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Table 1 – Diagnostic Table of Axle Counter Events / 表5 - 计轴事件诊断表

Event事件 -1 Message (Description) 信息(描述) Overflow of diagnostic table 诊断表溢出 Corrective Action 措施 Record events and clear table 记录事件后清除表 Sweep of all blocks required 0* Initialisation (completed) 初始化(完成) 需要将所有区段扫一遍 1* Autoreset (of an EAK- power supply lost Check power supply of applicable EAK30 (This and regained) 自动复位(针对EAK电子单元的-断电后通电) happens on ACE reboot) 检查EAK电子单元的供电(发生在ACE重启的时候) Trackside failure; go to Table 3 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table7 2* Section not occupied at DFW (EAK Defect Warning) 区段未被占用(EAK故障警示) 3* Different telegrams from Zpzs ZpRs报文不一致 Trackside failure; go to Table 2 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table6 4* Defect Warning from neighbouring ACE Trackside failure; go to Table 2. 邻站ACE故障警示 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table 6 Check/replace Modems (MOD 3 or 4) 检查/替换Modems (MOD 3 or 4) 5* Interface to axle counter faulty (EAK serial link failed) 计轴设备的接口错误(EAK串行线路故障) 6* Interface to neighbouring ACE faulty. (N-ACE serial link failed) 到邻站ACE的接口错误(N-ACE 串行通信故障) Check/replace Modems (MOD 1 or 2) 检查/替换Modems (MOD 1 or 2) 7* Negative axles in section (negative counting error) 区间负轴(负轴计数错误) Block Reset and sweep. If not successful, go to Table 2 区间复位。如果不成功,跳转到Table 6 Check/replace Modems (MOD 3 or 4) 检查/替换Modems (MOD 3 or 4) 12* 4 F-Bit successively set (data transmit to EAK failed) (到EA电子单元的数据传输失败) 13 WPSa (Wheel Pulse Short on Detector Information Only 1

Event事件 Message (Description) 信息(描述) Head A) (检测磁头A缺少轮脉冲) 仅为信息 Corrective Action 措施 14 WPSb (Wheel Pulse Short on Detector Head B) (检测磁头B缺少轮脉冲) Information Only 仅为信息 15* Self-test at no regular time (EAK Defect Warning) 在非规则时间设备自检(EAK故障警示) Trackside failure; go to Table 3 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table7 16* Error in self-test 自检中出现错误 Trackside failure; go to Table 2 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table 6 Trackside failure; go to Table 2 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table 6 Go to Section 错误!未找到引用源。 跳转到错误!未找到引用源。部分 17* No self-test after calling 10 times 请求10次后仍没有设备自检 18 DRWa (Drift Warning at Detector Head A) (磁头A漂移警示) 19 DRWb (Drift Warning at Detector Head B) (磁头B漂移警示) Go to Section 错误!未找到引用源。 跳转到错误!未找到引用源。部分 20 DFWa (EAK Defect Warning at Detector Trackside failure; go to Table 3 Head A) (EAK在磁头A故障警示) 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table7 21 DFWb (EAK Defect Warning at Detector Trackside failure; go to Table 3 Head B) (EAK在磁头B故障警示) 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table7 22 Interface faulty at Reset AC (Serial Interface disturbed) 在Reset AC时接口错误 (串行接口干扰) (Locate Event 5 or 6 in log) (查阅日志中事件 5 or 6) 23* Invalid counting point at movement after Block Reset and sweep. 2

Event事件 Message (Description) 信息(描述) Reset AC (Block Reset Error - Invalid count) 复位 AC后计数无效 (区段复位错误- 无效的计数) Corrective Action 措施 If not successful, go to Table 2 区间复位并过车出清。如果不成功跳转到Table 6 24* Error in movement after Reset AC 复位 AC后运行错误 Block Reset and sweep. If not successful, go to Table 2 区间复位并过车出清。如果不成功跳转到Table 6 25* Another movement before Receiving reset 在接收复位前动一次 Block Reset and sweep. If not successful, go to Table 2 区间复位并过车出清。如果不成功跳转到Table 6 No action necessary (complete sweep). 不需要采取措施(完整出清) 27 Section deoccupied at Reset AC (Block Reset Event - Section unoccupied) 复位AC时区间不再占用(区段复位事件-区段空闲) 28 Section regularly occupied at Reset AC. No action necessary (complete sweep). (Block Reset Event - Section occupied) 在复位 AC后,区间有规律地被占用(区段复位事件-区段空闲) 不需要采取措施(完整出清) 29 Reset AC calling 2 times.(Block Reset Error - Reset not accepted) 两次请求复位AC.(区段复位错误-复位不被接受) Block Reset and sweep. If not successful, go to Table 2 区段复位并出清。如果不成功跳转到Table 6 30 No reset of counting point processor. Trackside failure; go to Table 2 (EAK Reset failure following ACE reset) 轨旁设备故障,跳转到Table 6 计数处理器没有复位 (ACE复位后EAK复位故障) 31 Wheel pulse without counting (Invalid wheel count) Block Reset and sweep. If not successful, Table 2 3

Event事件 Message (Description) 信息(描述) 没有对轮脉冲计数(无效的轮轴计数) Corrective Action 措施 区段复位并出清。如果不成功跳转到Table 6 Note: Events marked with an * cause a faulty section.

注意: 标有*的事件会导致一个故障的区间。

Table 2 – ACE Error Code Diagnostic Table / 表6错误代码诊断表 Error Code 错误代码 32 Sync error (neighbouring processor) CPU (Zpz) unit not reporting 同步错误(相邻处理器) 33 Initialisation error 初始化错误 51 Computer error 计算机错误 52, 53 Sync. Error / 同步错误 CPU (Zpz)单元不报告 CPU (Zpz) unit not reporting CPU (Zpz)单元不报告 CPU (Zpz) unit not reporting CPU (Zpz)单元不报告 CPU (Zpz) unit not reporting CPU (Zpz)单元不报告 54 Sync. error (restart of timer) 同步错误(定时器重启) 68 69 101 122 ROM error / ROM错误 RAM error / RAM错误 CPU (Zpz) unit not reporting CPU (Zpz)单元不报告 EPROM (SpR 64P) RAM (SpR 16R) Description 描述 Possible Failed Module(s) 有故障的模块 Preprocessor defect / 预处理器故障 Preprocessor (Vrch) or CPU (Zpz) Serial Interface miscomparison /串行接口比较错误 UART, Modem (or low levels) 150 Vital input of supervision loop wrong Input (Egb), WatchDog (TkUe), or /监督环的安全输入出错 AX1, AX2 Relays WatchDog (TKUe) or AX1, AX2 Relays check all Input (Egb) modules 检查所有Egb板 4

151 Wrong state of supervision loop /监督环的错误状态 152 Input clock not present /输入时钟不存在 Error Code 错误代码 192 Description 描述 Possible Failed Module(s) 有故障的模块 ZuoEgb contacts not antivalent / check settings of Data Encoder ZuoEgb插槽非反价 (ZuoEgb), or replace Input (Egb) 1 and 2 检查数据编码板的设置或者替换Input (Egb) 1 and 2 193 ZuoEgb comparison negative ZuoEgb拒绝比较 check settings of Data Encoder (ZuoEgb), or replace Input (Egb) 1 and 2 检查数据编码板的设置或者替换Input (Egb) 1 and 2 194 ZuoEgb contacts changed ZuoEgb触点变化 check settings of Data Encoder (ZuoEgb), or replace Input (Egb) 1 and 2 检查数据编码板的设置或者替换Input (Egb) 1 and 2 196-208 Site-specific error 根据位置而定的错误 check EPROM (SpR 64P) version and ZuoEgb settings 检查EPROM (SpR 64P)版本和ZuoEgb设置 209 Parallel interface input miscomparison 并行接口输入比较错误 Egb (check all Egb modules) Egb(检查所有Egb模块) 210 Parallel interface output miscomparison 并行接口输出比较错误 Egb (check all Egb modules) Egb(检查所有Egb模块) 228 Interrupt 2 without RAM-parity test 中断2 没有RAM奇偶测试 RAM (Spr16R) 240-255 Site-specific error 5

check EPROM (SpR 64P) version

