牛津译林版 初三英语9B全册总复习资料

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新译林9B 英语全册知识点归纳总结



1. It says 上面写着,上面显示

2. eat up 吃光,吃完 (use up 用完,用尽) (代词的位置) 3. be well organized 很有条理的

4. keep ?? in good order 使??保持井然有序 (in order 按顺序) 5. show off 炫耀 ,卖弄

(show sb around sp 带领某人参观某地 show sb the way to 给某人指 到某地的路) 6. show no interest in 对??毫不感兴趣

7. repeat grammar rulers for us 为我们重复语法规则

8. come up with (= think of 想出,提出 ) ;追上,赶上 9. be curious about 对?感到好奇

10. get angry easily 容易生气(anger n.)

11. make a good accountant 成为一名优秀的会计

12. neither ??nor ?? 既不??也不??(就近原则) Neither he nor I am well educated either??or ??或者??或者 ??

both??and ??两者都 连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式

13. He didn’t come here yesterday , neither / nor did I 他昨天没来这儿,我也是 拓展:

so, neither 位于分句或句子的开头, 这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人 (或事物) , 表示“我也这样”之类的概念。

其句型可归纳为: so / neither + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语。如: —I won't do such a thing. 我可不做这样的事。 —Neither will he. 他也不会。 —She is interested in the story. 她对这个故事感兴趣。 —So am I. 我也是。

温馨提示 1: 如果第二分句只是重复前句的意思, 用来表示赞同时, so 之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒。 如: —It was cold yesterday. 昨天天气很冷。 —So it was. 是很冷。 温馨提示 2: so, neither 开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致。如: —Peter doesn't like swimming. —Neither does Tom. —Peter went to school by bus yesterday. —So did Tom. 温馨提示 3:so, neither 开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换。如: —Peter doesn't like swimming. —Neither do I.

14. work without speaking all day long 整天工作不说话 15. be happy with = be satisfied with 对??感到满意 16. a born artist 一个天生的艺术家

17. impress the whole country with his creative work 他的富有创造力的作品给全国人民留下 深刻的印象

Impress 的用法:

impress sth on/upon sb 使?铭记?;使想象 impress sb. (with sth.) 给予某人深刻印象

be impressed by/with/at sth 对?印象深刻 impress sth. on/in sth. 在?上/压/盖印(次要知识点)

例句① I impressed on him the importance of his work. 我使他注意他的工作的重要性。 ②The organizer impressed a beautiful design on the clothes. 组织者把一个漂亮的图案印在衣服上。

③The girl impressed her friends with liveliness and humor. 这个女孩给她的朋友留下了活泼和幽默的印象。

④We were deeply impressed by his deeds. 我们对他的行为留下了深刻印象。

拓展: impression [C] 释义:an effect, a feeling, or an image retained as a consequence of experience 印象,感想:作为经历的结果留下来的效果、感觉或者形象

例句① What were your first impressions of London? 你对伦敦的最初印象如何?

② Her speech made an quite impression on the audience. 她的演讲给听众留下相当好的印象。

词组: give/create/leave /make a/an? impression on sb.

例句③ My general impression is that he seemed to be a pleasant man. 我的总的印象是他是一个很阳光的人。

18. win high praise from the art community 赢得艺术团的高度赞扬 praise sb for sth 因某事表扬某人

19. give up 放弃(代词放中间)give up doing sth = stop doing sth 放弃做某事 20.work for the sales department in a big company 在一家大公司的销售部工作 21.day after day 日复一日

22.the general manager 总经理

23.take the lead 处于领先地位,带头 24. fall behind 落后

25. (fall in 生病) 过去分词:fallen;过去式:fell 26. be ready to do 准备做某事

27. take on new challenges 接受新的挑战 28. the chief engineer 首席工程师

29. connect??with/to ?? 把??和??连接起来 30. be connected with 与??有联系

31. a miss is as good as a mile 差之毫厘,谬以千里(as good as 与??几乎一样,简直是) 32. can’t afford to do 负担得起(费用、损失、后果)多用于否定句和疑问句中 33. make mistakes 犯错误

34. pay attention to every detail 注意每个细节 (to 为介词 + doing sth ) 35. work to high standards 工作高标准 36. easy to work with 容易一起工作

37. a pioneer heart surgeon 一位心脏外科手术的带头人

38. can’t be too careful = can never be too careful 再怎么细心也不为过 39. be willing to do sth 愿意做某事

40. perform/do an operation on sb 给某人做手术

41. devote oneself/ one’s life / time to 把??奉献给??(to 为介词,后接名词,代词,动名 词)

42. respect sb = have / show respect for sb 尊重,尊敬某人

43. be suitable for 适合 Grammar and Integrated Skills and Study Skills 44. accept others’ advice 接受别人的建议 45. think twice (about sth )三思而行

46. be /get angry with sb 生某人的的气

47. be /get angry at/ about sth 因某事而生气 48. worry too much 担心太多

49. be patient / impatient with 对??有/ 没有耐心

50. not only ??but (also )?? 不但??而且?? (就近原则) 51. do the dishes 洗碗,洗餐具 52. animal signs 生肖

53. appear in a fixed order 按照固定的顺序出现

54. make his lesson lively and interesting 使他的课上得生动而有趣(lively 活泼的,生气勃勃 的指人或物)

live,alive,living,lively 的区别 1)alive 意为“活着”,侧重说明生与死之间的界限,既可指人,也可指物;可用来作表语, 后置定语或宾补。 例如:

No man alive is greater than he . 在活着的人中没有人比他更伟大了。 (注: 此时 alive 含 有“在所有活着的??之中”)

He wanted to keep the fish alive . 他想让鱼活着。 2)living 意为“活着”强调说明“尚在人间”,“健在”,可用来指人或物,作定语或表语。 例如:

My first teacher is still living . 我的启蒙老师仍健在。

English is a living language . 英语是活的语言。 注意:living 前加上 the , 表示类别,指“活着的人们”。 living 还可用于短语,例如:

make a living 谋生。 make a / one's living by + ing 通过干??谋生 3)live “活着的”,通常指物,不指人,常用来作定语放名词的前面。还指“实况转播的”。 例如:a live wire 有电的电线,a live fish 一条活鱼。 4)lively 则意为“活泼的”,“活跃”,“充满生气的”,可作定语、表语或宾补,既可指人,又 可指物。 例如:

Jenny is a lively girl . 詹妮是个活泼的女孩。 Everything is lively here . 这儿一切都生机勃勃。 55. in all 总共,总计

56. people born under the same star sign 出生在同一星座下的人们 57.share similar personalities 具有相似的个性 58.be similar to 与??相似 59. be similar in 在某方面相似

be similar to 后边既可以加物主代词又可以加人,即:be similar to sth/sb be similar with 后边只可以加人 ,即 be similar with sb 例如:

My problems are similar to yours. 我的问题与你的类似。 Wasps look similar to bees. 黄蜂看上去很像蜜蜂。 I have no similar with Tom. 汤姆和我毫无共同之处. 60. depend on 依靠 61. lunar calendar 农历

62. be divided into 被分成 divide ??into ?? 把??分成??

63. It’s you who shape your life and your future 你的生活和将来都掌握在你的手中 (强调句型)

64. It’s said that 据说

65. make a speech = give a speech 作演讲 66. do extra work 做额外的工作

67. win several science competitions 赢得几项科学竞赛 68. get himself more organized 使他自己更加有条理 69. be absent from school 缺席

70. recommend sb as? 推荐某人为/当? 71. recommend sb for? 推荐某人获?奖

72. agree with sb 同意某人的看法、意见; 适应(食物、气候) 1. agree to 后接 建议,计划,suggestion,advice,plan 等 当然也注意 agree to do, 绝对不用:agree sb to do.(×)

2.agree on 一般接 point,price,date,address 等双方协定的内容。

73. find it difficult to work with him find it +adj.+to do sth 发现做某事?. 74. be formed by both nature and the environment 天生和后天环境形成的 75. be passed onto you by your parents 有你的父母遗传给你 76. liveliness and impatience 活泼和急躁 77. like father ,like son 有其父必有其子

78. has many strong qualities for this position 许多突出的品质适合这个职位

79. It makes them feel good to share things with others.和别人分享让他们感觉很好。 80. She keeps all her things in good order,她使得所有的东西井然有序。

81. Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.我和我父母都不认为我能成为 一名优秀的会计。

82. It's terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.对我来说,整天工作不说话太可怕 了。

83. His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from the art community.他给 阳光镇广场做的雕塑赢得了艺术协会的高度赞扬。

84. Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind.人生就像一场赛跑。你要么领先要 么落后。

85. To us, a miss is as good as a mile.对我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。

86. All of us know that it's necessary to pay attention to every detail.我们所有人都知道注意每个 细节的必要性。

87. She has devoted most of her time to her work.她把她大部分的时间都奉献给了工作。 88. They appear in a fixed order and the cycle repeats every 12 years.它们按照固定的顺序,每 12 年循环一次。

89. It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave.据说出生在虎年的人很勇敢。 90. He is not afraid of making a speech in front of many people。 他不害怕在许多人面前做演讲。

91. We hope that you agree with us.我们希望你能同意我们。 hope sb to do sth (×)


一、词汇大汇总 单词

1.complaint n. 不可数名词“抱怨”;可数名词“抱怨的行动或话,投诉” The road-works caused much complaint among local residents.

I have a number of complaints about the hotel room you have give me.

complain: v:complain to / about He never complains about the pain .

She left early, complaining of a headache. 2.post :vt.‘邮寄’:. post something for sb. This card was posted from London a week ago. n.“ 邮件,邮报” When does the first post go out?

Mr White reads Washington Post every day.

3.iron : v. 熨烫,烫平, n. 熨斗 He was ironing his shirt when I arrived. An iron is used for smoothing clothes.

4.sweep vt. sweep-swept-swept sweep the floor : clean the window 5.everyday / daily /every day

every day adj. 表示“日常的,每天的,普通的”,不强调每天发生的事;

daily作形容词表示“每日的”指每天或每个工作日发生的事,强调每天的情况; every day是副词词组,表示“每天”在句中作状语

The book is about the __________life of the people in this poor country. He watches TV _____________.

He usually reads the ___________paper in the afternoon. 6.either adv./ pron 也;两者中之一

You don’t like the robt, I don’t like it, either. Either of the road has lots of shops.

7.order n, 次序,顺序;订单,订货;规则,秩序 Put the book in order The clock is out of order

He gave his order to the waiter

I have got two books on order at the book shop.

Vt. 命令;订购;点菜 Order sb. (not) to do sth.

in order to do sth.=so as to do sth.表示目的,位于居首或句中 in order that=so that

My mother got up early so that she could catch the train =My mother got up early in order to catch the train. =My mother got up early so as to catch the train. 8.expect / look forward to

expect: (1) +名词或代词 He is expecting a letter. (2)+不定式 I expect to be back next week.

(3)+宾语+宾补 He expects his father to come back on time.

(4)+从句 I didn’t expect that my mother had come back from Qingdao look forward to +名词或动名词 He is looking forward to seeing his mother. 9.remember to do something , : 记得要做某事 I remember to return the key to Simon.

remember doing something :记得做过某事 I don’t remember telling the truth to you.


68.People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling. 生活在寒冷气候中的人们更喜欢在家中使用暖色以创造出一种温暖而舒适的感 觉。 69.Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm sunny day. 黄色是太阳的颜色, 因此它能使你想起温暖、阳光明媚的日子。

70.This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision 当你难以作出决定时,红色能帮你拿定主意。

71.Did you know there is a relationship between colours and moods? 你知道颜色与心情之间有 关系吗?

72.Discover how the power of colours can change your moods and improve your life!发现颜色的 力量如何能改变你的心情并提高你的生活(质量) !

73. We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods, or you will get your money back! 我们承诺这种疗法会帮助你改变心情,无效退款!

74. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white. 红色与白色是 很好的搭配,因为热烈的红色可以平衡平静的白色。 75. dress baby boys in blue 给男婴穿蓝色



1. Wow, the Great Wall is amazing, isn’t it? 哇,长城令人惊讶,是不是? 反意疑问句表示说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不肯定,想通过对方的回答来加以肯定或否定。

★反意疑问句的构成有两种。第一种结构是:肯定的陈述句+逗号+一般疑问句的简略否定+问号,对于反意疑问句的肯定或否定回答与一般疑问句的回答方式一样。如: ① “You are a teacher, aren’t you?” “Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.” “你是个教师,是不是?”“是的。/不,我不是。”

② “She was here yesterday, wasn’t she?” “Yes, she was. /No, she wasn’t.” “她昨天在这里,是不是?”“是的。/不,没在。”

③ “They borrowed some money from you, didn’t they?” “Yes, they did. /No, they didn’t.” “他们向你借了些钱,是不是?”“是的。/不,他们没向我借钱。” ★第二种结构是:否定的陈述句+逗号+一般疑问句的简略肯定+问号。对于这种形式的反意疑问句作回答的时候,不要过分注重问句中的否定词not在前还是在后,只要事实是肯定的,就用Yes,如事实是否定的,就用No。用Yes回答,后面就不能再用not,用No回答,后面就必须有not,这种情况与中文的表达习惯很不一样。请注意下面例句中中英文在表达上的差异。

① “Your sister isn’t coming back today, is she?” “Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.”

“你姐姐今天不会回来,是吗?”“不,她今天会回来。/是的,她今天不会回来。” ② “You can’t do it well, can you?” “Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.” “这事你做不好,是吗?”“不,我能做好。/是的,我做不好。” ③ “There wasn’t a football game on TV last night, was there?” “Yes, there was. /No, there wasn’t.”

“昨晚电视里没有足球赛,是吗?”“不,有足球赛。/是的,没有。” 【注】在简略回答中,如果主语有变化,并用but在语气上加以转折,也会出现用Yes和not搭配以及用No而不用not的情况。如:

① “Your father isn’t a doctor, is he?” “No, but my mother is.” “你父亲不是个医生,是吗?”“对,不过我母亲是个医生。”

② “Most of you aren’t from Beijing, are you?” “Yes, but I’m not. /No, but I am.” “你们大多数人不是北京人吧,是吗?”


★陈述句中含有never, few, little, hardly, nothing, nobody等具有否定含意的词,后面疑问部分应用肯定形式。如:

① You never saw Mr King before, did you? 你以前从未见过金先生,是吗? ② There are few apples left on the tree, are there? 树上没剩几个苹果了,是吗? ③ He has little money for food, does he? 他几乎没钱买吃的,是吗?

④ Little Mary can hardly walk by herself, can she? 小玛丽还不太会自己走路,是吗? ⑤ There’s nothing in that box, is there? 盒子里什么也没有,是吗? ⑥ Nobody saw you do it, did they? 没人看到你干这事吧,是吗?

【注】在口语中,陈述部分一般用降调,但后面疑问部分可用升调,也可用降调。如疑问部分用升调,则表明提问者对陈述部分的真实性把握不大,希望对方来确定;如疑问部分用降调,则表明提问者对陈述部分的真实性有一定把握,只须对方来印证一下。 2. amazing的用法


① They have got an amazing achievement. 他们取得了惊人的成就。 ② That’s amazing, isn’t it? 真是令人惊叹,是不是?

③ The amazing discovery made us feel surprised. 这项惊人的发现使我们感到惊诧。 ④ They do an amazing amount of work. 他们工作量大得惊人。

★amazed用作形容词时,意为“感到惊异或者吃惊”,是人对事物所产生的感受,它的意思接近surprised。在句中常作表语,其主语往往是人。如: ① We were amazed to find that no one was hurt in the accident. 我们很惊奇地发现竟没有人在事故中受伤。

② I was amazed at her knowledge of space. 她丰富的太空知识令人大为惊讶。 ③ He was banging so loudly I was amazed I didn’t hear him. 他把门敲得乒乓响,真奇怪,我没有听见。

④ They were amazed how little I had changed. 他们惊讶的是我竟然没有改变多少。

★amaze用作动词,表示“fill with a feeling of great surprise or wonder”,意为“使惊奇”“使诧异”。如:

① He amazed everybody by passing his driving test. 他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇。 ② Her remarks amazed the people present at the meeting. 她的讲话使会上的人们感到很惊奇。

③ It amazes me that anyone could be so stupid. 真是难以置信,置有人这么笨。 【注】amazement是amaze的名词形式,用作不可数名词。如: ② He looked at me in amazement. 他惊奇地看着我。

② To my amazement, I passed the test easily. 令我吃惊的是,我轻易地通过了考试。 3. too many和too much的用法

★too many意为“太多”“过多”,常用作定语,后接可数名词的复数。如: ① He made too many mistakes in his composition. 他的作文里的错误太多了。 ② There are too many cars on the roads. 马路上汽车太多了。

③ There are too many people on the bus. 公交车上有太多的人。 ④ There are too many problems on his mind. 他心事重重。

★too much可以修饰不可数名词,在句中作定语;too much还可以单独使用,相当于一个代词,在句中作主语、宾语或表语;too much还可用作副词,在句中作状语,表示“过多”“太多”(= more than enough)。如:

① He has too much trouble in his life. 他生活中的麻烦太多了。(作定语) ② Too much has been said today. 今天说得太多了。(作主语)

③ He eats too much, so he is much too fat. 他吃得太多,所以太胖了。(作宾语) ④ The work is too much for me. 这工作我干不了。(作表语) ⑤ You’re asking too much. 你问得太多了。(作状语)

⑥ Don’t let the children watch TV too much. 不要让孩子们过多地看电视。(作状语)

【注】too much一般不能单独用在be动词之后。我们可以说There was too much noise,但不能说The noise was too much.

4. Although there’s still a long way to go, we must continue to the end. 虽然有很长的路要走,但是我们一定要坚持到底。

to go是动词不定式用作定语,修饰名词way。a long way是不定式to go的逻辑状语。不定式作定语,位置都在名词之后,它与名词的关系有下列几种: ★名词是不定式的逻辑状语:

① Is this the way to do it? 这是干这事的办法吗? ② It is time to start. 是开始的时候了。

③ The government has announced new measures to deal with inflation. 政府宣布了对付通货膨胀的新措施。


① Anne’s desire to please her mother-in-law was clear to all of us. 安妮希望讨好她的婆婆,这一点我们都清楚。

② She expressed a wish to earn her own living. 她表达了要自己谋生的愿望。

③ The managing director announced his intention to retire. 总经理宣布了他打算退休。 ④ You have not kept your promise to write me more frequently. 你没有遵守常给我写信的诺言。

⑤ You have no need to worry. 你没有担心的必要。

★名词是由形容词变来的,原形容词和不定式是固定搭配: ① His anxiety to go was obvious. 他渴望走,这一点很明显。

② She was dying with curiosity to know where we had been. 她极想知道我们到哪去了。

③ I feel doubtful about his ability to do the work. 我有点怀疑他做这项工作的能力。 ★名词是不定式的逻辑宾语:

① He has a large family to support. 他要养活一个大家庭。 ② There are some difficulties to overcome. 有些困难要克服。 ③ You have given me much to think about. 你使我想了很多。 ④ He is not a man to trifle with. 他不是一个容易对付的人。

★不定式的逻辑主语有三种情况:句子的主语;不定式修饰的名词;用介词for或of引出: ① I have something to do. 我有些事情要做。

② He was the first to arrive and the last to leave. 他是第一个来最后一个走。 ③ This is the best book on the subject to appear this year. 这是今年出版的有关这个问题的最好的书。

④ It is kind of you to say so. 你说这些话太好了。

⑤ Here is a new book for you to read. 这里有一本新书你可以看一看。 5. continue一词的用法

★continue作及物动词,意为“继续(做某事)”,后面跟名词、代词、不定式或动名词。如: ① The meeting will be continued after a break. 休息后再继续开会。 ② The young man continued his study after his father died. 在父亲死后,他将中断的学业继续下去。 ③ The rain continued falling/to fall all afternoon. 这场雨整整一个下午都下个不停。


① “I like your country very much,” he continued. 他接着说:“我非常喜欢你们的国家。” ★continue作不及物动词,意为“继续(下去)”“延续”。如:

① They continued on for two kilometers. 他们又继续向前行进了两公里。 ② The rain continued for two days. 雨连续下了两天。

③ Are you going to continue with the project? 你打算继续做这个项目吗? ④ She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found. 在没有找到替换人以前,她将继续她目前的工作。

⑤ The winter continued damp and wet. 这个冬天一直潮湿多雨。 6. Wake me up on your way back. 你回来时叫醒我。

★wake up意为“醒来”“把??叫醒”。up是副词,如果后面接宾语时,要注意宾语的位置:如果宾语是代词,则必须位于wake和up之间;如果宾语是名词,则既可以位于wake和up之间,也可以位于up之后。如:

① The old man woke up in the midnight. 这老人半夜自己醒了。 ② The child woke up and began to cry. 那小孩子醒了就开始哭。 ③ The noise work me up. 那噪音把我吵醒了。

④ It’s 7:00 now. Please wake up Jim. = It’s 7:00 now, Please wake Jim up. 现在七点钟了,请把吉姆叫醒。

⑤ Don’t talk so loud. You’ll wake them up. 别那么大声说话,你会把他们吵醒的。 ★wake up还可表示“觉醒”“觉悟”“使觉醒”“使觉悟”。如:

① More and more oppressed people are waking up. 越来越多的被压迫人民在觉醒。 ② I wish you would wake up! 我真希望你醒悟过来! 7. Chinese knot中国结


① Tie the two ropes together with a knot. 将两条绳子打个结系在一起。 ② Make a knot at the end of the string. 在绳头上打个结。

③ Look, the girl’s hair is full of knots. 瞧!那女孩的头发打满了结。 ★knot作名词,表示“(树枝/干上的)节子,节疤”。如:

① The body of the tree has a lot of knots in it. We have to choose another one. 这棵树身上长满了节疤。我们得另选一棵。 ② The old man didn’t find the knots in the wood. 那老人没有发现木头里的疤痕。

③ You can put the knot wood over there. 你们可以把有节木料放在那边。 ★knot作名词,表示“一小群(人)”。如:

① Little knots of people were walking out of the building.


② People are standing about in knots, waiting for the news. 人们三五成群站着,等着消息。


① The young man carefully knotted his tie. 年轻人仔细地打着领带。

② She had a scarf knotted around her neck. 她把绕在脖子上的围巾打了个结。 ③ I didn’t knot the two ropes together. 我没有把两根绳子结在一起。 ④ This wire is too difficult to knot easily. 这铁丝太不容易打结了。

8. The currency used in China is the yuan. 在中国流通的货币是元。 ★currency作名词,有“通货”“货币”的意思。如:

① You’ll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card. 你将需要一些当地的货币现金,但也可以使用信用卡。

② Today the USA currency is very strong now. 今天美国钞票很值钱。

③ The robber hid the paper currencies in a big bag and the gold currencies in a jar. 强盗把纸币藏在一个大袋子里,把金币藏在一个坛子里。

④ Foreign currencies can be used to buy things in some shops in this city. 这个城市里有几家商店可以用外币购物。

★currency作名词,是“通用”“流行”“流传”的意思。如: ① The term “post-industrial” now has wide currency. “后工业化”这个术语现已广为使用。

② The rumor soon gained currency. 谣言不胫而走。

③ Most slang words have short currency. 大多数俚语只通用一时。 ④ Don’t give currency to idle gossip. 不要传播闲言。

9. At the centre of Beijing is the Forbidden City. 紫禁城位于北京市中心。 ★forbidden主要用作形容词,意思为“被禁止的、禁用的”。如: ① Parking forbidden. 禁止停车。

② We mustn’t enter the forbidden zone. 我们不能进入禁区。

③ That is the story about the forbidden fruit. 那就是关于禁果的故事。 ④ The conversation was in danger of wandering into forbidden territory. 谈话很可能离题而涉及严禁讨论的领域。


① Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum. 博物馆内严禁摄影。 ② Smoking is forbidden here. 这里禁止抽烟。

③ My father forbade me to watch television. = My father forbade my watching television. 我父亲不准我看电视。

④ The doctor has forbidden me sugar. 医生禁止我吃糖。 10. almost与nearly的用法


① Hurry up-it’s almost time for school. 赶快,差不多到上学时间了。 ② I almost dropped the plate. 我差点把碟子掉子。

③ Almost a third of the freshmen said they were working during the summer vacation. 几乎三分之一的一年级学生说他们在暑假期间打工。

④ They have lived there for almost 20 years. 他们在那儿住了差不多有二十年了。 ⑤ I almost forgot that it was her birthday today. 我差点忘了今天是她的生日。

【注】almost修饰形容词、副词、动词,位置在被修饰的词语之前,通常不直接修饰名词。 ★almost可以与no, none, nobody, nothing, never连用而nearly则不可。如: ① Almost no one believed her. 几乎没有人相信她。 ② I almost never see her. 我几乎从未见过她。

③ Almost none of the students passed the exam. 几乎没有学生通过考试。 ④ There’s almost no place to sit. 差不多没地方坐了。


① Nearly all the guests are here. 差不多所有客人都到了。

② He thinks that he knows nearly everything. 他自认为几乎无所不知。 ③ I’m nearly ready. 我差不多准备好了。

④ She nearly won first prize. 她几乎得到头奖。

★nearly用作数词前,意为“大约”“差不多”。如: ① It’s nearly 5 o’clock. 大约五点钟了。 ② He’s nearly sixty. 他差不多60岁了。

★not nearly意为“相差很远”“远远少于”,相当于far from, much less than。如: ① There isn’t nearly enough time to learn all these new words. 要把这些新词都学会了,时间远远不够。

② We are not nearly ready for the inspection. 对检查一事,我们还远远未准备好。 ③ It is not nearly so easy as you think. 这远不是你们所想的那么容易。

④ There are not enough people here to do the job. 这工作远非这里的人就能干好的。 11. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here. 明朝和清朝的皇帝过去常常住在这里。

★used to do表示“过去常常做某事”,言外之意就是现在已不是如此,因此没有现在时,后面总是跟不定式。如:

① It used to be a very rich village. 这个村子以前很富。

② We used to help him a lot when he first came here. 他刚来时我们经常给他以帮助。 ③ She used to come and see me a lot. 她以前常来看我。

【注】used to构成疑问句时可借助于助动词did或直接将used移至主语之前。如:

Did you used to see each other? = Used you to see each other? 你们以前经常相互见面吗?

★used to在构成否定时可借且于didn’t,也可直接在used后面加not构成。如: ① She didn’t use to drink. = She used not to drink. 她过去不常喝酒。

★be used to +名词或动名词表示“习惯于某事或做某事”,这里to为介词,后面的动词须用-ing形式。如:

① I’m really not used to such close and wet weather. 我实在不习惯这样闷热且潮湿的天气。

② He’s used to being treated like that. 他已习惯于被那样对待。

③ I’m used to dealing with matters of this kind. 我已习惯于处理这类事。

【注】连系动词get, become, grow, seem等可用来代替be,和used to连用,强调逐渐习惯的过程。如:

① You’ll get used to that in time. 你很快就会对此习惯的。

② I’ve become used to such food. 我已习惯吃这样的食品。 ★be used to do表示“被用来做某事”,这里be used是被动语态,后面接不定式。如: ① This room is used to store rice. 这间屋是用来存放稻谷的。

② This word can be used to replace that word. 这个单词可以用来代替那个单词。 12. It was changed to a museum about 70 years ago. 大约在七十年以前,它被改成了博物馆。

★change用作及物动词,意为“改变”“变化”“使改变”。如: ① He changed his name and address. 他更改了他的姓名和地址。 ② The wind has changed direction. 风改变了方向。

③ Leaves change colour in autumn. 秋天,树叶改变了颜色。 ④ Information technology has changed the way people work. 信息技术已改变了人们的工作方式。 【注】过去分词可作表语或定语。如:

① Yes, she was utterly changed. 是的,她有了非常大的变化。 ② She was a changed girl. 她完全变了一个人。

★change用作及物动词,意为“换(衣、药、钱等)”“交换”。如: ① She likes changing her clothes when she wants to go out. 她想要出去时,喜欢换换衣服。

② Remember to change their dressing in time. 记得及时给他们换药。 ③ Yesterday they changed their seats with the children in the cinema. 昨天在电影院里,他们和孩子们调了一下座位。

④ Can you change the dollars into RMB? 你能把这些美元换成人民币吗? ★change用作不及物动词,意为“改变”“变化”“换衣”“换车”。如: ① Pudong has changed a great deal. 浦东发生了巨大变化。

② Mike hasn’t changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school. 迈克一点没有变,他和上学时一模一样。

③ I went into the bedroom to change. 我走进卧室更衣。

④ Where do I get off to change to Bus 14? 换十四路公共汽车在哪儿下? ⑤ Passengers for Xian change at Zhengzhou. 到西安的旅客在郑州换车。 ★change用作名词,有“变化”“改变”“转变”“更改”的意思。如: ① Great changes have taken place since he left. 他离开后变化很大。 ② We must make a change in the plan. 我们应该对计划作一点更动。 ★change用作不可数名词,有“找头”“零钱”的意思。如: ① I have no change about me. 我身边没有零钱。

② I don’t have any small change to leave as a tip. 我没有零钱留下来付小费。

13. You will be attracted by its beautiful design, and the clothes and furniture that the emperors used in the past.



① He was attracted by her smile. 他被她的微笑所吸引。

② I guess it was her eyes that attracted me first. 我想是她的眼睛先迷住了我。 ③ What attracts me most to the job is the chance to travel. 这份工作最吸引我的是有旅行的机会。

④ Her new book has attracted a lot of attention. 她的新书吸引了许多人的注意。 ⑤ It was so noisy that he had to shout to attract attention. 太吵闹了,他不得不高声叫喊以吸引他人的注意。

⑥ The story has attracted a lot of interest in the media. 该报道引起了传媒的广泛关注。 【注】attract后接sb.作宾语时,常可与介词to连用,attract sb. to sth.意为“吸引某人到某事物上来”,如句③;attract后接sth.作宾语时,作宾语的名词通常为attention, interest等,如句④、⑤和⑥。表示吸引某人的注意力可以说attract/invite/draw/call one’s attention;表示“注意别人或其他事物”应说pay attention to sb./sth.,两者意思相反,如:Her sweet voice attracted other’s attention. (她甜美的声音吸引了人们的注意。)

★动词attract还可以表示“招引”“吸引”“引诱”的意思。如: ① A magnet attracts iron. 磁石吸铁。 ② Flowers attract bees. 花招引蜜蜂。

③ The company is trying to attract good college graduates. 这家公司试图吸引优秀的大学毕业生。

④ They’re trying to use low rents to attract more new business to this area. 他们试图用低租金来吸引更多新企业到这一地区来。


① The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tide. 月球对地球的吸引力引起了潮汐。

② Being your own boss is one of the attractions of owning your own business. 自己当老板是拥有自己的企业的吸引力之一。

③ The beautiful beaches are the island’s main attraction. 美丽的海滩是这个岛吸引人的主要之处。

14. Just next to the Forbidden City is Tian’ anmen Square. 紧挨着紫禁城的是天安门广场。

★just作副词,意为“正好”“恰好”,作此意解时通常只用于肯定句中。如: ① It is just two o’clock. 现在正好两点钟。 ② This is just the point. 问题就在这里。

③ I was just going when she came in. 她进来时我正要走。


① That is just long enough. 那正够长。

② He was just standing when the bell rang. 铃响时他正要站起来。 ③ She was sitting just here. 她那时就坐在这儿。 ④ That’s just what I wanted. 我要的正是那个。 ★just作副词,可表示“仅仅”“只是”。如:

① Just a line to let you know that I have arrive in Shanghai. 略写几句告诉你,我已到达上海。 ② He is just a child. 他只是个孩子。

★just作副词,还可表示“刚才”“方才”。如: ① He was just here. 他刚才还在这儿。

② He just told me about it. 他刚才才告诉我这件事。

③ He has just left here. 他刚离开这儿。

【注】just意思是“刚才”“方才”,英国英语中常与现在完成时连用,置于助动词和动词之间;just now表示“片刻之前(= a moment ago)”,与过去时连用,不与完成时连用。在美国英语中,just常被置于动词前,与过去时连用。如: ① I have just seen her. 我刚刚见过她。 ② I saw him just now. 我刚才见到了他。 ③ The train has just arrived. 火车刚刚到了。 ④ The train jus arrived. 火车刚刚才到。


① We could just see the roof. 我们勉强能看到屋顶。

② I only just caught the last bus. 我差一点赶不上末班公共汽车。 ③ I just managed to finish the work. 我好不容易才完成工作。

★just用于祈使句句首,以加强说话人的语气,意思是“试请”“且请”。如: ① Just think of the result! 就请考虑一下后果吧! ② Just a moment, please. 请稍等片刻。 ③ Just feel it! 你摸摸看! 15. peace一词的用法

★peace作不可数名词,意为“和平”“安静”“平静”。如: ① We love peace but we are not afraid of war. 我们热爱和平,但我们也不怕战争。

② After the war, there were ten years of peace. 战后有十年的和平时期。 ③ Here is peace in the countryside at night. 农村夜间是安静的。 ④ A man who is wanted by the police can have little peace of mind. 被警察追捕的人的心情是不会太平静的。

⑤ Knowing that she had arrived safely restored my peace of mind. 得知她已平安到达,我就安心了。


① Peace was signed in the spring of that year. 和约是在那年春天签订的。 ② A peace was at last signed between the two countries. 两国终于签订了和约。

★peaceful作形容词,意为“安静的”“和平的”“平静的”“爱好和平的”。如: ① The hillsides looked very peaceful. 山坡上看来十分宁静。 ② China is a peaceful nation. 中国是一个爱好和平的国家。

③ I want to live in a place more peaceful than here. 我想住在一个比这里更安静的地方。

★in peace意为“安静”“安宁”。如:

① Leave me in peace to read my book. 让我安静地看书吧。 ② Leave him in peace; he’s trying to work. 别吵他,他要工作。 ★make peace意为“休战”“讲和”。如:

① The two countries made peace. 这两个国家休战了。

② The leaders of the two nations decided to make peace. 两国领导人决定讲和。 16. It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists. 它(天安门广场)是世界上最大的广场,并总是挤满了游客。


① Please fill the glass with water. 请把杯子注满水。 ② He filled the bag with clothes. 他把包装满衣服。

★fill也可表示一个状态,相当于be filled with,但表达形式不同,请注意下面的表达法。

① Smoke filled the room. = The room was filled with smoke. 房间里浓烟弥漫。 ② Tears filled her eyes. = Her eyes were filled with tears. 她眼睛里充满了泪水。

③ People were filled with pleasure at the news. 听了这个消息,人们心中充满了喜悦。 【注】句③是一种引申用法,不宜说Pleasure filled people?。

★full是形容词,意思是“满的”“充满的”。Be full of = be filled with,都表示状态,但介词搭配不一样。如:

① The bag is full of (或filled with) books. 包里装满了书。

② His homework was full of (或filled with ) mistakes. 他的作业里都是错误。

17. Many of them gather here to watch the raising of the national flag at sunrise every day.

每天,他们中有许多人在太阳升起的时候聚集在这里看升国旗。 ★gather用作动词,意为“集合”“聚集”“??靠拢”。如: ① Thousands of people gathered for the rock concert. 数以千计的群众聚集起来听摇滚音乐会。

② A crowd soon gathered. 很快聚集起一群人。

③ A musical evening with the whole family gathered round the piano. 全家围在钢琴旁的音乐晚会。


① She gathered her belongings and set off. 她把东西收拾好,就走了。 ② It was the time for gathering the harvest of corn. 该收玉米了。

③ Let’s gather some flowers for the festival! 让我们为庆祝节日采些花吧! ④ Children are interested gathering shell-fish at low tide. 孩子们喜欢在落朝时采集贝壳动物。

⑤ The moment the wheat was gathered in, a storm broke out. 麦子刚收好,就下了一场暴雨。


① The student collected (= gathered) his books and went out of the reading room. 那名学生把书收了起来,走出了阅览室。

② A crowd of people collected (= gathered) to watch the game. 一群人聚集起来观看比赛。

③ Collecting coins/stamps is one of my hobbies. 收集邮币/邮票是我的一种爱好。

④ I’m collecting /gathering information for my research. 我在为我的研究收集信息。 ⑤ Dark clouds are gathering/collecting. 乌云越积越厚。

【注】指一种爱好性质的收集用collect,而不用gather。集中思想且有控制意味,用collect,不用gather。指农民“收拾庄稼”,说gather crops,而不说collect crops。另外,gather可和together连用,而对于collect来说,together则显得多余。可以说He gathered together/collected his papers. 他把稿子集中起来。可以说People gathered together. 或People collected up. 人们聚集了起来。但不说collect together.

18. raise与rise的用法

★raise (raised, raised)作及物动词,表示“抚养”“养育”;raise还有“饲养”“喂养”“种植”“提出”“举起”“抬起”“提高”的意思。如:

① The old lady raised six orphans in her life. 这位老太太一生抚养了六个孤儿。 ② Where was he raised? 他是在哪里长大的? ③ His job is to raise pigs. 他的工作就是养猪。

④ She raised her eyes and stared at them. 她举目盯着他们。 ⑤ The people’s living standards have been greatly raised. 人民的生活水平有了很大提高。

★rise (rose, risen)用作不及物动词,意为“上升”“升起”“增长”“提高”“起身”。作“上升”讲时是指继续上升,常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、水蒸气等;也可以指温度计、体温、物体、水位、职位等方面的上升。如: ① Look! The moon is rising. 瞧!月亮升起来了。

② She has had a high fever, and her temperature is still rising. 她发高烧,体温还在上升。 ③ The master rose from his chair with the teaching stick in his hand. 老师手里拿着教鞭从座位上站起来。

④ His book has risen in value, and he has risen in rank. 他写的书升值了,他也随着升级了。

【注】raise和rise有时可用来描述同一事情,但含义有所不同。试比较: ① The price of tomatoes has been raised recently.


② The price of tomatoes has risen recently. 西红柿最近涨价了。(说明价格自身上涨) ③ Our living standard has risen in the past few years. Our living standard has been raised in the past few years. 近几年来,我们的生活水平提高了。

④ He raised the child from the ground. (强调把孩子扶起来) ⑤ The child rose from the ground. (强调孩子自己站起来) ⑥ He lifted the child up from the ground. (强调用劲儿扶起)

19. It is a famous Chinese-style garden built in a natural landscape. 这是一座建在自然风光基础之上的著名的中国式的园林建筑群落。

★famous用作形容词,意为“著名的”“出名的”“值得注意的”。如: ① Paris is a famous city. 巴黎是著名的城市。 ② He is a famous artist. 他是一位著名的艺术家。

③ She wants to be a famous singer. 她想当一位著名的歌唱家。 ④ We have won a famous victory. 我们赢得了辉煌的胜利。

★be famous for意为“以??而出名”,其主语可以是人也可以是物,for后的宾语说明出名的原因。如:

① The area is famous for its green tea. 这个地区以绿茶而出名。

② France is famous for its fine food and wine. 法国以其佳肴和美酒而闻名。

★be famous as意为“以某种身份而闻名、出名”,as后的宾语与主语是同位成分。如: ① Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家著称。 ② The actor is more famous as a writer. 那位演员的作家身份较为有名。

③ Wang Junxia is famous as a good runner. 王军霞是一位很著名的长跑运动员。

★be known as意为“以??知名”“以??出名”“被认为是”,known为形容词。如:

① He is well known as a pianist. 他是一位著名的钢琴家。 ② He is known as a writer rather than a poet.


★be known for意为“闻名”“以??而众所周知”,known相当于famous。如: ① Switzerland is known for its mountains. 瑞士以它的山而闻名。

② He is known for his readiness to help others. 大家都知道他总是乐于帮助别人。 ③ China is well known for the Great Wall. 中国以万里长城而闻名。 ★be known to意为“为??所知”,to后接某人。如: ① He is known to every one of us. 我们每人都知道他。

② It’s known to all that they do an important and necessary job. 大家都知道他们做的是重要的并且是必要的工作。

③ He is known to everyone as a good actor. 人人都知道他是一位出色的演员。 【注】well-known是复合形容词,相当于famous,在句中只能作定语,而famous可作定语也可作表语。当well修饰作表语的known时,两词不能连写,well不能用来修饰famous。如:

① He is a well-known singer. 他是一名著名的歌唱家。 20. natural一词的用法

★natural用作形容词,意为“自然的”“天然的”“自然界的”。如: ① Coal and oil are natural resources. 煤和石油是天然资源。

② Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。 ③ She finds great interest in natural science. 她对自然科学有很大兴趣。 ★natural用作形容词,意为“自然的”“不做作的”。如: ① She speaks in a natural voice. 她说话声音自然。

② He tried to keep his voice quite (= perfectly) natural. 他竭力让他的语调十分自然。


① It’s natural for a child to love its mother. 孩子爱母亲,这是很自然的。

② It’s natural to run away if you’re afraid. 你害怕的时候就跑开,那是很自然的。 ③ His death was from natural cause. 他的死是自然死亡。 ★natural用作形容词,意为“与生俱亚”“天生的”。如:

① She has a natural ability for arranging flowers. 她有插花的天赋。 ② I do not doubt that it is made by natural ability. 我不怀疑那是由自然能力造成的。

③ She is a natural linguist. 她是个天生的语言学家。 【注】有关natural的常用词组还有:

natural forces自然力量 natural gas天然气 natural food自然食物 natural science自然科学 natural death老死的 natural abilities自然能力

natural gifts天赋才能 natural history博物学;自然(课) in a natural state处于自然状态;未经加工或人工培养等 come natural to对??是很自然的;对??是轻而易举的 ★nature用作名词,意为“大自然”“自然界”,也可表示人或事物的“本质”“本性”。如:

① It’s against nature for people to cut off trees on mountains or hills for farming.


② The beauties of nature inspired many poets. 自然之美激发许多诗人的灵感。 ③ We must plant more trees and keep the balance of nature. 我们必须种更多的树来保持生态平衡。

④ Man will return to nature. 人类最终要回归自然。 ⑤ She has a very sweet nature. 她性格很温柔。

⑥ My two dogs have quite different natures. 我的两只狗的本性完全不同。

21. It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area.


★consist of意为“由??组成”“由??构成”。如: ① The book consists of eight chapters. 那书共有八章。

② Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 水由氢和氧组成。

③ The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 联合王国由大不列颠与北爱尔兰两部分组成。

★consist与介词in连用,表示“在于”“以??为主要或唯一因素”的意思。如: ① The happiness of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens. 国家的幸福要以民众的自由为首要因素。

② Wisdom does not consists only in knowing fact. 智慧并非仅仅是掌握事实。 ③ The beauty of the city consists in its nice buildings. 这座城市的美丽就在于它美丽的建筑。

④ True education does not consist in simply being taught facts. 真正的教育并不在于简单地讲授事实。 22. mainly一词的用法


① It is mainly because of my fault. 这主要是由于我的过错。 ② The visitors were mainly students. 来访者大部分是学生。

③ They talked mainly about the work at the meeting. 在会上,他们主要谈论工作。 ④ His money mainly come from business investments. 他的钱主要来自于商业投资。 ★main用作形容词,只能作定语,意为“主要的”“最重要的”,无比较级。如: ① What’s the main purpose of your visit? 你访问的主要目的是什么? ② This is the main street in our city. 这是我们市内的主要街道。

③ Can you catch the main idea of the text? 你能领会本篇课文的主题吗? ④ The main thing is to work well. 最重要的是要工作好。

⑤ He doesn’t make much money, but he is very happy. That’s the main thing. 他赚钱不多,但很快乐。那才是最重要的。 23. It is a long wall which runs more than 5,000 kilometers across northern China. 它是一条绵延5000千米红十字会中国北部的城墙。


① The road runs for many miles by the sea. 这条公路沿着海边延伸好几英里。 ② A small stream runs across it. 一条小溪从这里穿过。

③ The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 200 km.


④ There is a tunnel running though the mountain. 有一条隧道从山里穿过。 ⑤ The appointment runs for two years. 任期是两年。 ⑥ This show has been running for six weeks (continuously). 这出戏(一连)演了六个星期。


① A running commentary on the match will be broadcast over the radio. 将通过电台转播这场比赛的实况解说。

② He made a running translation of the talk. 他给这个报告做了即席翻译。 ★run用作不及物动词,意为“跑”。如: ① I don’t run as fast as you. 我跑得没你快。

② She run to the place and knocked at the door. 她跑到那里敲了敲门。 ③ Are you running in the 4,000 metres? 你要参加四千米赛跑吗?

④ I used to run when I was in middle school. 我在中学的时候常常跑步。 ★run用作不及物动词,意为“流”。如:

① The Huanghe River runs into the sea in North Shandong. 黄河在山东北部入海。

② The river was running very slowly. 河水流得很慢。

③ We mustn’t let the water run to waste. 我们不能让这水白白流掉。 ④ Who has left the water (tap) running? 谁开了自来水(龙头)没关? ⑤ His cough has slackened, but his nose is still running. 他不咳嗽了,但还流清鼻涕。

★run用作不及物动词,意为“(车船、机器)行驰”“开动”。如: ① The train was running at 80 miles an hour. 这列火车正以每小时八十英里的速度前进。

② There are frequent buses running from Yanan to Xian. 从延安经常有公共汽车开往西安。

③ The next train runs from Beijing to Nanning. 下一列火车是由北京开往南宁的。 ④ The engine runs quite smoothly. 这部发动机运转十分顺利。 ★run同作及物动词,意为“经营”“管理”“开动”。如:

① They ran the nurseries extremely well. 他们把托儿所办得很好。 ② For this they running short-term courses and evening classes. 为此他们办了短训班和夜校。

③ They have the right to run their own affairs. 他们有权管理自己的事务。 ④ They’re determined to run the train better. 他们决心把火车开得更好。 ⑤ They ran the car downhill. 他们把车往山下开。 24. more than一词的用法

★more than意思为“超过”“大于”“多于”,常常与数词连用,相当于over,其反义词组为less than,意为“不足”“不到”。如:

① The population of China is more than 1.3 billion. 中国人口超十三亿。

② I have know him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已经超过二十多年了。 ③ More than a person knows the secret. 不止一个人知道这个秘密。 ④ There are more than 50 students in our class. 我们班有50多位学生。

⑤ It was a little man less than six inches tall. 那是一个身高不到六英寸的小


★more than另一个意思是“不仅仅”“远不止”,相当于not only的含义,后面跟名词。如:

① Our English teacher is more than a teacher. He is our friend, too. 我们的英语老师不仅是一位老师。他也是我们的朋友。

② Tom and Jack are more than classmates. They are close friends. 汤姆和杰克远不止是同班同学,他们还是知心朋友。

③ He was much more than a friend to me. 对我而言,他远不止是个朋友。

★more than表示“非常”“十分”,常常用来修饰形容词,相当于very。如: ① When I asked them for help, they were more than glad to come. 当我向他们求助时,他们非常乐意地来了。

② They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。

③ He was more than willing to help. 他非常愿意提供帮助。 25. across, through和over的用法 ★across和through都与动词连用。表示从一定范围的一边到另一边,但across的含义与on有关,表示动作是在某一物体的表面进行的,例如原文中的across Northern China;而through的含义与in有关,表示动作是在某一物体的空间里进行的。如: ① The river was frozen, so we walked across the ice to the other bank. 河面结了冰,所以我们从冰上走到河的对面。(不用through) ② The river flows through the city from west to east.

这条河由西向东流过这个城市。(河的两边有建筑物,不用across) ③ It took us three hours to walk through the forest. 我们花了三个小时穿过那个森林。(人周围有建筑物) ④ You must not run across the road. 你不要跑过马路。 ⑤ We walked across the bridge and soon came to a hut. 我们走过桥,不久就到了小屋前。

⑥ We walked through the tunnel. 我们开车穿过了隧道。 ⑦ I saw it through the windowpane. 透过玻璃我看到了它。

⑧ I got the job through a friend of mine. 我通过一位朋友得到了这个工作。 【注】go across the street横穿街道(指从街的一边到另一边) go through the street穿过街道(指从街的一端到另一端) go across the room从房间这边到另一边

go through the room穿过房间(指从一个房间走到另一间)


① A lamp was hanging over the table. 桌子上方挂着一盏灯。 ② There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。

③ The sky is over our heads and the ground is under our feet. 我们头上是天空,脚下是大地。

【注】over与动词搭配可用来表示“越过??”“穿过??”某一高形物体。如: ① The boy climbed over the wall. 男孩子们爬过墙头。

② The groups of planes are flying over our city. 机群正飞越我们城市上空。

③ He jumped over the brook. 他跳过了那条小溪。

26. It was built with stones and bricks a long time ago to protect the northern border of the country.


★protect意为“保护”,常与介词from连用,表示“保护??免遭??”。如: ① He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun. 他戴着墨镜以保护眼睛不受阳光刺激。

② Put on a thicker coat to protect yourself from the cold. 穿件厚点的外衣以免冻着。

③ The eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and dirt. 眼睫毛保护眼睛不让尘埃和脏物进去。

④ You’d better use an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain. 你最好打开雨伞以免挨雨淋。

★protect也可与against连用,通常是指抵御侵略或自然灾害等大范围的保护。如: ① The tea plants must be protected against frost in winter. 必须保护茶树在冬季不受霜冻。

② A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against foreign attack. 沿边境修筑了一系列的堡垒以抵御外国的攻击。

27. It is one of the wonders of the world. 它是世界奇迹之一。 ★wonder用作可数名词,意为“奇迹”“奇观”“奇事”。如:

① Television is one of the wonders of modern science. 电视是现代科学奇迹之一。 ② What are the seven wonders of the world? 世界上有哪七大奇迹?

③ It is a wonder that he survived the plane crash. 飞机失事,他保住了性命,真是奇迹。

★wonder用作动词,表示“想知道”“对??感到吃惊”的意思。如: ① I wonder whether you would mind helping me for a few minutes. 不知你是否能帮我一会儿忙。

② I wonder what he’s doing now. 我心里想他此刻在做什么呢?

③ How did it get there, I wonder? 它怎么会到那儿去的呢,我感到奇怪。

④ The fact that she left home is not to be wondered at. 她离家出走是不足为怪的。 ⑤ I wonder at your allowing him to do such a thing. 我对你允许他做出这样的事感到奇怪。

⑥ Can you wonder at it, isn’t it natural, to be expected? 你对它感到惊奇吗?它不是很自然料想到的吗?

★“wonder if/whether +从句”意为“想知道??是否??”,是一种委婉客气地提出请求的交际用语。如:

① We wondered if they could come here on time. 我们很想知道他们是否能够按时赶到这里。

② I wonder if/whether she has receive our telegram. 我不知道她是否收到了我们的电报。

③ I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the theatre. 我不知道你能否告诉我怎样去剧院。 28. You can experience its beauty and greatness through climbing it step by step. 通过一步一步地向上爬,你能体验到它的美丽和雄伟壮观。

★experience用作动词,意为“体验”“经历”。如: ① He experienced many difficulties. 他经历了许多困难。 ② Our country has experienced great changes in the last 30 years. 在过去三十年里,我们国家经历了巨大的变化。

③ Some of the students had experienced what hardships meant before they entered the university.

有些大学生在进入大学之前体验过艰苦的生活。 ④ I don’t think I’ve ever experienced real depression. 我认为我从未体验过真正的情绪低落。

★experience用作不可数名词,意为“经验”,指由经验获得的知识或技术。如: ① We all learn by experience. 我们都从经验中学习。

② Has he had much experience of work of this sort? 他对这种工作有很多经验吗? ③ He hasn’t had enough experience for the job. 他没有足够的经验担当这份工作。 ④ He is short of experience. 他缺乏经验。

★experience用作可数名词,意为“经历”“阅历”。如: ① I had some interesting experiences in the countryside. 我在农村有过一些很有意思的经历。

② A man of your experience ought to do well. 一个有你这样的阅历的人是应当发迹的。

★experienced用作形容词,意为“有经验的”“有阅历的”“熟练的”。如: ① He is much experienced in teaching. 他有丰富的教学经验。

② His mother is an experienced nurse. 他的母亲是个有经验的护士。 ③ They are quite experienced in teaching beginners. 他们在教初学者方面很有经验。 29. You can experience its beauty and greatness through climbing it step by step. 沿着长城,拾级而上,你会逐渐领略到长城的瑰丽、雄伟。 ★step by step意为“逐渐地“,相当于little by little。如:

① Step by step, they were getting to the top. 他们一步一步地接近山顶。 ② A foreign language cannot be learned rapidly, it must be learned step by step. 学外语不能急,只能按部步班地学。

③ The cost of living is increasing step by step. 生活开支正慢慢地在提高。 ④ Step by step he learned the rules of the game. 他逐渐学会了比赛规则。 ⑤ She learnt to speak English step by step. 她逐渐学会说英语了。 ★类似于step by step结构的短语还有side by side(肩并肩),hand in hand(手拉手),face to face(面对面),heart to heart(心连心),neck and neck(齐头并进,并驾齐驱)等。但是,这种结构中的名词前面不用冠词或其他修饰词。如: ① They walked side by side. 他们肩并肩地走着。

② They walked away hand in hand. 他们手拉手地离开了。 ③ He sat face to face with me. 他和我面对面地坐着。

④ We had a heart to heart talk and pointed out one another’s shortcomings. 我们谈了心并指出了彼此的缺点。

⑤ The horses were running neck and neck. 这些马跑得不分上下。

30. It lies on the two sides of the River Li. 它(桂林)座落于漓江两边。 ★lie用作动词,意为“位于”“坐落于”,其过去式为lay,过去分词为lain。如:

① The village lies to the north of the city. 这个村子位于城市的北边。 ② Ireland lies to the west of England. 爱尔兰位于英格兰之西。 ③ Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。 ④ Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部。 ★lie用作动词,可表示“呈??状态”“置于”。如:

① The ship has lain at the bottom of the harbor for two hundred years. 那条船在港口的水底已经二百年了。

② He lay awake for the whole night, worrying about his lost child. 整个晚上他躺着没有睡觉,在担心他失踪的儿子。

③ The book lay open on the desk. 这本书摊开着放在桌子上。

★lie用作动词,意为“撒谎”,其过去式和过去分词都为lied,后可以接to sb.表示“对某人撒谎”。如:

① I can tell, from your face, you are lying to me. 我可以从你的表情看得出你在对我撒谎。 ② You’re lying again! 你又在撒谎了!

③ Don’t believe her because she always lies. 别信她,因为她总是说谎。


① He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。 ② The boys have lain under the trees for hours. 那些男孩子们已经在树下躺了几个小时了。

③ Don’t lie in the sun for too long. 不要在阳光下躺得太久了。 ④ The boy lay on the sofa. 那男孩躺在沙发上。 ★lie in意为“在于”。如:

① The trouble lies in the engine. 问题出在引擎上。

② His success lies in his hard work. 他的成功在于勤奋的工作。 ★lie down意为“躺下休息”。如:

① I’ll go and lie down for a while. 我去躺一会儿。

② If you feel tired, you may lie down and sleep for a while. 你觉得累就躺下睡一会儿。 ③ My head is spinning, so I must lie down. 我脑袋天旋地转,得躺下来休息休息。

31. In this underground cave, there are lots of colourful rocks with strange shapes.


★colourful是形容词,是“颜色鲜艳的”“五彩缤纷的”意思。如: ① The male birds are more colourful than the females. 这种鸟的雄性比雌性更加色彩艳丽。

② Look at these flowers. They are very colourful. 瞧这些花,都很鲜艳。 ③ You can see colourful shop windows here and there. 你到处可以看到五彩缤纷的商店橱窗。


① He often told us his colourful history. 他常给我们讲他的丰富多彩的历史。 ② Did they know the colourful past of the city. 他们知道这个城市丰富多彩的过去吗?

③ The old man’s colourful career made us think he was quite brave.



① This kind of insect can change colour. 这种昆虫会变色。

② They bought a new colour television last month. 上个月他们买了一台新彩电。 ③ All the pictures in this book are in colour. 这本书里的图画都是彩色的。 ④ Can I get this dress in other colours? 这衣服还有其他颜色的吗? ★colour用作动词,意为“着色”“给??着色(染色)”。如: ① He coloured the wall white. 他把墙涂成白色。

② His younger sister is colouring a picture. 他的妹妹正在给一幅画涂上颜色。 ③ She doesn’t like colouring her hair. 她不喜欢染发。

32. It is great fun to cycle around Guilin! 周游桂林真是充满乐趣。

★fun常用不可数名词,意为“乐趣”“玩笑”“娱乐”“有趣的人或事”。如: ① What fun we had! 我们玩得真开心(或多么有趣)呀!

② I wasn’t serious; I only did it for fun. 我不是当真的,我只不过是闹着玩。 ③ Swimming in the sea is great/good fun. 在海里游泳很好玩。 ④ You’re sure to have (much) fun at the party tonight. 你在今晚的聚会上一定玩得很开心。

⑤ Sailing a boat is great fun. 驾驶帆船很有趣。 ⑥ He’s great fun. We are all found of being with him. 他是个有趣的人。我们都喜欢和他在一起。

★for/in fun意为“开玩笑的”“闹着玩的”“非认真的”。make fun of的意思为“取笑”“开??的玩笑”。如:

① He said it only for/in fun. 他只是说着玩的。 ② I wrote it just for/in fun. 我只是写着玩玩的。

③ It’s not good to make fun of the old. 取笑老人是不好的。 ④ The kids at school always make fun of Bill’s clothes. 学校里的那些孩子老是取笑比尔的衣服。


① Don’t you think it a little funny? 难道你不认为那有点滑稽吗? ② The kids are all making fun of little Tom’s funny hat today. 孩子们都在取笑小汤姆今天戴的那顶滑稽的帽子。

③ It’s funny that she left so suddenly. 她这么突然离去,真奇怪。 ④ He’s a funny sort of person. 他是个难以理解的人。 33. You can hire a bicycle from the bus station and ride around Guilin very safely. 你可以在汽车车站那里租辆自行车,然后非常安全地骑着游览桂林。 ★hire用作动词,意为“租用”“租借”。如:

① Where did you hire the video? 这录像带你是在哪里租的?

② I am new here, I want to hire a room to live in. 我是新来的,想租个房间住下来。 ③ I will have to hire a suit for my wedding. 我得去租套礼服在婚礼上穿。 ④ They hired a boat for an evening. 他们雇了条船用了一晚上。


★hire用作动词,意为“聘用”“录用”“雇佣(包括临时雇佣)”。如: ① She was hired ten years ago. 她是十年前被录用的。 ② He does the hiring and firing in our company. 他在我们公司里负责员工的录用和辞退。

③ His mother hired a lawyer for him. 他母亲为他临时雇佣了一名律师。 ④ The company hired a young man to design the new system. 公司雇佣了一名年轻人来设计新的系统。



① All the bikes are for hire. 这些自行车是供租用的。

② Excuse me, where can I find a hire car? 请问,哪里有可供租用的汽车? ③ All the taxis belong to a car hire firm. 所有这些出租车属于出租车公司。 ④ The costumes are on hire from the local shop. 服装可以向当地的商店租。 34. a line dividing two countries一条把两国分开的线

★divide用作动词,意为“分开”“分散”“分割”“把??分成(若干部分)”。如: ① The cells began to divide rapidly. 细胞开始迅速分裂。

② Jack divided up the rest of the cash. 杰克把余下的现金分了。 ③ We divided the work between us. 我们共同分担了这项工作。 ④ He divided his energies between his study and sports. 他把精力一部分用在学习上,一部分用在运动上。

★divide A from B,可以用“使A和B分离”“使A和B分开”解。如: ① We mustn’t divide the child from his mother. 我们不能使母子分离。

② The channel divides the island of Taiwan from the mainland, but it is still the land of China.


★be divided into是一个被动语态的结构,解释成“划分为”“分为”。如: ① In English sentences can be divided into three types. 在英语中句子可以分成三种类型。

② Verbs can be divided into four kinds. 动词可以分成四种。

35. We can see the beautiful design there and learn more about the life of the Chinese emperors in the past.

在那里,我们可以看到漂亮的(建筑)设计,充分了解过去中国皇帝们的生活状况。 ★design用作名词,解释为“设计”“图样”“图案”“草图”“图纸”等。如: ① The unique design of the machine prevents it from overheating. 这台机器独特的设计可防止温度过高。

② She has her own design studio in the college. 在学院里,她有自己的设计室。 ③ He could cut a design on metal. 他能够在金属上刻图案。

④ The tiles come in a huge range of colours and design. 瓷砖有各种各样的颜色和图案。 ⑤ Can you give some pieces of design paper to her? 你能够给她几张制图纸吗? ★design用作名词,还有“意图”“企图”的意思。如:

① Did it happen by design or accident? 这件事情的发生是计划好了的还是偶然的? ② He had a design on it. 他对此事有野心。

★design用作动词,意为“设计”“企图”,后面可以接名词或不定式。如: ① They asked Jim to design a poster for the movie. 他们请吉姆为那部电影设计一个海报。

② Every student should design a dress for the fashion show. 每个学生都应该为时装展览设计一件作品。

③ The method is designed for use in small groups. 这方法是小组设计的。 ④ The building is designed very well. 这幢楼设计很好。

⑤ The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。


一、词汇大集合 单词

invent vt.发明,创造 astronaut n.宇航员 explorer n.探险者 nun n.修女,尼姑 flight n.飞行,航班 pilot n.飞行员

licence n.执照,许可证 engineering n.工程(学) select vt.挑选;选择

commander n.指挥官,司令官 spin vi.快速旋转 mankind n.人类

sample n.样品,标本 citizen n.公民;市民 exploration n.探索;探测 navy n.海军

truly adv.真正地;真实地 spoil vt.损坏,搞糟

mission n.太空飞行任务;使命 broth n.(鱼、肉或蔬菜)汤 unique adj.唯一的,独特的 light bulb n.电灯泡 mathematics n.数学 radium n.镭

couple n.夫妇,(一)对

unknown adj.未知的,不出名的 equation n.方程式;等式 词组:

1.How do you like….?=What do you think of….? 2.in the form of pills 3.the distance between Mars and the Sun 你觉得。。。怎么样? 呈药丸形状


4.at the moment =at present 目前,现在 5.by the year 2100 到2100年时 6.become more and more crowded 变得愈来愈拥挤 7.a large number of =large numbers of+名复 大量的

8.large numbers of passengers 大量的乘客 9.travel at the speed of light 以光的速度旅行

10.three-eights of the gravity on Earth 地球引力的八分之三 11.It is hoped that… ?可以指望 12.(all) over again 再;重新

13.compare A with B 14.be compared with sth 15.in many ways 16.connect A to B 17.(be) connected to an inter-planetary network 18.in some ways 19.the possibility of living on Mars 20.as well as… 21.keep/prevent/stop sb.from doing sth 22.because of the rapid increase in population 23. increase rapidly 24.one-third/one third 25.be aware of sth 26.one giant leap 27. What’s the population of China? 28.circle around the Sun 29.in agreement 30.be similar to 31.carry out a survey 32. after all 33.advantages of living on Mars 34.get ill from living there 35.start /begin with a discussion 36.hear of 听说

37. rock and roll 摇滚乐 38.in the west 在西方 39.space travel 太空旅行

40.become interested in 开始对??感兴趣

41.take one’s first flight 开始某人的第一次飞行 42.in one’s spare time 在某人的业余时间里 43.join the navy 参加海军 44.a test pilot 一次飞行试验 45.go into space 进入太空 46.out of control 失去控制 47.cut the flight short 缩短航程

把A和B相比 被与某物相比 在许多方面 把A连接B

连接到星际网络 在某些方面

住在火星上的可能性 不但……而且;既……又 防止某人做某事

因为人口的快速增长 迅速地增加 三分之一 知道


中国的人口是多少? 绕太阳运转 意见一致 与……相似 开展一个调查 毕竟 住在火星上的优势 因为住在那里生病 以讨论开始

48.land on the moon 登陆月球 49.space exploration 太空探测 50.the theory of relativity 相对论

51.be unknown to humans 不为人所知 52.in twentieth century 在20 世纪 53.further research 更进一步的调查 54.walk on the moon 在月球上行走 二、句型大集合

1. Who do you think isthe greatest person that has ever lived? 你认为谁是人类史上最伟大的人?

2. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon ? 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一个在月球上行走的人??

3. It is said that Armstrong sent a message to Mission Control which said that two huge, strange objects landed near them and were watching them. 据说阿姆斯特朗发了一条信息给任务控 制中心,上面说有两个大而奇怪的物体落在他们附近观察他们。

4. Armstrong is the person who made people around the world realize that space exploration was truly possible. 阿姆斯特朗是一个使全球的人们意识到太空探险真的成为可能的人。 5. one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind 个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步。 三、语法大聚焦

(一)Defining relative clauses 限制性定语从句

限制性定语从句对先行词具有限制作用,使该词的含义更具体,更明确。 这类从句不能 省掉,否则句子的意义就不完整。

1. Do you remember the teacher who taught us English at middle school? 2. A dictionary is a book which /that gives the meaning of words.

(二)Relative pronouns 关系代词

Relative pronoun People Things who √ which √ that √ √

我们可以用关系代词来引导定语从句。定语从句应紧跟在被修饰的名词或代词之后。 在定语从句中who,which 和that 可以被用作关系代词,用来指人或物。

