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(1)货损部分的绝对免赔率:Including Risk of Shortage/Breakage in excess of x%.
Deductible :Including Risk of Shortage/Breakage in excess of x% on the whole consignment.
加贴“重置条款”(Replacement Clause),加贴“机械或电子损坏或扰乱风险除外”(Excluding The Risks of Mechamical or Eelectrical Breakdown & Derangement), 加贴“放射性污染除外”(Excluding Radioactive Contamination)。
“重置条款”(Replacement Clause)规定:如果承保风险造成被保险机器的任何部分的损失和灭失,则保险人负责赔偿的金额不能超过该受损部分的重置费用或修理费用加上运费及改装费,但不包含关税;除非关税已在承保金额内,而发生灭失后在补运时须加纳关税,才可一并赔偿。但是,不论任何情况,承保人的责任绝对不超过整套机器的保险金额。
二手机器设备: “一切已存在损失除外”(Excluding All Existing Damage), 加贴“二手设备重置条款”(Replacement Clause-Second-hand Machinery)加贴“机械损坏、扰乱、锈损、氧化除外”(Excluding Mechanical Breakdown, Derangement, Rusting & Xxidation): 加贴“放射性污染除外”(Excluding Radioactive Contamination)。
“二手设备重置条款”(Replacement Clause-Second-hand Machinery)规定:保险人对受损部分的重置费用或修理费用的赔偿应当按保险金额与新设备的价值的比例进行计算。但是,不论任何情况,承保人的责任绝不超过整套机器的保险金额。
按冷藏险条款承保;0.5%的短量免赔; 如果扩展承保”腐烂”(decay), 规定5%的绝对免赔; “腐烂”不包括鲜橘变色及黑斑点(discoloration, stem button); 如果发生腐烂, 集装箱清理费用控制在3000美元以内。费率不低于0.7%, 扩展承保”腐烂”及集装箱清理费用, 费率不低于1.2%。
一、CIC 条款
1. Covering All Risks Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (一切险)
2. Covering All Risks & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses & Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(一切险加战争险)
3. Covering All Risks, War Risks & SRCC Inc. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses, Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(一切险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
4. Covering With Average (WPA) Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses, 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(水渍险)
5. Covering With Average (WPA) & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses, & Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(水渍险加战争险)
6. Covering With Average (WPA) & War Risks & SRCC Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses,, Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(水渍险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
7. Covering Free From Particular Average (FPA) Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses, & 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(平安险)
8. Covering Free From Particular Average (FPA) & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses, & Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance
Company of China(平安险加战争险)
9. Covering Free From Particular Average (FPA) & War Risks & SRCC Incl. W/W as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses & Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (平安险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
10. Incl. War Risks As per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(战争险)
11. Incl. Risks of SRCC as per Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(罢工、民变险)
12. Covering Air Transportation All Risks Incl. W/W as per Air Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(空运一切险)
13. Covering Air Transportation All Risks & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Air Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses & Air Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(空运一切险加战争险)
14. Covering Air Transportation All Risks, War Risks & SRCC Incl. W/W as per Air Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses, Air Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (空运一切险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
15. Covering Air Transportation Risks Incl. W/W as per Air Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Co. of China (空运险)
16. Covering Air Transportation Risks & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Air Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses & Air Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(空运险加战争险)
17. Covering Air Transportation Risks, War Risks & SRCC Incl. W/W as per Air Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses, Air Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(空运险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
18. Incl. War Risks for Transport by Airfreight as per Air Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China
19. Covering Parcel Post All Risks as per Parcel Post Insurance Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(邮包一切险)
20. Covering Parcel Post All risks & War Risks as per Parcel Post Insurance Clauses & Parcel Post War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (邮包一切险加战争险)
21. Covering Parcel Post All Risks War Risks & SRCC as per Parcel Post Insurance Clauses, Parcel Post War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (邮包一切险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
22. Covering Parcel Post Risks as per Parcel Post Insurance Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (邮包险)
23. Covering Parcel Post Risks & War Risks as per Parcel Post Insurance Clauses & Parcel Post War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (邮包险加战争险)
24. Covering Parcel Post Risks, War Risks & SRCC as per Parcel Post Insurance Clauses, Parcel Post War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (邮包险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
25. Incl. War Risks as per Parcel Post War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (邮包战争险)
26. Covering Overland Transportation All Risks Incl. W/W as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(陆运一切险)
27. Covering Overland Transportation All Risks & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses & Overland Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(陆运一切险加战争险)
28. Covering Overland Transportation All Risks, War Risks & SRCC Incl. W/W as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses, Overland Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(陆运一切险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
29. Covering Overland Transportation Risks Incl. W/W as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (陆运险)
30. Covering Overland Transportation Risks & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses & Overland Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China(陆运险加战争险)
31. Covering Overland Transportation Risks, War Risks & SRCC Incl. W/W as per Overland
Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses, Overland Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses & Cargo Strike Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (陆运险加战争险和罢工、民变险)
32. Incl. War Risks as per Overland Transportation Cargo War Risks Clauses 1/1/81 of the People’s Insurance Company of China (陆运战争险)
33. Covering All Risks for Frozen Products Incl. BDM as per Ocean Marine Insurance Clauses (Frozen Products) of the People’s Insurance Company of China Dated 1/1/81
34. Covering Risks for Frozen products Incl. BDM as per Ocean Marine Insurance Clauses (Frozen Products) of the People’s Insurance Company of China Dated 1/1/81
35. Covering Overland Transportation Insurance Frozen products as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses (Frozen Products) of the People’s Insurance Company of China Dated 1/1/81
36. Insurance is Covered from Point of Origin to Warehouse at Destination(保险起讫从产地到目的地仓库)
37. Incl. Risks of Transhipment(附加转运险)
38. If Goods are Subject to Transhipment, Risks of Transhipment is Included.(如果转船,附加转运险)
二、Institute Cargo Clause条款
1. Covering All Risks Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause Dated 1/1/1963(一切险,63年条款)
2. Covering All Risks & War Risks Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause Dated 1/1/1963 and Institute War Clause (1/7/1976) (一切险,63年条款,加战争险,76年条款)
3. Covering All Risks, War Risks & SRCC Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause Dated 1/1/1963, Institute War Clause(1/7/1976) & Institute Strike ClausesC(1/1/1963)(一切险,63年条款,加战争险,76年条款,和罢工、民变险,63年条款)
4. Covering WPA(WA) Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause Dated 1/1/1963(水渍险,63年条款)
5. Covering WPA(WA) and War Risks Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause Dated 1/1/1963 and Institute War Clause(1/7/1976) (水渍险,63年条款,加战争险,76年条款)
6. Covering FPA Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause Dated 1/1/1963(平安险,63年条款)
7. Covering All Risks Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause (A) Dated 1/1/82(一切险,82年(A)条款)
8. Covering Marine Risks Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause (B) Dated 1/1/82(B险,82年(B)条款)
9. Covering Marine Risks Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause (C) Dated 1/1/82(C险,82年(C)条款)
10. Covering All Risks, War Risks Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause (A) and Institute War Clauses Dated 1/1/82(一切险,82年(A)条款,加战争险,82年条款)
11. Covering All Risks, War Risks & Strikes(SRCC) Incl. W/W as per Institute Cargo Clause(A), Institute War Clauses & Institute Strike Clauses Dated 1/1/82(一切险,82年(A)条款,加战争险和罢工险,82年条款))
12. Covering All Risks as per IACC Dated 15/6/1965(空运一切险,65年条款)
13. Covering All Risks, War & SRCC as per IACC (Excl. Sending by Post) 15/6/65, Institute War Clause(Air) 1/1/71 & Institute Strike ClausesCC 1/1/63(空运一切险,65年条款,空运战争险,71年条款,罢工险,63年条款,不包括邮包运输)
14. Covering All Risks as per Institute Cargo Clause (Air)(Excl. Sending by Post) 1/1/82(空运一切险,82年条款,不包括邮包运输)
15. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause (Air)(Excl. Sending by Post) Dated 1/7/71(附加空运战争险,71年条款,不包括邮包运输)
16. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause (Air Cargo)(Excl. Sending by Post) Dated 1/1/82(附加空运战争险,82年条款,不包括邮包运输)
17. Incl. Strikes Risks as per Institute Strike Clause (Air Cargo) Dated 1/1/82(附加空运罢工险条款,82年条款)
18. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause (Sending by Post) Dated 1/1/82(附加空运战争险,82年条款,用于邮包运输)
19. Covering All Risks Incl. 24 Hours BDM as IFPC (Excl. Frozen Meat) 1/4/68
20. Covering FPA Incl. BDM as per Institute Frozen Food Clauses (Excl. Frozen Meat) 1/2/69
21. Covering All Risks for Frozen Food as per Institute Frozen Food Clauses (A) (Excl. Frozen Meat) 1/1/86
22. Covering Risks for Frozen Food as per Institute Frozen Food Clauses (C) (Excl. Frozen meat) 1/1/86
23. Covering All Risks for Frozen Meat as per Institute Frozen Meat Clauses (A) 1/1/86
24. Covering All risks for frozen meat Incl. 24 Hours BDM as per Institute Frozen Meat Clauses (A) – 24 Hours Breakdown 1/1/86
25. Covering Risks for Frozen Meat Incl. 24 Hours BDM as per Institute Frozen Meat Clauses (C) - 24 Hours Breakdown 1/1/86
26. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause (Excl. Frozen Meat) 11/3/69
27. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause (Frozen Products) 11/3/80
28. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause (Frozen Food excluding Frozen Meat) 11/3/80
29. Covering All Risks Incl. 24 Hours BDM as per Institute Frozen Meat Clauses 1/7/78
30. Covering FPA Incl. 24 Hours BDM as per 24 Hours BDM as per Institute Frozen Meat Clauses 1/7/78
31. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause Dated 1/7/76(附加战争险,76年条款)
32. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause Dated 1/7/80(附加战争险,80年条款)
33. Incl. War Risks as per Institute War Clause Dated 1/1/82(附加战争险,82年条款)
34. Incl. Risks of SRCC as per Institute Strike Clauses Dated 1/1/63(罢工、民变险条款,63年条款)
35. Incl. Strikes Risks as per Institute Strike Clause (Cargo) Dated 1/1/82(罢工险条款,82年条款)
1. Incl. Risks of Leakage(附加渗漏险)
2. Incl. Risks of Breakage(附加破碎险)
3. Incl. Risks of Breakage in Excess of 5%(附加破碎险,5%绝对免赔)
4. Incl. Risks of Packing (Damage by Packing) (附加包装破裂险)
5. Incl. Risk of On Deck (JWOB) as per Clause for Cargoes Shipped “On Deck” (附加舱面险)
6. Excl. SRCC(罢工、民变险除外)
7. Incl. Strikes Risks (附加罢工险)
8. Incl. Risk of Shortage in Weight in Excess of 5%(附加短量险,5%绝对免赔)
9. Incl. Risk of Shortage in Weight in Excess of 0.5%(附加短量险,0.5%绝对免赔)
10. Incl. Risk of Shortage in Weight in Excess of 1%(附加短量险,1%绝对免赔)
11. Incl. F.R.E.C.(附加存仓火险 (仅限于香港、九龙或澳门)
12. Incl. T.P.N.D.(附加偷窃、提货不着险)
13. Incl. R.F.W.D.(附加淡水雨淋险)
14. Claim Payable I.O.P.(赔款不计免赔率)
15. Incl. 60 Days after Discharge of the Goods at Port of Destination(附加期限扩展60天)
(一) 更改被保险人名称
I t is hereby noted that the name of assured under this policy should be amended as follows:
?????.. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
(二) 更改标记
It is hereby noted that the marks & Nos.of the goods under this policy should be written as follows:
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
(三)更改包装数量 1. 更改包装种类
It is hereby noted that the goods covered under this policy are packed in cases and not in bales as originally stated.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 2、更改包装及数量。
It is hereby noted that the quantity of the goods covered under this policy should be?cases instead of?bales.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 3、更改标记,件数中的一项。
It is hereby noted that the marks & Rostand quantity of the goods within covered interest of item ?under this policy is now altered to read as follows: ?
Further noted that the total quantity of the goods within covered interest under this policy should be read as ?
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
(四)更改商品名称 1. 变更商品名称
It is hereby noted that the description of goods under this policy should be“?” and not as originally stated.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 2、漏写商品名称。
It is hereby noted that the description of goods under this policy should be“?”and not as originally stated. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. (五)更改保额 1. 更正保额
It is hereby noted that the correct amount insured under this policy should be Rimini Yuan (RMB)
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
2. 加保金额
It is hereby noted that the amount insured under this policy is increased by RMB- making the amount in force Renminbi Yuan? (RMB)
In consideration of the above, an additional premium as arranged is payable by the Insured. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 3. 减少金额
It is hereby noted that the amount insured under this policy is reduced by RMB- leaving the amount in force Renminbi Yuan?(RMB)
In consideration of the above a return premium as arranged is refunded to the Insured. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 4. 更正阿拉伯数字。
It is hereby noted that the correct currency of the Insured Amount in Arabic Figure under this policy should be RMB?and not as originally stated.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
(六)变更船名等 1. 更改船名
It is hereby noted that the name of the ship carrying the Goods insured under this policy should be s/s“?”and not as originally stated.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 2.加注转船。
It is hereby noted that the goods insured under this policy are transshipped at ?by s/s “?”to?
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
It is hereby noted that the sailing date of the carrying vessel“?”under
this policy is on or about?instead of ?
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
(八)更改目的地等 1.改变最后目的地。
It is hereby noted and declared that the final destination under this policy should be?and not as originally stated.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 2.转运内陆(目的地已定)
It is hereby noted and agreed that this policy is extended to cover inland risks from?to? by other conveyance ,in the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this policy immediate notice must be given to?
In consideration of the above ,an additionanl premium as arranged is payable by the Insured.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 3.转运内陆(目的地未定)
It is hereby noted and agreed that this policy is extended to cover inland transportation risks from port of discharge?to the final destination in the ??by other conveyance.
In consideration of the above ,an additionanl premium as arranged is payable by the Insured.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
(九)更改保险条件 1.更改险别。
It is hereby noted that this insurance is amended to cover: ?and not as originally stated. In consideration of the above,an additional (or a return) premium as arranged is chargeable to the Insured.
It is hereby noted that this insurance is extended to cover?
In consideration of the above ,an additional premium as arranged is payable by the Insured. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 3.取消一节险中的一项附加险。
It is hereby noted that the risks of ?is excluded from this insurance. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 4.增加其他附加险。
It is hereby noted that the risks of ?are included in this insurance.
In consideration of the above ,an additional premium as arranged is payable by the Insured. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 5.保险条件中某项字句的更正。
It is hereby noted that the wording of conditions under this policy”?” should read as “?” Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
(十)延长保险期限 1.延长存仓期限
It is hereby noted that the validity of Insurance under this policy is further extended up to?subject otherwise to the terms of this policy.
In consideration of the above,an additional premium as arranged is payable by the Insured. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 2.延长码头存仓期限
It is hereby noted that this insurance is now extended to cover for a further period of ? days i.e.this insurance is to be valid for ?days after completion of discharge of the goods from the oversea vessel at port of destination unless previously warehoused by consignees or party at interest.
In consideration of the above,an additional Premium as arranged is payable by the Insured. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 3.延长海关存仓期限
It is hereby noted that this insurance is now extended to cover for a further period of ?days up to ?,whilst the insured goods are awaiting clearance in the customs unless previously warehoused by consignees or party at interest. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
It is hereby noted that the insurance under this policy is extended to cover the risk of fire only for a period of?days,commencing from midnight of the days of expiry of the risks originally covered under this policy.
In consideration of the above an additional premium as arranged is payable by the Insured. Other terms and conditions remains unchanged.
It is hereby noted that the Name of Claims Settling Agent under this policy should read as?and not as originally stated.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
It is hereby noted that the Claims,if any,should be payable at ?and not as originally stated.
It is hereby noted that the issuing date under this policy should read as? Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
It is hereby noted and agreed that the insurance under this policy is amended to cover as follows:
Conveyance: Voyage: Sailing date
Name of Claims Settling Agent:
In consideration of the above,an additional (return )Premium as arranged is payable by (refunded to) insured.
Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
二、信用证对保险要求写法举例 (一) 关于海运方面的 1. 平安险 ▲来证要求:
The merchandise from point of origin to warehouse at destination against marine F.P.A.risk.
Covering F.P.A.from point of origin to warehouse at destination as per Ocean Marine Cargo (F.P.A.)clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China x/x/xx ▲来证要求:
Iusurance Policy in duplicate covering Marine F.P.A.,Fire and War risks for 100% of the invoice value with claim payable at Singapore.
Covering F.P.A including risk of fire as per Ocean Marine Cargo (F.P.,A) Clause of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
Including War Risks as per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
▲ 来证要求。 W.A.Risks up to buyer’s warehouse at Kuala Lumpur ,claim payable at Kuala Lumpur. 保单条款写法:
Covering W.A. including the risk of sea and fire from ware.house to warehouse as per Ocean Marine Cargo(W.A.)Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
Including War Risk as per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
▲ 来证要求:
Insurance Policy or Certificate.issued by an insurance company covering the merchandise for about 10% above the full invoice value from point of origin to warehouse at destination against the risk of sea,fire and war risk.
Covering W.A.including the risk of sea and fire from warehouse to warehouse as per Ocean Marine Cargo(W.A.)Clause of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
Including War Risk as per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
▲ 来证要求:
In Triplicate covering All Risks and war risks including W.A. and breakage in excess of five percent on the whole consignment and including w/w up to buyer’s godown in Penang.
Covering All Risks including W.A., risk of breakage in excess of five percent on the whole consignment and warehouse to warehouse up to buyer/s godown in Penang as per Ocean Marine Cargo (All Risks) Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/×/
Including War Risks as per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
▲ 来证要求:
To order of ?? All Risks W.A. fresh water damage,T.P.N.D., leakage,breakage,contact with foreign matters,longshoremen’s hook,ship’s sweat,ship’s odour as all losses to be payable IOP
保单条款写法:▲▲ Covering All Risks including W.A., fresh water damage,theft pilferage & non-delivery, leakage, breakage, contact with foreign matters, longshoremen's hook, ship's sweat, ship's odour,10P as per Ocean Marine Cargo (All Risks) Clauses of The People's Insurance Company of China x / x / x x
All Risks covering risks of rain and fresh water, damage, heating and sweating, theft, pilferage & non-delivery all irrespective of percentage, loss in weight in excess of 1.5
Covering All Risks including risks of rain, fresh water damage,heating,sweating,lheft pilferage & non-delivery all irrespective of percentage also including loss in weight in excess of 1.5 as per Ocean Marine Cargo (All Risks) Clauses of The People's Insurance Company of China x / x / x x
All Risks and risk of heating,sweating,mould,rancidity 保单条款写法:
Covering All Risks including risks of heating, sweating mould, rancidity as per Ocean Marine Cargo (All Risks) Clauses of The People's insurance Company of China x / x / x x
Insurance Policy or Certificate in duplicate in the name of the shipper's and blank endorsed covering the goods for invoice value plus 10 against the following risks: Marine W.P.A. including T.P.N.D. shortage, fresh and sea water, oil, grease, acid, mud, hook nail, sling, contact with other cargoes, loss and / or damage by whatsoever cause malicious damage, fire, war risk, mines, torpedoes, from warehouse to warehouse and for 30 days in customs at destination stating claims payable (irrespective of percentage) Beirut.
Covering All Risks including W.P.A IOP from whatsoever cause, Fire Risk, theft pilferage and non-delivery, risk of shortage, fresh and sea water damage, hook damage, contamination by oil, grease, acid and mud, damage by contact with other cargo, sling and/or nails, from warehouse to warehouse also including 30 days in customs at destination as per Ocean Marine Cargo (All Risks) Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
Also covering War Risks including torpedoes, and malicious damage as per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
Insurance Policy covering all risks including w//w as per C.I.C. Including the risks of war, capture, seizure, as per C.I.W.I.
Including W.P.A, T.P.N.D., risks of fire, shortage, tearing and breakage of packing damage by rain/sea/fresh water, mud, hook, oil, acid, stain, nail, grease, sling and/ or contact with other cargo repairing of damaged package, Both to blame collision Clause, and risk during transshipment (if any) subject to C.I.C., all in IOP including risk of malicious damage, mines and torpedoes, Including Extended cover for 130% of the invoice value.
Covering All Risks including W.P.A.,T.P.N.D., risk of fire and/or shortage, damage by rain and fresh water, mud, hook, oil, acid, stain, nail, grease and sling, contact with other cargo, breakage of packing and repairing of damage package, also including the risk during transhipment of any as per Ocean Marine Cargo (All Risks) Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
Including the risk of War with capture, seizure, mines, torpedoes ,malicious damage as per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
▲ 来证要求:
Including the risk of War with capture, seizure, mines, torpedoes, malicious damage as per Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
Insurance Company’s policy or Certificate of Insurance in 3 copies in the currency in which the credit is opened, showing claims payable in French issued in the name of shipper endorsed to the French National Bank, covering the goods for the full CIF value plus 10 per cent against marine risks and fire, WPA including theft, pilferage, shortage, non-delivery, fresh rain, seawater, oils, loss and breakage, from warehouse to warehouse in Paris-French (insurance is called for to a place other than the port of discharge the policy must cover also conveyance by rail and/or road to final destination).
Covering WA including risks of fire, theft pilferage and non-delivery, risk of shortage & breakage, sea and fresh water & / or rain damage, contamination by oils, from warehouse to warehouse in Paris French and also including land transit to final destination if necessary as per Ocean Marine Cargo(All Risks Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
Insurance Policy covering marine risks WPA with customary warehouse to warehouse clause including risk of fire for a period of 30 days after landing on wharves and/ of wharf sheds and/or wharf warehouse at port of destination, unless previously warehoused by consignee or party at interest??goods are also to be insured against shortage, non-delivery, theft and pilferage from door to door till Genoa for the CIF value plus 20% and to cover rail or road risks from Genoa to Milan and thence road risk up to Como.
Covering WA including shortage and TPND from warehouse to warehouse also including fire risk for a period 30 days after landing on wharves and/or wharf shed and/ or wharf warehouse at port of destination, unless previously warehoused by consignee or party at interest ad per Ocean Marine Cargo(All Risks)Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
Including rail and/or land risk from Genoa to Como via Milan as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses ×/×/××
Covering All Eventual Risks Covering All Marine Risks 处理方法
4.加保关税险 ▲来证要求:
This insurance covers the insured contingent interest on import customs duty arising from the cargo hereby insured arriving at the port of destination damaged by a peril insured against but full import duty had been icvicd and paid thereon as if the cargo had arrived sound provided claims payable hereunder shall not exceed 100% of the insured value on the damaged portion of cargo.
This insurance extends to cover the insured’s contingent interest on import duty as per import Duty Clause attached.
????full CIF Value plus 10% plus 50% to cover duty and sales tax, expenses. 保单上保险金额一栏内的写法: Amount Insured RMB 11 000.
Plus loss of import duty incl. sales tax and expenses at 50% of CIF value
另外,保单条款还应写上前条“保单条款写法”上所列的字句。 5.加注船舶互撞条款。 ▲来证要求:
Marine Insurance Policy including “Both to Blame” Collision Clauses and fully covering the shipment .
Covering F.P.A. including both to blame collision risk as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s insurance Company of China ×/×/××
6.加注绕道险条款。 ▲来证要求:
??including deviation clause 保单条款写法:
This Insurance shall continue in force during any deviation and other variation of the adventure beyond the control of the insured but otherwise subject to the clause of Commencement and Termination of cover as printed overleaf hereon.
(二)关于陆运方面的 1.陆运险. ▲来证要求:
Insurance Policy or Cert. Covering land FPA risks up to buyers warehouse Rome for Invoice value 10% showing shipment by rail from China to destination Beograd.
Covering Overland Transportation Risk up to Consignees’ warehouse at Rome as per Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Clauses×/×/××
2.陆运全险。 ▲来证要求:
Insurance Policy or Cert. Issued by an insurance company covering the merchandise for about 20% above the full invoice from point of origin to warehouse at destination against land All Risks including hook, oil damage and damage by other cargoes.
Covering All Risks including damage by hook and /or oil or contact with other cargo from
warehouse to warehouse as per Overland Transportation.(All Risks)Insurance Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
(三)关于空运验方面的 1.空运险。 ▲来证要求:
Covering Air and war risks including crash of aircraft. 保单条款写法:
Covering Air Transport Risk including crash of aircraft as per Air Transportation Cargo insurance Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
Including War Risks as per Air Transportation Cargo War Risk Clauses of the People’s insurance Company of China ×/×/××
2.空运一切险。 ▲来证要求:
Covering Air Risks including TPND, shortage, loss and /or damage by hook, nail, sling. 保单条款写法:
Covering Air Transportation All Risks including T.P.ND., risk of shortage, damage by hook, nail and sling as per Air Transportation (All Risks) Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/××
(四)关于邮包运输险方面 ▲来证要求
Covering Marine All Risks Postal sending War Risk. 保单条款写法:
Covering Parcel Post All Risks including marine risk as per Parcel Post Insurance (All Risks)Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
Including War Risks as per parcel post War Risk Insurance Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated ×/×/××
(五)关于战争险方面的 ▲来证要求:
Insurance Policy issued or endorsed to order??for the face value of the invoice plus 10% covering including war with 15days after arrival of goods at destination, Only against FPA and T.P.N.D.??
Covering F.P.A. including T.P.N.D as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
Including War risks with 15 days after arrival of ship at destination but subject to Ocean Marine Cargo War Risk Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China×/×/×
(六)关于加成投保方面的 ▲来证要求:
??for 180% of the invoice value, the insurance cost for 180% of the CIF value instead of 110% may be paid in excess of the credit amount.
这种高额投保应根据前边保险金额加成一节的规定掌握。 (七)关于中转运输方面 ▲来证要求:
Insurance Policy or Certificate issued by an Insurance Co., with W.P.A.Clause covering the merchandise for about 10% above the full in voice value including unlimited transshipment with claims payable at Singapore
Covering W.A.with unlimited transshipment as per Ocean Marine Cargo(W.A)Clause of The Peoples Insurance Company of China ×/×/××
(八)关于扩展期限方面 ▲来证要求:
This insurance must be valid for a period of 60 days after arrival of merchandise at Inland destination.
Including 60 days after arrival of the goods at Inland destination (九)关于查勘代理人方面 ▲来证要求:
The Insurance Policy of Certificate must show ××××
(代理人名称)as settling and survey agents. 处理办法
保险单上的查勘检验代理人应由保险公司决定,这种要求不能接受,应予修证。 (十)关于赔偿付地点方面的 ▲来证要求:
??Claim Payable at abroad. 处理方法:
(十一)关于船舶互撞条款方面 ▲来证要求:
Marine Insurance Policy or Cert. Including FPA and “Both to Blame” Collision Clause 保单条款写法:
Covering F.P.A. as per Ocean Marine Cargo(F.P.A.)Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China ×/×/××with both to blame collision clause
有些来证中的措词。不很恰当,容易引起理解不一,从而影响责任的确定,对此我们在保险单条款措词时可以主动更改,例如: 来证用词 更改用词
Buyer’s Consignee’s Merchandise Goods Two Months 60 days
Consumer’s Consignee’s
Buyer’s warehouse Consignee’s warehouse Loss damage Loss&/or damage from External cause
(十三)、要求含义不清的 ▲来证要求:
Covering Marine risk 或sea damage risks或 ordinary ocean risks 处理办法:
上述来证对险别的要求,其含义是不清楚的,无法确定对方的意图。遇到这种情况可以同外贸公司商量,按售货合同所订的保险条件或以往习惯确定投保险别,同时请外贸公司函告客户,以后要明确具体险别。 ▲来证要求
Covering?..including delay 处理办法:
Delay 所止损失,保险公司是不负责的,应予修证。 ▲来证要求
承保玻璃险或短量险订有免赔率的,但同时又要求加注I.O.P的。 处理办法:
Including risk of breakage (shortage in weight) in excess of ?% on the whole consignment. Claim for other risks payable I.O.P. ▲来证要求
All and Every Risks on W.A.terms as per Inconterms 处理办法:
All and Every Risks on W.A.terms这句话意图不明确,可以理解为一切险也可以理解为水渍险范围的一切危险。
Inconterms 是国际商会出版的一本解释各种贸易条件的国际规则,在书里对保险条款有联合王国地区采用伦敦学会条款等字样。因此要求对方明确保什么险并应使用人保条款。 ▲来证要求
Full Conditions 处理办法:
一、检验理赔代理人的种类 (一)指定代理人
检验代理人(SURVEY AGENT):仅代理保险人检验受损货物,不负责处理案件、给付赔
理赔代理人(CLAIM AGENT):有权处理保险索赔,其授权范围可能包括确定损害范围或损失大小,接受或拒绝委付,承认或拒绝保险索赔,以及支付保险赔偿金等。保险人可视该代理人的资信和能力确定是否授予核赔权。无核赔权的代理人只负责赔案资料的收集,审核赔案、提出处理意见后将赔案寄送保险人。保险人同意赔偿后,将赔款汇给代理人转交索赔人。有核赔权的代理人,可在保险人所授的权限内直接与索赔人处理赔案,支付赔款。保险人开给代理人一定数额的银行信用证(不可撤销和循环),授权其在一定金额内可以凭规定的单证,向当地银行就地支取赔款,付给索赔人。授权的金额,包括每案、每月金额都根据业务需要和代理人的资信能力有所不同。
检验理赔代理人(SURVEY AND SETTLING AGENT):即代理检验,又负责代理处理赔案。 (二)资格代理人
资格代理人是指经当地管理部门认可、具有代理业务经营许可证的检验公司。当保险人在目的地(一般是小、无名城市)无指定代理人时,往往在保单中打上“in the event of loss/damage, the local authorized surveyors to be applied for survey and payment of claim to be obtained from us ”(发生损失时,向当地资格代理人申请检验,向本公司索赔)。被保险人发现货物受损时,可自行选择当地独立的、具有检验资格的第三方进行检验。保险人认可该检验人的检验报告并支付检验费(一般情况下,检验费由客户先垫付,保险人在赔款中支付。但如果在检验前能明确判断货物损害非由保险事故所致,则保险人不赔偿客户所垫付的检验费。)
理赔费:基本上根据劳合社的标准确定。 出具共同海损担保的费用: 处理小额赔案的费用:
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