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雅思(IELTS)考试是“国际英语语言测试系统”(International English Language Test System的缩写。雅思考试是一种语言能力的测试,分为听力理解、阅读、写作和口语。写作是考试的第三部分,要求在六十分钟里完成两项写作任务(TASK1和TASK2)。写作考试按考生去以英语为母语国家的不同目的分为两种考察类型:普通培训类(General Training Module, 简称G类)和学术类(Academic Module, 简称A类)。前者主要面向申请移民,或到本国外培训、工作的考生;后者面向针对申请到国外攻读本科或研究生课程的考生。




Task 1 (G) = Task 1 (A) ? ? ?

Task 2 (G) = Task 2 (A) ? ? ?

Communicative Quality (CQ)

表达质量:作文是否表达流畅、清晰易懂、观点明确、论证充分。 Arguments, Idea and Evidence (AIE) 论证、论点、论据

Vocabulary and Sentence Structure (VSS) 词汇与句子结构

A类和G类的Task1和Task2的评分首先是各标准按9分制分别评分,三项标准的分数相加除以三,就是考生该项的最后成绩,没有0.5分数档。Task 1和Task2的权重不等,最后成绩要综合考虑两项成绩。


Task Fulfillment (TF)

任务完成:考生是否按要求回答了问题。 Coherence and Cohesion (CC) 条理性:作文是否清晰、连贯。

Vocabulary and Sentence Structure (VSS)


Band 9 (Expert Use) 精通英语

For Band 9, the answer is completely satisfactory. A point of view is presented and well developed, either arguing for and supporting one position or taking into consideration alternative positions by involving and discussing relevant ideas and evidence. The argument develops logically with a clear progressive presentation of ideas. The material is adequate, the use of vocabulary is appropriate, and the use of sentence structure is accurate, appropriate, and varied. No errors occur in word formation or spelling.

Band 8 (Very Good User) 英语能力优秀

For Band 8, the answer is second only to Band 9 in communicative quality, argument, ideas, and evidence. Vocabulary is good and appropriately used. No serious errors occur in word formation or spelling. Sentence structures are good and well controlled for accuracy and appropriateness.

Band 7 (Good User)

For Band 7, the answer is a satisfactory essay with generally fluent communication. It presents a point of view, which may be unclear sometimes, and approaches it either from a single position or from alternative positions. The argument is well developed although there may be some minor problems. Ideas and evidence are relevant and sufficient; however, more specific details may be needed. Vocabulary is fairly good and is usually appropriately used with the exception of a few spelling errors. Errors in word formation rarely occur. The range of sentence structure is satisfactory even though there are occasional, minor faults in the control of sentence structure.

Band 6 (Competent User) 可以交流

For Band 6, the answer proves quite satisfactory and communicates with some fluency. A point of view is presented which may have been approached from a single position or from alternative positions. With the control of organizational control and devices, the development of the argument is not always clear, and the main idea is hard to be distinguished from the supporting materials. The relevance of some ideas or evidence may be dubious, and the development of the argument may need some specific support. Vocabulary is still limited and shows inappropriateness of its use. There are some minor errors in word choice, word formation and spelling. Sentence structures are adequate but lack variety.

Band 5 (Modest User) 中等水平

For Band 5, the answer with an overall lack of fluency is, on the whole, coherent. It introduces some ideas which may not be well developed. Arguments call for clarity, relevance, consistency or support. Vocabulary is limited, and its use may be inappropriate. There is a limited range of sentence structures, and accuracy is achieved in short, simple sentences. However, errors in word choice, word formation, spelling, and grammar are evident.

Key Words: Language, Organization, Content

雅思写作考试的注意事项 ? ? ?

Word Limit Plagiarism Format

? ? ?

Style Handwriting Grammar

第一讲 词 汇

1.1 雅思写作对词汇的要求

Band 9: A wide range of vocabulary is used appropriately. Band 8: A good range of appropriate vocabulary.

Band 7: The range of vocabulary is fairly good and vocabulary is usually used appropriately.

Band 6: The range of vocabulary sometimes appears limited accompanied by the inappropriateness of its use. Band 5: The range of vocabulary and appropriateness of its use are limited. Lexical confusion and incorrect

word choice are noticeable.

1.2 雅思写作词汇运用方法


英语中的词汇按照其使用的正式程度可分为三个层次: ? ? ? 例如:

(1) ask---question---interrogate (2) fear---terror---trepidation




I am sorry I cannot send you the money on time. I have not received my money at work yet but, as soon as I received the money I will send you the money I owe you.

I am sorry I cannot send you the money on time. I have not received my salary at work yet but, as soon as I am paid I will send you the sum that I owe you.

避免重复使用同一个词的方法有以下两种: (1) 词性转换 例如:

Watching TV may influence children’s physical and mental development.

Watching TV may have influence upon children’s physical and mental development. Watching TV may be influential in children’s physical and mental development

(2) 同义、近义互换

Highly informal: 非常随意(电子邮件、写给朋友的信等) Medium and semi-formal: 中等或半正式(学术写作) Highly formal: 非常正式(各种仪式的书面发言)


think = believe = advocate = claim = insist = hold = deem = argue = be convinced the old = the elderly = the retired = senior citizen

negative = unfavorable = undesirable = harmful = detrimental = bad = adverse

1.3 用学术词汇来替代下列句子中的斜体词

(1) It is important to use complex sentences to get a better score in the Writing modules of IELTS. (2) More and more numbers of women are going out to work.

(3) What they emphasize is that formal examinations are harmful to students’ creativity.

(4) Membership at AF’s Sports Club rose during the first three months of last year from 60 to about 130. (5) This book is so good it’s better than all the others.

(6) During the course of a televised World Cup football match demand for electricity fluctuates widely. (7) I made a mistake and bought the wrong size shoes.

(8) I will appreciate it very much if you can give me an early reply soon. (9) Nothing has changed the world as greatly as the Internet.

(10) If you are going to emigrate to a foreign country, you must be used to new manners and customers. (11) I believe that, to a certain extent, examinations can give an unfair measurement of a student’s ability. (12) The supermarket can provide a lot of foods to choose from. (13) Once again, I am sorry for any trouble caused.

(14) People argue over and over again that violence on television is harmful.

(15) I am writing to ask about the possibility of studying for the degree of MA in English Literature at your

university from next September. (16) Dr. Smith will be free on Sunday.

(17) This dictionary is very useful in helping you understand the local language. (18) In his spare time, he likes reading, but doesn’t like going shopping. (19) His explanation is not enough to support his late for class. (20) This shop has the only right for the sale of the goods.

Assignments: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 1. 2. 3.

Overseas students have an easier access to the first-rate facilities. You can’t be a man who will never accomplish everything.

We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English.


complete/fulfill obtain

Overseas students have an easier access to the first-rate facilities. You can’t be a man who will never accomplish everything. It is essential to combine theory with practice.

We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English. To set up a space station costs a huge sum of taxpayers’ money. Parents always expect their children to be the best. Your responsibility is attending to the old. Paying computer games is time-consuming.

How to solve the heavy traffic problem is a tough issue for our government.

10) Riding a bike is energy saving. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

It is essential to combine theory with practice. necessary/fundamental

a large amount of



taking care of/looking after time-wasting energy efficient

To set up a space station costs a huge sum of taxpayers’ money. Parents always expect their children to be the best. Your responsibility is attending to the old. Paying computer games is time-consuming.

How to solve the heavy traffic problem is a tough issue for our government.

10. Riding a bike is energy saving. 1.4 阅读下列作文,注意带有下划线的单词和短语。如果你是作者,你会使用怎样的单词和短语?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling and studying abroad.

Over recent years, the number of people studying and traveling abroad has increased considerably. As is the case with many issues, this has both positive and negative aspects.

At first sight, education and travel in foreign countries appear to be entirely beneficial and advantageous. For example, studying other languages abroad expands and improves our abilities and job prospects. In addition, by studying or simply by traveling abroad, we can discover many differences in terms of culture, ways of thinking, history, customs and lifestyle; the awareness of these differences makes us more tolerant and open-minded. What’s more, we gain a broader experience of life in general.

On the other hand, it may indeed be true to say that traveling and studying abroad could influence us in a negative way. The experience could be so powerful, and alter the traveler’s way of thinking so greatly, that they lose their cultural identity. If he or she integrates into the new society, they will almost certainly meet difficulties when they try to readjust later to their own culture. Another potential problem is that the traveler or student may become a victim of discrimination, and lose their confidence as a result. Since their behavior and customs may be very different from those of the inhabitants of the most culture, they may encounter negative reactions --- unfriendliness, or even hostility, for example.

When all is said and done, there are many choices and it is for students and travelers to weigh up both sides of the issue and come to their own conclusions.


Discuss both the pros and cons of the application of computers in teaching.

Computers are now essential in many areas of life, such as modern banking, retail and information exchange among others. And there is no exception in education. However, computers are not always dominant in teaching. At a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.

There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language learning, any area which requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is

………………………………………………………. (Concluding Sentence)…………………………….. 例如:

Examinations can be unfair in several ways. [Topic Sentence] For example, the whole career of a candidate depends on what he or she does on a certain day and hour of an exam. [First Example]If the candidate is ill, or has had some emotional trauma, these factors could have a negative effect on a student’s exam results. [Explanation] Furthermore, some students do not perform well under pressure and require a longer time to reach useful conclusions. [Second Example] Even though they may have studied diligently and know the subject matter thoroughly, their performance does not reflect their ability. [Explanation] For these students, examinations appear to be unfair. [Concluding Sentence]

4.2 有效段落 (Effective Paragraph)

一个段落是否有效可以从三个方面来衡量:统一性 (unity)、发展性 (Development)、连贯性 (Coherence)。 Three Characteristics of Effective Body Paragraphs: UDC U = Unity Have you made a clear connection between the main idea of the paragraph and the sentences that support the main idea? D = Development Have you included detailed and sufficient support for the main idea of the paragraph? C = Coherence Have you progressed from one sentence to the next in the paragraph smoothly and logically?

1.统一性 (Unity)

一个具有统一性的段落应包含一个主题句 (topic sentence),表达一个明确的主题 (main idea)。还应包括一些围绕主题的支持性细节 (supporting details),如:原因、事实、数据、例证等。不要因字数的缘故而添加一些与主题无关的支持性细节。


(1) From some people’s point of view, advertisements have produced numerous positive effects on our lives.

First of all, they help the manufacturers promote their new products and enhance marketing. Moreover, they introduce a good many new products and new lifestyles to us and help us to keep abreast with the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology. Without them, many products would have still remained in factories or even in laboratories, unknown to us. Thirdly, some public welfare advertisements arouse the public awareness of some social issues. Last but not least, some advertisements are of high artistic value with vivid pictures and witty language, which offer us great visual and audio enjoyment and enlightenment. A modern world without advertisements is truly unimaginable.

(2) Television presents a vivid world to us. No newspaper can show so clearly what is happening right now in the

world. Transforming information, television not only gives the news instantly but also shows it in pictures more powerful than words. In particular, important events are often broadcasted live so the audience often feel as if they are participating. In addition, programs about life and adventures in foreign countries can teach us geography. Programs about historical events can teach us history. English programs provide an excellent

opportunity to learn English for those who study this language.

(3) Many older students have difficulty for a while in their courses in college. Having been out of school for

several years, they have lost the habit of study and the power to concentrate. Formulas in chemistry and mathematics, which are recited readily by students fresh from high school, are only dim memories to them. Their age and the greater sense of responsibility most older students have is an advantage to them. Many of them have held responsible jobs or positions in the armed services, and now many of them have families dependent on them. Consequently, they are serious about getting an education.

2.发展性 (Development)


(1) I don’t really agree that we should try to understand why someone has committed a crime. I think criminals

should be punished and that’s it. It isn’t fair on the victim. In addition, I would like to comment that most criminals know what they are doing when they commit a crime. There are too many crimes these days. I don’t think there were so many in the past.

(2) Those advocates are of the opinion that more public funds should be invested into the artistic and cultural

projects because the plan will surely bring many advantages to the whole society. First of all, more places of entertainment and recreation will be available for common people to enjoy their leisure time. Secondly, by visiting these places, people can cultivate a better taste for arts and enhance the sensitivity to beauty, thus enriching their spiritual life and upgrading their quality. They claim that without art, life would be dull and meaningless. Furthermore, these artistic projects will add to the beauty of the city, which is sure to boost the local tourist industry. Most important of all, it is an essential part of spiritual civilization construction. Do remember that a man does not live only by bread.

3.连贯性 (Coherence)


Techniques for Achieving Coherence ? ? ? ? ?

(1) A sample of one hundred people were interviewed at random about their views on the Internet. Most people

had heard of the computer facility. Few knew how to use it. 20% of the people had access to it. The people who said they could use the Internet were students or were under 40 years of age. The people who had not heard of it were 60 years old or more. The sample was felt to be representative of the general population.

(2) A sample of one hundred people were interviewed at random about their views on the Internet. While the

Using appropriate transitional expressions. Using pronouns when possible. Using deliberate repetition of a key word. Using parallel structure. Using coherence techniques to create connections between paragraphs. majority of those interviewed had heard of the computer facility, relatively few knew how to use it and only 20 per cent of the sample had access to it. In most cases, those who said they could use the Internet were students or were, not surprisingly, under 40 years of age. The minority who had not even heard of it tended to be 60 years old or more. Overall it was felt that the sample was representative of the general population.

4.3 常用过渡表达法

ADDITION: also, in addition, too, moreover, and, besides, furthermore, equally important, then, finally EXAMPLE: for example, for instance, thus, as an illustration, namely, specifically

CONTRAST: but, yet, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, conversely, in contrast, still, at the same time, on the

other hand,

COMPARISON: similarly, likewise, in the same way CONCESSION: of course, to be sure, certainly, granted RESULT: therefore, thus, as a result, so, accordingly

SUMMARY: hence, in short, in brief, in summary, in conclusion, finally TIME: first, second, third, next, then, finally, afterward

SEQUENCE: before, soon, later, meanwhile, subsequently, immediately, eventually, currently

PLACE: in the front, in the foreground, in the back, in the background, at the side, adjacent, nearby, in the

distance, here, there


There is a proposal to build a road through some woods near to where you live in order to relieve traffic congestion on another road.

Write a letter to a newspaper supporting or opposing the construction of the proposed bypass.

Dear _______

I have lived near Haisham for more than 30 years and I am convinced that the proposed bypass is not only the only way to relieve the intolerable congestion on the present Hastings road but is also essential to attract the visitors to the area that the local economy so badly needs.

A bypass is the only practical solution if traffic is not to slow to a crawl throughout most of the day, and if summer visitors are not to stay away altogether. In the first place, traffic can scarcely manage to find its way to and from Hastings on the present road because of the large number of bends and the step gradient on Swallow Hill. But to widen the road would destroy valuable farming land and be prohibitively expensive when the compensation to be paid to the farmers is taken into account.

Furthermore, building the bypass will not only overcome the problem of congestion but will also draw more visitors to the area. Summer visitors who stay in bed-and-breakfast accommodation are our main source of income. The villages near Haisham depend on tourism to survive but tourism is not growing as fast as it should. There has also been a steady exodus of light industry from the area over the years, not least because of the area’s chronic traffic bottlenecks, which make goods uneconomic to transport. Thus our young people have been forced to move away to find jobs. With the bypass, some industry may also return in time.

Although we must not altogether disregard the effect on the environment, experience elsewhere shows that new habitats can be provided for any species. Meanwhile, the bypass plan should go ahead. Building the road means building our future.


1. What is the main point of the letter?

2. What are the topic sentences for paragraphs 2 and 3?

3. What argument does the author use to support each topic sentence? 4. What action does the writer propose?


1. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases given and then put the sentences in a logical sequence to form an effective paragraph under the following outline.

Topic sentence First main point Second main point Third main point Conclusion

______________, I am very excited about learning English.

The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. I will become a manager for my company soon. There are three reasons why I want to learn English.

______________, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. ______________ English has become an international language.

______________ I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries.

One reason is that, Another reason why, Finally, For all these reasons

There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English.

2. Paragraph writing Topic Options:

Discuss the reasons why cars should or should not be banned in the city centre.

Discuss the advantages or the disadvantages of China's birth-control policy (one child family). Discuss the benfits or the drawbacks of internet.

第五讲 篇 章

Part A 论说文

5.1 英文作文的基本构成


I. Introductory Paragraph ? ?

II. Body Paragraphs ? ?

Consist of 2-4 paragraphs arranged in a logical way to develop a main idea.

In each paragraph, every sentence should be directly related to the topic sentence. After the topic sentence come explanations, examples, factual details, logical inferences, statement of cause and effect, comparisons and contrasts, etc. ? ?

III. Concluding Paragraph ? ? ?

5.2 如何写开头段

开头段包括general statement和thesis statement两部分。 (1)General Statement

General Statement的主要作用是介绍写作背景,引入话题。不能照抄题目,应用同义词、近义词替换题目中的相关词语,并用不同的句子结构来改写题目中的句子结构。例如: Example 1:

It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers. It is therefore more important for mothers to spend time with children than fathers. Others think fathers make equally good parents. What is your opinion?

Indicate the end of the essay.

Present the final ideas and evaluation on the essay subject. Put forward suggestions, recommendations, warnings etc. Write a listing paragraph. Use linking or connecting words.

Begin with a general statement, perhaps in the form of a quotation, or an idea of your own that takes into account the key topic words or their synonyms.

The last sentence of the introduction should contain a thesis statement which show s the point of view and will be argued in the essay.

