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Structure and Vocabulary

1. Alice received an invitation from her boss, __C____ came as a surprise.

A. it B. that C. which D. he

2. Everybody in our city, men and women, the old and the young, ___C___ sports and games now.

A. enjoy B. were enjoying C. enjoys D. enjoyed

3. Your dress doesn't ___B __ with your new hairstyle.

A. suit B. match C. mix D. compare

4. A good reader is one who can read __A____ the lines.

A. between B. under C. in D. above

5. Tony prefers apples and bananas ____C__ other fruits.

A. than B. over C. to D. against

6. They usually have less money at the end of the project than ______ at the beginning.

A. which B. which was C. they have D. it is

7. I'm sure the letter won't arrive in time __D____ it is sent by air.

A. if B. until C. because D. unless

8. The average speed of a ball hit by a Pingpang racquet (球拍)is the _c_____ among all ball games.

A. lowest B. highest C. quickest D. most full

9. Her mother gave her that beautiful necklace, which had been __d____ from her grandma.

A. handed in B. handed over C. handed out D. handed down

10. The clerk was soon told _c____ he did was not well received.

A. that why B. the reason why

C. why what D. what that

11. If you have any trouble, you can turn __c_____ him for help.

A. for B. at C. to D. in

12. It rains ___a____ in Shanghai than in Shenyang.

A. more often B. most often C. oftener D. often

13. There are few places in this country __a_____ wheat can't grow well.

A. where B. which C. when D. if

14. He was praised for ______D____ such a contribution to the country.

A. make B. to make C. to making D. having made

15. My brother is three years ___c_______ than I.

A. old B. older C. elder D. the elder

16. Here _____a_____ a pen, a few envelopes and some paper for you.

A. is B. are C. be D. being

17. Yesterday when I was walking on the street, I ___b_______ to see an old friend of mine.

A. managed B. happened C. settled D. occurred

18. Many a teacher in our department ____A__ abroad.

A. have been B. has been C. have go D. has go

19. A boy told the police man that he had seen a man __c____.

A. to get on a car and drive off


B. getting on a car and drove off

C. get on a car and drive off

D. get on a car and drove off

20. Beijing is ___d_____ city in China.

A. largest B. second largest

C. the second large D. the second largest

21. There are few places in this country __a_____ wheat can't grow well.

A. where B. which C. when D. if

22. Weather ___c______, we'll have an outing tomorrow.

A. permits B. permitted C. permitting D. permit

23. All the class burst _____b____ laughter when they saw the funny picture.

A. in B. at C. on D. into

24. I've made ____a_____ more mistakes than you have.

A. a lot B. many C. very D. a lot of

25. ____c____ still young, Mr. George has had amazing achievement in cosmology.

A. When B. As C. Although D. Since

26. The number of students in this college ____b_____ this year.

A. have doubled B. has doubled

C. have been doubled D. has been doubled

27. After I ____C_____ for half an hour, I realized that he was not coming.

A. have waited B. waited

C. had been waiting D. was waiting

28. There were then more than 200 children _____a_____ music in the school.

A. to study B. studying C. study D. studied

29. This is the second time that John _____c_____ in his final exam.

A. has failed B. fails C. failed D. failing

30. The climate here agrees _____c_____ me and I feel pretty comfortable.

A. in B. for C. with D. on

31. I, who _____d_____ a Party member, will always try my best to help you.

A. be B. is C. are D. am

32. Our country is getting ___c_______.

A. strong and stronger B. stronger and strong

C. stronger and stronger D. strong and strong

33. I lost my bag the day before, but it ____d______ now.

A. has found B. was found

C. has been found D. is found

34. ___c_______ either of them taken part in the performance?

A. Have B. Is C. Has D. Are

35. I expressed hope ___a_______ they would come to visit China again.

A. that B. as C. although D. whether

36. The moment has came ____c______ I can fully display my ability.

A. that B. which C. when D. what

Reading Comprehension


Passage One

Many American women are earning money outside their homes today. Among women who are eighteen to sixty-four years old, fifty percent have jobs.

In general, working women have had more education than those who stay at home. Of course those who work, thirty-two percent of them have attended college, compared with twenty percent of those who do not have jobs.

Among women with jobs, eight out of ten drive a car to work, and eight percent take a vacation away from home during the past year. Much of the traveling is by air.

These figures come from a report which was written for advertisers. It offers a new picture of women today. For instance, it tells advertisers that fifty-one percent of all American women have traveled by air—along with fifty-nine percent of all American men.

The lesson for American business is that many women now have other interests besides their homes. They like advertisements which show women in office, planes and cars.

1. After reading the passage we know that _C_____ .

A. all women in the U.S.A. have jobs

B. all the women in the U. S. A. like to work very much

C. half of the women aged 18 to 64 in the U. S. A. have jobs

D. fifty percent of the U.S.A. women have jobs outside their homes

2. ______ of the working women in the U.S.A. have been to university.

A. Nearly one third B. About a quarter

C. One fourth D. About a half

3. During the past years, most working women took vacation __C____ .

A. by car B. by bike C. by air D. on foot

4. The report ___A___ for advertisers offers

A. written, a new picture of women

B. written, a new photo

C. writing, a new book for persons

D. writing, a new book for women

A. Many women still pay more attention to their homes.

B. Nowadays many women have other interests besides their homes.

C. Many women have no interests.

D. Many women don't care of their homes any longer.

Passage Two

Advertising has become more and more popular in modern times. In the business world of to day, supply is usually greater than demand. There is great competition between different manufacturers of the same kind of product to persuade customers to buy their own particular brand. They always remind the customers of the name and the qualities of their products. They do this by advertising.

The manufacturer advertises in the newspapers and on posters (大幅广告). He sometimes pays for songs about his product in commercial radio programs. He employs pretty salesgirls to distribute samples of it. He organizes competitions, with prizes for the winners.' He often advertises on the screens of local cinemas. Most important of all, in countries that have television he has advertisements put into programs that will accept them. Manufacturers often spend large


sums of money on advertisements.

We buy a particular product because we think that it is the best. We usually think so because of the advertisements that say so. However, some people never pause to ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth,

6. How many kinds of advertisements are mentioned in the passage? D

A. 7. B. 5. C. 4. D. 6.

7. According to the passage which of the following is NOT true? C

A. Some people never have any doubts about what advertisements tell them.

B. Competition exists between different manufactures of the same products.

C. The customer usually demands more than the manufacturer can supply.

D. The manufacturer wants to persuade customers to buy brand of goods.

8. The "do this" in the end sentence in the first paragraph refers to ___B___ .

A. advertising in the newspapers

B. reminding people of their products

C. employing attractive salesgirls to distribute samples

D. organizing competitions with prizes for the winners

9. From the passage, we know if a customer buys a particular brand, he thinks that ___D___ .

A. he will get a prize B. its price is reasonable

C. there is competition D. it is the best product

10. Which of the following can be a best title for the passage? A

A. Advertising B. Supply and Demand

C. The Manufacture and Customer D. The Result of Advertisement

Passage Three

Today the game reserves (猎物保护区)of East Africa are facing a number of threats. Al though they earn considerable revenue (收入)by attracting tourists, they take up land which is increasingly sought by the local people. While these reserves feed and protect animals, they are in danger of turning into barren areas or deserts. Trees, shrubs and grass are gradually being eaten by grazing hems.

Another problem is to be found in the changing attitudes of the animals themselves. Many of them are losing their hereditary(天生的)fear of man. In this way they may become a danger to visitors and thus to themselves. Attacks on vehicles are beginning to increase, and it is possible that the problems will become serious in a few years' time.

The problem of shortage of land is not a simple one. As the population increases, more and more people look hungrily at the land set aside for game reserves. They claim that a Government' s first duty is to its inhabitants and not to tourists or to wild animals. Despite the income obtained from tourism, this is an argument which it is difficult to answer satisfactorily.

11. The best title of this passage is ____D__ .

A. problems Facing East African Tourists

B. African Wild Animals Becoming More Dangerous

C. the Increasing Popularity of Game Reserves

D. some Problems of East African Game Reserves

12. Why may local people look hungrily at the game reserves? B

A. They may wish to visit them frequently.

B. They may seek land for their own cultivation(耕种).


C. The animals may be a danger to them and their village.

D. They may dislike living in a deserted place.

13. ___B___ is causing soil erosion(侵蚀)in the game reserves.

A. The bad weather

B. The disappearance of vegetation which is eaten by the animals

C. The violent' storms

D. The animals

14. As far as we can tell from the passage, why does the Government bother to maintain game re serves? A

A. To prevent the people from using the land.

B. To reserve the land for building development.

C. To obtain income from tourism.

D. To stop tourists from making a nuisance(令人讨厌)of themselves.

15. The word "this" refers to __B____ in the last sentence of the passage.

A. the income obtained from tourists who park their cars in the town

B. the revenue derived from tourists who visit the game reserves

C. the problem concerning game reserves in East Africa

D. the claim put forward concerning the duty of the Government

Passage Four

In the world in which we live today, a man may be one thing but appear to be another. This

was impossible in Indian society. An Indian's name told the world what he was -- a coward, a liar, a thief, or a brave.

When I was young, every Indian had at least three names during his lifetime. His first name was given to him at birth. It described something that had happened at that time.

Each Indian was supposed to keep his birth name until he was old enough to earn money for himself. But his friends would always give him a name of their own. No matter what his parents called him, his childhood friends would use the name they had chosen.

The Indian earned his real name when he was old enough for his first fight against the enemy, his life name depended on how he acted during this first battle. When he returned he would be given his tribal name by the chief. If he had done well, he would be given a good name. But if he had done poorly, he might be given a bad name.

A man was given many chances to improve his name, however. If in a later battle he was ver

y brave in fighting against the enemy, he was given a better name. Some Indians had as many as twelve names -- all good and each better than the last.

All names given to one Indian belonged to him for the rest of his life. No one else could use

them. Even he himself could not give them away. This was because no man could pass on his name unless the chief and the tribe asked him to do so.

16. According to the passage, Indian names were important because they ___A___.

A. described the character of a man D. described the appearance of a man

C. were never used by other people B. told us his profession

17. __C____ gave the second name of an Indian.

A. The chief B. The tribe

C. His childhood friends D. His parents

18. According to the fourth paragraph, we know an Indian's "tribal name" refers to his _D_____.


A. first name B. second name C. nickname D. life name

19. An Indian could get better names if he ___A___.

A. did well in later battles B. got old enough

C. became a coward D. became a liar

20. The sentence in the sixth paragraph ”no one could pass on his name" may mean that __B____.

A. no one could change his name by himself B. no one could give his name to a son

C. no one could give his name away D. no one could give up his name

Passage Five

To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to hold the attention of your audience; you must be a clever speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear.

The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a actor doesn't mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher's work and actor's. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage.

A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play; they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don't understand something, they say no. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his audience, which is his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along.

21. The word "gifts" in line 1 means __D_____.

A. presents B. cleverness

C. something belongs to a good actor D. the way a teacher should act in class

22. In what way is a teacher's work different from an actor's? B

A. The teacher must learn everything by heart.

B. He knows to control his voice better than an actor.

C. He has to deal with unexpected situations.

D. He has to use more facial expressions.

23. Which of the following is TRUE? B

A. A teacher's voice must be nicer than an actor.

B. A teacher cannot decide beforehand what exactly he is going to say in class.

C. A teacher must have better memory than an actor.

D. A teacher has to learn by heart what exactly ha is going to say in class.

24. There are some similarities between teachers and actors except _D______.

A. a good, strong and pleasing voice

B. the ability to hold the attention of listeners

C. you must be a clever speaker

D. the ability to control unexpected situation

25. According to the passage, which is the best title? A

A. Teachers and Actors B. How to Become a Good Teacher

C. A Good Teacher D. How to Become a Good Actor

Passage Six


The men work all week in the factory, and at the end of the week they get their pay. Naturally enough, they open the envelopes and they all count the money. One man is standing in the comer. He's counting his money. Suddenly he realizes that it is wrong. He counts the money again. No doubt about it--there is a mistake. There is too much. Five pounds too much. He puts his money carefully in his pocket and says nothing to the others. A week goes by. It's payday again. The men are counting their pay. The same man is standing in the comer. Suddenly he starts shouting. This time there isn't enough money in his envelope. It's five pounds short. He goes immediately to see the boss. He is very angry.

"Look," he says, "there isn't enough money in my pay envelope." "That's right," says the boss. "But didn't you notice last week? There was a mistake. There was too much. Five pounds too much." "Yes, that's right," says the man(He is very angry). "There was a mistake last week. For one mistake, I can shut my eyes--but for two mistakes, no, I can't."

26. The men get their pay ____C___.

A. once a month B. twice a month

C. once a week D. every five days

27. What does the man do when he finds five pounds toe much? C

A. He goes to see the boss immediately.

B. He gives the five pounds back to the boss.

C. He puts the money secretly in his pocket.

D. He says something about that to others.

28. On the next payday, what happens after he counts the money? C

A. There is much more money in his envelope.

B. The money is exactly what he is given.

C. There isn't enough money.

D. There is no money in his envelope.

29. According to the passage, "I can shut my eyes" means _C______.

A. I can close my eyes B. I can't see it

C. I can't notice it D. I can stand it

30. The extra five pounds put in the man's envelope suggests that __B_____.

A. they are put in the envelope by mistake

B. the boss wants to give him a test

C. the boss wants to make him glad

D. the boss wants to increase his wage


Ted sat next to me when we were in elementary school. He had serious problems in

communicating people. One always had to guess he was saying. always . I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by telling him times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand.

One day, our teacher Miss Steel walked to Ted. Without saying anything, she

took Ted to the washroom. , Miss Steel washed his hands and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one month. , Ted understood.

Miss Steel’s love has given me a good example to when I am doing my job. I


always to teach my students by showing them the right ways to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them more time to learn and to grow up.

1. A. with B. to C. at D. on

2. A. why B. how C. what D. who

3. A. And B. Besides C. When D. While

4. A. dirty B. busy C. clean D. large

5. A. one B. many C. several D. much

6. A. up B. with C. down D. right

7. A. fast B. slowly C. quickly D. carelessly

8. A. really B. actually C. finally D. carefully

9. A. follow B. learn C. do D. study

10. A. remember B. keep C. try D. forget

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 这工作结果比我们想象的要难。

The job turned out to be harder than we thought.

2. 不管他多么努力地尝试,但他最终还是失败了。

No matter how hard he had tried, he failed in the end.

3. 我昨天穿的是黑色的鞋子而不是棕色的。

Yesterday I wore black shoes rather than brown ones. 4. 那时我正在看那些漂亮的家具。

I was taking in the beautiful furniture at the moment.

5. 在很多方面,她使我想起她的母亲。

In many ways,she reminds me of her mother.

6. 你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。

Don’t hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.

7. 我去年去了巴黎,他也去了。

I went to Pairs last year,and so did he.

8. 在这个实验中没有出错的余地。

There is no room for error in this experiment.

9. 在过去三年里,他体重增加了不少

In the past three years he has put on a lot of weight.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. In fact,it had all started when a student found that I was cheerful.


2. The nearest place to take a taxi was the beach road half a mile away.


3. In many countries, most friends date from school, and it is hard to make new ones afterwards. 在许多国家,大多数朋友可以追溯到学生时代,从此以后很难交到新朋友。

4. Drinking enough water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair.


5. I am sure that everybody, if asked, could easily list many other examples of how TV and movies can change our behavior and our life.



6. If you skip meals, you don’t get enough calories, and then you feel tired.


7. Marriage is one of the basic life changes for people of all cultures.


8. With the help of his doctors, he persuaded his local health authority to pay for his surgery. 在给他治疗的医生的帮助下,他说服当地的医疗保健机构为他的手术付款。

9. Their dinner conversations have covered everything from what happened on the playground to a discussion on the finer points of “Star War”.


