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earn - v. to be paid in return for work done 获得
earthquake - n. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface 地震 ease - v. to reduce; to make less difficult 减轻
ecology - n. the scientific study of the environment and links among living and material things 环境
2. economy - n. the system by which money, industry and trade are organized 经济 edge - n. the line where something ends or begins 边缘
effect - n. the result or change caused by something (\ effect on the economy.\效果
effort - n. an attempt; the work necessary to do something 努力 elect - v. to choose by voting 选举
electricity - n. a from of energy that flows through wires to provide heat and light, and power to machines 电力
embassy - n. the offices of an ambassador and his or her assistants 大使馆
emergency - n. an unexpected and dangerous situation demanding quick action 紧急情况 emotion - n. a strong feeling such as love, hate, fear or sadness 感情 employ - v. to give work in return for wages 雇佣
energy - n. power used to do work, usually with machines; the ability and willingness to be active 能量
enforce - v. to make something be done 强制执行
engine - n. a machine that uses energy to cause movement or to do work 引擎
engineer - n. a person who designs engines, machines, roads, bridges or railroads 工程师 environment - n. all surrounding things, conditions and influences that affect life; the natural world of land, sea, air, plants and animals 环境
equal - ad. the same in amount, size, weight or value; having the same rights 对等的 equipment - n. things, tools or machines needed for a purpose or activity 设备 escape - v. to get free; to get away from; to get out of 逃离
especially - ad. more than others (\ 特别是 establish - v. to bring into existence; to create 建立
estimate - v. to from an opinion about a value, size or amount using less than complete infromation 估计
ethnic - ad. of or concerning people belonging to a large group because of their race, religion, language, tribe or where their ancestors lived 种族的 evaporate - v. to change from a liquid into a gas 蒸发
evidence - n. material or facts that prove something; a reason for believing 证据 evil - ad. not good; extremely bad 邪恶的 examine - v. to study closely 审视,察看
exchange - v. to trade 交易; to give or receive one thing for another 交换 execute - v. to kill 处死
exile - v. to force a person to leave his or her country; to expel 驱逐; n. a person who is forced to leave his or her country 被驱逐者 exist - v. to be; to live 存在
expand - v. to make larger; to grow larger 扩张
expect - v. to think or believe that something will happen; to wait for an event 期望 expel - v. to force out; to remove from; to send away 驱逐,开除
experience - v. to live through an event, situation or condition 经历(\ great pain.\经历(\ caused her great pain.\
experiment - v. to test 做实验; n. a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false, or to discover something 实验
expert - n. a person with special knowledge or training 专家
explode - v. to break apart violently with a loud noise, like a bomb 爆炸
explore - v. to travel in a place that is not well known to learn more about it; to make a careful search; to examine closely 探索
export - v. to send to another country 出口; n. something sent to another country, usually for sale 出口商品
express - v. to say clearly 表达
extend - v. to stretch out in area or length 扩展 ; to continue for a longer time 延长 extreme - ad. more than the usual or accepted 极端的
extremist - n. a person with strong religious or political beliefs who acts in an extreme or violent way 极端主义者 F
fail - v. to not succeed; to not reach a goal 失败 fair - ad. just; honest; what is right 公正
federal - ad. of or having to do with a national or central government 联邦的
fertile - ad. rich in production of plants or animals; producing much 肥沃的,多产的 fierce - ad. extremely strong; violent; angry 猛烈的
financial - ad. of or about the system that includes the use of money, credit, investments and banks 财政的
fine - n. a payment ordered by a court to punish someone for a crime 罚款; ad. very good 好的; very small or thin 细小的
fireworks - n. rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations 鞭炮 firm - ad. not easily moved or changed (\ 坚定的 fit - v. to be of the correct size or shape (\ 适合 fix - v. to make good or right again 修理 flee - v. to run away from 逃跑
float - v. to be on water without sinking; to move or be moved gently on water or through air 飘浮
flood - v. to cover with water 淹没; n. the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean onto land 水灾
flow - v. to move like a liquid 流动
fluid - n. any substance that can flow, such as a liquid 液体 forgive - v. to pardon; to excuse; to remove guilt 原谅 fromer - ad. earlier in time; not now 前任的
forward - ad. the direction in front of; toward the front 向前的
freedom - n. the condition of being free 自由
freeze - v. to cause or to become very cold; to make or to become hard by cold 冰冻 fresh - ad. newly made or gathered; recent 清新的 frighten - v. to cause great fear 使惊吓
fuel - n. any substance burned to create heat or power 燃料
funeral - n. a ceremony held in connection with the burial or burning of the dead 葬礼 G
gain - v. to get possession of; to get more; to increase 获得
gas - n. any substance that is not solid or liquid; any substance that burns to provide heat, light or power 气体
gather - v. to bring or come together into a group or place 集合; to collect 收集 govern - v. to control; to rule by military or political power 统治
government - n. a system of governing; the organization of people that rules a country, city or area 政府
grain - n. the seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn; those plants that produce the seeds 谷类
gray - ad. having the color like that made by mixing black and white 灰色的 grind - v. to reduce to small pieces by crushing 磨碎
guarantee - v. to promise a result; to promise that something will happen 保证 guerrilla - n. a person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police 游击队
guilty - ad. having done something wrong or in violation of a law; responsible for a bad action 有罪的 H
halt - v. to come or cause to come to a stop; to stop 停止
headquarters - n. the center from which orders are given; the main offices of a business or organization 司令部
health - n. the general condition of the body and mind; the condition of being free from sickness or disease 健康
helicopter - n. a machine without wings that can fly up or down or remain in one place above the ground 直升机
hijack - v. to seize or take control of a vehicle by force 绑架 holy - ad. greatly honored in religion 神圣的
honor - v. to obey; to show strong, good feelings for 尊敬 (\an award; an act of giving special recognition 尊敬(\ efforts to help others.\
horrible - ad. causing great fear; terrible 可怕的
hostage - n. a person captured and held as a guarantee that a demand or promise will be honored 人质
hostile - ad. ready to fight; ready for war 敌对的
3. identify - v. to recognize someone or something and to say who or what they areillegal - ad. not legal; in violation of a law 非法的
识别 imagine - v. to make a picture in the mind; to from an idea 想象
import - v. to bring from another country 进口; n. something brought from another country, usually for sale 进口商品
improve - v. to make better; to become better 提高 incident - n. an event or something that happens 事故
incite - v. to urge or cause an action or emotion, usually something bad or violent 煽动 increase - v. to make more in size or amount 增加
independent - ad. not influenced by or controlled by another or others; free; separate 独立的
individual - n. one person 个人
industry - n. any business that produces goods or provides services; the work and
related activity in factories and offices; all organizations involved in manufacturing 产业,行业
infect - v. to make sick with something that causes disease 传染
inflation - n. a continuing rise in prices while the value of money goes down 通货膨胀 influence - v. to have an effect on someone or something; to cause change 影响 infrom - v. to tell; to give knowledge to 告知
inject - v. to force a fluid into, such as putting medicine or drugs into the body through the skin 注射
injure - v. to cause harm or damage to a person or animal 伤害
innocent - ad. not guilty of a crime; not responsible for a bad action 无辜的 insane - ad. mentally sick 患精神病的
inspect - v. to look at something carefully; to examine, especially by an expert 视察 instrument - n. a tool or device designed to do something or to make something 器械 insult - v. to say something or to do something that makes another person angry or dishonored 侮辱
intelligence - n. the ability to think or learn; infromation gathered by spying 智慧 intelligent - ad. quick to understand or learn 有才智的 intense - ad. very strong; extremely serious 剧烈的
interest - n. what is important to someone 利益 (\had a great interest in painting.\ use of money borrowed 利息
interfere - v. to get in the way of; to work against; to take part in the activities of others, especially when not asked to do so 干涉
intervene - v. to come between; to come between in order to settle or solve 干预,介入invade - v. to enter an area or country by force with an army 侵略
invest - v. to give money to a business or organization with the hope of making more money 投资
investigate - v. to study or examine all infromation about an event, situation or charge; to search for the truth 调查,研究
involve - v. to take part in; to become a part of; to include 包括
issue - n. an important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about 事件
工业, J
jail - n. a prison for those waiting to be tried for a crime or for those serving sentences for crimes that are not serious 监狱
joint - ad. shared by two or more 共同的
jury - n. a group of people chosen to decide what is true in a trial 陪审团 just - ad. only (\
present (\刚才; at the same time 同时 (\ right or fair 公正的 (\ K
kidnap - v. to seize and take away by force 绑架
knowledge - n. that which is known; learning or understanding 知识 L
labor - n. work; workers as a group 劳动力
laboratory - n. a room or place where experiments in science are done 实验室 lack - v. to be without; n. the condition of needing, wanting or not having 缺乏 launch - v. to put into operation; to begin开办; to send into the air or space 发射 leak - v. to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid) 漏
legal - ad. of or in agreement with the law 合法的
legislature - n. a government lawmaking group 立法机构
liberal - ad. one who usually supports social progress or change 自由主义的 lightning - n. light produced by electricity in the air, usually during a storm 闪电 link - v. to connect; to unite one thing or event with another; n. a relation between two or more things, situations or events 联系
literature - n. all the poems, stories and writings of a period of time or of a country 文学 load - v. to put objects on or into a vehicle or container 装载. that which is carried 负荷 loan - n. money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments; 借款 local - ad. about or having to do with one place 本地的
loyal - ad. showing strong friendship and support for someone or something 忠诚的 M
majority - n. the greater number; more than half 多数 manufacture - v. to make goods in large amounts 制造
march - v. to walk in a group like soldiers; to walk together in a large group to protest about something 游行
market - n. a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded; an economic system in which the prices of things are decided by how many there are and how much money people are willing to pay for them 市场
mass - n. an amount of matter having no special from and usually of a large size 大量事物 mate - v. to bring together a male and a female to create another creature 使配对 mathematics - n. the science dealing with amounts, sizes and shapes, as explained by numbers and signs 数学
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