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(全卷共八个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)




I. 听力测试。(共30分)


听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答句。 1. A. I don’t know. 2. A. Sure.

3. A. It is Tuesday. 5. A. OK.

B. Thank you. B. Hello, Tina. B. I know.

C. Good idea.

C. Hello, Linda. C. It’s May 8.

B. It was Monday.

4. A. Thank for telling me. 6. A. Yes, I do.

C. Have a good time.

C. No, not at all.

B. Sorry, I didn’t see the sign. C. Thanks. B. Yes, please.

第二节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)

听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 7. A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I’m not sure. C. $100.

C. It has lasted for 3 days.

8. A. It’s not decided yet. 9. A. It’s serious.

B. $80.

B. It’s not serious.

10. A. He wants to borrow a book. B. He wants to buy a book.

C. He wants to learn something about the book. 11. A. He thinks both cities are modern.

B. He thinks Qingdao the second best city in China. 12. A. Twenty minutes.

B. Just a little more than twenty minutes. C. Less than twenty minutes.


C. Maybe he prefers Qingdao to Shanghai.




13. A. To work as agents.

B. To advertise for him

C. To let him use their photos.

14. A. He provided them with free food and housing.

B. He paid them every three weeks. C. He let them enjoy a holiday for nothing. 15. A. Two weeks later. 16. A. Yes. 17. A. A father.

B. Three weeks later. B. No.


B. A grandfather. B. In France.

C. A teacher.

C. In the evening.

18. A. In England.

C. A months later. C. The story didn’t tell us

C. She is enjoying her holiday in a foreign country.

B. In the afternoon. B. No.

C. We can’t see from the letter.

19. A. In the morning. 20. A. Yes.



21. There lots of fish in this river years ago.

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. was D. fourtieth

22. He celebrated his birthday not long ago.

A. thirty-nine A. have, have

B. thirty-nineth

C. thirty-ninth

23. I don’t know when I time. But I will come to see her as soon as I time.

B. will have, will have D. have, will have C. hardly enough C. 8 hours’

D. hard enough D. a 8-hour D. helped picked D. How strange a

C. will have, have A. enough hard A. 8 hour

24. I’m afraid he is not working these days.

B. enough hardly B. 8 hours

25. It’s train ride from here to that city. 26. Many people came our cotton.

A. help pick A. What strange

B. to help pick B. How strange

C. helped pick

27. Look! the bird is!

C. What a strange

28. Their teachers give more homework than . They aren’t as lucky as us.

A. we do

B. us do

C. ours do

D. ours does D. tried growing D. hurt

29. Have you ever some vegetables on your roof? It’s really interesting.

A. try to grow A. was injured A. else someone

B. tried to grow B. were injured

C. try growing C. was hurt

30. It was a terrible accident. Ten died, and all the rest badly. 31. It’s not our dog. It is .

B. else someone’s D. someone else’s C. few

D. a few

C. someone’s else A. little

32. Only father worked in our family, so we could save each year. B. a little

33. Japan is among in the world thought it’s very small.

A. develop country

B. developing countries D. the most developed C. neither can I C. \\, a

D. nor I can D. a,\\

[C. more developed countries A. so can I A. a, a

34. If you can’t help him, . B. so can’t I B. \\, \\

35. A: Did you have breakfast this morning? B : Yes, but only small breakfast. 36. It’s such bad weather. I wonder our flight will be canceled(取消).

A. that

B. if

C. when C. when

D. how D. in that

37. Do you still remember the day we said goodbye to each other?

A. who

B. which

38. He under a tree in the park.

A. found lying

B. was found lying D. was seen lie C. such

D. such a

C. was found to lie A. so

39. We have never seen lovely bird before.

B. so a

40. When do you suppose the exam?

A. will we have

B. we will have D. if we will

C. are we going to have



No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. 41 is important to make the right impression (印象) from the very first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place. It 42 difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first day at a new job:

1. 43 impressions can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out 44 your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to 45 it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.

2. Get to work on time. Give 46 an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.

3. Pay attention to introductions. One of the first things 47 your supervisor(工头)may do is to introduce you to workmates. These workmates will be important to you. They are the 48 who will answer your questions when the boss is not around. 4. Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If he or she has not told you your duties, ask for a list. Set 49 and weekly goals for yourself.

5. 50 the first one to leave. Observe (观察) what your workmates do around quitting time (下班时间). It does not look good for you to be anxious to leave. 41. A. It

B. This B. may be B. Bad B. if

C. That C. must C. Deep C. why C. follow C. what C. ones C. day’s C. Can’t be

D. One D. must have D. First D. how D. make D. you D. that D. places D. every day D. Find out

42. A. maybe 43. A. Good 44. A. that 45. A. read 47. A. who 49. A. day

B. understand B. yourself B. whose B. one

B. daily

46. A. others 48. A. person

C. your boss

50. A. Always be B. Never be

IV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)



Danish(丹麦的) family were on a camping holiday in the south of Italy. There were the two parents, their children and a rather old grandmother. Unfortunately, the grandmother became ill and died, very quickly.

They didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t speak Italian and they didn’t have much They decided, instead, to wrap(裹) the grandmother in the tent, tie her on the roof(顶) of

money. Their holiday was nearly over, so they decided not to tell the police.

the car and drive home to Denmark(丹麦). They drove day and night until they reached the north of Italy. They felt very tired and decided to spend the night in a hotel in a small town. They left the tent and the grandmother on the top of the car. The next morning when they left the hotel, they found that the car was missing. Someone stole it during the night. 51. The Danish family spent their holiday ______.

A. in the south of Denmark C. between Denmark and Italy.

B. in the north of Italy D. in the south of Italy

52. During the holiday, the old woman ____ and died quickly.

A. had a fall B. had an accident C. fell into the river D. fell sick A. As none of them spoke Italian and there was little money left B. Because they didn’t know the police C. As they had no money

D. Because they were afraid of the police in Italy. A. they drove in the day and rested at night B. someone stole the car with the old woman.

C. they left the car outside in order that someone could steal it D. the family would be happy.


Can you live for a year without spending any money? Just ask Mark Boyle.

Mark, 30, was a manager of a food company in the UK. He gave up his job last year to 53. ____, they decided to take the old woman home.

54. From the passage we know that _____.

live in a caravan(大篷车) near England’s city of Bath. There he grew his own food and used junk that other people threw away.

He used fish bones with wild seed to brush his teeth and old newspapers as toilet paper. He grew vegetables, mush-rooms and nuts on a small piece of land and sometimes ate leftovers (剩菜剩饭)from restaurants.

Mark said he did these things because he doesn’t want to live a wasteful life. “There are

people going hungry on the other side of the world; there are people who died without medicine, food and clean water,” he said.

