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目 录

BP神经网络在车辆动力学分析中的应用 梁志明,王卫东(1) 基于堆石路基物性参数求解密度的方法 邓洪亮(7) 鄂尔多斯隧道覆盖层厚探测实例分析 邓洪亮,谢向文,郭玉松,张志清(13) 考虑车辆动力学响应的轨道不平顺评定方法 梁志明,王卫东(17) 既有钢桥健康诊断方法与评价 邓洪亮,孙丽霞,王旭明,张志清,石保同(25) 山西某矿地面沉陷分析和预测 邓洪亮(30) 不同边界条件下输液曲管振动特性的有限元分析 朱虹,杨海,程伟(34) 飞机结构的动强度设计 辜良勇,何景武(38) 起落架冲击动载荷参量的试验测量 赵星,吴大方(41) 金属橡胶材料吸声特性的理论和试验研究 洪杰,李昊宇,马艳红(48) 一维构件振动疲劳问题的损伤力学研究 刘思远,孟庆春,张行(55) 预应力对圆柱壳振动频率的影响 李琪,邢誉峰(63) 运载火箭固有振动特性研究 罗恒,邢誉峰(68) 航空发动机叶片系统的动力敏感度研究 洪杰,张大义,陈璐璐(73) 含随机不确定载荷的结构动力响应的精确解法 邱志平,李军辉(79) 巡航导弹防热部件热-振联合试验研究 吴大方,赵寿根,晏震乾,赵星(86) 轴向受载金属梁接触问题的能量解法 李新华,胡伟平(92) 一种识别结构模态参数的图像序列法 李晶,程伟,王志旺(96) 压电纤维主向布置对机翼气动效应的影响 王明春,李敏(100) 多孔陶瓷微观结构的正八面体模型及其模态分析 王振宇,韩海涛,吴强(104) 石油管道吊具的CATIA与ABAQUS联合接触非线性分析 王静涛,张永亮,赵寿根(108) 基于各向异性松质骨的椎体固有频率分析 裴鹤,卢子兴(112) 基于中心等效频响函数矩阵求逆法的反作用轮扰动载荷识别 曾林锡,程伟,王志旺(117) 液体和柱壳耦合系统的固有频率的分析方法及数值比较 杜珺,邢誉峰(123) MJ自锁螺纹牙形优化 郭健,王奇志(131)

高速飞行器轻质防热材料隔热性能研究 司文密 吴大方 郑力铭 刘成翔(138) 结构动力方程的辛差分算法 侯小平,邢誉峰(144) 销钉耳片连接件接触问题分析 吕来清,胡伟平(155) 小卫星二次分离的模式和参数研究 杨庆成,孟宪红(164) 具有编织倾角的2.5维编织复合材料弹性性能研究 苏洲,卢子兴(171) 翼型气动性能鲁棒性优化设计

Vehicle performance analysis by BP neural network approach

Liang Zhiming,Wang Weidong(1)

Density calculate of rock-fill object by geophysics parameter Deng Hongliang(7) The overcast layer explore example analysis of ERDOS tunnel

Deng Hongliang,Xie Xiangwen,Guo Yusong,Zhang Zhiqing(13)

The track irregularity evaluation base on vehicle performance Liang Zhiming,Wang Weidong(17) The health diagnose and estimate technology of Zixia Steel Arch Bridge Deng Hongliang,Sun Lixia,Wang Xueming,Zhang Zhiqing,Shi Baotong(25) The ground sink analysis and forecast to Shanxi coal mine Deng Hongliang(30) FEA analysis of dynamics stability of curved pipes transporting fluid under different boundary conditions

Zhu Hong,Cheng Wei,Yang Hai(34)

Research of dynamics intensity on planes' structure Gu Liangyong,He Jingwu(38) Experimental measurement of impact dynamic load parameters on airplane landing gear

Zhao Xing,Wu Dafang(41)

Theoretic and experimental research on sound absorption characteristic of metallic rubber material

Hong Jie,Li Haoyu,Ma Yanhong(48)

Damage mechanics method for analysis of vibration fatigue problem of one dimension components

Liu Siyuan,Meng Qingchun,Zhang Xing(55)

Influence of initial stress on natural frequency of cylindrical shells Li Qi,Xing Yufeng(63) The research on the inherent dynamics of rocket Luo Heng,Xing Yufeng(68)


Research of dynamic sensitivity of aeronautic engine lamina system

Hong Jie,Zhang Dayi,Chen Lulu(73)

Solutions for dynamic research of structures with dependent uncertain loads

Qiu Zhiping,Li Junhui(79)

Experimental study on thermal-vibration test of thermal insulating component for cruise missile

Wu Dafang,Zhao Shougen,Yan Zhenqian,Zhao Xing(86)

Energy solution of contact problem of metallic beam under axial load Li Xinhua,Hu Weiping(92) Image streams in modal parameter identification Li Jing,Cheng Wei,Wang Zhiwang(96) Influence of the laying material direction of piezoelectric fiber composites materials actuators on wing aerodynamic performance Wang Mingchun,Li Min(100) The normal octahedron model of the porous ceramics and its normal model analysis

Wang Zhenyu,Han Haitao,Wu Qiang(104)

Contact analysis of conduit hanger by combining CATIA and ABAQUS

Wang Jingtao,Zhang Yongliang,Zhao Shougen(108)

The analysis of natural frequency of vertebra using anisotropic cancellous bone Pei He,Lu Zixing(112) Center-based equivalent frequency response funtion matrix inversion method of reaction wheels of the

disturbance load identification Zeng Linxi,Cheng Wei,Wang Zhiwang(117)

Du Jun,Xing Yufeng(123)

The Screw-tooth Optimization of MJ Self-lock Thread Guo jian,Wang qizhi(131) Study on insulation properties of high-speed aircraft light heat-resistant materials

Siwenmi, Wu dafang, zhengliming,liuchengxiang(138) Symplectic Difference Algorithm for Structural Dynamic Equations

Hou Xiaoping,Xing Yufeng(144)

The Analysis of Contact Stress of Lugs Pin Joint Lv Laiqing,Hu Weiping(155) Research on modes of the secondary separation of Small Satellite and relevant parameters

Yang qingcheng,Meng xianhong(164)

Elastic Property Prediction of 2.5D Braided Composites with Specific Braided Angle

Su Zhou, Lu Zixing(171) Airfoil Robust Design with Uncertainty Parameters

Liu Yang, Qiu Zhiping(177)

Numerical comparison of natural frequencies of a fluid-cylindrical shell interaction system





