
更新时间:2023-04-20 10:28:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载






You’ve heard of 94c18ce6cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b19a -a website that helps shelters and rescue groups find loving homes for animals. Maybe you’ve even found your own __l__ through the site, but do you know Petfinder __2__ with an idea that came about on the way to a New Year’s dinner?

Dating back t0 1995, Google wasn’t a verb and Facebook and QQ didn’t __3__.The World Wide Web was more of a wild world. My husband Jared was a doctor and I worked for urban forestry. We both thought that everything was possible on the web, which, we believed at that time, wasn’t used __4__,

We wanted to create a website. The question was: who would __5__ from our website? That was what we were discussing in the car that night on the way to our friend’s home for __6__.We thought about many ideas. “The website would make use of technology for a __7__ responsible cause,” Jared finally said.

What cause needed our help? In th e end, we both thought of animal shelters. Sure, we loved animals and I’d “saved” them when l was a kid like the snake I found in the backyard which I then persuaded my parents to let me __8__. At that time my focus was on planting trees and Jared put his heart into helping the __9__.We didn’t even have a pet. Yet, I knew every year, millions of abandoned pets - healthy, loving animals who only wanted a __10__ — were killed. We couldn’t wait to tell our friends about our __11__. They volunteered to help. Jared and I worked on 94c18ce6cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b19a –that’s wh at we _12 it. We wanted the site to be __13__ to potential adopters. That meant all expenses came out of our own pocket. However, we knew if we saved just one life a month, it would be worth it.

Two years later our site went __14__. Today, more than 12,500 animal welfare groups around the country post information about animals on Petfinder; 65 percent of animal __15__ in the US come through the site.

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1. A. shelter B. group C. home D. pet

2. A. leave B. went C. started D. stayed

3. A. exist B. end

C. pass

D. invent

4. A. passively B. effectively

C. positively

D. actively

5. A. benefit B. differ

C. choose

D. separate

6. A. dinner B. advice

C. help

D. information

7. A. naturally B. specially

C. socially

D. personally

8. A. keep B. eat

C. kill

D. sell

9. A. sick B. poor

C. animal

D. pet

10. A. clinic B. home

C. mother

D. friend

11. A. disaster B. promise

C. concern

D. idea

12. A. created B. named

C. imagined

D. hoped

13. A. free B. necessary

C. useful

D. limited

14. A. profitable B. unpopular

C. international

D. national

15. A. trades B. products

C. treatments

D. adoptions

【参考答案】1-5 DCABA 6-10 ACAAB 11-15 DBADD


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本文介绍了94c18ce6cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b19a 这个网站的创办目的和过程。

1. D。原词复现题。据第一段第一句94c18ce6cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b19a...animals及后文反复出现的pet可知选D。

2. C。逻辑衔接题。由with an idea that came about on the way to a New Year’s dinner 和第三段第一句We wanted to create a website以及倒数第二段的Jared and I worked on 94c18ce6cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b19a可知,创建Petfinder这个网站的想法是在去赴新年宴席的路途中产生的,故选C。

3. A。逻辑衔接题。由下句的The World Wide Web was more of a wild world可知,1995年人们对网络还很陌生,Google还没有成为动词,Facebook and QQ还没有出现,故选A。

4. B。逻辑衔接题。由前文The World Wide Web was more of a wild world可知,当时网络还没有被有效利用,故选B。

5. A。逻辑衔接题。由第三段第一句We wanted to create a website和第四段第一句What cause needed our help(什么事业需要我们的帮助?句中cause的意思是“事业”)可知,作者夫妇想创建一个网站,但是问题是谁能够从他们的网站上获得益处呢?故选A。

6. A。原词复现题。由第一段on the way to a New Year’s dinner可知作者夫妇一起去吃新年晚餐,故选A。

7. C。逻辑衔接题。根据全文内容可知,作者夫妇所做的事业是对社会有益的,故选C。

8. A。语义衔接题。由本句的I’d “saved” them...and persuaded my parents可知,作者说服父母亲同意作者饲养这条蛇,故选A。

9. A。逻辑衔接题。由上文My husband Jared was a doctor可知,作者丈夫的帮助对象是病人。

10. B。语义衔接题。由本句的abandoned pets可知,作者建立本网站的目的是想给被遗弃的宠物一个家,故选B。

11. D。原词复现题;语义衔接题。第一段最后一句的idea提示本题答案;同时该空是对上一段的总结,故选D。

12. B。逻辑衔接题。由94c18ce6cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b19a之后的破折号“—”可知,that’s what we ...是解释网站Petfinder这个名字的来历,说明作者夫妇给自己创办的网站命名为Petfinder,故选B。

13. A。逻辑衔接题。由下句的That meant all expenses came out of our own pocket可知,作者创办这个网站的一切费用都自己出,对于收养动物的人是免费的,故选A。

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