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课时5 课标词汇(5)与非谓语动词【课标词汇演练】


1.Since it was announced on October 5th, 2015 that 84-year-old Tu Youyou had become the first Chinese citizen ________ the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, her former home in the old town of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, has attracted visitors, ________ parents and their children—________ it isn't open to the public.

自从2015年10月5日宣布84岁的屠呦呦已经成为获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的第一位中国公民, 尽管没有对外开放,她以前在浙江省古城宁波的老家吸引了一些游客,特别是父母和他们的孩子。

2.As usual, Tom gets up at 8 o'clock, drives 30 minutes on the road crowded with cars, begins his work at 9:00 and spends 10 hours in coping with various documents and goes home ________ the moon and stars— a typical day for a white collar!


3.The retired minister who likes the city life lives ________ in a mountain village, but he doesn't feel ________ because he has made friends with his digital camera.


4.—David has made so distinct progress in English recently that he can speak English fluently now.

—So he has, and ________. Congratulations on being enrolled in Harvard University. ——最近David英语进步如此之快,他现在能流利地说英语了。 ——他确实进步很大,你也是;祝贺你被哈佛大学录取。

5.Twenty-six people have died after a fire ________ in a tourist bus along the highway on the way to the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport on Tuesday afternoon. The victims ________, among whom three are under the age of 20. The youngest victim was only 12 years old, and the oldest was 73.


6.Hemingway was aiming to write without a point of view, ________ he were taking photographs, rather than responding in a human way.________ him that this was the only way to properly respond to terrible experiences of war and ________.


7.On our first day in China, we visited the Summer Palace, a beautiful mix of ________ styles that is older than my country. That was ________ average Chinese people. Many of them wanted to take pictures with our little group of American teenagers or just started conversation with us. I didn't expect ________ by the Chinese.


8.Electronic games don't have many effects on adults but affect students a great deal; so many parents ________ to limit their children's playing time.


9.I'm very lucky to be one of the few who have read both Chinese and American literature at a young age. I am determined to ________ the exposure for better cross-culture ________.


10.After the committee declares that the tickets for the concert are available to the public, many people are willing to wait ________ to buy one.

在委员会宣布音乐会门票对公众开放之后,很多人心甘情愿排长队买票。 Ⅱ.单词拼写

1.At that time he needed a high ________ (收入) to support such a large family.

2.Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, carrying 239 people including 154 Chinese, ________ (消失) on March 8,2014 after leaving Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing.

3.The competition attracted 500 students ________ (代表) 40 different countries and it proved to be a great success.

4.The company can earn ________ (百万) of dollars every year by exporting some products to foreign countries.

5.Bach, who was born in Germany on March 21, 1685, was one of the greatest ________ (音乐家) in the world.

6.The characters in the novel are ________ (生动地) presented and the novel is very popular with readers.

7.She is willing to work in an state-owned company after she ________ (毕业) from college next July.

8.We have to ________ (承认) that he is a highly competent man.

9.The enemy troops were closing in upon the city from three different ________ (方向). 10.He has lived in the city for a decade so he is quite ________(熟悉的) with it.

【基础语法演练】 [高考经典演练]


1.(2017·天津卷)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train ________ (catch).

2.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term ________ (rest).

3.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models, wants ________ (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty.

4.(2016·全国新课标Ⅰ卷) I was the first Western TV reporter ________ (permit) to film unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation.

5.(2016·全国新课标Ⅰ卷)My ambassadorial duties will include ________ (introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu.

6.(2016·全国新课标Ⅱ卷)If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you'll be less likely ________ (bring) your work home.

7.(2016·全国新课标Ⅲ卷)Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal________ (create) special designs.

8.(2016·全国新课标Ⅲ卷)People probably cooked their food in large pots, ________ (use) twigs(树枝) to remove it.

9.(2016·四川高考)For 25 days, she never left her baby, not even to find something ________ (eat).

10.(2016·北京高考) ________ (make)it easier to get in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.

11.(2016·北京高考) ________ (order) over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now.

12.(2016·江苏高考)In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message ________ (hide) within the words.

13.(2016·天津高考)The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, ________ (make) air conditioning unnecessary.

14.(2016·浙江高考)To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study ________ (conduct) in Australia in 2012.

15.(2016·浙江高考)I have as much fun sailing the seas as I now do ________ (work) with students.

16.(2016·上海高考) ________(wonder) how my mum could consume them so quickly, I began observing her daily routine for two weeks.



1. ________ (approximate), half of Chinese steel consumption is in construction, most of which is for property development.

2.Good quality jeans are ________ (availability) on the black market in Russia.

3.What we want to show is our ________ (confident) and optimism. So whether we win or not is not that important.

4.My friend knows where he can pick up a good used car for you at a ________ (reason) price.

5.I know the result from his ________ (surprise) look on his face.

6.Please read the ________ (instruct) on the bottle and take the pills according to them. 7.The scars of the crisis are fresh, and every new economic report brings another wave of ________ (anxious).

8.There used to be a ________ (various) of foods at choice in that cafeteria.

9.Some doors have locks which ________ (automatic) lock the doors when we close them. 10.The doctor's extremely quick ________ (arrive) and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.


1.The child complained that the old man made no answer when ________ (ask) where he lived.

2.________ (expose) to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.

3.The campaign to help the little boy is believed ________ (succeed), for it has raised far more money than expected.

4.There was snow everywhere so that the shape of things was difficult ________ (recognize).

5.________ (compare) with conducting an interview by QQ online, a face-to-face interview can provide people with more reliable details.

6.I appreciate ________ (give) the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.

7.With some urgent business ________ (attend) to, Mr. Smith has decided to put off his journey to Paris.

8.Why do you stand here? You are supposed ________ (work) in the lab now.

9.I could make myself ________ (feel) good by singing, walking or appreciating the beauty of the natural world.

10.She stood in front of him, with her eyes ________ (fix) on his face.

11.The only way he could think of ________ (cheer) his sister up was to take her to the


12.I got to the office earlier that day, ________ (catch) the 7:30 train from Paddington. 13.The farmers were pleased to see the problems ________ (solve) so quickly and thought highly of the local government.

14.________ (found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children's love of art.

15.________ (have)no time to see Joseph off, I gave him a call and expressed my best wishes.

16.They expected there ________ (be) more reviewing classes before the final exam. 17.—What do you think of the clothes ________ (display) in the shop window? —Perfect. All of them are fashionable.

18.________ (prevent) our bodies from getting hurt, we need to do some warming-up exercise before we do sports.

19.Not ________ (know) which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice. 20.I really regret ________ (not take) your advice. Otherwise I wouldn't have made the mistakes.


1.Having set your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late.________ 2.Solving the traffic problem, the government calls on us to go to work by bus or by subway every day. ________

3.—What is the matter?

—Her finger got trapping in the door. ________

4.Dear passengers, please remain seating until the bus totally stops.________ 5.To be a nurse, she knows how to take care of a patient. ________

6.All work is pleasant to be done when the habit of working is formed.________

7.John received an invitation to the party, and with all the work to finish, he gladly accepted it. ________

8.The two talked deep into the night, forget they were going to catch the train early the next morning.________

9.Faced challenges, you should believe that your courage is what makes a difference. ________

10.He appreciated giving a chance to make a presentation in the annual seminar on Comparative Literature.________


1.George returned after the war, ________ that his wife had left him.


2.There are many people ________, including his friends, relatives and teachers. 有许多人已经被邀请到这个聚会,包括他的朋友,亲戚和老师。

3.Tickets for that famous singer's concert ________, so you'd better book one in advance. 那个著名歌手的音乐会票很难得到,因此你最好提前预定。 4.________ the top of the hill, we find the park even more beautiful. 从山顶上看,我们发现这个公园显得更加美丽。

5.________ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. 我那天晚上因为被要求加班而错过了一场精彩的电影。 6.________ charity earned her good name. 一直致力于慈善事业为她赢得了好名声。

7.His first book ________ next month is based on a true story. 他下月将要出版的第一本书是以一个真实的故事为依据写的。

8.Finally Tom meant to put his heart into his studies; he began to know wasting time meant ________.

最好,汤姆打算一心学习;他开始知道浪费时间意味着浪费他自己生命的一部分。 9.The last one ________ should turn off the light. 最后一个离开办公室的人应该把灯关掉。

10.What we should do is to promote peace, in addition to the proposals ________. 我们应该做的是促进和平以及上面提到的建议。

11.I still ________ to the Famen Temple and what I saw there. 我仍记得别人带我去过法门寺,并记得在那里所看到的一切。

12.All flights ________ because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train. 由于恶劣的天气原因所有的航班都被取消,他们不得不乘火车去那儿。 Ⅴ.翻译句子


________________________________________________________________________ 2.如今违反交通规则和乱扔垃圾并不是不常见,它们对生命和环境造成了严重的危害。(用动名词breaking作主语、现在分词causing作状语)

________________________________________________________________________ 3.当你正匆匆忙忙去上班的时候,坐在出租车里碰到交通堵塞是一个很不愉快的经历。(用动名词短语作主语)



________________________________________________________________________ 5.埋头看报纸,我没有注意到正在发生的事情。(用过分分词作状语)

________________________________________________________________________ Ⅵ.语篇填空(非谓语动词)

Freud was one of the first scientists __1__ (make) serious research of the mind. The mind is the collection of activities __2__ (base) in the brain __3__ (involve) how we act, think, feel and reason.

He used long talks with patients __4__ (search) for the causes of mental and emotional problems. He also tried hypnosis. He wanted to see if putting patients into a sleep-like condition would help ease __5__ (trouble) minds. In most cases he found the effects only temporary. Freud worked hard, although what he did might sound easy. __6__ (talk) with his patients he had them talk about whatever they were thinking. All ideas, thoughts and anything that entered their mind had to be expressed. There could be no holding back because of fear or guilt.


Summer Camps

Good Counsel Volleyball Camps Sports Camp: Volleyball Girls Only Day Camp

Camp Address: 17301 Old Vic Blvd, Olney, Maryland 20832, USA

Phone: (202) 465-2462

Energetic staff will teach and train all the skills necessary for volleyball success in a fun and friendly atmosphere. You'll learn the fundamentals and gain experience. Our staff includes HS coaches and former players.

Eli Howard Surf School Sports Camp: Water Sports Co-ed Day Camp

Camp Address: Encinitas, California, USA Phone: (760) 259-2014

Surf school and surf camp in San Diego, California. Camps include hands-on surfing instruction by our talented surf gurus.Wet suits and boards supplied. Dance Academy of Boca Raton Performing Arts & Fine Arts Camp: Dance Co-ed Day Camp

Camp Address: Boca Raton, Florida, USA Phone: (561) 395-4797

Dance Academy of Boca Raton offers 4 exciting dance camp options for students aged 2 and up ! For our youngest dancers camps include creative movement, ballet and tap, For students 5 and up camps include ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop!

ActSmart Summer Theater Camp Performing Arts & Fine Arts Camp: Theater Co-ed Day Camp

Camp Address: Livermore, California, USA Phone: (925) 245-0283

ActSmart Summer Theater Camp is the finest theater camp for kids in the Tri-Valley. Offering excellence in training, and exceptional performance opportunities at the Bankhead Theater. All children receive the roles they choose.

1.If you want to know more information about Good Counsel Volleyball Camps, call ________.

A.(202) 465-2462 B.(760) 259-2014 C.(561) 395-4797 D.(925) 245-0283

2.The underlined word “gurus” in the second item means ________. A.suits B.experts C.athletes D.magazines

3.A four-year-old dancer attending Dance Academy of Boca Raton can learn________. A.hip hop B.jazz

C.rock D.creative movement 4.The tone of the last item is ________. A.humorous B.impatient C.persuasive D.optimistic Ⅷ.七选五

Starting college is a difficult transition(转变) for many students. Here are some ways to make the transition a little bit easier.

Get involved

By joining a team, you not only get to meet older students who can help you get through the transition, you also make friends quickly and have things to do. One of the huge differences from high school to college is the amount of free time you have. __1__ Have an open mind.

Especially if you are going to a bigger school, it's important to have an open mind. __2__ Yet when you get to college, there are people from all over that have different views on things and act in a different way.

Stay focused.

__3__ It is so easy to get caught up in your social life and forget about the academics. Remain focused on your schoolwork and figure out what you want to study, but be sure to have time for social activities as well.

__4__ Take care of your body. Being away from home and no longer having parents looking after you doesn't mean you have to throw away all the things you learned about staying healthy. Eat healthily and play sports as you did in high school to stay in shape.

Again, the transition from high school to college can be extremely challenging. __5__ By following some of these tips, hopefully your transition will be a little smoother and you will get the most out of your freshman year in college!

A. Enjoy the sports. B. Work to stay healthy.

C. When you are healthy, you feel better.

D. It may not come as easy to you as it does for some students. E. How you decide to use it determines how well you do in school. F. You may be used to the people from your town and your high school.

G. The main thing to remember when starting college is what you are actually there for.


第一部分 课标词汇·基础语法演练

课时1 课标词汇(1)与名词、冠词和主谓一致


Ⅰ.1. designed; in opposite directions; carried out 2. breakthrough; aim to; with the help of 3.To raise the service standard; appreciate 4.put aside; run into deep debt 5.no matter which; defense/defence; depends/relies on 6.felt guilty of; for fun 7.learning by heart 8.now that 9. play their part /role in; success 10. including; add to; having access to

Ⅱ.1. kindergartens 2. inventions 3. patiently 4. Judging 5. confidence 6. compulsory 7.width 8. shallow 9. celebration 10. import


高考经典演练Ⅰ.1.introduction [空格前是冠词,空格后是of所有格,故此处用名词形式。]

2.effects [side effect“副作用”,为可数名词,前面有some修饰,因此用复数形式。]

3.attraction [句意:但是对于旅游者来说,熊猫是最具吸引力的东西。根据its top可知此处应该用名词。]

4.achievement [句意:那么,先处理最重要的任务你将会感受到真正的成就感。根据a real sense of可知后面应该跟名词。]

5.credit [句意:按时缴付电费很重要,因为晚交可能会影响你的信用(credit)。根据affect your可知应该用名词。]

6.identity [句意:当他去执行这项秘密任务的时候,他给自己起了一个新的名字来隐藏他的“身份”。根据hide his可知应该用名词。]

7.safety [句意:为了你自己的安全,请远离老虎笼子。根据your own可知此处用名词。]

Ⅱ.1.a [此处表示“作为一名模特”,表泛指,应用不定冠词a。]

2.a [句意:通过走出去一会儿让你的身体和大脑休息一下。for a while “一会儿”是固定短语。]

3.The; a [句意:这次比赛给获胜者的奖励是在巴黎度假两周。第一个空格表示对比赛获胜者的奖励,是特指,故用the。第二个空格泛指一次为期两周的假期,用不定冠词a。]

4.the [根据最高级most modern可知此处应该填定冠词。] 5.a [此处表示泛指和属性,所以填不定冠词。]

6.a [句意:——为什么你没邀请约翰参加你的生日聚会?——唉,你知道他是一个令人扫兴的人。固定表达a wet blanket令人扫兴的人或物。]

7.a;the [句意:简的奶奶多年来一直想写一本儿童书,但总有这样那样的事情阻碍她不能实现。考查冠词。第一空表泛指,故用不定冠词a;第二空为固定表达get in the way妨碍,阻碍。]

8.the;a [句意:我刚听说Dora工作的银行被一位蒙面持枪歹徒抢劫了。第一空为特指,表示“Dora工作的那家银行”,第二空为泛指,表示“一位蒙面持枪歹徒”。]

9.The;the [句意:一个人的知识越是渊博,他通常就越谦虚。考查固定句式the more...the more...越??越??。]

10.a [句意:Brian在创作音乐上极有才华,他很有可能成为一个像贝多芬那样的人才。不定冠词用在人名前,表示“一个像??那样的人”。]

Ⅲ.1.is [根据主语是leaving...表示一件事情,所以填is。]

2.is;takes [考查主谓一致。句意:非常重要的是我们必须铭记成功是由每天点点滴滴的积累,而且要花很多年才能获得。分析句子结构可知宾语从句的主语是success,and连接两个并列谓语,都用单数形式。]


Ⅰ.1.regulations 2.complaint 3.ambitious 4.appreciation 5.tendency 6.intelligent 7.embarrassed 8.necessarily 9.efficiently 10.reliable

Ⅱ.1.is 2.was spent 3.have been chosen 4.is 5.has been cheated 6.is noticed Ⅲ.1.去掉what后的a 2.were→was 3.were→was

4.suggest→suggests 5.are→is 6.the→a 7.by后的the去掉 8.has→have 9.is后的the→a 10.class后的has→have

Ⅳ.A.1.a 2.the 3.the 4.the 5.a 6.an 7.the 8.the 9.a 10.the B.1.friendships 2.length 3.expectations 4.friends'

5.personal 6.to deepen/of deepening 7.action 8.attraction 9.selfishness 10.attention Ⅴ.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在寒冷的三月的一天,垒球队的姑娘们在训练时发生的惊心动魄的一幕——Paris突发心力衰竭,生死关头,队友Taylor勇敢地站出来,对她进行心肺复苏,最终使她平安脱险。

1.B [细节理解题。由第三段第二句“Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure.”可知,Paris突发心脏病,故选B项。A项“她得了重感冒”,C项“她被球击倒”,均为无中生有;D项“在练习中她剧烈发抖”曲解文意,是对首段中Taylor Bisbee shivered(发抖) a little的曲解。]

2.C [推理判断题。由倒数第三段Paris的话可知,这种情况下,多数人都很难存活,她是非常幸运的,是团队救了她,故选C项“她得到了即时的心肺复苏术”。A项“她交了一个可敬的朋友”,B项“她从休克中康复”,D项“她回到了垒球队”,均不是她说自己幸运的最根本原因。]

3.B [推理判断题。由第五段可知,Taylor虽然对自己的技术不太自信,但在没有其他人站出来的情况下,仍然跑向Paris并开始做心肺复苏术,她心里清楚,这是生与死的区别,由此可以推测Taylor是非常勇敢而且冷静的,故选B项。A项“热情且善良的”,C项“善于合作且慷慨的”,D项“有野心且专业的”。]

Ⅵ.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了饮食低脂、低盐的利弊以及对人体健康的影响。

1.as [考查介词。此处指作为抵抗心脏病的一种方法,所以用介词as。]

2.effects [考查名词复数。side effect副作用,由前面的some和下文中的两个例子overweight and heart disease可知名词effect用复数形式effects。]

3.to process [考查非谓语动词之动词不定式。require sth.to do sth.需要某物做某事,此处用了被动语态结构,所以填动词不定式to process作主语补足语。]

4.are removed [考查时态、语态和主谓一致。根据语境可知此处用一般现在时,由于主语fat and salt是复数概念,且与remove是被动关系,所以填一般现在时的被动语态结构

are removed。]

5.a [考查固定搭配中的冠词。as a result结果,是固定搭配。]

6.worse [考查副词的比较级。根据语境可知,此处表示程度的加深,所以用比较级形式。even worse更糟的是,可以看作固定搭配。]

7.is [考查时态和主谓一致。根据行文的时态可知,此处用一般现在时;句子的主语fast food(快餐)是不可数名词短语,故填be的第三人称单数形式is。]

8.eating [考查非谓语动词之动名词。表示方式的介词by之后接动名词作宾语。] 9.careful [考查词性转换之名词变为形容词。be之后接形容词作表语,care的形容词形式是careful。]

10.which [考查非限制性定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空格处所填词引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,且指代整个主句的内容,故填关系代词which。]

课时2 课标词汇(2)与介词(短语)和代词


Ⅰ.1.fight against; on condition that 2. When interviewed; on display 3.named after; in memory of 4.for lack of; therefore 5.In my opinion 6.operated on 7.were estimated to 8.was lost in thought; in detail 9.prevent her from 10.struggled for a; earning money

Ⅱ.1.assure 2.access 3.contribution 4.withdraw 5.Suppose 6.qualify 7.habits 8.suitable 【基础语法演练】

高考经典演练Ⅰ.1.in [考查介词。关于某个专业的学位要用介词in。a degree in engineering or architecture工程学或建筑学学位。]

2.from [考查介词。travel to and from work上下班。]

3.of [句意:这本字典过时了:自从它被出版,很多单词被增加到这个语言中。固定表达out of date过时的。]

4.In [句意:这个年轻人是诚实的,有合作精神,当你需要帮助时,他总是在那里。简而言之,他是可靠的。固定表达 in short简言之。]

5.in [句意:研究表明我们成长的文化影响我们看周围世界的基本过程。The cultures后面是定语从句,省略that,定语从句中cultures作宾语,那么还缺少一个介词,和cultures搭配用介词in。]

6.for [句意:大学开始开设一些新的语言项目,以迎合中国的丝绸之路经济带。固定表达cater for迎合,满足所需。]

7.on [句意:整个团队依靠Cristiano Ronaldo,他很少让他们失望。固定表达count on


8.for [句意:如果没有托马斯·爱迪生的话,我们现在所受益的许多东西是不会出现的。but for如果没有的话。]

9.to [句意:这些解释是对当地记者经常询问的特定问题的回应。固定表达in response to作为对??的回答,作为对??的反应。]

10.in [句意:这个会议室是禁烟区。我想提前警告你,如果你吸烟,你会被罚款的。固定表达in advance预先,提前。]

11.above [句意:去年是有记录以来最热的一年,比全球平均气温高0.68度。above高于,在??之上,符合句意。]

12.by [句意:这个小学生挎着奶奶的胳膊,扶着她穿过了马路。动词+sb+介词+the+人体部位,是惯用法。表示“挎着某人的胳膊”要用介词by。]

13.around [句意:他们认为即将到来的交通发展将会带来很多更好的变化。固定表达around the corner即将来临。]

Ⅱ.1.which [考查非限制性定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空格处所填词引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,且指代整个主句的内容,故填关系代词which。]

2.it [考查代词。use是及物动词,其后接宾语,此处很明显缺少代词。分析句意可知,此处用it指代上文提到的the railway。]

3.that [句意:在很多方面,美国的教育体系与英国的教育体系很不同。这里指代上文的名词education system,故用that,而且后面有介词短语作后置定语。]

4.many [句意:我一直很喜欢你组织的所有的活动并且希望在未来的几年里参加更多的活动。 many more更多(修饰可数名词)。这里修饰的是上文的activities。]

5.nobody [句意:会议将在九月举行,但没有人知道确切的日期。根据but表达转折可知没有人知道。]

6.it [句意:当你正在看一个你喜欢的节目时,突然有个人进来,一声不吭地关掉电视,你会怎么想?it作形式宾语,指代if后面的句子。]

7.that [句意:这所小学校的教育质量要好于一些大学校。句中代词代指不可数名词the quality of education,故用代词that。代词it和one都代指可数名词单数。]

8.the other [句意:为了温暖自己,这个水手坐在火前面一只光脚摩擦另外一只脚。因为人有两只脚,一只是one,另外一只是the other。]

9.it [此处it做形式宾语,that引导的从句为真正的宾语。句意:苏珊向我表明她希望自己开始新生活。]

10.it [句意:如果你能提前让我知道你会不会来,我将不胜感激。it在此做形式宾语,代替其后的宾语从句。]

11.neither [句意:她曾经在伦敦和曼彻斯特居住过,但是这两个地方她都不喜欢,于是搬到了剑桥。前面提到了两个地方,否定两者用neither。]

12.It [句意:——门口那人是谁?——是送奶工。It在本句中用来明确身份。]


Ⅰ.1.solution 2.desperately 3.manners 4.qualified 5.satisfaction 6.failure 7.loneliness 8.contributions

Ⅱ.1.at [句意:很多在线的课程让学生按照自己的节奏学习。at介词短语可表示以某种价格、速度等,at pace这里意思是按照,以某步伐,节奏。]

2.against [句意:石油区的一个井仍在燃烧,在夜空的映衬下火苗疯狂扭曲。against the night sky在夜空的映衬下。]

3.against [句意:不要把你的自行车倚着窗子,玻璃可能很容易被弄坏。put...against 把??靠在??上。]

4.behind [句意:他拿走了我的钥匙,说他不会让我坐在车轮子的后面,尽管我甚至不能直接行走。behind在??的后面。]

5.between [句意:那栋高楼里的电梯坏了,困在楼层中间。电梯里的人们无法出来,都陷入一片恐慌。between 在??中间(两者之间)。]

6.to [句意:令我们高兴的是,孩子们很快就使自己适应了这种状况。adjust oneself to 适应。]

7.off [句意:威尔宾馆处在一个湖边远离主干道的安静地方。off远离。]

8.in [句意:史密斯夫人发现她很难清理这些乱七八糟的东西,因为每次她想要清理时,她的孩子们总是碍着她。in the way 意为“挡道,妨碍”。]

Ⅲ.1.one [句意:火车每隔15分钟发车一次,如果你错过了一列,你不必再长时间等待另一列。错过一列火车,是指trains中的一个,故用one代替。]

2.nothing [句意:如果我从前从不怕死,和过山车越来越快相比,这没什么。nothing没有事情。]

3.one [句意:这是一个简单的想法,但是它很难付诸实践。one代替前面出现的 a simple idea,是泛指概念,相当于a+名词。One同时做后面that引导的定语从句的先行词。]

4.nothing [句意:除非你全身心投入写作,否则你将一事无成。nothing没什么事。] 5.everything [句意:地震中她失去了丈夫,对于年轻的母亲来说两个孩子就是她的一切。everything一切。]

6.Nobody [Nobody can help but相当于Everybody can't help but意思为大家都不禁为这些他被吸引的科幻故事所吸引了。sb. can't help but为情不自禁做某事的意思。Can’t help but +动词原形,禁不住]

7.it [句意:如果他总是制造噪音,我忍受不了了。it在这里是形式宾语,if引导的是真正的宾语从句。]

8.anywhere [句意:—你能猜到你的新老师多大岁数了吗?—很难说。但是我猜大约在35和40之间。anywhere between...数目大约在??之间。]

9.one [句意:我们在寻找一个老师,特别是一个有耐心和想象力的老师。题干前面是a teacher,后面代指其同类的人,应用one。]

10.one [代词one是moment的同位语,all of us will never forget是省略了关系代词that 的定语从句。]

Ⅳ.1.both→neither 2.how→which 3.each→every 4.where→which 5.other→other's 6.that→it

7.Each→None 8.on→above 9.in→for 10.in→within 11.at→on 12.for→from 13.within→with 14.in→for 15.to→of

Ⅴ.1.ordered another 2.Working with others 3.talk to the other 4.There is something 5.have made it possible 6.it would be good 7.When it comes to 8.appreciate it

Ⅵ.A.1.on 2.in 3.for 4.by 5.of 6.in 7.by 8.to 9.in 10.in 11.on 12.as B.1.it/them 2.he 3.him 4.Another 5.them 6.both 7.they 8.me 9.It 10.You C.1.we 2.both 3.our 4.us 5.she 6.her 7.me 8.he 9.another 10.his

Ⅶ.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位心地善良的小女孩,在两次目睹了无家可归的流浪者的悲惨生活后,竭尽所能地帮助无家可归者。在自己的努力和影响下,她让更多的人参与了进来。

1.B [下文语境题。根据后面的the man was homeless and hungry可知,那个人无家可归,并且很饿,所以他应该是从垃圾桶里找东西吃(eat)。jump跳;eat吃;cry哭;wave挥手。]

2.D [下文语境题。根据后面的“She couldn't understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food.”可知,她不能理解为什么一些人没有庇护之所,没有足够的食物,这让她很不快(upset)。第二段最后一句出现的sad是近义词复现,也可由此印证答案。annoyed生气的;nervous紧张的;ashamed内疚的,惭愧的;upset不快的,心烦意乱的。]

3.C [下文语境题。根据后面的there is not a lot one fiveyearold can do to solve(解决) the problem of homelessness可知,Hannah想尽一己之力帮助(help)无家可归者,不过一个5岁的女孩毕竟能力有限,可做的事情不多。behave表现;manage设法完成;help帮助;work工作。]

4.A [下文语境题。根据后面的an old shopping trolley(购物车)可知,她碰到的那个妇女推着(push)一辆旧的购物车。push推;carry运送;buy购买;hold抓住。]

5.D [下文语境题。根据后面的“It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them.”可知,那个女人所有的家当好像都在包里,所以购物车里应该堆满了包(bags)。goods商品; bottle瓶子;food食物;bag包。受shopping trolley(购物车)的干扰,此题容易错选A项。]

6.B [上下文语境题。根据第一段的内容可知,Hannah在5岁时就想帮助无家可归者,根据第三、四段的内容可知,Hannah做了一些事情来帮助他们,所以此处表示,碰到这个无家可归的女人,她很伤心,这更坚定了(determined)她要做点儿事情的决心。excited兴奋的; determined坚定的; energetic精力充沛的; grateful感谢的,感激的。]

7.A [上文语境题。根据第一段的内容“She asked her mother why he did that...”可知,自从(since)她们第一次碰到那个无家可归的人,Hannah就和她的妈妈一直讨论他们的生活。since“自??以来”,可引导时间状语从句。unless“除非”,引导条件状语从句;although“虽然”,引导让步状语从句;as“因为;当??的时候”,引导原因状语从句或时间状语从句。]

8.C [上文语境题。根据空前的made her sad可知,碰到无家可归的人让Hannah很伤心,所以她的妈妈告诉她,如果她能做点儿什么来改变这个问题,那么她就不会感觉(feel)这么糟糕了。sound听起来; get变得;feel给人??感觉;look看起来。]

9.D [上文语境题。根据此段第一句中的began to speak out可知,Hannah开始在公开场合做些关于无家可归的人的演讲,想呼吁人们关注他们。她希望把希望传播(spread)下去,并提升人们的意识。exchange交换,互换;leave留下;keep保持;spread扩散,流传。]

10.C [下文语境题。根据此空句子的后半句可知,她会在午餐期间尽力说服当地的商界领袖为这一事业做出贡献,所以Hannah是主办(host)了“大老板”午餐,这是她组织的一种活动。sell卖;deliver递送;host主办; pack(把??)打包。]

11.A [上文语境题。Hannah举办“大老板”午餐活动,是为了让他们为这一事业出一己之力(contribute)。contribute to为??做贡献,为??出力;lead to导致;apply to申请;agree to同意(计划、安排、方案等)。]

12.A [上下文语境题。空格前的another提示,前面已经出现过一个同类型的名词,而前文提到的与募捐有关的活动,是一个零钱月(“Make Change” month),another后面是另一个活动(campaign)——National Red Scarf Day,人们在当天捐献20美元。campaign活动,运动; trip旅行; procedure程序,步骤;trial审判,试验。]

13.B [上文语境题。第一段中提到了the man was homeless and hungry,和本空相对应,是单词复现。elderly年老的; hungry饥饿的; lonely孤单的;sick生病的。]

14.C [下文语境题。根据下文的描述,Hannah's Place分布在好几个区,为流浪者提供了栖身之处,所以Hannah已经给很多流浪者提供了帮助,这是她感到骄傲的(proud)事。 be aware of意识到??;be afraid of 害怕??;be proud of为??感到骄傲,以??为荣;be sure of对??有把握。]

15.B [上下文语境题。Hannah给流浪者提供了栖身之处,让他们在严寒的天气有地方可住。在寒冷的天气,睡(sleep)在户外就可能死亡。go去,到;sleep睡觉; travel旅行; play玩耍。]

16.A [下文语境题。根据本段中的she received the 2007 BRICK Award可知,Hannah曾获得2007年盘石奖,所以可以判断她因自己的善行获得了很多赞扬(praise)。praise表扬,赞扬; invitation邀请;reply回复;appointment约会。]

17.D [上下文语境题。Hannah获得了2007年盘石奖,这个奖项是对年轻人为改变世界所做出努力(effort)的认可。need需要; interest兴趣; dream梦想; effort努力。]

18.B [上下文语境题。但是在这期间,Hannah依然过着正常的校园生活。for因为;through在整个期间;besides除??之外(还);along沿着。]

19.C [上下文语境题。根据上下文可知,在做慈善的过程中,她依旧过着普通(normal)校园女孩的生活,和其他女孩并无区别,只是常常要去探望无家可归的人。healthy健康的;public公共的;normal平常的,正常的;tough困难的。]

20.D [上文语境题。根据上文内容可知,Hannah是通过自己的努力改变世界的年轻人之一。make a difference使变得不同,有影响,符合语境。make a choice做出选择;make a profit赚取利润;make a judgement做出判断。]

Ⅷ.This afternoon, I saw an interesting thing while I was walking home


school. from

I noticed a schoolboy walking in the front of me. When he passed by a white wall, he left his two footprints on the wall. afraid and ran


quickly. away


boy passed by the wall and saw the footprints on the wall. He another


this, an old man shouted at the boy . The boy felt Seeingangrily

A few minutes later,


thought for a moment and took out a pencil from his schoolbag. I was

While/When/Aswondering, I saw the boy painting a panda on the wall. And the footprints black eyes.


smart the boy was! How


the panda's


课时3 课标词汇(3)与形容词、


1. damage; due to/ owing to/ because of; were affected 2. elected; differ from 3.explore; In the 1770s; is famous for 4.gathered at; cheering 5.containing; which weighed 6.react angrily to 7.ocean; used to take; friendly 8.feel impatient with; likely; explanation 9.Due to; tend to 10.planned to; in need

Ⅱ.1.leather 2.abroad 3.control 4.heated 5.driving 6.batteries 7.technical 8.gradually 9.architecture 10.military


高考经典演练1.officially [根据空格处修饰动词given,应该用提示词的副词形式。] 2.regularly [此处是副词修饰动词短语take short breaks。]

3.gradually [分析句子结构可知,空格处修饰动词短语turned into并在句中作状语,所以用副词。]

4.off [句意:多亏了良好的创业环境,许多大学生的创业项目已经成功(take off)了。take off意为“开始成功”。]

5.explicit [句意:数据如何收集以及是基于什么收集的,他全面详尽的调查提供了最明确清晰的(explicit)说明。根据后面的名词可知此处用形容词,explicit意为“清楚明确的,直截了当的”。]

6.of [句意:父母应该积极地督促孩子利用(take advantage of)加入体育队的机会。take advantage of意为“利用”。]

7.to [句意:玛丽在讨论初期保持了沉默,但最终还是提出了对这一话题的看法(give voice to...)。gave voice to意为“表达对??的想法”。]

8.on [ 句意:我讨厌工作时她给我打电话——我一直很忙,没时间与她进行谈话(carry on a conversation)。carry on意为“进行,继续”。]

9.off [句意:当孩子们住得离他们很远时,这些老人就感觉是与世隔绝了(cut off from the world)。cut off意为“隔绝”。]

10.specific [句意:在这篇文章里,你需要用具体的(specific)例子来支持你的主题句。specific意为“具体的,特定的”,此处修饰后面的名词。]

11.recently [分析句子结构可知,空格处在句子中作时间状语,故用recent的副词形式。]

12.especially [句意:突然停下可能是一次非常可怕的经历,尤其(especially)是你正在高速行进时。especially意为“尤其”。此处是副词修饰后面的句子。]

13.greater [根据与前面的比较以及后面的less importance可知应该用比较级。] 14.natural [根据该词修饰后面的名词architects,可知此处用形容词修饰名词。] 15.comprehensive [句意:警方决定对该案件进行彻底和全面的审查。作名词review


16.relevant [句意:我认为他说的与我们正在讨论的主题无关。他跑题了。作系动词is的表语要用形容词形式。relevant有关的;贴切的。]

17.best [句意:Andy对这个玩具很满意,这是他曾得到的最好的玩具。根据句意应用最高级。]

18.amazed [句意:小汤姆坐在那儿看小猴子在他面前跳舞,很听惊。amazed感到吃惊的,常修饰人;amazing令人吃惊的,常修饰物。]

19.for [句意:据说,肢体语言占第一印象的55%,而语言只占7%。account for占??比例,符合题意。]

20.away [句意:身势语能够清楚地泄露出你的情绪,因此双臂交叉站着则表示你具有防御性。give away泄露,符合语境。]


Ⅰ.1.awareness 2.drunk 3.absolutely 4.Production 5.annually 6.embarrassing 7.firm 8.convenient

9.shocked 10.curiously 11.losing 12.borrowing; to return 13.for 14.across 15.aside 16.Reminded(Having been reminded) 17.heard 18.To settle 19.Having finished 20.solved

Ⅱ.1.five times as much water 2.a most determined 3.Curious and excited 4.the taller of the two 5.less and less satisfied with 6.faster than

7.have never had a colder day 8.can never be too careful 9.much/far/a lot more interesting 10.the more progress you will make.

Ⅲ.1.late→lately 2.high→highly 3.lately→late 4.deep→deeply 5.more →much 6.clearly →clear 7.tall→taller 8.deeply→deep 9.highly→high 10.deeply →deep

11.clear→clearly 12.few→little 13.cutting→cut 14.repairing→repair 15.do→doing 16.is tasted→tastes 17.explained后加to 18.seeing→being seen

Ⅳ.1.make up 2.lives up to 3.stands out 4.taken up

5.put up with 6.appeals to 7.set off 8.adapt to 9.Compare; with 10.end up with Ⅴ.1.can't be careful enough 2.The harder; the more success 3.more 4.safe and sound

5.occurred to me

6.turned out 7.contributes to 8.have a strong appetite for

Ⅵ.【语篇解读】 这是一篇科普类的说明文。文章讲述了澳大利亚的一位生物学家通过研究发现,鸟儿在孵化时会进行胎教,幼鸟在孵化后用胎教时学会的鸟叫声来唤起鸟妈妈的关注。鸟儿在胎教方面比人类更出色。

1.B [猜测词义题。画线部分前面的语境说,婴儿在出生之前就能分辨很大的声音与人的声响(tell the difference between loud sounds and voices),画线部分后面的语境说,而鸟妈妈在鸟儿被孵化出来之前,就能教它们唱歌了(teach their young to sing)。通过对画线部分前后的对比我们发现,这里说的是与人类相比,鸟妈妈在胎教方面表现得最好(be the best),因此选B。A项颠倒是非,根据语境的对比,一方面是人类婴儿出生之前会分辨很大的声响(loud sounds)和人的声音(voices),而鸟儿在被孵化出来之前能学会唱歌,因此这里说的是鸟儿在胎教方面比人类更出色,而不是A项的“最糟糕的”;C项曲解文意,文章说人类婴儿在出生之前和小鸟在被孵出之前都能通过胎教学会辨别,而C项说这二者一样糟糕,因此不符合文章内容;D项无中生有,文章没有说人类婴儿在出生之前与鸟儿在被孵化出来之前的辨别能力一样好。]

2.A [细节理解题。根据题干的Kleindorfer's findings based on,我们知道本题询问的是这项研究成果建立的基础,由此把答案定位在第三段。该段说,为了了解这种特殊的素质是不是所有的鸟儿都具备(if the special quality was more widespread in birds),研究人员选定了澳大利亚另外一种会唱歌的鸟(another species of Australian songbird)——鹪鹩(fairy wren),从位于昆士兰四个地点的67个鸟巢里收集鸟叫的声音资料(collected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland),然后再来分辨这些鸟叫声(identified begging calls),比较这些鸟叫声中鸟妈妈与小鸟声音的相似方面(ranking them by similarity),然后得出结论(It turns out that...):幼鸟的叫声与鸟妈妈的声音很相似。由此判断,他的发现基于A项(鸟妈妈与小鸟叫声的相似之处)。B项颠倒是非,文章说Kleindorfer 收集鸟儿的声音资料(collected sound data),而不是B项的“观察鸟儿”(observation),文章说收集的范围是昆士兰的4个地点(four sites in Queensland),而不是B项的“全澳大利亚”(across Australia);C项曲解文意,C项的复数名词locals表示“当地人”,C项提到准确信息“昆士兰”,但是后面的locals不对,不是从人们那里收集数据;D项无中生有,该项说用这些鸟儿和其他鸟儿来做实验,而且还是可控制的实验(controlled experiments),这在文中未提及。]

3.C [推理判断题。文章最后两段说,研究结果发现,叫声与鸟妈妈的声音很接近的幼鸟得到的食物最多(the baby birds that most closely imitated their mom's voice were rewarded with the most food),这表明,胎教能够把孩子神经系统的力量情况传递给母亲(signal neurological strengths of children to parents)。从这些信息判断,胎教能帮助鸟妈妈识别出更能



1.E [根据 文章标题“Find Meaningful Work”以及上文中的“Young people today want to do work with purpose”,再结合下文中的三条建议 可知应选E。]

2.D [根据上文中的“to volunteer”与D项中的“That volunteer experience”可知,Alex McPhillips的志愿服务最后成就了他的事业。]

3.A [根据下文中的“get closer to who we are”与A项中的“who you are” 可知,此处说的应是要了解自己。]

4.B [由该部分段首的“Skills often get people hired”可知,此段主要讲的是在找工作时拥有一技之长的优势及重要性,并非谈如何利用技能实现多方就业。故B项符合语境。]

5.F [根据下文中的“This was the case for Deepa Subramaniam ... a career change”和“She noticed...land the position”可知选项F符合语境,This指的就是F项的问题。]

课时4 课标词汇(4)与动词的时态和语态


Ⅰ.1.bear/keep in mind that; with the help of 2.A number of; the number of whom 3.choose from; make up my mind 4.It seemed that 5.so sleepy that 6.It is reported that 7.pointed out; out of order 8.fortunately; without hesitation 9.up till/to now 10.beyond our expectation

Ⅱ.1.approach 2.temporary 3.reference 4.formally 5.contact 6.admire 7.demand 【基础语法演练】

高考经典演练1.comes [由时间状语at the moment可知,这里是指现在发生的事情,因此用一般现在时。]

2.is [此处表示客观事实,应用一般现在时,food为不可数名词,故填is。] 3.was driving [此处是be doing... when...结构,意为“正在做??,这时(突然)??”。


4.was working [句意:突然断电时,Jack正在实验室工作。根据occurred可知,这里指过去某时刻正在发生的事情,用过去进行时。]

5.have been waiting [句意:——打扰了,你们在等哪一部电影? ——《星球大战》,我们已经在这儿等了两个多小时了。“for+一段时间”与完成时连用,根据语境可知,说话时还在等待,故用现在完成进行时。]

6. have read [句意:我已经看完了这本英文小说的一半,周末会尽力把另一半看完。发生在过去的动作对现在产生影响,用现在完成时。“看小说”这一动作发生在过去,到目前为止看了一半,故用完成时。]

7.will be rewarded [句意:学生们一直在刻苦学习功课,他们的努力将会得到回报。根据句意可知,回报是将来发生的事情,而且efforts和reward是被动关系,故这里用将来时及被动语态。]

8.will be made [句意:正如报道的那样,在未来几年将作出的努力,以加速供给结构改革的速度。根据in the years ahead可知用将来时,efforts和make是被动关系。故这里用一般将来时的被动语态形式。]

9.has been learning [本句的时间状语是“for decades几十年来”,该时间状语通常和现在完成的有关时态连用,本句强调这几十年来大山一直努力把中国相声和西方的脱口秀相结合。所以使用现在完成进行时,强调动作的延续性和反复性。]

10.hadn’t seen [句意:当沿着街道散步的时候,我遇见了多年未见的David。根据语境,“not see”这个动作发生在come across之前,是过去的过去发生的动作,用过去完成时。]

11.had become [句意:到公元前100年为止,丝绸已经成为丝绸之路上交易的主要商品之一。时间状语是by +过去时间,谓语要用过去完成时。]

12.were treated [句意:——你喜欢这个聚会吗?——是的,我们的主人很好的招待了我们。根据上一句中的did可知用一般过去时;且we和treat是动宾关系,用被动语态。空中应用一般过去时的被动语态。 ]

13.has made [句意:在过去的这些年里,中国在环境保护中取得了很大的成就。由时间状语in the last few years可知动作从过去一段时间持续到现在并对现在造成影响,用现在完成时。]

14.will call [句意:——Dr.Jackson现在不在办公室。——好的,我待会再打给他。由later可知,表示的是将来要执行的动作,用一般将来时。]

15.changed [句意:彼得来了吗?没有,刚才接到一个电话后改变主意了。根据at the last minute在最后一秒可能发生在过去,故用一般过去时。]

16.was going to be [句意:爱因斯坦出生于1879年,小的时候很少人猜到他将会成为一个伟大的科学家,他的理论将会改变全世界。根据句意,应该是表达过去将来时。]

17.has been reached [句意:尽管之前多轮谈判,但到目前为止双方没有达成任何协议。根据句中的时间状语so far“到目前为止”可知用现在完成时。agreement与reach为被动关系。]

18.will be teaching [句意:简不能参加今天下午3点钟的会议,因为她那个时候在一个班上课。根据句中的时间状语at that time,指at 3 o’clock this afternoon,表示在将来的某一时刻正在做某事,故用将来进行时。]

19.will be built [句意:四川将建设更多的高速公路以促进当地的经济。根据时间状语soon可知,考查了将来时。]

20.was to become [句意:在大学的时候,奥巴马不知道他将成为美国第一个黑人总统。用过去将来时表示过去某个时间将要发生的事情。]

21.has been working [句意:Marty一直努力写书,我想他到周五为止将已经完成了。用现在完成进行时表示从过去到现在一直进行的动作。]


Ⅰ.1.will show [句意:—彼得,你知道如何下载最新的软件吗?—当然。我会教你步骤。由句意可知show动作发生在说话动作之后,说话者的时态是一般现在时,故这里是用将来时态,表示将会做。]

2.were reported [句意:据报道2015的20天的假期中国高速公路免费。“报道”动作发生在过去,且主语是动作承受者,应用一般过去时的被动语态。]

3.had learned [句意:她作为一名志愿者来帮助聋人之前已经学习了手语。由句意可知,学习手语在做一名志愿者之前,是过去的过去,用过去完成时。]

4. was showing [句意:不要担心。他保持沉默时,Mr White正在表示支持我们的计划。根据从句的时态是过去时,和主从句之间的关系,主句应该是表示“他保持沉默”时正在进行的动作,应用过去进行时。]

5.was cancelled [句意:我不必那么匆忙。去重庆的航班因天气原因被取消了。根据前文的needn’t have done表示过去做了不必做的事情。那么也就是说语境发生在过去,cancel也应发生在过去。flight是cancel的动作承受者,故用一般过去时的被动语态。]

6. applied [句意:Ann向这个公司申请了高级职员这个职位,现在她正在焦急地等待结果。该空动作的时态发生在过去,故用一般过去时。]

7.have been looking [句意:—你收到纽约大学的录取通知书了吗?—还没有。我一直在期待着。表示动作从过去发生并持续到现在,仍在进行的动作用现在完成进行时。]

8.has spread [句意: 网上被广泛接受的汉字“duang”在汉语词典中不存在。尽管如

