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Flue type & Forced type
E2-出水探头开路 E3-高温干烧
E1-- outlet water temperature sensor short circuit E2-- outlet water temperature sensor open circuit E3-- over temperature dry heating
Balance type
E1—火焰故障(点不着火或中途熄火) E2—伪火(点火前检测到有火焰) E3—温控器故障(温控器断开)
E5—风压开关故障(风机启动前,风压开关闭合或风机运转时风压开关连续2s断开) E6—出水温度过高故障
E8-阀故障(电磁阀线开路或待机时电磁阀得电) EC—通讯故障(主板与面板通信不上)
E0- water outlet temperature sensor defect E1- ignition failed or accidental flame-out E2- false flame
E3- thermostat defect
E4- water inlet temperature sensor defect E5- blower defect
E6- over-temperature protection
E8- valve defect(solenoid valve wire open circuit or the solenoid valve got electricity when the heater is on ready mode) En-20-min timer
EC- communication defect( PC board can not communicate with the temperature displayer)
1、将控制板接入检测台,接通电源 将控制板正确连接在检测台上,检测台电源接市电(220V AC/50Hz)。 2、上电,显示屏显示温度42℃;水流量电压5±0.5V;比例阀无电流。
②断开风压开关,显示故障:E5 ③按短路按键或拔出水探头插,显示故障:E0 ④拔主阀显示故障:E8 ⑤断开防干烧开关,显示故障:E3
4、进入菜单:按住下降键,上电,显示PP,按下开关键,3S内按下下降键,显示PL。闭合水流量,风机高速运转,闭合风压开关,开始点火,风机低速运转,延时1S 吸比例阀(吸阀电压≥24V),滞后0.5S再吸主阀(吸阀电压≥24V,吸阀时间0.4±0.1S,维持电压≥12V)。
5、点火时间内闭合反馈开关(火焰灵敏度≥5.1M)约1S 内停点火,火焰图标动态显示,进入正常工作状态,PL(比例阀最小电流):115±3mA,按上升键进入PH(比例阀最大电流):200±3mA、PI(比例阀点火电流):140±3mA:FA(气源选择,00是10L液化气,01是10L天然气,03是12L天然气),断电退出菜单。
1. Function detection
A. Plug the PC board to the detecting set with 220V AC/50Hz)
B.Power on, temperature displayer showing 42℃;water flow voltage 5±0.5V;proportional valve no
C. a. Turn on the water flow, close the air pressure, ignite, close feedback switch. Proportional valve, turn on main valve, turn on partial valve. Press 45℃(85℃), the
b. Disconnect the air pressure, displayer showing E5
c. Press short circuit switch or unplug the outlet water temperature sensor, displayer showing E0 d. Unplug main valve , displayer showing E8
e. Disconnect the Anti-dry heating( 65℃ sensor), displayer showing E3
D. Enter into Menu Setting: pressing on down switch( ▼) and power on, will displaying PP ; then press on/off switch(middle one), and press the down switch( ▼) in 3 seconds, displaying PL. Close water flow, blower fan run high speed; close air pressure switch, start igniting, blower fan run low speed, delay 1 second to absorbing solenoid valve(absorbing voltage ≥24V),delay of 0.5 second then absorb the main valve(absorb voltage ≥24V, absorb time 0.4±0.1S, lasting voltage ≥12V)。
E. In igniting time, close the feedback switch( flame sensitivity ≥5.1M)will stop igniting in about 1 second,
flame dynamic graph displaying normal, enter into normal working state; PL(proportional valve smallest electric current):115±3mA. Press up switch(▲)to enter into PH(proportional valve biggest electric current):200±3mA、 PI( proportional valve ignition electric current):140±3mA; FA( gas type choosing, 00 is 10L LPG, 01 is 10L NG, 03 is LPG NG), power off to exit Menu Setting.
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