mm2 /50 mm2的导线,测量时拉35 mm2的导线。

9. For double, triple, or multiple crimp setups with conductor sizes more than one step apart, each cable must be tested. (e.g. for a .50/1.0 double, pull both wires individually) 9. 对于压接双线,三线或多线分多次压接的情况,则每根导线都需要测量。 10. Calculate the mean and standard deviation using the following formulas: 10.计算平均值和标准偏差用如下公式计算:

对于每一压接高度,报告最小值,最大值,平均值,标准偏差,平均值减去3倍标准偏差。 11. Report any observations from visual examination. 11.目测检查后记录任何的检查结果 4.4.5 Acceptance Criteria 4.4.5接收标准

1. 拉脱力平均值减去3倍标准偏差的数值在表4.4.5中有规定。未列出的导线规格可以通过插补法推测出来。

AWG 截面积(mm2) 和最小拉脱力(N) 0.22 24 40 0.35 22 50(冷拉铜等,一种导线芯线加工工艺)(Annealed Core) 0.35 22 70(退火铜等,一种导线芯线加工工艺)(Hard Drawn Core) 0.5 20 75 0.8 18 90 1.0 16 120 1.5 150 2.0 14 180 2.5 210 3.0 12 240 4.0 265 5.0 10 290 6.0 320 8.0 8 350

TABLE 4.4.5 – Pull-out Force Requirements


4.5 Electrical Performance Tests 4.5电性能测试

4.5.1 Current Cycling of Electrical Terminations (ECC) 4.5.1端子的电流循环试验 Purpose

Current cycling is an accelerated aging test that emphasizes the effect of expansion and contraction of terminal interfaces and conductor crimps as a result of thermal cycling. This test

is optional (see table 5.1). The Accelerated Environmental Test (paragraph 4.5.2) may be done

in place of this test for Power applications. (see table 5.1)目的

电流循环试验是一个加速老化的试验,它着重强调了热胀冷缩对端子连接处和压接处的影响。这是一个可选试验,加速环境老化试验可以代替该试验(见表5.1和第4.5.2段) Samples样品

1. Any engineering development, prototype, or production terminal – particularly those intended for high current or “Power” applications – may be submitted for test.


2. Test data will be collected on 10 samples of each crimp height. Data shall be obtained and recorded for minimum, maximum and nominal production crimp heights.


3. In cases where mating terminals are available, apply these to the opposite ends of the test sample cables. These should be a minimum cut length of 150mm. The terminal crimps on the mating terminals may be soldered. Samples are then connected to form a continuous series circuit.


4. Test sample terminals that have no mating terminals should be applied to one end only of the test cable (a minimum cut length of 150 mm). The opposite stripped ends of the samples are then soldered to box or blade of the next sample to form a continuous series circuit.


5. Doubles should be terminated with the test terminal on one end only. A mating terminal may be applied (with the crimp soldered) to the other end of the largest size cable. When identical size cables are doubled, cables should be randomly tested.

5.对于压双线的端子(两导线规格相同),在测量时与之配对的端子可连接在最大导线的另一端(可以通过压接焊接)。对于导线规格相同的情况,任选一导线即可。 Equipment

1. Power supply – AC or DC current regulated capable of supplying the test current. 2. Cycle timer.

3. Ammeter or current shunt/voltmeter 4. Voltmeter.

5. Voltage sense lead – solid conductor .32 mm or smaller in diameter. 6. Welder – Tweezer Weld TW-3 or similar device. 7. Terminal test board.

8. Sample with solder added to the conductor crimp (soldered sample).设备

1. 能够提供可调的直流或交流的电源 2. 控制循环周期的仪器 3. 电表或电流计/伏特表 4. 伏特计

5. 连接电表导线的直径0.32mm或更小

6. 焊接设备—Tweezer Weld TW-3或类似设备 7. 端子测试板(测试平台)

8. 做焊接样品:将导线的芯线焊接在芯线压线脚处。 Procedure步骤

1. Perform a visual inspection of components per paragraph 4.2. 1.按照4.2的要求目测检查零件的外观

2. Voltage sense leads are attached to the sample terminals per figure The same location must be used for all samples.


(Note: The V + test lead may be connected to back of insulation wing if wing does not touch the core)

FIGURE – Test Lead Attachment

(注释:如果绝缘体压线脚压接时压线脚两卷边没有刺入芯线,则微欧计导线的V +端可以连接在绝缘体压线脚的末端。)


3. Sense leads are also attached to the test cable at a point 75 ± 3 mm from the rear edge of the conductor crimp.

3.另一测试表笔连接在与芯线压线脚末端相距75 ± 3 mm的导线处 4. Samples are then connected in a series circuit. 4.样品以串联的方式连接起来。

5. The samples are then loosely attached to a test board with a minimum of 35mm between single terminals.


6. The series test circuit is connected to the ammeter / current shunt and a

timer-controlled power supply. Include the soldered test sample in the circuit ( The test duration shall be a minimum of 200 ± 8 hours with the test current cycling on for 45 minutes ± 2 minutes and off for 15 minutes ± 2 minutes.

6.串联电路连接到电流表/分流器和有时间控制的电源上。包括电路中焊接连接的试验样品(。试验持续时间为200 ± 8h,其中每个循环中通电45± 2min,断电15± 2min。 7. The typical test currents are listed in table unless otherwise specified. 7.除非另外规定,否则典型的试验电流按照表4.5.1.4中规定值设置。

AWG 导线规格(mm2) 55℃导线额定电流 0.22 24 6 0.35 22 10 0.5 20 14 0.8 18 18 1.0 16 22 2.0 14 30 3.0 12 40 5.0 10 65 8.0 8 100

*The test currents for conductors sizes not listed above can be defined by linear interpolation

(i.e. read out from plotted values).

TABLE - Test Current for Current Cycling



8. If test currents are not known, then, at room temperature:

Attach thermocouples to samples at a point on the under-side and just in front of the crimp.

Welding or epoxy is permissible. a. Apply 0.50 Amps to the circuit.

b. Allow the circuit to come to steady state temperature (At least 10 minutes.) c. Measure the temperature, and calculate the temperature rise.

If the temperature rise is less than the maximum temperature rise recommended by the

steps until that temperature is reached.

8.假如不知道电流循环的试验电流,(通过如下方法获得)则在室温下: 将热电藕附在压线脚前面的下端。焊接或环氧都是允许的。 a. 给电路施加0.50A

b. 持续通电达到温度稳定状态(至少10min) c. 测量温度和计算温升

假如温升低于供应商推荐值或55 C,那个小选哪个,然后再增加0.50A直到温度达到规定值。 9. The current at which the maximum temperature rise recommended by the terminal

9.如果所通的电流引起的温升达到供应商推荐值或55 C,(选更低的一个)该电流就是电流循环实验的试验电流。

10. An acceptable alternative to a, b, and c above is to perform the “Maximum Test Current

Capability” test identified in USCAR-2.

10.上述的a,b,c3项可以按照USCAR-2.中的最大电流能力试验来做。 11. Measure voltage drop after 2 hours ± 1 hour and at the completion of the test (200 hours ± 8

hours). The samples should be energized for a minimum of 30 minutes to allow for temperature stabilization. Measurements are taken between points B & C. (see Figure

11.在2 ±1h后和200 ±8h后测量压降。样品应通电至少30min使得温度达到稳定。在B & C两点处测量(见图4.5.1.4)

12. Measure the voltage drop across the soldered sample.


13. Crimp interface voltage drop is equal to the voltage drop recorded in step 11 less the soldered sample value measured in step 12.


14. Record:

a. All voltage drop measurements, and all calculated resistance values. b. Average, low, and high resistance values for each data set. c. Description of samples. d. Conditions of test.

e. Instruments used, the date of last calibration, and when the next calibration is due. f. Soldered sample resistance value if applicable.

g. Temperature rise on at least one part in the nominal CCH group g. Observations. 14.记录:

a. 记录所有测量的压降和所有计算得到的电阻值 b. 每一数据组中的平均值,最小值和最大值电阻 c. 样品描述 d. 试验条件

e. 设备,最新校准日期和下次校准 f. 焊接样品的电阻(如适用)

g. 在基本芯线压接高度的样品组中至少有一个零件有温升数值记录 h. 观察结果 Acceptance Criteria接收标准

1. All samples within 3 consecutive crimp heights representing the lower, nominal, and upper

specification limits per the conductor crimp height tolerances of Appendix E, Table E-1 must

satisfy one of the following two acceptance criteria upon completion of the electrical current

cycling test (ECC)


a. 最大允许的压接电阻=0.55毫欧姆或0.11x(p1+p2)/2d毫欧姆,取大值(允许是最初


b. 允许的电阻的变化量=0.33毫欧姆或0.0099x(p1+p2)/2d毫欧姆,(允许是最初计算


在这里p1=导体电阻率(按照国际退火铜标准,铜的导体电阻率为17.2) p2=端子基本材料的电阻率


(p1+p2)/2d基于端子和导线的几何结构和电阻率计算出来的理论电阻值 c.对于典型合金的计算值可参考附件D,表D-1,D-2 4.5.2 Accelerated Environmental Test 4.5.2加速环境老化试验 Purpose

This procedure describes the testing of electrical components when subjected to sequential environmental exposure.目的

该程序描述了连续环境暴露试验 Samples

A minimum of 10 terminal samples of each crimp height shall be tested. Data shall be obtained

and recorded for minimum, maximum and nominal production crimp heights. Minimum cable

length for samples is 150mm.样品

每一个压接高度至少试验10只样品。应该获取和记录最小,最大和基本压接高度的数据,样品中导线/电缆线的长度至少150mm。 Equipment 1. Micro-ohmmeter 2. Humidity chamber. 3. Forced air.

4. Temperature chamber.

5. An automatic temperature/humidity cycling chamber may be used as an alternative to items

2, 3, and 4 above.设备

1. 微欧计 2. 湿度试验箱 3. 气源

4. 温度实验箱

5. 可以采用温湿度试验箱代替上述2.3.和4的设备 Procedure

Complete the test procedure per figure步骤


按照4.2段目测检查,如果要求和适用按照4.5.3测试干电路电阻 按照4.5.5进行热冲击试验 如果要求和适用按照4.5.3测试干电路电阻 按照4.5.4的温湿度要求 该后3段没有湿度要求 按照4.2段目测检查,如果要求和适用按照4.5.3测试干电路电阻

加速环境老化试验流程简图 Acceptance Criteria接收标准

1. All samples within 3 consecutive crimp heights representing the lower, nominal, and upper specification limits per the conductor crimp height tolerances of Appendix E, Table E-1 must satisfy one of the following two acceptance criteria upon completion of the electrical current cycling test (ECC)


5.压接端子的确认要求—摘要 5.1 Validation Test Requirements 5.1确认试验要求 Test 试验 Requirement Paragraph Number. Design Validation (Yes/No) Minimum Conformance to Tolerance 要求 章节号 设计确认 Y Y 最小符合性偏差 100% 100% Cable/Terminal/Crimp Tooling Identification Appendix E traceable to Performance Testing 附件E 用于性能试验的导线、端子、压接工具的标识 Compaction (Verified in production by Terminal, Cable, and crimp tool dimensions usually controlled by specific part numbers and traceable to validation testing.) 压缩状态(在生产中通过端子、导线、压接工具尺寸进行验证,由物料号和追踪性标识对确认试验进行控制) Appearance - end of conductor - end of insulation - cut off - bellmouth - conductor crimp - insulation crimp - individual cable seal -conductor crimp lock (top) - terminal bend and twist due to crimping 外观 导体末端 绝缘体末端 料带切断截面(料带分离处) 喇叭口(张开) 芯线压线脚 绝缘体压线脚 电缆线/导线密封 芯线压线脚两卷边闭合 由于压接端子弯曲和扭曲 Crimp geometry - Conductor and insulation crimp height and width (CCH, CCW, ICH, ICW) - cross-section requirements Appendix E, 附件E 1-2 4.2.5 4.2.5-2 4.2.5-3 4.2.5-4 4.2.5-5 4.2.5-6 4.2.5-7 4.2.5-9 4.2.5-5 Appendix E 附件E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 100% Appendix E, 附件E 7-9 4.3 Y 100% 压接几何尺寸 -导体和绝缘体压线脚高度和宽度(CCH, CCW, ICH, ICW) -截面要求 Mechanical performance - Pull out force (Final OEM’s quality assurance approval form process validation may be 4.4 Y -3s>Limit required.) 机械性能 -拉脱力(可能需要最终OEM质量保证批准形式过程确认) Electrical performance For Power Applications: - Electrical testing Current Cycling – (ECC) or accelerated environmental testing (ENV) 电性能 对于端子应用于强电流或电源电路中的情况(要做以下试验): —电流循环试验(ECC) —加速环境老化试验(ENV) For Low Energy Applications: - Accelerated Environmental testing (ENV) 对于端子应用于低功率电路中的情况(要做以下试验): —加速环境老化试验(ENV) For Low Impedance Applications: Validation should be done on bare copper wire to optimize crimp parameters (Production on Tinned Wire is optional) - Accelerated Environmental testing 对于端子应用于低阻抗的情况(要做以下试验): 4.5 4.5.1 or 4.5.2(选择其中一种方法做试验) Y 100% 4.5.2 Y 100% 4.5.2 Y 100% 对于压接裸铜丝的情况一定要对压接参数最优化进行确认(对于镀锡铜线可选做) —加速环境老化试验(ENV) 表5.1 用于确认的试验

5.1.1 The validation requirements listed in Table 5.1 shall be conducted to demonstrate tha the design intent is met.


5.1.2 The requirements should be conducted in the order shown in Table 5.1, to avoid unnecessary testing.

5.1.2必须按照表5.1的顺序进行试验,以便避免没有必要的试验。 5.2 Special Applications And Exclusions 5.2特殊试验和另外情况

5.2.1 Special applications and variances from this specification require customer

approval. Solder, sonic weld, or other processes that have proven to create an electrically stable application may be excluded from some or all of the crimp validation testing based on experience and/or sound engineering judgment. Pull-out force testing and cross-sections [ PTX ] are required for all validations.



所有的确认试验都必须进行拉脱力试验和截面分析 5.3 Other Crimp Validation Methods 5.3其它压接确认方法

5.3.1 Reference [REF] - The application is the \already validated to meet the circuit and/or customer requirements.

5.3.1参考[REF] –端子/导线压接与其它端子/导线压接相同且已经证明满足电路和/或顾客要求的情况相同(参考类似的应用,进行压接设计开发) 5.3.2 “Same as\ - terminal stock thickness - material (alloy and temper) - the same terminal plating

- the same terminal conductor wing dimensions and features [serrations, etc.] - the same conductor core cross sectional area 5.3.2“相同”的定义是: -端子料厚相同

-端子材料相同(合金和热处理) -相同端子镀层

-芯线压线脚的尺寸和特征相同 -相同的导体截面面积

-相同的导体基本材料和镀层 -压接模具内部尺寸相同






5.3.3 Cables with the same conductor core construction, but differences in the insulation may be considered the “same” for conductor crimp validation purposes. The Insulation Crimp must be reviewed against the cross section requirements for final validation.

5.3.3两导线/电缆线,如果芯线结构相同,但线皮不同,则在芯线压接确认时,这两种情况是相同的,可以只做一次。但是在最后确认时,要确认绝缘体压线脚的截面要符合要求。 5.3.4 Customer Waiver Letter [ CWL ] - The customer has authorized the use of the terminal crimp as specified in a waiver letter.

5.3.4 [ CWL ]:顾客弃权书。顾客不对你提供给他的关于确认试验的文件的批准,只要求你提供合格的产品给他,而不需要其中的过程文件。出了问题完全由供方承担。 5.3.5 Engineering Judgment [ ENJ ] – Engineering Judgment may be used in lieu of validation testing based upon past experience, knowledge, and/or testing. The basis of this judgment shall be documented. Engineering judgment shall not be used to accept applications that have failed crimp validation testing. All cases where Engineering Judgment is used must be reviewed and approved by the OEM customer.

5.3.5工程判断[ ENJ ] –基于以往的经验,知识和/或试验,工程判断可能用于确认试验。这些判断需要记录下来。工程判断不能用于接受没有通过压接确认试验的情况(即确认试验





A. Recommended Terminal Wing/Cable Loading for new terminal designs or revisions to meet the performance requirements of this specification is shown in Table A.

A. 新端子设计和端子更改之后端子压线脚/导线压接推荐满足该规范表A中的性能标准。(推荐每个端子压线脚设计时能压接一定范围的导线)

Terminal Wing/Cable Loading Ranges 端子压线脚/导线压接范围 Cable Range SAE DIN 导线范围 (导体/芯线截面积) 0.20-0.22 Χ Χ 0.35-0.50 Χ Χ 0.75-1.25 Χ Χ 1.5-2.5 Χ Χ 2.0-3.0 Χ Χ 4.0-6.0 Χ Χ

TABLE A-1 - Recommended Wing/Cable Loading B. Crimp Engineering Guidelines

The following guidelines are intended only to assist in passing the requirements of this specification and are based upon previous experience from terminal suppliers: B.压接工程指导


1. The terminal supplier determines double application terminals. 1.由供应商来决定双线端子应用。

2. Core wings that have features to break oxides and minimize cable strand movement will give better electrical results. Sharp cornered serrations are preferred.


3. Tin or silver plating is the optimum design for 10 year/150K life. Avoid nickel, stainless steel inter-metallic (thermic tin) or gold in core wings. The design should provide for

adequate free tin at end of life. Nickel plated high temperature wire also may not pass this electrical testing and may require specific changes in acceptance criteria based upon circuit application sensitivity (i.e. O2 sensor circuits)


4. Optimum 10 year/150K life is obtained with similar alloys, tempers used for spring members and contact arms. This maintains crimp wing normal force with time and

temperature. It also provides strength to resist crimp wing relaxation due to movement and stresses applied during vehicle life.


5. Wing blank width should be designed to provide for uniform strand dispersion for the gauge size recommended. This is necessary for optimum electrical strand contact, pulls, and nuisance free use of crimp force process monitors.


6. Crimp electrical performance should be done separately from connector testing. This is done so that a low and stable milli-ohm acceptance criteria can detect the loss of strand contacts in the crimp. Crimps that meet this criteria must then be able to pass USCAR tests in connectors.

6.压接电性能试验应该要做,并且应该与连接器试验分开做 (即做两次电性能试验:一个压接电性能试验,一个连接器电性能试验)。

这试验必须做,以便一个低且稳定的毫欧姆接收标准(压接电阻接收标准)能够检测出压接引起的断芯线现象。通过该试验的压接,接下来必须能够通过USCAR的连接器试验。 7. Pull testing must only be used to determine mechanical strength. The pull standard must not be too high resulting in over compaction and poor electrical results. Usually the best electrical performance is on the tight side of the pull vs. crimp height curve (ref. Figure A-1). Insulation wings/grips must be designed to minimize insulation penetration and provide for optimum crimp processability.


8. The preferred insulation crimp geometry is the traditional “F” or “B” crimp. Overlapping, diagonal cut bypassing wings, or butting wings may be used, but may be sensitive to crimp processing conditions. It is usually best to tool specific grip wings for heavy-wall, regularwall, thin-wall and/or Extra Thin Wall insulations.

8.推荐的绝缘体压线脚形状为“F” 或“B”字型。绝缘体压线脚(两翼)重叠,对角剪切或羊角等也可以接收,但这些可能受压接过程条件影响很大。最好对于厚的材料,常规材料,薄的材料,特薄材料压接成指定的形状。

9. Where possible, grip wings should be designed for European, US, and/or Asian cable constructions.


10. A typical mechanical/electrical vs. crimp height curve is shown in Figure A-1. 10.如下图是典型的机械性能/电性能VS压接高度的曲线图

压 接 确 认 分 析 模 型 树 收到压接确认申请 是 该确认过的端子/导线压接是否进行了适当的试验?(按照表5.1) 是 基于规定的要求进行了确认( “REF” ) 该端子/导线压接与先前已经确认过的产品是否相同? 否 该端子/导线压接与先前已经确认过的产品是否类似? 否 不确认,用其它压接和/或端子代替 否 改进压接和/或端子设计 是 为了改善试验结果,压接和/或端子能够改进设计吗? 否 该确认过的端子/导线压接是否进行了适当的试验?(按照表5.1) 是 基于规定的要求进行了确认。( “ENJ” ) 是 使用端子/导线压接有必要吗? 对于指定的汽车要求能够接收吗? 是 按照表5.1试验 否 否 是否通过了试验? 是 是 顾客允许和批准吗? 确认,基于顾客书面批准 记录确认结果


附件B 定义


An assembly made up of several strands of wire (the conductor) and its insulating covering manufactured to a specific cable specification. 电缆线/导线

由若干芯线(导体),还有按照电缆线要求加工的线皮组成。 COMPACTION

The reduction in cross sectional area of the combination of the terminal and cable conductor caused by crimping the terminal onto the conductor. 压缩

将端子与导体压接在一起,引起端子与导体截面面积的减少。 CONDUCTOR CRIMP FEATURES

Shapes in the conductor crimp wings, such as serrations, meant to improve the electrical connection between the terminal and the conductor. 芯线压接特征

芯线压线脚的形状,如压线脚的两翼。旨在提高端子和导体连接的电性能。 CONDUCTOR

A part of a cable which has the specific function of carrying electrical current. 芯线(导体)

电缆线/导线的一部分用于导电 CRIMP ONLY

An application in which the only method used to connect a terminal to a cable is the terminal

crimp. That is, no solder, welding or other methods are used. 纯压接

将端子和导线只是通过压接连接,而不是通过各种焊接或其它方法连接起来。 CRIMPING

The physical attachment, or the process of assembling terminals to cable or components. It involves the terminal conductor/insulation crimp wings, the crimp tools, and the crimp dimensions in conjunction with the various application methods [crimp only, re-flow solder, sonic weld, etc.] 压接过程

机械连接或是将端子装配到导线/零件上的过程。包括端子导体/绝缘体压线脚,压接工具和压接尺寸,这些与各种不同的方法结合(纯压接,回流焊接,超声波焊接等) CRIMPING FORCE

The force applied by the press through the crimping tools for the re-shaping of the terminal wings around the stripped conductor during the crimping process. 压接力

将端子与导线压接在一起的力,它是通过压接模具压到端子上而产生的。 DESIGN VALIDATION

Tests that are conducted to demonstrate that the design intent is met. Manufacturing must be aware of the crimp design parameters and maintain them in production.

GRIP (Syn.: Crimp) The connection between a terminal and a cable made by deforming the grips (wings), wrapping them around the cable in a manner that creates a permanent contact. GRIPS (Syn.: Wings) Those parts of a terminal that are wrapped around the conductor strands or cable insulation layer making a good electrical and/or mechanical

connection. 设计确认

为了验证设计满足预期要求而进行试验。制造过程必须注意压接参数设计并且在生产时保持同一工艺参数。利用压线脚的两边将导线包起来,通过这个将芯线与绝缘体和端子建立良好的电连接和机械连接。 INSULATION

That part of a cable that electrically separates the conductor from the external environment. The purpose of the insulation crimp is to provide proper strain relief preventing movement to the conductor crimp. 绝缘体

利用绝缘体将导体与外界隔离。绝缘体压线脚的目的是产生应变释放,这样就防止了压接处芯线的移动。 LOW ENERGY

Applications which have an open circuit voltage of 5 volts or less. This definition is chosen to enable easy selection of the type of testing acceptable based on the electronic circuit application. 低能量

开路电压5V或更小。这个定义是在电路应用中容易选择试验类型而做的。 LOW IMPEDANCE

Applications that have very resistance-sensitive circuits. These may require tin plated cable strands rather than bare copper to meet vehicle reliability targets. 低阻抗

在汽车应用中,对该零件的电阻(如压接电阻)要求非常高。因为该电阻有很高的灵敏性,所以为了获得高的可靠性,通常需要对导线的芯线蘸锡,而不用裸铜丝。 POWER

Applications that have an open circuit voltage greater than 5 volts. Typically these are lighting, resistance, motor, or relay circuits. Current levels may range from milli-amps to full cable rating. 电源



In-process tests, performed on production parts, which are used to demonstrate process capability and conformance to specification. 过程确认

对生产零件的过程试验是用来验证过程能力和与规范的符合性 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS

Applications that fall outside the scope of this specification must have their requirements detailed in other appropriate specifications. 特殊应用

如果本规范没有提到的要求,如果需要必须在其它规范中详细规定 STRAND

One of the individual wires in a conductor. 芯线

导体中的每股芯线。 WINGS See “Grips”. 压线脚的两翼 压线脚的两个卷边

