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大学英语(四) 教案
一、课程简介 课程名称 大学英语(四) 课程类别 必修课 学时 2*16=32 开课学期 四 修读类别 必修课 开课单位 外语系 教学对象 10数学,10信息及计算机科学 主讲教师 张媛 考核方式及各环节所占比例 考试课;期末考试占60%,平时成绩占40% 课程概要 翻译理论与实践课是高校英语专业高年级学生的必修课,是以学生在校所学各门课程的综合知识为基础培养学生实际工作能力的主干课程,对培养学生的翻译实践能力、语言运用能力和跨文化交际能力有十分重要的意义。 教学目的及要求 本课程是以科技英语文体的词汇语篇特征、科技英语翻译的标准、科技英语翻译的常见语法错误、修辞问题和逻辑问题为主要内容,以科技英语翻译理论为指导,在科技英语翻译实践的基础上,集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。本课程的教学目标是培养学生的科技英语的翻译能力,使他们在今后学习和工作中能轻松地胜任科技英语情报收集和翻译工作。 教材及主要参考书 教材: 1. 刘爱军、王斌主编.《科技英语综合教程》.外语教学与研究出版社.2006. 主要参考书: 1. 范武邱.《实用科技英语翻译讲评》. 外文出版社.2001年. 2. 冯志杰.《汉英科技翻译指要》.中国对外翻译出版公司.2000年. 3. 华先发.《新适用英译汉教程》.湖北教育出版社.2001年.
2.13—2.19 2.20—2.26 2.27—3.4 Unit 1 Mathematics Text A Game Theory &科技英语阅读方法(一)科技英语翻译技巧(一) Unit 1 Text B Digital Signature in Applied Cryptography Unit 2 Medicine Text A Making a Little Progress & 科技英语阅读方法(二)科技英语翻译技巧(二) 3.5—3.11 3.12—3.18 Unit 2 Text B Are Antibiotics Killing Us? Unit 3 Genetics Engineering Text A Ready or Not? Human ES Cells Head Toward the Clinic & 科技英语阅读方法(三) 科技英语翻译技巧(三) 3.19—3.25 3.26—4.1 Unit 3 Text B Gene Doping Unit 4 Telecommunications Text A 10 Hottest Telecom Technologies of the Year (I) & 科技英语阅读方法(四) 科技英语阅读方法(四) 4.2—4.8 4.9—4.15 Unit 4 Text B 10 Hottest Telecom Technologies of the Year (II) Unit 5 Wireless Communications Text A Your Next Computer & 科技英语阅读方法(五)科技英语翻译技巧(五) 4.16—4.22 4.23—4.29 4.30—5.6 5.7—5.13 Unit 5 Text B Share the Internet Wealth Unit 6 Computer Science Text A Get Mean, Go Green & 科技英语阅读方法(六) 科技英语翻译技巧(六) Unit 6 Text B Conversational Computers Unit 7 Internet Text A We Know Where You Are & 科技英语阅读方法(七) 科技英语翻译技巧(七) 5.14—5.20 5.21—5.27 5.28—6.3 Unit 7 Text B Why Skyware Poses Multiple Threats to Security 科技英语阅读方法 及 科技英语翻译技巧练习 Revision
Unit 1 Mathematics
I. The Definition of EST (English for Science & Technology)
EST (English for Science & Technology or Technical English or Scientific English) is a special language variety widely used in the fields of science and technology. It’s believed that it first came to being in the 1950s along with the rapid development of science and technology, and it many researchers and scholars began to conduct investigation of this common features of this special genre including reading comprehension, writing and even translation.
II. Reading Techniques for EST Nominalizaiton(名词化结构) 1. 单纯名词化结构:指由一个或多个名词修饰一个中心名词构成的名词化结构。 water purification system 该结构的中心名词是system,purification 修饰water,因此该结构相当于a system for the purification of water
2. 复合名词化结构:指由一个中心名词和形容词、名词、副词、分词及介词短语等多个前置或后置修饰语构成。
acute bacterial peritonitis 急性细菌性腹膜炎
3. 由动词派生的名词化结构:通常是由实义动词派生的名词搭配介词短语构成,在句子中充当主语、宾语或介词宾语。
The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the development of the iron and steel industry of our country.
句中的名词化结构the building of these giant iron and steel workds由build的动名词加上介词短语构成,充当句子的主语,其逻辑结构为动宾结构。
III. Translation Techiniques for EST 1. 将名词化结构译为动词
All substances will permit the passage of some electric current, provided the potential difference is high enough.
2. 将名词化结构译为动宾关系
As a small-scale illustration of the artificial modification of physical weather processes, take the frost prevention in an orchard. 划线部分的名词化结构译为“对天气的物理过程进行人工影响” 全句译为:我们可举果园中防霜作为说明对天气的物理过程进行小尺度人工影响的例子。
IV. Text Analysis Game Theory 1. Warm-up questions
a) What are the basic elements of games and what is the goal of the participants in
the game?
b) In order to win in a game, what kind of approach or strategy should be applied?
2. Language Points
a) The games it studies range from chess to chld rearing and from tennis to takeovers. (para.1)
Paraphrase: The games it (game theory) studies extends from chess to child brnging-up and from tennis to handovers.
takeover: n. the act or an instance of assuming control or management of or responsibility for sth.
b) Game theory was pioneered by Princeton mathematician John von Neumann. (para.2)
pioneer: v. to be a pioneer; to originate (course of action etc., followed later by others)
3. Text Organization Part One: paras. 1-3
Game theory can be defined as the sciene of strategy which studies both pure conflicts (zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperative forms. Part Two: paras. 4-11
There are two distinct types of strategic imterdependence; sequential move game and simultaneous-move game. Part Three: paras: 12-19
The typical examples of game theory are given as basic principles such as prisoners’ dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves, bargaining, concealing and revealing information.
Part Four: para. 20
The research of game theory has succeeded in illustrating strategies in situations of conflict and cooperation and it will focus on the design of successful strategy in future.
V. Assignments:
a) background knowledge search for each lecture; b) preview work for each lecture; c) exercises after each lecture;
d) self-study of Text B and its exercises
Unit 2 Medicine
I. Reading Techiniques for EST Compound Words 复合词 1. 复合词的构成:
a) 名词+名词 computer capacity 计算机能力 b) 形容词+名词 synchronous orbit 同步轨道 c) 分词+名词 combined carbon 结合碳 d) 名词+动名词 altitude charging 高空增压
e) 形容词+动名词 dynamic programming 动态规划 f) 多词复合名词 industrial distribution equipment 工业配电装置
2. 复合形容词的构成:
a) 名词/形容词/副词+形容词 red-hot 炽热的 b) 形容词/数词+名词 high-frequency 高频的 c) 名词/形容词/数词+名词-ed medium-sized 中型的
d) 名词/代词/形容词/副词+分词 well-equipped 设备精良的 e) 多词复合形容词 out-of-date 过时的
3. 复合动词的构成
a) 动词+介词/连词+动词 point-and-click 点击 b) 动词+介词 sign-on 登录 c) 形容词+动词 mass-produce 成批生产
II. Translation Techiniques for EST
1. 意译:通过对原词的仔细推敲和理解,准确地译出其表达的科学概念。 deep space 航天术语:外层空间,而非“深层空间”
2. 音译:根据英语单词的发音译成读音与原词大致相同的中文。 hertz 赫兹(频率单位) e-mail 伊妹儿—电子邮件
3. 意音结合译:在音译之后加上一个表示类别的词,或者把原词的一部分音译,而另一部分意译。 Kuru 库鲁病
4. 直译:在科技文献里,有些词可以直接使用原文,如商标、牌号、型号和表示特定意义的字母。 IBM system IBM系统
III. Text Analysis Making a Little Progress 1. Warm-up Questions
a) What do you know about medicines or therapies for cancer?
b) Can you give examples of the application of nanotechnology in our daily lives?
2. Language Points
a) … to bring blood to an old and desperate fight. (para.1) new blood: n. new member, new comer
b)… as they revert to their original spins.(para. 4) revert to: to return to a previous state
c) …usher the protons to their original spins. (para. 4) usher: v. to lead ab. politelyl to some place
eg: The waitress ushered us to our seats reserved.
3. Text Organization Part One: para.1
The government decided to take an initiative to fight against cancer by means of nanotechnology. Part Two: para. 2
Nanotechnology holds promise for cancer treatment on account of two main reasons: size and function. Part Three: paras. 3-8
Two kinds of nanoparticles –nanocrystals of iron oxide and quantum dots—have been used for cancer detection in tests on mice. Part Four: paras. 9-18
Three kinds of nanoparticles—dendrimers, carbon nanotubes and liposomes—have been used in tests for cancer killing. Part Five: paras. 19-21
In spite of great progress in cancer nanotechnology, there are still many problems to solve.
IV. Assignments:
a) background knowledge search for each lecture; b) preview work for each lecture; c) exercises after each lecture;
d) self-study of Text B and its exercises
Unit 3 Genetic Engineering
I. Reading Techiniques for EST Abbreviation (缩略词) 1. 截短词
cpd (compound) 化合物 maths (mathematics) 数学
2. 字母缩略词
AMPS (advanced mobile phone system) 高级移动电话系统
3. 首字母拼音词
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 北大西洋公约组织
II. Translation Techiniques for EST 1. Conversion (词的转译) a) 动词转译成名词
The addition of 2 percent sodium carbonate to boiling water increase the bactericide effect.
b) 具体词义转译为抽象词义
the study of the brain is one of the last frontiers of human knowledge and of much more immediate importance than understanding the infinity of space or the mystery of the atom.
c) 抽象词义转译为具体词义
The pupil of the eye responds to the changes of light intensity. respond to,作具体化转译“随…扩大或缩小”
2. Amplification (词的增译)
semi-permanent coupler 半永久性结构
infinite adjustment 将adjustment的含义补充为speed adjustment,译为“ 无极调速 ”
3. Omission (词的省译)
Best varieties have good resistance to loading. 最好的品种抗倒伏力强。
III. Text Analysis Ready or Not? Human ES Cells Head Toward the Clinic 1. Warm-up Questions
a) What do you know about human ES cells? Give some examples to show its application in the medical field.
b) In your opinion, what’s the prospect of cell therapies?
2. Language Points
a) But several hurdles reamain. Hurdle: n. obstacle or difficulty
b) …pleaded with his colleagues to vote with him. Plead with: to ask for; to beg
c) But these same traits also increase the risk… trait: n. characteristic
d) …ending up in the wrong place…
end up: to be in a particular place or state finally
3. Text Organization Part One: paras.1-6
Although hES cells hold promise for the clinic, they still carry some risks in practice that discourage most groups from clinical trials except one companyy—Geron. Part Two: paras. 7-12
Keirstead and his colleagues have chosen spinal cord injuries as the first trial and carried out several experiments with the main purpose to indicate that the treatment can be safe.
Part Three: paras. 13-22
Some potential problems may turn up with the clinical trials, such as improper differentiation, tumor formatioon, animal contamination and new mutations in culture. Part Four: paras. 23-26
There is still a long way to go befoere cell therapies come onto the stage.
IV. Assignments:
a) background knowledge search for each lecture; b) preview work for each lecture; c) exercises after each lecture;
d) self-study of Text B and its exercises
Unit 4 Telecommunication
I. Reading Techiniques for EST Blending (拼缀词)
1. 前词首部+后词尾部
Chunnel (channel+tunnel) 英吉利海峡隧道(铁路) 2. 前词全部+后词尾部
Copytron (copy+technology) 高科技 3. 前词首部+后词全部
Autocamp (automobile+camp) 汽车宿营地 4. 前词首部+后词首部
Biotech (biology+technology) 应用生物学;生物技术
II. Translation Techiniques for EST 形容词和副词的比较级
1. 比较级单独使用的译法:译为“较、更、些”
2. 比较级+than的译法
More…than: 可译为“与…相比”,“更” Less than 可译为“不到”
3. 程度状语+比较级
在比较级前会加上much,far, even, still, a bit, a little, yet, 译为“…得多”,“大大…”
4. more and more ―越来越‖
5. the more…the more “越…越”
III. Text Analysis 10 Hottest Telecom Technologies 1. Warm-up Questions
a) Can you name some of the hot telecom technologies? b) How do telecom technologies influence our daily life?
2. Language Points
a) The slightest linkling of a recovery… inkling: n. a slight hint or indication
eg: Can you give me some inkling of the technological trend
b) …technology development never really went out of vogue… out of vogue: no llonger popular
c) …broadband has become a commodity service
broadband: n. a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies
3. Text Organization Part One: paras.1-3
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