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Unit1 A family outing.

Part A


一.选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。 ( )1. to ther (在一起) A. eg B.ge C. ee ( )2. ting (郊游)

A. fa B. wo C. ou ( )3. r e (骑)

A. id B.ad C.od ( )4. gr dparent(祖父/母) A. ea B. an C. ar ( )5. f ily(家庭)

A. am B. an C. ma 二. 给下列短语选择正确的翻译。 ( )1.go shopping A.骑自行车 ( )2.have a good time B. 玩的开心 ( )3.ride a bicycle C.看花 ( )4.family outing D.看电影 ( )5.have a walk E.去购物 ( )6. look at the flowers F. 散步 ( )7. watch a movie G. 家庭郊游



( )1.My family often goes to the

beach Sundays. A. in B. on C. at


①课时目标 重点词汇积累: together 在一起

ride骑(自行车、马等) grandparent(外)祖父/母 family outing 家庭郊游 do things together一起做事 watch a movie看电影 go shopping 去购物 take/have a walk散步 look at the flowers看花 go on an outing 去郊游 实用句型集锦:

1. Where are we going today?我们今天要去哪? 2. Shall we go to the park? 我们去公园好吗?

3. We’ll visit your grandpa and grandma.我们要去看望你的爷爷奶奶。

4. What are we going to do at the park? 我们要在公园做什么? 5. We can ride bicycles and look at the flowers.我们可以骑自行车看花。

6. We’ll have a good time

together.我们会玩的很开心。 7. We enjoy ourselves. 我们玩的很开心。

8. What do your family usually 9. At weekends, many families do at weekends?你的家庭在周末通常做什么?

go on an outing.在周末,很多家庭去郊游。

10. Mr. Liu likes to take his

( )2.She to go shopping with his

parents tomorrow.

A. is go B. going C. is going ( )3.--- are we going this weekend? ---We’re going to the zoo. A. Where B. What C. How ( )4.My family often a movie together. family to the beach for a swim and a picnic. 刘先生喜欢把他 的家人带到海边去游泳野餐。 11. They have lots of fun and love each other more. 他们玩的很开心而且更爱彼此了。 ②名师精析

1. What are we going to do at the park? 我们要在公园做什么? A. look B. watch C. watches ( )5. We can look the flowers at the park. A. at B. in C. on 四.选词填空.

ride visit take together enjoy 1. We’ll watch a movie . 2. We ourselves at the zoo. 3. I can a bicycle.

4. He’s going to his grandparents. 5. Are you going to a walk?


五. 连词成句。

1. today, what, going, are, to, do, you (?)

3. family, goes, my, to, library, the (.)

3. we’ll, walk, with, take, a, grandparents, your(.) 4. we, go, shall, shopping (?)

5. can, look, flowers, at, we, the(.)

此句中be going to …表示“将要/打算…”, 相当于will 对于将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的事,皆以“be going to +动词原形”的句型来表示.。

肯定结构:主语+be going to+动词原+……

I am going to play football next Sunday.

否定结构:主语+be not going to +动词原形

We’re not going to have any class next week.

2. We’ll have a good time

together. 我们会玩的很开心。 have a good time 意为“玩的开心过得愉快”,同意短语还有: have fun; enjoy oneself


be going to用法口诀: be going to跟“动原”,计划、准备或打算; 表可能,有必然,通过现象来判断。 be的形式要注意,它要随着人称变, 否定句,很简单,not加在be后边; 疑问句,需牢记,be应提到主语前.

Part B


一. 听音标号

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二. 听音,选出你所听到的句子。 ( )1.A. Where are we going today?

B. What are we going to do today?

( )2. A. We’ll go to the park. B .We are going to the park. ( )3. A. My family watches a movie together.

B . My family goes to the library together.

( )4. A.Shall we ride bicycles? B .Let’s ride bicycles. ( )5. A.Many families go shopping at weekends.

B . Many families go on an outing at weekend



1. Amy is going to the b (海滩). 2. My family has a p (野餐)at the park. 3. Mrs Liu b (带)food and drinks.

4.Many f (家庭)like to go on an out going at weekends. 5. They are happy to have time t (一起).



( ) 1.Daming going to his grandparents.. A. is ; look B. is ;visit C. are; watching

( )2.Mr. Wang like his family the beach for a swim. A. take; to B. bring ;to C. to take; to

( ) 3.The children like to play the beach.

