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第一讲 现在完成时和现在完成进行时




现在完成进行时的构成公式为:have/has been +现在分词。 现在完成时的基本例句:

1) We have lived here since1995. 2) I have been to Japan twice. 3) Joan has just finished her homework


▲ 总之,现在完成时表现的是从过去到现在的事情。 一、 现在完成时的形式 A→现在完成时的肯定句

句型:主语(I、we、you第三人称复数)+have+过去分词 主语(第三人称单数)+has+过去分词 例:1)I have been busy all the day.

2) My father has read today’s paper. 3) I have just written the letter. B→现在完成时的否定句

句型:主语 + have/has + not + 过去分词

例:1)The concert hasn’t/has not started yet.

2)They haven’t gotten to London yet. C→现在完成时的一般疑问句 例:1)Has the concert started?

2) Have you friend your homework? D→现在完成时的特殊疑问句,分两种情况 a. 疑问句词作主语时

句型:疑问句(主语)+have/has+过去分词+ ?


例:1)Who has/have bought these apples? 2)Who has made her so sad? B→疑问词作主语以外的成分时

句型:疑问词+have/has+主语+过去分词+ ? 例:1)How long have you live here?

2)How many times have you been to Spain? 二、现在完成时的用法 1、概述

例:1)继续 He has been sick since last week.

2) 经验 I have visited Tokyo twice. Have you ever been to Hawaii? 3) 完成 I have just finished my homework. Has he finished his work yet? 4) 结果 My father has become a lawyer. I have lost my dictionary. 下面分别阐述其用法 2、表示继续的现在完成时

例:1)肯定句:Li Ming’s elder brother has studied in Beijing university for about

three years.

2)否定句:We haven’t seen each other all this month. 3)疑问句:How long have you know your boy friend? A→基本用法



的动作、状态一直持续到现在。此时,往往用和现在有关的表示一段时间的时间状语。 例:1)I began to study English three years ago.(过去试) 2)I still study English now.(现在式)

3)I have studied English since three years ago.

▲ 牢记:表继续的动词

have known 已经认识了 have studied 已经学习了

have worked ; have been to; have used ;have taught ;have stayed; have wanted to; have lived ▲ B→常用的时间状语

表示继续的现在完成时,常和下列时间状语连用 for+时间 since+过去某时 all this week often today recently all day up to now 直到现在 so far 到目前为止 lately always till/until now in the past years these days this week

during the past (years、month) 3、表示经验的现在完成时

例:1)肯定句:I have seen the film three times.

2) 否定句:I’ve never seen the film. 3)疑问句:Have you ever been to U.K.? A→基本用法



或做过的事情。 B→常用的时间状语

Often, ever, before, never, once, twice, times, many times

C→ have/has been的用法

例:a. have been to

I have been to the summer palace twice.(经验)

I have been to the museum to see the exhibition.(完成)

b. have been in

Have you ever been in America?(经验)

We have been in home for the whole day.(继续) 插曲:be 动词的过去分词

Be动词的过去分词不管主语的人称和数都要用been表示 例:We have been tired these days 区别:I am happy.(一般现在时) I was happy.(一般过去时) I have been happy.(现在完成时) 4.表示完成,结果的现在完成时

例:1)My father has just gone out.(结果) 2)I have closed the window.(完成) 3)Mr.Li has gone to Australia.(结果) A→表示完成的用法

I’ve just finished my homework. They have gone to GuiLin.


B→表示结果的用法 例1、(1)I opened the door. (2)The door is open now. (3)I have opened the door. 例2

)John bought a dictionary. ▲牢记:表结果的现在完成时常见动词。

make become go come lose grow sell buy fall C→常见的时间状语(副词) already just yet→句末


1、just now和just的区别 just now用在一般过去时


例:1)We had an English lesson just now.

2) We have just had an English lesson. 2、today等时间状语的运用

运用today,this morning,this afternoon等时间状语时,时态要根据说话的具体情况而定。

例:1)He didn’t do his homework this afternoon.他今天下午没有做功课。 He hasn’t done his homework this afternoon.他今天下午还没有做功课呢。 2)He arrived here a little late today,because he got up late and didn’t catch

the bus.

3)He has been very busy today.(截至到说话时,仍是在今天,他们很忙) 3、几种时态表示同一意思

例:1)He left china two years ago.

2)It is two years since he left china.


3)He has away from china for 2 years. 四、现在完成进行时



例:1)I have opened the can.

2) I have been writing the letter since then. 1、现在完成进行时的形式:

1)主动语态:主语+have/has+现在分词(doing) 2)被动语态:主语+have/has been+过去分词(done) 例:Have you been waiting for him all the day? 2、用法

a.在强调动作还未结束,还要继续下去时,不能用现在完成时,而要用现在完成进行时。 例:I’ve been writing the composition for two hours,but I haven’t finished it yet. b. 动作不包含持续意思的动词,要用现在完成进行时,表示延续到现在的动作。 例:The artist has been painting the painting.

c. 现在完成进行时也用来表示一种在现在以前这个阶段反复发生的事。 例:He has promsing me to help you.Hasn’t he done it? d. 有些动词不能用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。 1)表状态的动词 be, have,exist

2)表感情的动词 like,love,hate,detest 3)表示感觉的动词 see,hear,know,feel,sound 例:1)He has had a cold for a week.

2)I have heard the news since last week. 3、常用的时间状语:(与表继续的现在完成时相同)

for+时间;since; these years; recently; all the time; how long 例:1)They have been talking all the night.

2) How long has it been raining?


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