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2017-2018学年度第一学期(人教版)七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

A. tomato B. apple C. food D. potato Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

1. —Jerry Yan is a singing s . ( ) 5.Jane’s parents must __________their son’s food. —Yes, I like him very much. A. get to B. think about C. come on

( ) 6. His teacher always asks him his eating habits. 2. —Do you r like the computer games? —No, I don’t. A. about B. for C. at D. to 3. The girl is f , so she needs to play sports. ( ) 7. —The TV play is very boring. playing games? 4. Anna often asks some q . —Sounds great. 5. My sister w to be a famous star. A. Why not B. Let’s C. How D. How about

( ) 8.That’s an _______ question. 6.Let’s go to have l in the dining hall.

A. interesting B. boring C. difficult D. relaxing 7. Junk food tastes delicious, but it isn’t h . So we ( ) 9.—What’s this?

should keep away from it.

—It’s________ apple.________ apple is Lucy’s.


A. a; The B. an; The C. a; An

1. Five ______ (pear) are in the box.

( )10.Lily likes ice-cream, but she doesn’t eat it too

2. Li Ming can play basketball ________ (good).

much, because she to be fat.

3. She eats lots of __________(health) food every day.

A. doesn’t wants B. wants

4. You can see some famous ______ (star) in Beijing.

C. don’t want D. doesn’t want

5. I want _________(eat) some chicken and rice.

( ) 11.—Where are the chicken and carrots?

6.Li Yifeng likes (tomato) very much. and you?

—The chicken ________ on the table and the carrots

7.Let’s (think) about it. ________ in the basket. 8.I want three (strawberry) and some bananas. A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is 9.How about (go) to the park? It’s interesting. ( )12.My mother has a good ______habit and she likes

_____food. 10.The bread (be) on the table.Do you want to eat it? A. eat; healthy B. eating; healthy 11.We (real) like ice-cream.How about you?

C. eating; health D. eat ; healthy

12.Let me (have) ice-cream.

( ) 13. —Does Helen speak English _______?

13.My brother plays football (good).

—Yes. Her English is very _______.

14.She has good (eat) habits. A. good; good B. well; well 15.My father (not like) bread for breakfast. C. well; good D. good, well

( ) 14.Tom likes eggs and milk ________ breakfast. 16.Hamburgers are nice. Do you like (they)?

A.to B.at C.for D.of 17.These (question) are too difficult. Can you help me?

( )15. My mother apples and milk, because 18.Do you know Chen Xiao and Li Yifeng? They are (star).

they are good for her body .


A. like B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like

1. Lily likes _______(汉堡包) very much.

( ) 16.—Let’s get some ________.

2. I have some fruit for _______(早餐) every day.

—Great!And I want some ________, too.

3. Some children like eating ________ (冰激凌) with their parents.

A. breads; bananas B. breads; banana

4. Jenny doesn’t like _______ (草莓). She likes apples.

C. bread; bananas D. bread; banana

5. —Can you make fruit_________ (沙拉)?

( ) 17. I like ____ a lot, and my mother often cooks

—No, I can’t.

____ in different ways.


A. chicken; it B. potatoes; it

( ) 1.This is ______ banana. ______ banana is yellow.

C. vegetable; them D. chicken; them

A. an; A B. a; An C. an; An D. a; The

( ) 18. — do you have lunch?

( ) 2.I like pears,but Linda doesn’t like________.

—Rice, vegetables and eggs.

A. it B. them C. they D. these

A. What; to B. What; for C. How; on D. How; for

( ) 3. —Does Liu Yifei like hamburgers?

( )19.—Is that apple? —Yes, it is. —No, she ______. She likes vegetables.

A. an B. a C./ D. the A. isn’t B. hasn’t C. can’t D. doesn’t

( )20.—What is this English? ( ) 4. —We need lots of ___ every day. —You are right.

1初中英语·人教版·七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

2017-2018学年度第一学期(人教版)七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

1. The girl likes ice-cream. (改为一般疑问句) —It’s apple.

_________ the girl________ ice-cream? A. in; a B. in; an C. with;/ D. with; a

2. Zhang Fei doesn’t like milk or hamburgers. (改为肯定

( )21.Some are on the table. Go and get them.

句)Zhang Fei_______ milk ______ hamburgers.

A. oranges B. apple C. hamburger D. bread

3. Ma Li likes bread and salad. (对画线部分提问)

( )23. I like fruit and .I always eat and _______ does Ma Li ______? tomatoes for dinner. 4. What about some bananas? (改为同义句) A. vegetable; oranges B. vegetable; orange ________ ________ some bananas?

5. This is a red tomato. (改为复数句) C. vegetables; orange D. vegetables; oranges

_______ _______ red _______. ( )24. Peter wants a sports star. A. be B. to C. to be D. be to ( )25. —Do you like ?—Yes, I do. A. banana B. pear C. strawberry D. chicken ( )26. Bob likes ice-cream, he doesn’t like milk. A. but B. or C. and D. because ( )27.—Mr Green teaches us English very . —Yes, but he doesn’t look today. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well, good

( )28. Mom always says fruit good for our health.

6. Those carrots are on the table.(改为单数句) ________ _______ ______ on the table.

7. Can I ask you two questions?(作肯定回答) Yes, ______ ______.

8. Do you want to buy an iPhone 6 for your daughter? (改为肯定句)_______ ______ to buy an iPhone 6 for _____ daughter.

9. She wants to be a singer some day. (改为否定句) She ________ _________ to be a singer some day. 10. My friend loves eating ice-cream. (改为一般疑问句) ________ _______ friend love eating ice-cream? 11.They like oranges.(改为否定句) They oranges.

12.Tommy and Sally like ice-cream.(对画线部分提问) Tommy and Sally ? 13.She doesn’t have pears in her bag.(改为肯定句) She pears in her bag. 14.It is a black radio.(改为复数句) They black .

15.Does his uncle like fruit salad? (作否定回答) No, .

Ⅵ.补全对话(有两个选项多余) A: Do you like sports, Tom? B: Yes. 1 A: 2

B: Yes, I’m in a soccer club.

A: You look very healthy . 3

B: I like to eat eggs and hamburgers for breakfast. A: Do you like fruit and vegetables? B: 4 They are good for me. A: What vegetables do you like? B: 5

A: I like them, too!

A. Yes, I do. B. I am fine, thank you.

A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )29. Do you eat at school? A. well B. good C. nice D. healthy

( )30. It is a store. It has bananas, pears, oranges and apples.

A. drink B. fruit C. food D. vegetable ( )31. He has apple for dinner. A. an;/ B. a;/ C. the; an D. an; a

( )32. My sister want ice-cream because she wants thin .

A. doesn’t; to be B. isn’t; to be C. doesn’t; be D. isn’t; be

( )33. Is your mother going to buy some and ?

A. tomatoes; mangoes B. tomatos; mangos C. potatos; mangoes D. potatoes; mango ( )34.—What do you think of two-child policy? —I like it. It’s a good policy. A. only B. really C. very D. well

( )35. There’s little left at home. Go and buy some, dear.

A. carrots B. potatoes C. rice D. apples ( )36.—I like fast food for breakfast. —Me, too. I always have it with cup of coffee. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. /; a Ⅴ.按要求完成句子。

2初中英语·人教版·七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

2017-2018学年度第一学期(人教版)七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

C. vegetables C. I like carrots and tomatoes. ( ) 2. Amy doesn’t like ________ . D. What do you like to eat for breakfast? E. I play soccer after school. A. orange juice B. ice-cream C. breakfast F. Are you in a club (俱乐部)? ( ) 3. Lin Dan is ________ . G. I like apples, pears and bananas. A. a student B. a soccer star C. a sports star 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( )4. Lin Dan eats ________ for dinner. Ⅶ.短文填空 A. meat and rice B. milk and hamburgers

C. apples and carrots 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形

( ) 5 Lin Dan doesn’t _______. 式正确、意义相符的单词。

A. play badminton B. eat chicken C. eat hamburgers

This is my family. My father’s 1 is Jim Collin.

He likes 2 soccer and basketball 3 much. He likes

Personal Information(个人信息) many vegetables, but he 4 like carrots. My mother’s

Name: David Smith Age(年龄): 13 name is Linda Collin. She doesn’t 5 playing sports

Address(地址): Wuhan, Hubei, China very much, but she likes to watch them 6 TV. She

Sports: basketball, ping-pong Telephone number: likes ice-cream and some 7 like apples, oranges and

83254721 bananas, but she doesn’t like strawberries. 8 name is

E-mail: David@sina.com Fruit: apples, oranges George. I like all vegetables 9 fruit. And I like French

Student Number: 11023 Vegetables: tomatoes, fries and ice-cream, but I don’t like hamburgers, because carrots Mom says that they 10 not good. ( ) 1. The boy’s last name is __________. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅷ. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

Little Ruby likes to eat in a restaurant. He often eats a hamburger and potato chips. Many people in the restaurant know him very well. They often ask him, “Why do you like to eat here?” Little Ruby says, “Because I like the toys here.” “Why don’t you go to toy shops then?” Little Ruby says, “They have toys but they don’t have hamburgers or potato chips.” 1. Where does Ruby like to eat? ________________________________

2. What does he often eat in the restaurant? ________________________________

3. Do people there know him very well? ________________________________

4. What do they often ask him? _____________________________

㈡ Hello, I’m Amy. I eat well. I like vegetables, salad and orange juice. For breakfast, I also have some milk and two eggs. I don’t like ice-cream. My favorite(最喜欢的) sports star, Lin Dan, eats lots of healthy food.He likes having eggs and bread for breakfast. For lunch, he eats rice, tomatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice. For dinner, he likes apples and carrots. He likes hamburgers, but he doesn’t eat them.

( ) 1. Amy has _________ for breakfast.

A. milk and two eggs B. ice-cream and salad

A. David B. Smith

C. David Smith D. Green ( ) 2. David is in ________.

A. Yunnan B. Wuhan

C. Ningbo D. Beijing

( ) 3. You can phone him at ________. A.11023 B. 430070

C. 82354721 D. 83254721 ( ) 4. He likes playing_______. A. baseball B. basketball C. volleyball D. soccer ball ( ) 5. He likes ________.

A. apples and tomatoes B. pears and carrots C. eggs and oranges D. bananas and carrots ㈣根据短文内容完成下列任务

Do you know many students aren’t healthy today?

Now many students know sports are good for(1)____health. But they don’t like playing sports. Some of them only watch them on TV. What’s more, many of them only like watching TV and playing computer games. They often say, “Play soccer? Oh, it sounds boring. Play basketball? Oh, it sounds(2) .”

And many boys and girls don’t like vegetables. They don’t have carrots for lunch and they don’t have tomatoes for dinner. But vegetables and fruit are healthy food. They need to eat some of them every day. But they like junk

3初中英语·人教版·七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

2017-2018学年度第一学期(人教版)七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas? food. They like eating hamburgers, French fries, ice-cream...

So if(如果)you want to be healthy, eat vegetables and play sports every day! 根据短文回答下列问题。

1. 在(1)处填入they的适当形式。


A. relaxing B. difficult C. easy

3.Why do students need to eat lots of vegetables and fruit?

4.请从文中找出两种垃圾食品。 5.将文中画线的句子译成汉语。



A.Lingnan Restaurant food. 168 Binjiang Rd. We have cooks from Harbin. s spicy(辣的)food very much. Here you can enjoy the Lingnan culture(文化)and Guangdong t it every day. s eating western(西方的)food B.Northeast Dumpling Restaurant es Chinese food very much, C.Sichuan Restaurant D.KFC Hamburgers, salad, chicken, potato chips, etc. E.Noodle Restaurant ngs. He eats many kinds of Sichuan local people cook the food. Spicy and delicious. s Guangdong food very much. Cooks from Lanzhou make delicious noodles for you. s in Shanghai. She likes eating F.Sweet Food Restaurant G.Fast Food Restaurant Fresh vegetables and meat. Rice is free.

much. She likes ice-cream very Kinds of sweet food:ice-cream, milk shake, etc. 4初中英语·人教版·七年级上册——Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

