Traditional Food
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Traditional Food
Traditional Food
Traditional Food
ChinaMoon cakes Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are the traditional food, moon cakes are round, symbolizing the reunion, and reflects the people's aspiration for family reunion.
Traditional Food
Japan Some traditional Japanese foods are sushi, sashimi, steamed vegetables, rice and green tea. Japanese loves the birthday department who raw fish is used for food , is covering up with sashimi as a result commonly is the most popular Japan in the homeland food.
Traditional Food
BritainFried fish and fries (Fish and chips)
This is the traditional British fast food nation (fast food). It is in the 19th century 60's pop up.
Traditional Food
Another the traditional Britain food is beef. Roast beef is England's traditional Sunday lunch , which is a family affair .
Traditional Food
Italy Pizza is the most famous Italian dish all over the world. Its name comes from Piza ,an old Italian city .It is famous for the Leaning Tower of Piza .
Traditional Food
In general Pizza is a mixture of lots of nourishing and tasty things .So it is a popular food all over the world. Spaghetti is also a tasty Italian food.
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