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新目标七年级下Unit 11-12单元综合练习(含解析山东肥城)



( ) 1. --What does he soap operas?

--He doesn’t like them.

A. think over

B. look at

C. think of

D. look like

( ) 2. she enjoy to music?

A. Is; listening

B. Does; listening

C. Does; listen

D. Is; to listen

( ) 3. -- do you the movies?

--It’s very interesting. I like it very much.

A. What; like

B. How; like

C. How; think of

D. What; think of

( ) 4. --How about to the museum? --Good idea.

A. to go

B. went

C. going

D. goes

( ) 5. Do you mind the door?

A. opening

B. openning

C. open

D. to open

( ) 6. --I love cartoons very much. -- .

A. What about you

B. I,too

C. Me, too

D. Me, either

( ) 7. Mike looks like a boy. In fact he is .

A. 12-year-old; 14-years-old

B. 12-years-old; 14-year-old

C. 12 years old; 14-year-old

D. 12-year-old; 14 years old

( ) 8. She showed .

A. me her pictures

B. her pictures me

C. me of her pictures

D. her pictures with me

( ) 9. arrive late for class.

A. Not

B. Not do

C. Don’t

D. Doesn’t

( ) 10. We to wear hats in school.

A. not have

B. have not

C. don’t have

D. have don’t

( ) 11.Everyone in our class English very much.

A. is like

B. likes

C. are like

D. like

( ) 12. We can eat outside we can’t eat in class.

A. so

B. and

C. but

D. or

( ) 13. The girl never goes out school nights.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. on

( ) 14. Nancy’s brot her is ill, so she stay at home to look after him.

A. can’t

B. have to

C. needn’t

D. has to

( ) 15. I have two kids. One is a son, is a daughter.

A. one

B. other

C. another

D. the other




I tell you what I think.

17. 每个人都希望自己年轻漂亮。

Everyone be young and beautiful.

18. 他不在乎年轻人对他怎么想。

He doesn’t what young people him.

19. 我喜欢读你在学校杂志上发表的文章。

I your articles in the school magazine.

20. 随后我还得去少年宫学钢琴。

Later I have to go to the children’s palace

the piano.


21. I don’t mind Sports News.(对画线部分提问)

do you Sports News?

22. No photos here.(改为同义句)

take here.

23. Can I smoke here?(作否定回答)

, you .

24. You mustn’t play on the street.(改为同义句)

on the street.

25. Mary has to go home now.(变为一般疑问句)

Mary to go home now?



Dear Mike,

I’m living in China now. 26 is great! Mother and I are

27 the same school, she teaches English. She is a good

28 . I like my 29 . They are good to me, and the Chinese

30 is delicious. Lucy, an American girl, is my classmate. We go to school 31 days a week. We 32 at home on Saturdays and Sundays. We play games on Wednesdays and Fridays. The 33

people are very friendly. They teach us 34 . We often 35

each other. We are happy in China.

Please write soon!

Love from


( ) 26. A. China B. America C. England D. English

( ) 27. A. in B. for C. to D. of

( ) 28. A. student B. teacher C. worker D. girl

( ) 29. A. students B. friends C. schools D. mothers

( ) 30. A. water B. food C. drink D. eat

( ) 31. A. four B. five C. six D. seven

( ) 32. A. stay B. have classes C. reading D. go

( ) 33. A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese


