新概念二册第61课Lesson61.Trouble with the Hubble 哈勃望远镜的困境

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Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble 哈勃望远镜的困境

1.The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars. 哈勃望远镜于1990年4月20日由国家航空航天局发射升空,耗资10多亿美元。 at a cost of 耗资 ★telescope n. 望远镜


telegraph teletype telegram telephoto television telephone


★launch v. 发射,送入轨道(put sth into motion;send on its course)

- a missile发射一枚导弹 - a satellite 发射卫星

2)v.着手(事业),开始(攻击);使(某人)投入(事业等) Eg. My parents –ed me into business.

Eg. We lauched a new project.我们着手一次新的计划。

The –ed a fierce attack on their enemies.他们对敌人开始了猛烈的进攻。 ★space n. (c.)空白,一块空地 eg Is there a - for the car? parking spacen.停车位

blank space空白(区)

(u.)空间(room) eg.There isn’t much space left for your luggage. n. 太空,外层空间(=outer space) eg. I dream of travelling through the – to live on another space.

探索外太空 the exploration of outer -

空间 指宇宙空间 room 空间,不可数 Could you make room for me?

a talk on space[中考]一个关于太空的报告 in space[中考]在太空中 space museum[中考]航空博物馆 disk spacen.磁盘空间 living spacen. 生存空间,可居住面积 air space气隙 breathing spacen.休息时间或场所,喘息或考虑(情况)的时间 space shuttlen.(往返于地球和太空站之间运载人和物资的)航天飞机 space travel宇宙航行,太空旅行 deep spacen.(=outer space)外层空间 outer spacen.太空,外层空间 space age航天时代,空间时代 space capsulen.太空舱,太空船 space rocketn. 太空火箭 space station宇宙空间站,太空站 absolute spacen. [物]绝对空间 space walk太空行走 storage space存储空间,储料场,堆料场 hair space最小的空铅

★NASA n.(National Aeronautics [.??r?'n?:tiks]and Space Administration) 国家航空和航天局 (aero-前缀,表“空气的,飞行器的”)

联合国 英文全称: United Nations 英文简称: UN总部所在地: 美国纽约州纽约市 世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World Trade Organization -- WTO) 总部设在瑞士日内瓦莱蒙湖畔

国际奥林匹克委员会 (International Olympic Committee -- IOC) 简称“国际奥委会” 总部设在瑞士洛桑

欧洲联盟(简称欧盟,European Union -- EU) 总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔

北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- NATO),简称北约, 总部设在比利时布鲁塞尔

石油输出国组织 (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries -- OPEC) ,简称“欧佩克”, 欧佩克总部设在维也纳

★billion n. 10亿 two – 二十亿 several –几十亿

dozen 一打 score 二十个 hundred 一百 thousand 一千 million 百万 此类次的用法都是一致的,当前面有数量词修饰的时候,此类数词不加s,当与of连用的时候可以加s

2.Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. 从最开始哈勃望远镜就有问题。

Right from the start=just right from the start =at the very begining trouble with 关于...有麻烦 what's the trouble with you?

3.The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty! 它传送给我们的图像很令人失望,因为它的主要镜子有误差。

★faulty adj. 有错误的(faultier,faultiest) faultfinding n 吹毛求疵;挑剔 faultless faultlessly

fault n.(c.)缺点,缺陷,毛病,故障

Eg.尽管他有很多缺点,我还是很喜欢他。I like him despite his -. (u.)过失,过错 eg. Whose – is this? Mistake, error(比较正式) ,blunder 大错

at fault 有责任;有错 Eg. My memory was at fault.我记错了。

To a fault ;excessively 过分地;过度地 Eg. She is generous to a fault.她过分慷慨。

4.NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. 国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把4名宇航员送入太空修复望远镜。

★astronaut n. 宇航员

Astro- 构词成分,表示星的,外太空的

Astrology 占星术 astrologer 占星家 astronautics 航天学

Astronomy 天文学 astronomer 天文学者 astronomical 天文学的 –physics 天文物理学

Put +n +adv,adj 使。。。处于某种状态

5.The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. “奋进”号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃。 ★shuttle n. 航天飞机,梭

6.A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. 当宇航员进行必要的修复工作时,“奋进”号上的一只机器手将抓住望远镜并托住它。

★Endeavour n. “奋进”号 (比较正式的词汇)努力,尽力(=attempt,effort) eg. Please make every – to arrive in time. 请尽量准时到达。 v. 努力,尽力(比try还要更加正式)

★robot-arm n. 机器手

★grab v. 抓,枪,抢夺,攫取(grabbing,grabbed) Grab sth (from sb/sth) 抢;抓;抢夺

Grab at sb/sth 热切或拼命的(企图)抓住或捉住某人

He grabbed at the boy,bu he couldn’t save him.

Up for grabs(n.) 任何人皆可得到的 Grabber 贪得无厌的人

7.Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. 当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层之外,因此,它很快就会给我们传送我们所见到过的、有关行星和远距离星系的最清晰的照片。

★atmosphere n. 大气层(包围地球的气体) 通常写做the - atmosphere 氛围 a friendly – 友好的氛围

Eg.:I went to the New Concept English of New Oriental School for its good atmosphere. ★distant adj. 遥远的 (反义词 near)

A – town 一个遥远的小镇 in the distant past 在往昔

Eg. The station is 3 miles – from our house.=The station is 3 miles away from our house.

The distance from our house 距离

★galaxy n. 星系 the Galaxy= the milky way 银河,银河系 N.一群杰出的人 并且可以做量词,表示一群。。。 A –of talents 一群才子 beauties 美女 film stars 影星

8.The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. 哈勃将告诉我们有关宇宙的年龄和大小的许多事情。

★universe n. 宇宙,世界,天地万物 常写做 the –

Eg 人们相信神创造了天地万物。 God is believed to have made the universe. 9.By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.等到你读到这篇文章时,敏锐的哈勃望远镜已经为我们送来了成千上万张精彩的照片。

★eagle eye 鹰眼(形容眼力好的,眼光锐利的,有洞察力的)

Eagle 1) n. 老鹰 2)n.鹰徽(美国的国徽)

Eye 1)眼睛 2) 眼神,目光 with jealous eyes 用嫉妒的眼神 make eyes at sb.暗送秋波


1.克服害怕的心理 2.学会理解单词的含义


【Key Structures】

1.将来完成时 will have done(到将来某时为止将会完成某事) 2.将来进行时 will be doing (将来某时正在做某事,对将来的动作或状态进行一种判断或推测,比一般将来时语气更加肯定,提问的时候显得更加客气,更加有诚意) 3.将来完成进行时 will have been doing(到将来为止动作一直在进行着) 4.现在完成进行时 have been doing


从某一点发生,一直延续到将来的某一点,并且还将可能延续下去 It has been raining....

We will have been learning book2...


1.一般将来时:事情在将来发生 2.将来进行时:等同于一般将来时


4.将来完成进行时:强调到将来某一点时间动作可能结束或延续 过去完成进行时: had been doing

过去完成进行时:到过去某一点时间为止动作一直在延续 Eg.:His father had dead...

Eg.:His father had been waiting for his son until he came back.

Eg.:Soon the astronauts will have repaired the telescope will have done 到将来某一点时间,动作完成

Eg.:By Friday midday,they will ahve been working on it for seven days. work on sth. 关于??的工作 到将来某一点时间,动作延续

【Special dificulties】

cost,price,value : noun &verbs

Nouns :price 价格; cost 费用 ; value 价值 at the cost of 以??的费用 Verbs:price sth.打听??的价格,并比较 cost 花费 sth cost money value sth 认为??有价值

Eg.:value your time! Eg.:I value your advice.

value sth. owned by oneself 敝帚自珍 Exercise

1...in the (price,cost,value)of living. sharp rise 大幅上升的 living 生活

the cost of living 生活的费用

2...asks me the (price,cost,value) price 价格

3....you will (price ,cost,value)it more. value 表示认为有价值

4...The house(value,cost,priced) fortune 一大笔财富 cost 花费

5...(price,cost,value).... enormouse 巨大的 community 社区,社会 value 价值

of great (enormouse)value 有巨大的价值 6.Jane has (value,cost,priced) alternative 另外的 recommend 推荐 price sth.比较价格

7..(price,cost ,value)... towards = to

the cost of rebuilding 重建费用 过去完成进行时 had been doing

