人教版英语八年级上册Unit 3-4单元测试卷

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景德镇市昌江区八年级英语(上)Unit 3-4单元测试卷

一、 单项选择(15分)

( )1. What _____ good supermarket! It has ______ best goods.

A. an, a B. a, the C. the, a D. a, an

( )2. It is __________to travel 10,000 miles to read 10,000 books. A. good, as B. well, but C. best, nor D. better, than ( )3. He is ________ a teacher. He loves his students like a father.

A. over B. really C. more than D. better than ( )4. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class.

A. clearly B. carefully C. carelessly D. properly

( )5. Mrs. Li is a strict teacher, She is __________ in her students and She is

__________about her work.

A. strict, strict B. strict, serious C. serious, strict D. serious, serious

( )6. –-Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy?

---I’ll buy _____ of them, so I can give one to my friend, Helen A. either B neither C. call D: both ( )7 . Difficulty ________ the best in her

A. brings out B. turns up C. shows D. shows up

( ) 8.---________scientific attitude(科学的态度) is needed in developing our city. ---I agree with you. In this way, make _________ mistakes

A. More , fewer B. Fewer , less C. Less , more D. Fewer , fewer ( )9. Did you hear the strange __________? She asked in a low _________ A. sound, sound B. noise, voice C. sound, voice D. sound, noise ( )10. It’s a movie ticket________a mechanical (机械的)cat

A. of B. about C. to D.with ( )11. -----May I___________?

-----Sure. Show me the menu

A. ask for some dishes B .take your order

C. order something to eat D. have a look at the menu ( )12.Although they are twins, they_______________

A. are the same B. have something in common C. different from D. hove nothing in common ( ) 13.---Shall we _____the after-school activities? ---Sure, Let’s _____ them

A. join in, join B. join, join C. join, join in D. join in, join in ( )14.Tom likes telling lies. He always _______ stories to cheat teachers.

A. talks about B. makes up C. puts up D. listens to ( )15.We spent time with our friends,___________we had

A. what fun B. How fun C. What a pity D. How funny

二. 完形填空(25分)




I Love You, Mum and Dad!

Tears go 16 my eyes when I talk to my parents on the phone. What are they doing when I call them? This is what l want to know most. I have 17 at 5 o'clock in the dining room. There is no need for me to cook by 18 , no need to wash the dishes. 19 , now it is the busiest time for my parents. Dad works from seven o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening. Therefore, all the housework is 20 to my mum. Besides her own job, she also has to work at the vineyard (葡萄园). In my family, 21 is common. We are willing to earn our living by 22 hands. We are very 23 to have the meal together on the New Year's Eve. My mother has ever said that everyone in the family is 24 ;no one can be absent Mum has ever said that the 25 time for Dad and her is when my sister and I come back home. We play cards in the room,watch TV, do 26 we like with Dad and Mum preparing delicious food in the 27 . It is also the happiest time for me. At that moment, I could forget all the 28 and unhappiness. The only thing I would like to do is to 29 the time with my parents. Love, sometimes, doesn't need many 30 . Give your parents a call, and tell them you miss them..

( )16. A . out B. of C. out of D. away ( )17. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. coffee ( )18. A. me B. myself C. mother D. father ( )19. A. However B. But C. And D. So ( )20. A. is left B. brought C. leaves D. takes ( )21. A. all B. both C. everyone D. neither ( )22. A. our own B. own our C. own their D their own ( )23. A. sad B. sorry C. interesting D. happy

( )24. A. importance B. important C. key D. necessary ( )25. A. busiest B. happiest C. luckiest D. easiest ( )26. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something ( )27. A. bathroom B. dining room C. living room D. kitchen ( 28. A. difficult B. difficulties C. happiness D. hard ( )29. A. like B. enjoy C. spent D. save ( )30. A. ideas B.ways C. words D. thoughts

B. 请先阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次(10分) care, strong, give, popular, hold, very, dream of, football, good, play My dream When I was young, I often 31 becoming a football star. I dreamed of 32 in the World Cup as a member of the Chinese National Team. Up to now, I still 33 on to my dream. As we know, football is the most 34 sport in the world.It not only brings us closely fought games,but also 35 us enjoyment—especially when a small and weak team is matched against a 36 one they never give up or care how strong the rival (对手)is,but just 37 about their performance and playing 金戈铁骑制作


38 . That’s the spirit of 39 . It tells me not to give up before the 40 end.

31._______ 32. _______ 33.______ 34.______ 35._______ 36. _______ 37. _______ 38._______ 39.______ 40.______

三. 阅读理解(40分)

A. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案(30分)

A Tickets information Palace:Sunshine Theater Date: 4th, July- 10th.July Mon.-Fri. 9am , 8pm Sat.-Sun. 9am , 3pm, 8pm Duration:105minutes Ticket Price: ¥30 per child or an adult(day shows) ¥45 per or an adult (evening shows) Notice: 1.Please arrive early. If you are late , you will not be allowed to enter until a proper break(暂停)in the movie. 2.Not suitable for children who are below 3 years old. Tel: 010-22452175 Mission impossible: Ghost Protocol( )41. On Saturdays, the movie will be on _____ a day. A. once B. twice C.. three times D. six times ( )42. Mr. Green is going to take his two children to go to the movie in the evening. They need to pay ________

A. 75 B. 90 C. 105 D. 135

( )43. What does the underline word “suitable”mean in Chinese?

A. 合适的 B. 足够的 C. 可信的 D. 不付款的


Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年). Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language (语言)over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and math and English ... Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English. ( )44. If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____.

A. study by himself B. work hard C. learn at school D. studies hard ( )45. The sentence \ A. it is hard to answer that question B. that question is difficult to answer it C. it is difficultly to answer that question D. that question is not difficult to answer



( )46. What's the Chinese of \

A. 和他们一起学习 B. 向他们学习 C. 自学 D. 通过学习 C

Jim, Tom and Jack were three little birds. One day, their mother said to them, “Boys, it’s time for you to fly (飞) down and eat sand (沙子). We birds have no teeth. Sand can help us eat some hard food.” Jim and Tom did what the mother told them to do, but Jack was disobedient. He said, “I can’t fly, and I don’t like sand.”

Day by day, the birds got older. One summer morning, the mother took them to a place to play although Jack couldn’t fly well. Jim and Tom flew well. Jack flew behind them. He just cried, “Wait! Wait!”

Soon Jim, Tom and the mother got to the place. There they had fun eating, drinking, singing and playing. When it was late, they flew back to their home. What do you think they saw when they got home? Yes! There was Jack eating sand. ( )47. How many birds are there in the story? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. ( )48. Why did the mother ask the birds to eat sand? A. Because the sand was delicious. B. Because she didn’t want to look for food for them. C. Because she wanted to see their teeth were good or bad. D. Because eating sand could help them eat some hard food. ( )49. What’s the Chinese meaning of “disobedient”? A. 积极的 B. 沉默的 C. 不服从的 D. 听话的

( )50. When the other birds went back home, they found Jack ______. A. eating sand B. sleeping C. practicing flying D. having delicious food ( )51. What can be the best title (标题) for the story? A. An Active Family B. A Disobedient Bird C. How to Eat Sand D. How to Take a Trip

D The coldest and most difficult place in the world in which to live is Antarctica. Antarctica is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole. Most people do not think there is much life in the icy water around it. They are wrong.

Antarctica’s seas are full of life. There are many kinds of fishes, water birds, seals and whales.

They eat the thick plant life in the sea and the smaller water animals. Some whales, for example, eat more than a ton of food every day.

The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin. It struts around the icy as if it were a movie star walking down the street. ( )52.The best title is ____________.

A. Thick Plant Life B. Life Around Antarctica C. Tons of Food D. Penguins ( )53.The most famous animal of Antarctica is the ____________. A. whale B. seal C. penguin D. fox ( )54.Around Antarctica there ____________. A. are many people B. is little plant life

C. are many animals D. is little snow



( )55.The word “struts” in the last paragraph means____________.

A. swims gracefully B. walks proudly C. runs swiftly D. jumps happily


Making Friends

56 If you have a good friend,you are lucky.

57 . You can be without money but you cannot be without fiends. Sometimes only friends can help you, not money. For example, if you fall into water and you can’t swim only your friend can save you.

58 First, you must know the person you want to make friends with. If you find he often tells lies, 59 you’d better not make friends with him. A good friend will be happy when you win. He will be sad when you fail . If you have some questions about your studies, he will be quite happy to teach you until you understand. If you want to

have this kind of fiend, you must try your best to best to be like this. If you do that, 60 A. How can we make friends in the right way ? B. or he doesn’t help others in trouble C. I’m sure you’ll have many good friends D. One of the most important things in the world is making friends. E. Do you want to know how to make good friends? F. A good fiend is more necessary than money or anything else in the world G. A good friend can help you do anything you want 四.完成下列对话(5分) Tim: What’s the best restaurant in town? Marie: 61 Tim: Oh , any kind of food is okay.

Marie: Well, the French Deli is really good. Tim: 62

Marie: Yes, it’s the most expensive restaurant in town. But it has the best service, too

Tim: Hmm …And what’s Nick’s Diner like?

Marie: 63 , but the food’s kind of boring. Tim: 64 ? Marie: Curry house ?Oh, that’s a new place. It’s the most popular restaurant in town.

Tim: Is the food good ?

Marie: Yeah , if you like hot curry . Tim: Yeah ,I love it! 65 金戈铁骑制作


五. 书面表达(15分)

上周,我们进行了一次“我市的一些好场所”的问卷调查,请你根据下面表格所提供的信息写一份调查报告。 注意:

1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,书写规范; 2. 表格内容全部体现在文章中; 3. 词数:80词左右。 Place Name Reason high school No.10 High School good teachers,beautiful hospital People's Hospital comfortable beds,friendly service movie theater Modern Cinema big screens clothing store Xiwang Clothing Store good quality,popular radio station Hefei 168 FM much news,interesting music Last week we did a survey about good places in our city._____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


一. 单项选择

1-5BDCCB 6-10 DAACC 11-15. BDABA

二. 完形填空

A】16-20 CCBAA 21-25 CADBB 26-30 ADBBC

B】31.dreamed of 32.playing 33. hold 34. popular 35. gives

36.strong 37. Care 38. Well 39. football 40.very 三. 阅读理解

【 A 】

A】:41-43 CDA B】44-46 BAC C】47-51: CDCAB D】52-55BCCB 【 B 】

56-60 DFABC


61. What kind of food do you like? 62. Is it expensive?

63. It’s cheaper than the French Deli 64. How about the Curry House? 65. Let’s go there. 五. 书面表达

【 key: Last week we did a survey about good places in our city. And this is what we



learned. Most of the high schools are good,and the No.10 High School is the best in our city. It has the best teachers and it's the most beautiful school. People’s Hospital is the best of all the hospitals. It has the most comfortable beds and the friendliest service. Modern Cinema is the best of all the movie theaters. It has the biggest screens. The best clothing store in our city is Xiwang Clothing Store. It has the best quality and it's the most popular store. As for radio station,most young people think Hefei 168 FM is the best. It has much news and the most interesting music.】


