800句美国最常用习语口语The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in

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“IDIOM” - an expression in the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either grammatically (as no, it wasn?t me) or in having a meaning that cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements.

In other words, it?s American Slang which you may not always get. In fact, idioms can make you totally lost in conversations! We Americans seem to roll them off our tongues very easily and we are so busy gabbing that we really are clueless when we even use them!

Yet idioms are nothing to sneeze at. If you wish to make a killing in America, you must keep your nose to the grindstone and not have your head always in the clouds. You?ll find that if you hang in, and knock yourself out with hard work, before you know it, you will have mastered these hip expressions and come through with flying colors.

I bent over backwards putting this list together for you. I figured if I gave you a hand in helping you understand how American English is used on a daily basis, soon you?ll see that you no longer are just scratching the surface in learning the language. You?ll realize that you have pulled this off ever so successfully. Before you know it, not only will your pronunciation be reeling, but soon you?ll be sounding like a native, understanding the lingo, and realizing that you finally have it made! (Translation)

In other words, it?s American Slang which you may not always understand. In fact, idioms may make you totally confused in conversations! We Americans seem to say them very easily and we are so busy talking that we really are unaware when we even use them!

Yet idioms are not easy. If you wish to be successful in America, you must work hard and not be day dreaming. You?ll find that if you don?t give up, and are diligent,

before you know it, you will have mastered these popular expressions and finish with tremendous success.

I did everything I could putting this list together for you. I figured if I assisted in helping you understand how American English is used on a daily basis, soon you?ll see that you no longer are just merely beginning to understand the language. You?ll realize that you have accomplished something remarkable. Soon, not only will your pronunciation be great, but soon you?ll be sounding like a native, understanding our expressions, and realizing that you are enjoying tremendous success!

This manual accompanies the video training program in American English Pronunciation available only at www.PronunciationWorkshop.com.

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You should further understand that text, images, sounds, video clips, and other multimedia items included in the PronunciationWorkshop.com website, represent

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 1

? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America 1

? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ( i n a l p h a b e t i c a l o r d e r ) above board 1.

– legitimate, legal. She knows it shouldn?t be kept a secret. She wants to keep everything above board. across the board 2.

– including everyone or everything. The

company had a successful year. All salaries were increased by 10% across the board.

air one?s dirty laundry in public 3.

– discuss personal problems

openly. He is a very private person. If he has a problem in his family he doesn?t want to air his dirty laundry in public. all along 4.

– all the time. She was accepted into the university, but she knew all along that she?d get in. all ears 5.

– eager to listen. I was excited to hear about her vacation. When she told me about it, I was all ears. all thumbs 6.

– clumsy, unable to fix things. Don?t ask me to put that clock back together. I?m all thumbs. an arm and a leg 7.

– a large amount of money. It cost an arm and a leg to fix the stove. ants in one?s pants 8.

– nervous, anxious. He wasn?t sure if he would be chosen to win the award. He had ants in his pants.

apple doesn?t fall far from the tree, the 9.

– being similar to

a parent or family member. He acts just like his father. You know, the apple doesn?t fall far from the tree. apple of one?s eye 10.

– someone special, usually a son or daughter.

Although he loves his son, his daughter is the apple of his eye. at fault 11.

– responsible for making errors. He is at fault for all the errors on the computer. at odds 12.

– in disagreement. He is at odds with his boss. at one?s beck and call 13.

– always ready to do what is ordered.

Whenever she calls him, he?s always helping her. He is at her beck and call. The 800 MOsT COMMOnly UseD IDIOMs In AMerICA

Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 2

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED at one?s wit?s end 14.

– anxious, frantic. I need to speak with him to

finish the report by tomorrow but he?s not available. I?m at my wit?s end! at the end of one?s rope 15.

– desperate, with nowhere to turn. I?ve

tried every which way to figure out this problem but I can?t. I?m at the end of my rope! back on one?s feet 16.

– financially or physically healthy again. Since

sales improved, he is doing better and he?s getting back on his feet. back out of 17.

– withdraw, end an obligation or promise. I made a

deal with my friend to help him at work. When I became too busy, I had to back out of it.

back to the drawing board 18.

– rethink an idea, need to start

over. When my supervisor told me that our idea would not work, we had to go back to the drawing board to come up with something else. backbone 19.

– courage. He has no backbone because he was afraid to reprimand her. backseat driver 20.

– passenger who tells you how to drive. I?ll never

drive Joe to the airport again. He kept on wanting me to take another road which I knew was wrong. He is such a backseat driver. bail one out 21.

– help. Thanks for picking me up when my car broke down. You really bailed me out of a bad situation. ballpark figure 22.

– approximate amount. When I asked the

contractor how much it would be to remodel the kitchen, he gave me a ballpark figure. bang for the buck 23.

– value for the money spent. Newspaper

advertising works well for us because we get the best bang for the buck. bank on it – be sure of, count on. 24.

I?ll be there to help you. You can bank on it. banker?s hours 25.

– short work hours. He loves his job because on Friday, he gets to work banker?s hours. bark up the wrong tree 26.

– make a wrong choice or a false

assumption. If he thinks that I?m going to help him paint his house, well he?s barking up the wrong tree. bat a thousand 27.

– have a perfect record. He is so happy that

everyone he invited to the party is coming. He?s batting a thousand. bat an eyelash 28.

– show emotion. He was filled with emotion during his speech, but she didn?t bat an eyelash. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 3

? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America 3

? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED bawl out 29.

– reprimand. The team was bawled out after they lost the game.

be beside one?s self 30.

– be very upset. I was so mad when I heard

that she was making up stories about me that I was beside myself. beat around the bush 31.

– avoid giving a clear answer. I didn?t want

to hurt his feelings and tell him that he wasn?t selected for the team. So when he asked me if I had any information, I basically beat around the bush.

beat someone to the punch 32.

– do something before someone else

can. She was going to buy the last red dress that the store had, but I beat her to the punch and bought it first. beat the rap 33.

– escape punishment. There was not enough evidence to convict him, so he beat the rap and was set free. behind the 8-ball 34.

– in trouble. My department is late on its deadline. We are behind the 8-ball. bend over backwards 35.

– try very hard. He?ll bend over backwards to help any of his friends. bide one?s time


– cancel. The game was called off because of rain. call on the carpet 86.

– reprimand. He was called on the carpet for losing all the financial statements. call someone?s bluff 87.

– have someone prove what he says. I don?t

think Bob knows as much as he says. I think we should call his bluff. call the shots 88.

– be in charge, give orders. We knew who the supervisor was because she called all the shots. can 89.

– fire, dismiss. I was canned and no longer am working for the company. can of worms 90.

- complex problem or complicated situation. It

opened up a large can of worms when the company decided to talk about the union contract. carried away 91.

– adversely influenced by strong emotion. He was

carried away by his effective sales approach and bought the remainder of his products. catch on 92.

– understand, figure out. I am beginning to catch on to this algebra.

catch someone red-handed 93.

– find one in the act of doing

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED something wrong. The police came and the bank robber was caught red handed caught short


– I didn?t have enough money to pay the bill. I was caught short. chalk up 95.

– record, score. Chalk up another one for the team. They won the championship. change of heart 96.

- a change in the way one feels about something.

I wasn?t planning to spend the holidays with my family, but after speaking with my mother, I had a change of heart. chickenfeed 97.

– a small amount of money. Taking the whole family on that cruise is certainly not going to be chickenfeed. chip in 98.

– contribute. We are all going to chip in and give the teacher a gift. chip off the old block 99.

– child who looks or acts just like his or

her parent. He reminds me so much of his father. He?s a chip off the old block.

chip on one?s shoulder 100.

– quarrelsome attitude, quick to anger. I

was afraid to ask her for a favor. It looked like she had a chip on her shoulder. cinch 101.

– easy. Adding and subtracting was always a cinch. clamp down 102.

– become stricter. Because he came home from the

party so late, his father said he will start to clamp down on his curfew. clean up 103.

– make a big profit. Since he started his new business, he?s really cleaning up. clear 104.

– go through. When will this check clear my bank? clear the air


– calm anger and remove misunderstanding. We

were tired of fighting, so we decided to start talking and clear the air. close shave 106.

– narrow escape. It was a close shave getting out of the burning building. coast is clear 107.

– no enemy is in sight. Take the present out of the closet when the coast is clear. come a long way 108.

– make great progress. He came a long way in his recovery from surgery. come across 109.

– find or meet by chance. If you come across any pictures of my friends from high school, let me know. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 8

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED come apart at the seams 110.

– be upset and lose control. I almost

came apart at the seams when I saw the taxicab hit my car. come clean 111.

– tell the truth. I came clean when I knew I was caught in a lie.

come hell or high water 112.

– no matter what happens. Come hell

or high water, I?ll for sure be at that meeting. come off it 113.

– stop kidding, boasting or making believe. Herbert

said he was the only one who could do the job. I told him to come off it. come on strong 114.

- overwhelm with excessively strong language or

personality. The car salesman came on too strong and angered my wife. come through with flying colors 115.

– succeed, win, exceed.

When he graduated with honors, it was evident that he came through with flying color. comeback 116.

– to be successful again. The actress made an outstanding comeback on the stage, after her bout with pneumonia. con 117.

– lie, swindle, trick. His boss conned him into working on the weekend for no pay. cook someone?s goose 118.

– create big problems for someone. He

knew that when he was caught in a lie his goose was cooked. cough up 119.

– give money unwillingly, give up a secret. You said that

you would help pay for their wedding. Well, it?s been three months – cough it up. count on 120.

– rely on, trust. I could always count on my best friend. cover for someone 121.

– protect someone. Please cover me, if I end up not knowing what to say at the meeting. crack down 122.

– The police are beginning to crack down on teenagers who are out too late at night. cream of the crop 123.

– the best of a group, top-choice. This

university only accepts the cream of the crop. creeps, the 124.

– fear, uneasiness. It gives me the creeps every time I pass the strange looking house. crocodile tears 125.

- show of sorrow that is not really felt. He cried

crocodile tears when he discovered that he couldn?t go to the meeting. crop up 126.

– happen quickly without warning. I had to stay at work late yesterday. Some new work cropped up.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED cross one?s mind 127.

– think of, occur quickly to someone. It did not cross my mind to thank her for my birthday card. cut corners 128.

– limit one?s buying. She was way over budget for the wedding, so she needed to cut corners. cut down on 129.

– use less, reduce. My doctor wants me to cut down on sugar. cut the mustard 130.

- succeed, do well enough what needs to be done.

He wasn?t able to cut the mustard so he had to leave the army after only one year. cut out 131.

– have talent for, be suited for. She is not cut out for the swim team. She?s too slow. cut someone down to size 132.

– prove someone is not as good as he

or she thinks. John thought he was the smartest student in the class. We needed to cut him down to size. dawn on 133.

– become clear, begin to understand. It finally dawned on me that I missed our anniversary. dead-end job 134.

– position with no future. He decided to go back to college because he realized he had a dead- end job. dig up 135.

– find, recall, discover. Have you dug up any information on the new employee? dime a dozen 136.

– common, easily obtained. Those shiny stones are not worth anything. They are a dime a dozen. dish out 137.

– criticize, abuse, scold - Sometimes he?s nasty and insulting. He can really dish out. dive 138.

– disreputable, low class bar or nightclub. I did not like where he brought me last night. It was a real dive. do the trick 139.

– be successful, achieve a good result. The recipe needs a little help. I think salt may do the trick. do without 140.

– live without something. When the television broke, I knew that I could do without it for a week or two. doctor it up 141.

– fix temporarily. The hem on the dress ripped. I doctored it up with some tape. double check 142.

– reinvestigate thoroughly, look again for errors.

This column does not add up. I will double check it for a mistake. double-cross 143.

– betray. I cannot double-cross my best friend. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 10

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED dough


– money. He makes a lot of dough. down and out 145.

– having no money, no success. Although he was

successful a few years ago, today I hear he?s down and out. down in the dumps 146.

– unhappy. She?s been down in the dumps ever since she lost her job. down the drain 147.

– wasted, lost. I don?t like to throw my money down the drain. down to earth 148.

– having good sense, practical. My fiancée is friendly and sensible. She?s very down to earth. draw the line 149.

– set the limit. He sets an early curfew for his children. He draws the line at 10:00 PM. dress up 150.

– wear one?s best clothing. We need to dress up for this wedding. dressed to kill 151.

- wear one?s finest clothing. She was dressed to kill when I saw her at the convention last year. dribs and drabs 152.

– little by little, small quantities. She told us the story in dribs and drabs. drive at 153.

– try to say, insinuate. What were you driving at when you said that insulting comment? drive someone up a wall 154.

– make someone crazy. My son is driving me up a wall! drop in the bucket 155.

– a small amount. The cost of fixing the sink

is a drop in the bucket compared to replacing the whole sink. drop out 156.

– one who doesn?t complete a study course. My cousin dropped out of college. drown one?s sorrows 157.

– drink liquor to forget one?s problems. I

was so upset last night, that I drowned my sorrows at the bar. dump 158.

– get rid of, reject – I can?t believe you dumped your girlfriend. dwell on 159.

– talk and think about something all the time. I know it is a big decision, but you shouldn?t dwell on it all day. eager beaver 160.

– ambitious, hard working. Charlie gets to work at 7:00 am everyday. He is an eager beaver. earful 161.

– interesting gossip, information. My friend found out about the local politician. I got an earful.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED egg someone on 162.

– push, urge. My wife didn?t want to take the job, but I egged her on. elbow grease 163.

– strength for cleaning. I needed to use a lot of elbow grease to get the dirt off the floor. elbow room 164.

– enough space to be comfortable. It was so tight in that restaurant. There wasn?t any elbow room. end up


– finish. I heard that you got lost on your way home last night. Where did you end up? every Tom, Dick and Harry 166.

– the average person, nobody

special. It seemed like every Tom, Dick and Harry came out to purchase tickets for the movie. face the music 167.

– meet one?s punishment, accept the consequences.

When he got caught stealing the money from the bank, he realized that soon he would have to face the music. face up to 168.

– accept something unpleasant or difficult. You need to face up to the fact that you did not win the election. fair and square 169.

– honest, honestly. I won the contest fair and square. fall apart 170.

– stop working properly, deteriorate. His old car finally fell apart. fall behind 171.

– not be able to keep up, fail to maintain a schedule or

rate of speed. When she couldn?t go to school because of her illness, she significantly fell behind in her work. fall for 172.

– begin to love, have strong emotions for. I fell for her as soon as I met her. fall off 173.

– decrease. Sales have been falling off since the economy has slowed down. fall through 174.

– fail, collapse – The big sale I made at work yesterday fell through this morning. false alarm 175.

– warning or report that is untrue. She thought that

she was pregnant, but it was a false alarm. far-fetched 176.

– unlikely, exaggerated. The possibility of her receiving a full scholarship is very far-fetched. fast buck 177.

– money obtained easily and often unethically. I know a way we can make a fast buck. feather in one?s cap 178.

– proud achievement. His speech went well Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 12

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED at the corporate meeting. It was a feather in his cap. fed up with 179.

– had enough, disgusted with. She was fed up with his attitude at the office. feel in one?s bones 180.

– know by intuition, feel certain without

evidence. I believe he is going to get the promotion. I can just feel it in my bones.

feel like a million bucks 181.

– feel wonderful. I felt like a million

bucks when I wore my new suit to the wedding. feel like two cents 182.

– feel ashamed or embarrassed. I felt like two cents when I dropped the birthday cake on the floor. feel sorry for 183.

– pity. She felt sorry for him when she heard the news of his accident. fender bender 184.

– minor accident. I had a fender bender on my way to work this morning.

fiddle around 185.

– work without a definite plan and knowledge. The

clock was broken, so he fiddled around with it until he got it to work. figure out 186.

– try to understand, solve. She couldn?t figure out one of her math problems. fill someone in 187.

– tell a person the details. We had the meeting

yesterday when you were out. Let me fill you in on what you missed. find fault 188.

– complain, criticize – She always seems to find fault with any of my friends. fish out of water 189.

- someone who does not fit in. She felt like a

fish out of water when she went to the party in her formal dress while everyone else was wearing jeans. fishy 190.

– suspicious, false sounding. Your company is giving you a month off from work? That sounds a bit fishy. fix someone up 191.

– arrange a date for someone. I fixed her up with my best friend. flip one?s lid 192.

– get angry, go crazy, become very excited. He flipped

his lid when he found out his son stole some candy from the store. floor someone 193.

– surprise, confuse. I was floored when I found out they had made me a surprise birthday party. flop 194.

– failure – His business ended up being a flop. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 13

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED fly off the handle 195.

– get angry. Her mother flew off the handle

when she found out that her daughter dropped out of college. fly the coop 196.

– leave suddenly, run away. As soon as he turned eighteen years old, he flew the coop. fly-by-night 197.

– unreliable, untrustworthy. I don?t want to buy my

computer from that store. It?s a fly-by-night company; they may not be in business next year. foot in the door 198.

– opening, hopeful beginning of success. It is

not my idea of a perfect job, but at least I have my foot in the door with a great company. foot the bill 199.

– pay. Who is going to foot the bill for the office renovations? for a song 200.

– at a low price, cheap. He got his new car for a song. for the birds 201.

– terrible, awful. I work long hours and hardly get paid. This job is for the birds. for the time being 202.

– at the present time. For the time being, let?s not make any changes to the report. free-for-all 203.

– mayhem, disorder. When the teacher left for a meeting, it was a free-for-all in the classroom. freeload 204.

– get things that others pay for. When my friend moved

into my apartment, stayed for a year and never contributed any money, I knew he was a freeloader.

from the bottom of one?s heart 205.

- with great feeling, sincerely.

My sister thanked me from the bottom of her heart for saving her dog?s life. from the left field 206.

– unexpectedly, with an odd or unclear

connection to the subject. We were in the middle of a business meeting when, out from left field, he asked about the weather. from scratch 207.

– from the very beginning, starting with raw

materials. This chocolate was not made from a cake mix, she made it from scratch. fume 208.

– be angry. When I heard that she was talking about me to other people, I was just fuming. gall 209.

– shameless, insolent attitude. She spent all of her money on

clothes and music, and then she asked to borrow money for groceries. She has gall.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED game 210.

– willing, ready. Okay, you want to make plans to go to China? Okay, I?m game. get a grip on oneself 211.

– take control of one?s feelings . When he

lost the soccer game, he couldn?t stop crying. I told him to get a grip on himself.

get a kick out of 212.

– enjoy. I get a kick out of it every time I see her dance. get a load of 213.

– have a good look at. Get a load of those fancy cars driving down the street. get ahead 214.

– become successful. She is saving all her money, so that one day she can get ahead. get along 215.

– manage. He realized that he was able to get along quite well without his partner. get around to 216.

- finally find time to do something – I have put it

off for months, but I finally got around to cleaning the windows. get at 217.

– mean, hint. You tell me that I am slow at work. What are trying to get at.

get away with murder 218.

– not be punished for wrongdoing. – He?s

the boss?s son and comes in late everyday, but we can?t complain. He?s getting away with murder. get cold feet 219.

– be afraid at the last minute, lose confidence. I was

prepared to make a speech, but I got cold feet when I saw how many people were going to hear it. get down to brass tacks 220.

– begin important work or business.

Get off the phone so that we can discuss business. Let?s get down to brass tacks. get even 221.

– get revenge, settle the score. I was so upset when she insulted me last week. I want to get even with her. get the runaround 222.

– be sent from place to place without getting

the information needed. It took me four hours to renew my driver?s license. I was sent to almost every department and seemed to get the runaround.

get in on the ground floor


– start from the beginning so you?ll

have full advantage of any favorable outcome. He is a very wealthy man. He was one Microsoft?s first employees and got in on the ground floor.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED get in the swing of things 224.

– adapt or adjust to a new

environment. After working two weeks in the new department, I finally got into the swing of things. get off the ground 225.

- make a successful beginning, go ahead. He

will finally take his project and get it off the ground in the coming year. get off one?s back 226.

– leave someone alone, don?t bother. She

reminded me that I had to prepare for my trip out of town. I wish she would get off my back. get off on the wrong foot 227.

– make a bad start. Having a fight

with a co-worker on my first day of work was not a good idea. I got off on the wrong foot. get off the ground 228.

– make progress, make a good start. I finally got my business off the ground. get one?s goat 229.

– make someone disgusted, annoyed, angry. Sitting in traffic for 5 hours really got my goat. get out from under 230.

– end a worrisome situation. I am glad that I

am working again and making money. I finally got out from under my bills. get out of 231.

– withdraw. I would really like to get out of going to the holiday party. get out of hand 232.

– lose control. The party really got out of hand when they started drinking alcohol. get something off one?s chest 233.

– unburden yourself, tell what?s

bothering you. I feel better ever since I told him my problem and got it off my chest. get the ax 234.

– be fired. My company finally realized that he wasn?t doing his job. They gave him the ax. get the show on the road 235.

– start a project or work. We have

been discussing unimportant things all morning. Let?s get the show on the road and start getting down to business. get to the bottom of 236.

– find out the real cause. After talking to

my friend for an hour, I finally got to the bottom of why he was angry at me. get under someone?s skin 237.

- annoy, bother, upset. He has a

difficult and annoying personality and always got under my skin. get up and go 238.

– ambition, energy, enthusiasm – She always seems so

excited and motivated at work. She?s got a lot of get up and go. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 16

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED get up on the wrong side of the bed 239.

– be in a bad mood. My

son has been cranky all day. I think he got up on the wrong side of the bed. get what is coming to one 240.

– what one deserves, good or bad.

After stealing so much money from the charity, I really hope he gets what?s coming to him. get wind of 241.

– find out, hear gossip or rumors about. I got wind of the fact that they will be closing down our department. give a hoot 242.

– care. I don?t give a hoot who wins the election. give the cold shoulder 243.

– be unfriendly to, ignore. I was so mad

at my cousin, that I gave her the cold shoulder at the wedding reception. give in 244.

– do as others want, surrender. I wanted to paint the room blue, my wife wanted yellow. I had to give in. give it one?s best shot 245.

– try very hard. I gave it my best shot, but I still didn?t make the team. give someone a break 246.

– give someone an opportunity or chance.

The actor struggled for many years. Finally, someone gave him a break and put him in a movie. give someone a hand 247.

– help. I couldn?t work my regular hours. A

co-worker gave me a hand and switched schedules with me. give someone a piece of one?s mind 248.

– say what you really think

when angry. I was so mad that he was late for the wedding, I gave him a piece of my mind.

give someone his walking papers 249.

– dismiss, fire, send away.

She got her walking papers on Friday and won?t be coming back to work.

give someone the green light 250.

- give permission to go ahead

with a project. We were finally given the green light to begin setting up the new project. go cold turkey 251.

– stop abruptly. My doctor really wants me to quit smoking. I decided to stop and go cold turkey. go Dutch 252.

– each person pay for himself. If we have dinner together, I insist that we go Dutch. go from bad to worse 253.

– deteriorate. Sales have been very slow

this season, but this was the worst week of all. It seems like it?s going from bad to worse.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED go out of one?s way 254.

– make a special effort, do more than

necessary. I went out of my way to make it easier for you. go over 255.

– examine. Before I submit the report, I want to go over it one more time for mistakes. go over big 256.

– be very successful. Do you think my idea to have a birthday party for our teacher will go over big? go overboard 257.

– overact, be reckless. I?ve never seen so many

flowers at a wedding. Do you think maybe you?ve gone overboard? go steady 258.

– go out with only one person romantically. Who did you go steady with in high school? go to bat for 259.

– assist, help. I have overheard that she may be fired

from her job. I think she is a hard worker and I want her to stay. I?m going to bat for her. go to pot 260.

– deteriorate, become undisciplined, unkempt. He has

quit his job, gained weight, and I think may be abusing drugs. It looks like he?s really gone to pot. go under the knife 261.

– have surgery. I?ll be going under the knife next week for some minor surgery. go up in smoke 262.

– disappear, fail to materialize. She was going to go

on a vacation, but her mother got sick. Her plans have gone up in smoke. go-getter 263.

– ambitious person. She is the most successful salesperson I?ve ever seen. She?s a real go-getter. goldmine 264.

– worth a lot of money, successful. His business is a major

success and will only get bigger every year. He is sitting on a goldmine. goner 265.

– someone in a lot of trouble. His boss found out he has been stealing from the cash register. He?s a goner. good sport 266.

– a person who loses well. Even though I beat you in the game, you still congratulated me. You are a good sport. goof off 267.

– not want to work, be lazy. I am tired of working so hard. I just want to stay home and goof off. grab 40 winks 268.

– I felt so sleepy after my lunch, I decided to grab 40 winks. grand 269.

- $1000. It cost me a grand to stay in the luxury hotel. greasy spoon


– inexpensive restaurant with mediocre food. I hated dinner last night. It turned out being a greasy spoon. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 18

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED gung ho 271.

– enthusiastic, eager. He thinks his team is the best in the league. He is really gung ho this season. guts 272.

– courage. He has a lot of guts to stand up to management. guy 273.

– man. That guy over there is my neighbor. half baked 274.

– foolish, silly. Opening up a store which sells only tape will not be successful. It is a half baked idea. hand it to someone 275.

– give credit, acknowledge. I?ve got to hand it

to you. Your idea to open a store in this location was great. hand over fist 276.

– rapidly. He?s making money hand over fist. hand something on a silver platter 277.

- give a person something

that has not been earned. His father is president of the university and his education was handed to him on a silver platter. hand to mouth 278.

– barely able to cover basic expenses. That family

is struggling since the father lost his job. I hear that they?re living hand to mouth. handful 279.

– a lot of trouble. My three year old runs around the house and often breaks things. He?s a real handful.

handle with kid gloves 280.

– be very careful, tactful. His wife gets

upset very easily. He has to handle her with kid gloves. handy 281.

– can fix things, useful. She?s very handy around the house. If anything breaks, she can fix it easily. hang in there 282.

– be patient, wait. I know you want to quit school,

but hang in there. You only have 4 more weeks before your graduation. hard feelings 283.

– anger, bitterness. I know we had our differences, but I hope there are not any hard feelings. hard up 284.

– in desperate need of something. Everyone comes to her desk and takes supplies. I know she?s hard up for pencils. harp on 285.

– dwell on the subject, repeat, persist. I know losing your

job was awful, but don?t harp on it. You are only making yourself more depressed. has-been 286.

– a person once popular but no longer in public favor.

Since the movie star was found guilty of a crime, I haven?t seen him in any motion pictures. He?s a has-been. hassle 287.

– bother. Please stay home tonight. I don?t want the hassle of having to bring you and pick you up from the party. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 19

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED have a ball 288.

– have a good time, enjoy one?s self. She had a ball at her holiday party.

have a crush on 289.

– be attracted to. I have had a crush on her since 5th grade. have a fit 290.

– become upset. She?ll have a fit if she finds out you broke her watch.

have a good head on one?s shoulders 291.

– be smart or sensible.

You have a good head on your shoulders and I?m sure you?ll do fine in college. have a mind of one?s own 292.

– be able to think independently.

Although we all voted one way, she voted in a completely opposite direction. She?s really got a mind of her own. have a prayer 293.

– have a chance. He?s not good enough to make it on the team. He doesn?t have a prayer. have been around 294.

– to be experienced, sophisticated. She knows

all about office politics. She has been around for awhile. have egg on one?s face 295.

– be embarrassed. She called in sick to

work yesterday, but when I saw her at the store she had egg on her face. have it coming 296.

– deserve a punishment. I didn?t study for the exam and I failed. I had it coming. have it made 297.

– be sure of success, have everything. Ever since she

won the lottery, she can do whatever she wants. She has it made. have it out with someone 298.

– discuss a conflict or

misunderstanding with the other person involved. My friend and I had a big fight last week. This morning I had it out with him and now everything is okay.

have one?s feet on the ground


– be practical, sensible, stable.

She?ll make a great wife and mother because she has got both feet on the ground.

have one?s hand in the till 300.

– steal from one?s employer. The

reason he has been buying such nice new clothes is that he?s got his hand in the till.

have one?s head in the clouds 301.

– have unrealistic dreams, lost in

thought. Even though she is a terrible actress, she thinks someday she will be a movie star. She has got her head in the clouds. have one?s heart set on 302.

– desire greatly. The boy had his heart set on getting a puppy.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED have someone?s numbe 303.

r – know what kind of person someone is.

He doesn?t think anyone knows, but I know he stole the material for the book. I?ve got his number. have something up one?s sleeve 304.

– kept secretly ready for the

right time. If the electricity goes out during the birthday party, don?t worry. I?ve got something up my sleeve. have the heart to 305.

– be thoughtless enough. I know there was

just a death in her family. I don?t have the heart to ask her when she is coming back to work.

have two strikes against someone 306.

– be in a difficult situation

with little chance of success. He wanted the job but he can?t write and he has difficulty speaking on the phone. He?s got two strikes against

him already. haywire 307.

– broken, confused, awry. The plan was in place to surprise by boss on his birthday, but it all went haywire. heart-to-heart 308.

– intimate, honest. I needed to speak him about a problem I was having. We had a heart-to-heart talk. high and dry 309.

– alone, without help, stranded. After everyone left

the party, I was all alone to clean up. I was left high and dry. high and low – 310.

every place. I can?t seem to find my keys. I?ve looked high and low. high-brow 311.

– intellectual, cultured person. Everyone seemed very high-brow at the cocktail reception. hit 312.

– a success. Her book was a hit and sold a million copies. hit below the belt 313.

– hurt someone cruelly and unfairly. I have

been upset ever since she made that awful comment to me. It really hit below the belt. hit it off 314.

– enjoy one another?s company, get along. Although we

just met, we really hit it off and will probably see each other again. hit the bottle – 315.

drink alcohol. He hits the bottle every time he has some family trouble. hit the ceiling 316.

– get angry. I hit the ceiling when I found out that she broke my computer. hit the nail on the head 317.

– arrive at the correct answer, make a

precise analysis. When you named the person who was responsible for our losses this quarter, you really hit the nail on the head. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 21

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED hit the sack 318.

– go to bed. I was so tired last night, that I hit the sack as soon as I got home. hit the spot 319.

– refresh or satisfy. We sat in the sun and hadn?t had a drink all day. That cold glass of water really hit the spot. hogwash 320.

– nonsense. The idea that aliens landed in New York City is a bunch of hogwash. hold a grudge 321.

– not forgive someone for an insult or injury. Even

though they broke up 10 years ago, she still holds a grudge and will not speak to him. hold back 322.

– conceal, hide. He held back his feelings and acted as if everything was alright. hold one?s horses 323.

– wait. I can?t leave the office yet. I?m waiting for an important phone call. Just hold your horses. hold up 324.

– delay, postpone. Sorry I?m late. I was held up in traffic. holy mackere 325.

l - used to express strong feeling of surprise. Holy Mackerel! Look at that man?s motorcycle. hook, line and sinker 326.

– without question or doubt. I told a lie to my teacher. He bought it hook, line and sinker.

kick the bucket 377.

– die. The old man kicked the bucket when he was 110 years old. kid 378.

– a young person. I have two kids. They are 10 and 3 years old. kid around 379.

– fool, play, joke. Don?t kid around with Mary. She is in a very bad mood. kiss something goodbye 380.

– see something ruined or lost. When

I saw the photo album fall off of the boat and into the water, I knew it was lost forever and I just kissed it goodbye. knock it off 381.

– stop. He wouldn?t stop tickling me, so I told him to knock it off. knock one dead 382.

– greatly impress, surprise. When the actor was

preparing to go on stage, I told me to knock them dead. knock one for a loop 383.

– surprise. I didn?t expect the movie to

have that sort of ending. It knocked me for a loop. knock one?s head against the wall 384.

– waste time in futile

effort to improve or change something. Teaching teenagers to drive responsibly is like knocking my head against a wall. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 25

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED knock oneself out 385.

– make a great effort. She worked many hours getting ready for the party and knocked herself out. knockout, a


– a beautiful person or thing. That beauty queen is a knockout.

know if one is coming or going 387.

– be able to think clearly, know

what to do. There were so many students signing up at registration, I didn?t know if I was coming or going. know-how 388.

– experience and knowledge. He has been building houses for many years and has a lot of know-how. kosher 389.

– true, authentic. The financial statements say that your

business is making a lot of money. Are the amounts all kosher? land on one?s feet 390.

– come out of a bad situation successfully. She

just came off of a terrible divorce. She?s doing well now and it seems that she landed on her feet. last straw, the 391.

– the last insult or injury that one can endure. His

son watched TV all day and didn?t work. When he started to gamble, that was the last straw. lay out 392.

– spend or pay. Will you lay out the money for the meal and I will pay you back tomorrow? learn the ropes 393.

– acquire special knowledge of a job. Now that

you have started your new position with the company, it will probably take you a few months to learn the ropes. leave a bad taste in one?s mouth - 394.

make a bad impression,

make or feel disgusted. I thought the salesman was obnoxious. He left a bad taste in my mouth.

leave someone holding the bag 395.

– put someone in an awkward

position, leave someone else to take the blame. The children ate all of

the cookies and ran away. Peter was the only one who remained and was left holding the bag. lemon 396.

– merchandise that doesn?t work. My new car has needed repair four times since I bought it. I ended up buying a lemon. let bygones be bygones 397.

. – Forget differences that happened in the

past. Even though my friend and I had a big fight, I told him we should let bygones be bygones. let it ride 398.

– continue without changing a situation. Don?t say

anything to him now. I don?t want to hurt his feelings. Just let it ride. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 26

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED let on 399.

– reveal, inform, tell. She let on that she knew my secret. let one?s hair down 400.

– be informal, relaxed. After the business

meeting when our supervisor left, we spoke about our personal lives and let our hair down. let someone off the hook 401.

– excuse from a penalty or promise.

Because this was his first criminal offense, he was let off the hook. let the cat out of the bag 402.

– tell a secret. His surprise birthday

party was cancelled because someone let the cat out of the bag. Let the chips fall where they may 403.

. – Act regardless of

consequences. The police were asking him about the robbery. He

knew he had to tell everything he knew and let the chips fall as they may. like a ton of bricks 404.

– strongly, forcefully. When I was told that

my favorite uncle died, it hit him like a ton of bricks. live high off the hog 405.

– have many luxuries, be very comfortable.

When you see their new home, you?ll know that they live high off the hog. live it up 406.

– pursue pleasure, have a good time. Now that school is over, I want to live it up this weekend. live wire 407.

– active exciting person. People always want her at their parties because she is a live wire. loaded 408.

– having lots of money. Ever since he started his new business, he appears to be loaded. loaded 409.

– drunk. I can tell by the way she spoke that she was loaded. look down one?s nose at 410.

– think someone is worthless or

unimportant, show contempt. She thinks she is better than everyone else. She always looks down her nose at others. look into 411.

– investigate, check. I?m going to look into the possibility of getting a scholarship for college. look up 412.

– improve, getting better. Since he is putting in more hours at work, his financial situation is looking up. loony bin – 413.

insane asylum. I couldn?t believe how crazy she acted last night. She belongs in the loony bin! loot 414.

– money. How much loot do you need to buy that fancy car? lose one?s marbles 415.

– go insane, act irrationally. Anyone who

insults his boss has lost his marbles.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED lose one?s shirt 416.

– lose all one?s money. He put his lifetime savings into the restaurant. When it failed, he lost his shirt. lose track of someone 417.

– lose contact, no know where someone

is. I have lost track of him since high school and have no idea where he lives now. louse up 418.

– ruin. I?ve worked on this painting for weeks, but when

my paintbrush slipped out of my hand, I loused up the painting. lowdown 419.

– the true story. I heard that she was married before but didn?t know why she divorced. Give me the lowdown. lower the boom 420.

– stop completely, punish strictly. When the

father heard that the children were not doing their homework, he lowered the boom. make a bundle 421.

– make a lot of money. She made a bundle selling donuts to the construction workers. make a dent in 422.

– make progress. I have got a lot of work to do, but I made a dent in it last night. make a federal case out of 423.

– overreact, take strong measures for

a minor problem. I?m sorry for spilling some water on your desk, but you don?t have to make a federal case out of it. make a go of 424.

– succeed, produce good results. Although this new business is risky, I?m going to try to make a go of it. make a hit 425.

– be successful. People loved my new brownies and wanted the recipe. I guess I made a hit. make a killing 426.

– gain a large amount of money at one time. She made a killing in the stock market last year. make a monkey out of someone 427.

– cause to look foolish. The

lawyer was shrewd and made a monkey out of his opponent?s client. make a mountain out of a molehill 428.

– make a big problem out of a

small one. It wasn?t difficult, it was easy. Don?t make a mountain out of a molehill. make ends meet 429.

– balance one?s budget, meet one?s payments. His

expenses are so high, that even though he makes a lot of money, his family has difficulty making ends meet. make fun of 430.

– ridicule It?s not nice to make fun of other people. make it up to someone 431.

– compensate for an unfulfilled promise. Pronunciation Workshop Manual - Session 1 28

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I am so sorry that we have to cancel our plans tonight, but I will try to make it up to you. make of something 432.

– interpret, figure out, think of. What do you make of his decision to drop out of college? make one?s hair stand on end 433.

– frighten, horrify. The extreme

poverty in that country would make your hair stand on end. make one?s mouth water 434.

- look or smell very good, make one

want to eat or drink something one sees or smells – The smell of garlic outside the restaurant made my mouth water. make one?s own way 435.

– rely on one?s own abilities. She had no help from anyone. She had to make her own way. make out 436.

– do, progress, succeed. How are you making out with your new responsibilities at the office? make sense 437.

– be comprehensible. What?s the word in English that?s spelled yrkszwa…it doesn?t make sense. make sure 438.

– see about something yourself, check. We are leaving on

our vacation, and I want to make sure that you locked all the doors. make the best of 439.

– accept a bad situation and do as well as possible

under the circumstances. Even though our heating system broke, let?s light a fire in the fireplace and make the best of it. make up one?s mind 440.

– decide. She hasn?t made up her mind as to what university she will be attending. make waves 441.

– upset the status quo, create a disturbance. He likes to avoid controversy and usually doesn?t make waves. man-to-man 442.

– frank, direct. Don?t discuss the problem with me. Go to your boss?s office and talk about it man-to-man. mean business 443.

– be serious. He told his son that he had to finish all

of his homework before he went out to play and he meant business.

mess 444.

– disorderly, cluttered condition; bad or confused situation.

There were clothes and food all over his apartment and it was a mess. miss a trick 445.

– take advantage of every situation. As soon as her boss

left the building, she began to make personal calls. She doesn?t miss a trick. miss out on 446.

– lose an opportunity, miss a worthwhile event. It is too

bad you couldn?t make it to the reunion because you missed out on a good time.

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED miss the boat 447.

– lose an opportunity. It?s too bad he didn?t buy gold

when it was cheap. Now, it is very expensive and he really missed the boat. mobbed 448.

– crowded. The shopping mall was mobbed the day before Christmas. mooch 449.

– borrow, beg, get without paying. She says that she doesn?t smoke, but she is always mooching cigarettes from her friends. mouthful 450.

– a true and impressive statement. You said a mouthful when you admitted that she was the smartest girl in her class. mudslinging 451.

– making malicious remarks to damage someone?s

reputation. There is a lot of mudslinging going on in politics today. mum?s the word 452.

– don?t talk about what was said. I don?t want you to say anything about our discussion. Mum?s the word. murder


– a difficult or painful ordeal. Getting her master?s degree while she worked full-time was murder. nag, a 454.

– a persistently urging person. He complains that his wife is always nagging him to do things around the house. name someone after 455.

– give the child the name of an admired

person. My son is named after my grandfather. nest egg 456.

– extra money saved. They have a small nest egg saved up for their vacation. nightcap, a 457.

– last drink one has before leaving or prior to sleeping. She ordered some brandy as a nightcap. nincompoop 458.

– a stupid person, a fool. He doesn?t know how to act well around other people. He?s a nincompoop! nip in the bud 459.

– prevent at the start. When she saw that her little

boy was snacking between meals, she decided to nip it in the bud. nitpick 460.

– look for very minor errors or problems. Every time she reads one of his reports, she is always nitpicking on the most minor points. nitty-gritty 461.

– the essence or important part. We?ve been

discussing your problem for an hour, but we finally got down to the nitty-gritty. nitwit 462.

– idiot. He messes up everything in our department and is such a nitwit. no bed of roses 463.

– uncomfortable, unhappy situation. Their

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? 2005 - 2007 PronunciationWorkshop.com, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED marriage is no bed of roses. They seem to always be fighting. no dice 464.

– no, certainly not. I like living in this area. When my children wanted to move, I said ?no dice?. no picnic 465.

– not pleasant. He works very hard at the factory. He says it is no picnic. nobody?s fool 466.

– smart competent person. She?s very smart. She?s nobody?s fool. not on your life 467.

– definitely not, no way. There is not a chance I

am going to drive 4 hours to go to that party…not on your life. not so hot 468.

– not very good. She boasted about her pumpkin pie, but I thought it was not so hot. nothing to sneeze at 469.

– something not trivial, to be taken

seriously. They offered him a lot of money to take this new position. He was going to give it a lot of thought because it was nothing to sneeze at. nuts about 470.

– in love with, enthusiastic about. I?m nuts about our new neighbors. odds and ends 471.

– miscellaneous items. I have some odds and ends around my house that I would like to sell. off and on 472.

– occasionally. We are not very good friends anymore. I

