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【奥鹏】[华中师范大学]华师《综合英语(2)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,Many Islamic governments attempt to _________ private access to western satellite broadcasts in fear of foreign cultural infiltration. A、confine B、control C、prevent D、restrict

第2题,With the increasing consciousness of self health care, millions of Chinese people ___________in a variety of daily physical exercises ranging from the traditional shadow boxing to the modern aerobics. A、compete B、participate C、play D、share

第3题,Qualifications are not absolutely ________, but some previous experience is useful. A、basic B、essential C、fundamental D、elementary

第4题,The oldest known systems of education in history had two characteristics in common: they taught religion, and they ___________ the traditions of the people. A、developed B、encouraged C、forwarded D、promoted

第5题,Though unsuccessful, steam-powered models of airplanes made by the English inventor Henson in 1847 were ___________, as many later models generally followed his design.


A、encouraging B、instructive C、promising D、victorious

第6题,People who lose their way in a desert often suffer from _______ thirst and hunger, in addition to extreme anxiety. A、painful B、tormenting C、colossal D、unperceived

第7题,A ___________ statement is a false and malicious one meant to harm a person's reputation. A、slanderous B、flattering C、ill-natured D、critical

第8题,In Victoria, Australia, in 1850, miners became _____ with the high cost of mining licenses and restrictions on their right to search for gold. A、amazed B、confused C、irritated D、puzzled

第9题,When people are physically ___________ a drug, they suffer ill physical effects if they stop taking the drug. A、absorbed in B、accepted by C、addicted to D、attracted to


第10题,Harry was ________ by the President as the Security Adviser for the government. A、asked

B、designated C、elected D、given

第11题,Computers can help students ___________ objects that are difficult or impossible to view, such as human anatomy, molecular structures, or complex geometrical objects. A、dramatize B、visualize C、realize D、organize

第12题,Beverly Hills is known for the ___________ homes of film and television personalities and contains many fashionable shops. A、priceless B、luxurious C、pleasurable D、precious

第13题,Within three months after birth, babies begin to show a preference for complex and ___________ stimuli as opposed to simple and familiar stimuli. A、common B、normal C、strange D、novel

第14题,During times of war or economic _______ many people convert their wealth into precious stones, which are transportable and more easily sold. A、distraction B、disturbance


C、tremor D、vibration

第15题,When writing an academic paper, always quote your _______, i.e., give the names of books, people, etc. used as sources for facts. A、sources B、authorities C、names


第16题,During our holiday in Venice we went on a few _______ to places nearby. A、voyages B、trips C、journeys D、travels

第17题,Fire insurance and accident insurance companies made efforts to _____ safety rules and to educate the public. A、dictate B、enforce C、observe D、regulate

第18题,The sprinkler system installed in building is usually activated by heat from a fire, and the sprinkler heads then ______ water over the fire area. A、discharge B、pour

C、give away D、throw

第19题,If students want to enlarge their vocabulary, it is advisable to make a careful study of the ________ words when they come across a new word.


A、allied B、combined C、linked D、related

第20题,The debate centered on the fear that a rapidly growing population would put a(n) _______ strain on the finite capacity of the earth to provide recourses. A、intolerable B、moderate C、negotiable D、controllable

第21题,Plants draw minerals and other _________ from the soil. A、food

B、nutrients C、nutrition D、materials

第22题,The government is trying to ________ drug trafficking. A、wipe off B、wipe down C、wipe out D、wipe away

第23题,This famous businessman ___________ most of the profits from his business to various charities after his success. A、donated B、distributed C、discharged D、designated

第24题,The sky is bright because small particles in the air ______ sunlight.

