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Module 1 Unit 1
I want a hot dog
教学目标 教学用具
Greeting and knowing about the module Colour pictures , the film
教与学过程设计 Step 1. Show the following information on the film Greeting Friends Hello/Hi. How are you? Good morning/afternoon... How are you today? It's nice to see you. Did you have an enjoyable holiday? What did you do on the holiday? Responding to F riends Hello/Hi.I'm fine.thank you. Good morning/afternoon...I'm fine,thank you./thanks. It's nice to see you,too. Yes/No,I didn't /did because... I went /saw /did/stayed... Step2.Practise 1.The teacher greets indipidual students and the whole class as they come into the classroom. T:Good morning,everyone.Hello. 3cbe1fef102de2bd9605888be in. Sit down,please. (The students sit down) T:Good morning,class.It's nice to see you all again. I hope you had a pleasant
holiday. Ss:Good morning,Mr Zhao. The teacher goes around the class and greets some inpidule students by name.The greetings should be varied and the students should try to vary their responses. The language in the table on the board will help. 2.Class,it's important to understand that we use the expression "It's nice to meet you,too."when we are responding to "It's nice to meet you". Step3:Presention 1.T:Class,I'd like to open your Student's Book to Module 1,Unit1. Look at the pictures. What do you think this unit is going to be about ? S1:Food. T:Yes.Does anyone have another idea? S2:Ameriica . T:That's right .Anything else? S3:Restaurants. T:Excellent. T:What's your favourite foood ? Can you tell me? S4Pork. T:Ilike pork,too. S5:Dumplings. T:OK. S6:I like pizza.
T:Pizza is delicious. 2.Then writes the following words on the board. Our Favourite Foods. 3.Now I want you to get into groups of four or five.That's right.This group can have three students .That's no problem.As a group ,I'd like you to write a list of your favouite foods .Are there any questions ?OK.I'm going to walk round and listen.If you need my help,please put up your hand. (The teacher walks round the class and offers help when necessary.When each group has finished its list,the class comes together as a whole.) 4.T:Group1,what are some of of your favourite foods? S1:Our favourite foods are friednoodles,hamburgers and fried rice. T:Group2,What about you? S2:We prefer duck,pizza and chocolate,Ms zhao. T:Chocolate is delicious. It's my favourite food,too. (The teacher continues questioning the students about their foods.) T:Some of your favourite foods are Chinese and some are western .As you know ,today we're going to read about Daming eating western food. 课 题:Unit 2 what do you want to eat?
教学目标 Knowledge:.What do you want? .I wan

t a hot dog.. How much is it?. It's thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. Ability: Ss can use “ I want...plese. How much is it?” freely.
教学用具: Colour pictures , the film ,the tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Warmer 1.The teacher should show some pictures of some kinds of foods: For example:dumplings,noodles,bread,hamburger,hot dogs, cola,tea,milkshake,rice... T:Can you tell me what are Chinese food? And what are western-style fast food? Chinese food:dumplings,noodles,tea,rice.. Western-style fast food:bread,hamburger,hot dogs, cola,milkshake... 2.The teacher should bring out three kinds of food: hamburger,cola,hot dog T:Can you tell me what are they? S1: hamburger T:Can you guess how much it is? S2:It's about 3 yuan. T:Down,down,down S3:It's about 4 yuan. S4:It's about 3 yuan and 7 jiao. Then make a dialogue with "cola" and "hot dog" Step2.T:If you're hungry,what do you want? S:I want a hamburger,please. How much is it? T:IT'S 3 dollars and 75 cents. S:I'll take it. Here you are. T:Thank you. Enjoy your meal.
Then make the similar dialogue with another foods. 3.Now I have a fast food restaurant,if you're hungry or thirsty,you can come here and buy some food or drink. I'm the waitress. W:Can I help you? What do you want? S:I want a hot dog,please. W:And to drink? S:A cola for me,too. W:That's a hot dog and a cola. S:How much is it? W:It's ten dollars. 课 题 Module 2,unit 1 We are going to have a pictic.
教学目标 Task:1.It's going to snow in Harbin. 2. It's going to be warm and sunny in Dalian. 3.What are we going to do on Thursday?4. I'm going to watch TV. Ability:Talk about the future weather ,Make a plan 教学用具 Color pictures and a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Revision: Let students fill in the form in two minutes. The students should ask other students in his or her groups. Then report the plan in front of the class.
The should use the sentences: What are you going to do tonight? I'm going to ... What are you going to do tomorrow? I'm going to ... What are you going to do tomorrow? I'm going to... Step2.Warmer: 1.The teacher should let students watch a weather report ,let students answer the questions: What's the weather like in ...? It's ... It's going to rain,snow,be windy,be sunny,be warm. 2.Revise the words about the weather:sunny,warm,windy,cold,cool,hot,snow,rain Step3.Presentation What's the weather like next sunday,do you know? Let's listen to the weather report,and fil in the blanks Step4.Text: 1.Students look at the form ,then ask and answer in pairs: (1)A:What's the weather going to be like in Harbin tomorrow? B:It's going to snow in Harbin. (2)A:What's the weather going to be like in Bijing tomorrow? B:It's going to rain in Beijing.
(3)A:What's the weather going to be like in Dalian tomorrow? B:It's going to be warm and sunny in Dalian. (4)A:What's the weather going to be like in Xi'an tomorrow? B:It's going to be cold and windy in Xi'an. 2.Let one or two students come to th

e front and report the weather 课 题 Unit2 It's going to snow in Harbin. 2006年 月 日
授课时间 教学目标
1.Ss can finish the exercises with the help of the teacher
2.Ss can have a weather report 教与学过程设计 Step1.Warmer: Let students translate into English. 1.What are you going to do? We're going to have a picnic in the park. 2.What/when are we going to eat? We are going to eat a big lunch at 12:30. 3.What time is it? It's ... 4.What's the weather like today? (1).It's sunny. (2).It's a beautiful day.
(3). It's fine. (4).It's going to rain. (5).It's going to snow/be windy/cold/warm/hot. Step2. Activity Book Let students open the books,and look at Activity 1. Play the weather game.Look at the picture and report the weather. T:What's the weather like in Shenyang on Monday/tonight/on Friday? S:It's going to rain /be windy on Monday/snow tonight/ be hot on Friday. Then let students make dialogues witn other pictures. Pay attention to: Be windy/be hot/be warm/be sunny/be beautiful/ be fine... Step3.Match the words that rhyme. Let students The answer: today then goodnight winner bedroom Step4.Look,listen ad write Play the tape for students ,and let them fill in the blanks. Xiaohua:Hi,Nina. friend dinner tonight afternoon play chant and match.
Nina:Hello,Xiaohua.It's a beautiful day.What are you going to do? Xiaohua:I'm going to go to the park. Nina:What are you going to do then? Xiaohua:I'm going to play with my friends. Nina:And what about this afternoon? Xiaohua:I'm going to read a book. Nina:And what are you goign to do after dinner? Xiaohua:I;m going to do my homework. Nina:And what are you going to do tonight? Xiaohua:I'm going to go to bed at 9 o'clock. Questions: 1.What is Xiaohua going to do today? He's going to go to__________ 2.What is he going to do then? He's going to _______ 3.What is he going to do in the afternoon? He's going to _________ 4.What is he going to do after dinner? He's going to________. 5.What is he going to do tonight? He's going to ________.
Step5.Answer the questions about you. 1) What are you going to after school? 2)What are you going to do after dinner? 3)What are you going to do todo tonight? 课 题 Module 3. Unit1 The sun is shining.
教学目标 Learning task: 1.I'm sending some photos. 2.The sun is shining.
3.The birds are singing. Ability:Students can describe the photos and tell what they are doing 教学用具:recorder 教与学过程设计 Step1.Warmer: Show students some pictures and ask: 1.T: What is he doing? S:He is swimming./playing footbll/going home/doing homework/watching TV/going to school/learning English/playing computer games/drawing a picture/writing sentences/riding a bike. First the teacher ask and they answer,then let them ask and answer themselves. 2.Then practise What are they doing? They are writing/phoning/painting/swimming/talking/eating and drinking/eating leaves/sleeping/kicking the tomato.
3.Then learn to sing a song: What are you doing? What are you

doing? We're reading.We're writing.We are drawing. What are you doing? What are you doing? We're singing. We're dancing. We're having fun. What are they doing? What are they doing? They're running. They're walking.They're jumping . What are they doing? What are they doing? Play the tape for students several times. Step2.Presentention: Let students open the books ,turn to page 11. activity 3. 1.T:Look at th pictures and tell me: What's the weather like? 1).It's raining. 2).It's sunny. 3).It's windy. 4).It's snowing. 5).It's hot. 2T:What are they doing? 1).The ducks are swimming in the water. 2).The boys are playing the football. 3).The children are makin g a snowman.
4)The family are eating the picnic. 5)The children are drinking the colas. 3.Then teach students how to describe a picture. E,g. Picture1. In the photo,it's raining. The ducks are swimming in the water happily. Then let them try to describe the other pictures in English. 课 题 Module 3 Unit 2. I am looking out of the windows. 1.The students can grasp the present continous tense
2.The students can finish the exercises o f the unit. 教与学过程设计 step1.Warmer: 1.Revise the words of the weathers The teacher should use the color cards of the weather: sunny,snow,rain,hot,warm,cold,windy T:What's the weather like today? S:It's sunny. 2.Give students some pictures and let them describe the pictures. 1)It's raining.The ducks are swimming in the water. 2)It's sunny. The boys are playing football. 3)It's windy.The family are eating the picnic. 4)It's snowing.The children are making a snowman. 5)It's hot. The children are drinking colas. Step2.Revision
The present continuous tense The object +be (am/is/are)+doing The teacher should make a model: T: What am I doing? S:You're reading. T:Yes,I'm reading. Make the similar dialogue with the phrase"write/draw/run/walk/jump/sing/dance/stand/sit" Read after me and do like me. We're writing /We're drawing.... Step3.Let stuaents open the activity books and do Ex,3 1)In this photo we are walking to a library. 2)It is raining.We're running. 3)The car is going very fast. We were very wet. Step4.Let students describe the pictures of Exercise 1 First let students say the pictures orally. Then write down the answers. The keys: 1)In this photo,the sun is shining.The birds are singing. 2)They're looking at ducks. The ducks are swimming in the 3)It's raining now.They're under a big tree. 4)It's raining now.The ducks are eating the picnic. lake.
At last ,let students correct the answers. 课 题 Module 4. Unit1 I'm making Daming's birthday card. Activity book. 1.Learning task:Who can help me? Sorry,Ican't . Yes, I can help you.
I can't making Daming's birthday card. 2.Ability:Yes, I can help you. 教学用具 教与学过程设计 Step1.Play the game.
The teacher should prepare some card with some words on them. 1.Let students read the words together,then read one by one. 2.The teacher should say the words one by one ,

let students spell the words . Thewords:card,careful,ballon,fly away,supermarket,buying,birthday,party,carry,everything,making,falling Step2.Do exercises 1. Match the picturs to the questions.Then write the answers. 1)Where is Mum? She's at the supermarket. 2)What is she doing? She's buying things for Daming's birthday. 3)Who is going to have a birthday party? Daming. Step2.Revision The present continuous tense
The object +be (am/is/are)+doing The teacher should make a model: T: What am I doing? S:You're reading. T:Yes,I'm reading. Make the similar dialogue with the phrase"write/draw/run/walk/jump/sing/dance/stand/sit" Read after me and do like me. We're writing /We're drawing.... Step3.Let stuaents open the activity books and do Ex,3 1)In this photo we are walking to a library. 2)It is raining.We're running. 3)The car is going very fast. We were very wet. Step4.Let students describe the pictures of Exercise 1 First let students say the pictures orally. Then write down the answers. The key: 1)In this photo,the sun is shining.The birds are singing. 2)They're looking at ducks. The ducks are swimming in the 课 题 lake.
Module 5 Unit 1.Daming is having a birthday party.
教学目标 1.Learning task:1).Daming is having a birthday party.
2).Daming is playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing. 2.Ability:Talk about "one thing is happening,but another thing is happening." a tape-recorder 教学用具 :recorder 教与学过程设计 Step1.Greeting: T:Hello!Boys and girls! T:What's the weather like today? It was windy.
It's sunny.What's the weather like yesterday? What's the weather like tomorrow? T:Sit down ,please. Step2.Revision Revise the present continues tense: the subject +be+doing accroding to the game"from the last word to the first word"
It is going to be sunny.
1.E,g:picnic---a picnic---have a picnic---having a picnic---We're having a picnic. The teacher should make the similar sentences with"football,piano,swim,hambergur" 2.At last,the teacher shoud let them give thema word "party" Party-----birthday party----a birthday party-----have a birthday party----having a birthday party Daming is having a birthday party. 3.Show the name of unit2 Step3.Text: 1.LET students look at the questions :1.Who is the birthday party for? 2. What is Daming doing? 3.What is the day like for Daming?
2.Play the tape for studetns ,then let them try to answer the questions. 1)Daming is having a birthday party. 2)Daming is playing the trumpet. 3)Daming is having a great birthday! 3.Open the books ,play the tape again,students listen and underline the new words,and guess the meaning of the words. Then the teacher should write down the words and teach to read. 4.Then the teacher should explain the difficulty in the text. 1)Daming is having a birthday party,but the phone is ringing. 2)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing. 3)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the doorbell is ringing. 4)Daming is playing the trupet ,but the dog is singing. 4.

Let students describe the pictures in Engish,they should answer the questions: 1)What is Daming doing? 2)What is another thing happening? Let them pay attention to the use of "but". Then the teacher should let students try to make a whole sentence. The teacher let studetnts describe a picture,then others guess which picture he is describing. Step5.The whole class should finish Ex,1 课 题:Module5 Unit2.He's riding his bike ,but it's starting to rain
教学目标: Ss can finish the exercises in Activity Book.
Ss can grasp the words and sentences. 教 具:a tape-recorder
1.Learning task:1).He is riding his bike,but it's starting to rain. 2).She's eating dinner,but the phone is ringing. 2.Ability:Talk about "one thing is happening,but another thing is happening." a tape-recorder 教与学过程设计 Step1.Greeting: T:Hello!Boys and girls! It's sunny. What's the weather like yesterday? What's the weather like tomorrow? T:Sit down ,please. Step2.Let students chant of module4,unit2 Step3.Revision Let students tell the story looking at the pictures,let them use "He/She is ...but..." and encourage them to add the action and facial expression. They should tell the story like this: Today is Daming's birthday. Daming is having a birthday party. He is playing the thumpet ,but the phone is ringing. Daming is playing the thumpet again,but the doorbell is ringing.His friends come in and Simon's dog comes in. It was windy. It is going to be sunny. T:What's the weather like today?
He is playing the trumpet ,but the dog is singing very loudly.His friends all laugh.Daming is having a great birthday party. Step4.Presentation 1.Put students into groups of four and play the game"make the sentences" Group1: The subject +be(am is are) Group2:doing (writing,reading,swimming,shining...) Group: Place(there,in the classroom...) Then one student comes to the front and read a sentence,the other one should act . 2.The teacher show the pitures of activity 1 "The girl is eating dinner." "The phone is ringing." Then put them together,T:Now how to describe the picture. Let some students try to say it. The girl is eating dinner,but the phone is ringing. Step5.The text. T:Please look at the pictures and say"What are they doing?" 1.She's eating dinner,but the phone is ringing. 2.He's riding his bike,but it's strange to rain. 3.She's doing exercises,but it's getting too hot. 4.She's watching TV,but the doorbell is ringing. 5.He's walking in the park,but it's starting to snow. 6.He's listening to music,but his sister is singing. STEP5.Activity Book Ex,1
1.Let students look at the picture and describe the pictures orally. 1)They are having a picnic,but it's starting to rain. 2)They are playing football,but it's starting to snow. 3)The boy is swimming,but it's starting to rain. 4)He's wearing a coat,but it's getting too hot. 2.Let students write down the sentences on the exercise books. 课 题:Module5 Unit2 He's riding his bike ,but it's starting to rain.

:1.The students can finish the exercises with the help of the teacher. 2.The teacher can read the passage themselves . 教 具:a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.T:Open the book,look at activity 4. If you're the boy of the picture,please tell me what you're doing. 1)I am flying a kite. 2)I'm sleeping. 3)I'm flying a kite. 4)I'm playing basketball. 5)I'm swimming. 6)I'm watching TV. 7)I'm playing football. Step2.
T:Have you dream before? T:Would you like to see a dream? S:Yes. 1.Play the tape for students ,let them listen carefuuly. 2.Play the tape again,let them listen and follow it,let them pay attention to the pronoucationa and tone. 2.The teacher can explain the difficulty for students. 3.The teacher can play the tape for students ,and let them read after it . 1)You're waving to say "goodbye". 2)I am high up in the sky. 3)It's getting very dark. 4)Then I wake up from my dream. 4.The teacher should encourage them act and read the poem. Step3.Writing: Let students write a composition,they can use the sentence stucture" I am..." and " I am...but..." 课 题: Module 6 Unit1 I bought you this book.
1.Learning task:1).I bouoght you this book. 2)Thank you . It looks interesting. 3)Who gave to you? 2.Ability: Sending and receiving presents. 教 具:a tape-recorder 4)Simon's family gave it to me.
Step1.Greeting: T:Hello!Boys and girls! T:What's the weather like today? What's the weather like yesterday? What's the weather like tomorrow? T:Sit down ,please. Step2.Revision Revise the present continues tense: the subject +be going to do . T:The summer holiday is coming.I have a plan. I am going to go to Qingdao.Qindao is very beautiful and very famous. The 2008 Olmpics ,the game of sailing will be held in qingdao. I am going to see the sea. I like the sea. The sea is blue and wonderful. I think I'll swim in the sea.Would you like to go to Qingdao with me this summer holiday? Would you like to tell me your plan? Then let several students tell their plan.Others should listen and answer the questions. STEP3.Presentation 1.Do you like sports ? What sports do you know? 1).basketball 2).football 3).volleyball 4).table tennis 5).long jump It's sunny. It was windy. It is going to be sunny.
6).high jump 7).morning exercises 8).swimming 9).running
2.This class ,we'll know another sport ----baseball. Then teach to read the phrases about the baseball.
a bassball stick, a bassball cap, a baseball === a bassball set Step4. Text: 1.Look at the pictures,who are they? Where are they? 2.Let students read the text and answer the two questions: 1)What did Daming buy his mum? Daming bought his mum a book about America. 2)What did Simon's family give Daming? Simon's family gave Daming a bassball set. 课 题:Module 6 Unit 2 What's it about?
1.Learning task:1).I bought a book for you. 2).This book looks interesting.What's it about? 2.Ability:Talk about somthing about presents 教 具:a tape-recorder It's about animals.

与学过程设计 Step1.Ss on duty have a report about the presents Other students listen and answer the questions Step2.1.Today the teacher should wear a new sweater and say to students : Look! I have got a sweater .Look. It's green.(Here the teacher should ask a question:What color is it?)It's very beautiful. My sister bought it to me .(Here the teacher should let students ask some questions,eg:Who gave it to you? Who bought it for you? Then the teacher answer the questions) 2.Write down the sentences
3.Let students talk about their presents like this. They can discuss it. If they have any questions ,they can ask the teacher. .Let several students stand up and talk about their presents in front of the class.They listen carefully and answer the questions about the talk. E,G:Who gave .. the present? What is the present? What color is the present? ...
Step3.1.If there is a student talked about a book as a gift,the teacher should use the information: T:What's the book about? 2.OPen the SB, turn to page 24.Part One: T:Lookl at Part One,What's the book about ? S:It's about spaceship. Pay attentiion to how to teach the word. 3.Look at Part Three,there are lots of books. Let students answer the questions one by one. What's it about? It's about cars/planes/animals/bicycles/America/China. 4.Then let students make a dialogue like this and practise in groups.: A:This book looks interesting. B:What's it about? A:It's about ... 5.Let students act in front of the class. Step4.1.Look at Part,Do you know what is Daming's Mum saying?
S:I bought the book for you. 2.T:We know,Daming bought a book about America for his mum,so today his mum bought a book for Daming. T:What's it about? S:It's about spaceships. T:Do you want to read it? S:Yes. 3.T:Look at the three pictures. Picture1: It's a picture of an America spaceship. Picture2:It's a picture of a Russia spaceship. What is in it? Picture3.This is a picture of a spaceship in China. 4.Please listen and tell me what's in the book. Play the tape for students ,and let them listen and pay attention to what they say. 5,Play th tape again and follow it. 课 题 Module 7 Unit1.Shenzhou V flew into space
教学目标 : 1)Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.2)Yang Liwei spent about twenty -one hours in space.3)He made a video and now he is very famous. 教 具:a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Warming-up Last sunday,It was a very beautiful day. So I took my daughter and flew a kite. My kite
is like a bird ,and it flew very high. My daughter and I were very happy. Step2.Revision 1.the past tense of some vorbs. send give buy is/am take
2.Let students make sentences with the words Step3.SHow a photo of Yangliwei and ask:Who is he? What do you know about him? Answer: He is Yang Liwei. He is Chinese. He is famous man.He is China's first man in space. 2.In the history,there are lots of famous men and women ,after this lesson,we should learn to introduce them in English. Step3.Let see this lesson how t

o introduce Yang Liwei. 1.Play the tape for students and let them underline the past tense form of some vords: fly ------flew, bacome------became, spend---spent. 2.The teacher should explain the three words as the new words 3.Let students listen again and answer the questions: 1)Who is Yang Liwei? 2)Where is he from? 3)How much time did he spent in space? 4)How old was his son?
5)Why was his son so proud of him? The key: 1) He was a taikonaut. 2)He is from Liaoning. 3)Liwei spent about 21 hours in space. 4)His son was 8 years old. 5)Because Yang Liwei was China's first man in space. 4.Open the books again,play the tape and ss follow it.And explain the difficulties. 课 题 Module 7 Unit1.Shenzhou V flew into space
教学目标 : 1)Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.2)Yang Liwei spent about twenty -one hours in space.3)He made a video and now he is very famous. 教 具:a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Warming-up What did you do yesterday evening? Yesterday evening,I was in a shop. And I spent half an hour and I bought some food. Then I watched TV.At nine , I went to bed.What did you do yesterday evening? Step2.Revision Let students make sentences with the words send give buy is/am take
Step3. 1SHow a photo of Yangliwei and ask:Who is he? What do you know about him?
Answer: He is Yang Liwei. He is Chinese. He is famous man.He is China's first man in space. 2.In the history,there are lots of famous men and women ,after this lesson,we should learn to introduce them in English. Step3.Let see this lesson how to introduce Yang Liwei. 1.Play the tape for students and let them underline the past tense form of some vords: fly ------flew, bacome------became, spend---spent. 2.The teacher should explain the three words as the new words 3.Let students listen again and answer the questions: 1)Who is Yang Liwei? 2)Where is he from? 3)How much time did he spent in space? 4)How old was his son? 5)Why was his son so proud of him? The key: 1) He was a taikonaut. 2)He is from Liaoning. 3)Liwei spent about 21 hours in space. 4)His son was 8 years old. 5)Because Yang Liwei was China's first man in space. 4.Open the books again,play the tape and ss follow it.And explain the difficulties. 课 题: Module7 Unit2 He spent about twenty-one hours in the space 1. Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.
2.Yang Liwei spent about 21 hours in space. 3.He made a video and now he is very famous. 教 具:a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Check the homework 1.Let students read part2,on Page 27. And choose the best group and best inpidul. Step2.Revision: Show some verbs and let students give the past form 1.fly 4.buy 5.take 7.give 10.say 11.do 13.go Step3.Show the inpidul record of Yang Liwei. 1.Let students look at Yang Liwei and talk about him. 2.Show the information about Yangl Liwei: Yang Liwei was born on 21st June,1965. He is 168 cm tall. He was 38 when he flew into space. 12.put 6.send 8.is 9.are 2.become 3.s

He likes ice-skating and swimmming. He was a pilot first. His mother was a teacher. He wanted to fly when he was a child. Yang Liwei said :I feel good.See you tomorrow.(He was in the space.) He ate rice and shredded pork in the spaceship. And let students pay attention to the past form of some verbs. Step4.Give a homework Let students write down about his/her deskmate. Step5.T:HOW old is Yang Liwei's son? S:He is 10 years old now. T:Two years ago,he wrote a composion about his father. Let's read and learn to write a composion 1.Ss read the passage themselves and try to say out all the pictures. 课 题 Module 8.Unit1 Heller Keller
教学目标: 1.Heller Keller became blind and deaf. 2.She couldn't see and she co uldn't hear. 3cbe1fef102de2bd9605888bter she could read and write. 4. She wrote a book about herself. 教与学过程设计 Step1.Warming-up 1.The teacher should greet with students : T:Hello! Boys and girls.
S:.. T:What did you do at the weekend? Do you know what I did? Now I'll tell you. I went home at this weekend. I bought some vegetables and fruit for my family. Then I played with my family. 2.Then write down the questions: What did you do at the weekend?
2.Sing the song" Look up at the spaceship" Step2.Presentation: Show the photos as a small child. And explain for students : I was eleven years old. I could ride a bike. What about you? ... 2.Show the picture of Heller Keller and ask: Who is she? Who can tell me story? Let students discuss in groups a nd answer . They can answer in Chinese or Chinese. Then the teacher shold say: Hellen Keller is a very famous woman. Let 's read the story. Step3.Text: 1.Let students look at the books and play the tape for students .
Then let them read after the tape. 2. Let students listen again and underline the past form of the words. 3.Teach to read the words. 4 Let students read the words and text in groups ,we must make sure everyone can read the words and the passage. 课 题 Module8 Unit2 His name was Louise Braille. Learning task:What was his name? When was he born? Where
教学目标 was he born?
What happened to him? What did he learn to do? Why is he famous? 教学用具 a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Warming-up The teacher should take pictures of Heller Keller and ask some questions: 1.What was her name? Her name was Heller Keller. 2.When was she born? She was born in 1880. 3.Where was she born? She was born in America. 4.What happened to her as a small child? As a small child,she became blind and deaf. 5.What did she learn to do?
She learned to speak,read and write. 6.What could she do ? 7.Why is she very famous? She could speakk,read and write. 7.Why is she very famous? As a small child,she became blind and deaf.She couldn't see and hear. But she could speak,read and write. She wrote a book about herself. She went to all over the world. She is the model for blind people and for you and me. Step2. Presentation: 1. Let students try to tell the story of Heller Keller,they can loo

k at the pictures
in Part Three. 2.T:Now,I will introduce a blind man to you. He was born in France. He became blind in 1812.And he is very famous. Then ask:Who is he? What happened to him? Now let's listen to the tape. Step3.Text: 1.Play the tape for students and follow the tape. 2.Let students pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation . 3.Let students read the questions in Part 2,then play the tape again and again,and answer the questions. 1)His name is Louise Braille. 2)He was born in 1809. 3)He was born in France. 4)He became blind in 1812.
5)He learned to read at school for blind children. 6)Because he made the first letters in braille. 4.Activity Book Ex,1 match the phrases Give students some minutes and match,then check the answers in pairs. Step4.Practise: The teacher should make a dialogue with the students : T:Excuse me. May I ask you some questions about Louise Braille? S:Yes,please. T:Where was he born? S:He was born in France. T:When was he born? S:He was born in 1809. Then let students interview in pairs like this. Step5.Learn to chant. 教学札记: 在学生自编对话并表演的活动中, 学生发言积极, 思路开阔, 气氛十分活跃, 学生们充分发挥想象力和创造力,运用已学的词句,巧妙设计,自编出一组组内容新颖、幽 默、富有生活趣味的对话,表演生动、活泼,真是让人对这些孩子们刮目相看。我邀请同学 们进行互评, 最后, 对每组的表现进行了评价, 并给予不同的奖励, 以此鼓励他们继续努力。 课 题 Module 9 Unit1 What's the matter? Learning task:1.What's the matter? 2.Why are you laughing?
Ability: Ss can read the text. 教与学过程设计
Step1.Warm-up 1.Greeting T:What's the weather like today? S:It's very hot. 2.Play the tape for students ,and let them chant. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All of the horses and all of the men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. Step2.Presentation: 1.The teacher show pictures about Heller Kaller. And ask:Why couldn't Heller kaller hear? S:She was deaf. Why couldn't Hellen Kaller see? S:She was blind. 2.Show the pictures of module9,unit 1 Let students watch the pictures carefully and answer: 1)Who are they? 2)What are they doing? 3)Why are they laughing? Encourage them answer in their words. 3.Text:Play the tape ,studetns listen and underline the words they can't understand.
4.The Teacher should teach the new words. 5.Play the tape for students ,then let them listen and follow it. 6.Let studetns read the text in groups and then act in front of the class. 7、Play the tape for students ,they listen and follow it. Let students act the dialogue in groups of six,before the class,they should be prepare some paper cups. 8、Action: Let students act in front of the class.When they're acting ,other students should listen carefully.Then choose the best student and the best group and give the prize. 教学札

记:让学生通过学习本课,了解名人的品质,激发学生好好学习的精神,通过学 习受到思想教育, 让学生模仿录音说对话, 可以纠正学生的发音错误, 引导学生发音标准化, 语音、语调自然化、真实化,在此过程中学生还能进一步巩固所学知识。该教学效果明显, 颇受学生喜爱。操练、扩展、探究部分的要充分发挥学生的想象力和创造力,设计学生感兴 趣的,生活中的实践活动,让学生能活学活用,举一反三,综合运用语言。 课 题 Module 9 Unit2 because it's going to rain。 Learning task:Why are you wearing a dress? Because I'm going to
教学目标 the theatre.
Ability:Ss can answer others' questions with "because" 教与学过程设计 Step1.Warm-up 1.Greeting 2.Let studets act the dialogue in roles---Sam,Lingling and Amy Let students act with action and expression
Step2.Presentation: The teacher should ask some questions about last lesson ,Heller Kaller and Louise Braille. T:Why couldn't Heller Kaller see and hear? S:Because she became blind and deaf as a small child. T:Why couldn't Louise Braille hear? S:He became blind when he was four years old. T:Why are Lingling,Daming and Amy laughing? Because Amy said:Bring caps for the baseball game,but Lingling brought some cups for the baseball caps.Lingling made a mistake. So they are laughing. Step3.The text: Let students look at the pictures carefully,and then let them talk about what they are talking about. 2.Let students listen and follow it,and point at the pictures correctly. 3.The teacher should play the tape again and let students listen and follow ,pay attention to the prounciation and intonation. The sentences: 1)Why are you wearing a raincoat? Because it's going to rain. 2)Why are you wearing a hat? Because it's going to be hot. 3)Whyare you wearing a T-shirt?
Because I'm going to play basketball. 4)Why are you wearing a dress? Because I 'm going to go to the thatre. Step4.Then do activity 3. 教学札记:学生学习能力的增长,促进了听、说、读、写各方面成绩的提高。尤其是提 高了课堂教学效率。教学时间大大缩短了,节省下来的时间可以进行更多的情景操练,会话 表演,教唱歌,做游戏等等活动。这种做法有利于教师教、学生学,是一种促进英语教学良 性循环的好措施。 课 题 Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese. 1.Learning task:1)Are you going to go to middle school this
教学目标 Sptember?
2)Yes,I'm really excited. 2.The ability:Ss can use the present continuous tense to describe his/her plan or the thing that will happen 教学用具 a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Warmer : Enjoy the song"WHY WHY WHY" Play the tape for students ,1 Let them read the sentences 2.Let them listen to song carefully 3.Let students listen and learn to sing the song. Step2.Revision 1).What are they going to do?
They're going to ha

ve a picnic. 2).What is he doing? He's going to go under that tree. 3).What's the weather like now? What's the weather like then? It's windy now. It's going to be rain. 4).What are they ducks doing? They are going to eat the picnic. 5).What are you going to do after school? I'm going to do my homework. 6).What are you going to do after dinner? I'm going to .. 7).What are you going to tonight? I'm going to go to bed at nine. Step3.Presentation 1.The teacher should make a dialogue like this: T:Which grade are you in? S:I'm in Grade Six. T:You're in Grade Six now.You are going to middle school. What middle schools do you know? What middle school do you want to go to? 2.Do you know the name of the schools? Shiyan Middle School Daixi Middle School
3.T:You're going to go to middle school soon.What are you going to go to learn in middle school? Do you know? 4.Show two teaching syllabus['silEbEs] ,let students see what differences there are. The same:Chinese,English,Music,PE... The different:Physics,Chemistry,Biology,History... 5.T:You're have more subjects:Phyisics,Chemistry,Biology,History... The teacher should show the word cards to learn the words. Step4.tEXT 1.The teacher should make a dialogue like this: T:Are you going to go to middle school this September? S:Yes, I am.(going to go to middle school){I 'm going to start a new school.} T:What are you studying now? S:We're studying Chinese and English. T:What are you going to study? S:I'm going to study Physics. 2.What are you going to do after going to middle school? The teacher can give some phrases to help the students answer 教学札记:本课为话题类文章,这类课文适合学生表演,这是培养学生的语言运用能力 和合作能力的重要方法, 能灵活运用语言教材, 在虚拟的情景中进行真实的交流, 语言流畅, 有一定创造力和感染力,在学生表演后,要适当评价,教师要因人而异,客观地评价每位学 生,帮助每位学生获得成功。不过分挑剔学生表演过程中所犯的语言性错误,大胆放手让学 生自由发挥。然后进行学生自评,小组评价,教师评价。 课 题 Module10 Unit2 What are you going to study。
1.Learning task::What are you going to study? I'm going to study...
2.Ability:Ss go on talking about the life about middle school. 教学用具 a tape-recorder
教与学过程设计 Step1.Warmer: Two students have a report " Introduce 'I' ". E,g: 1.My name is ... 4.I can ... 2.I'm...(age). 3.I live in ...
5. My favourite color is ....(I like...the most)
6.My favourite animal is... 7.My favourite food is... Step2.Let students tell the plans in summer holidays. T:What are you going to do this summer? They should say: In the summer holiday,I am going to ...(a place) It's very nice/beautiful/famous/high/big. I'm going to ...(do something) ... Step3.Revision 1.Let several groups of three act the dialogue.(If they can't act it,they can read the dialogue) 2

.Let students say Daming's plan ,Sam and Amy's plan. 1)Daming's plan: He is going to middle school.He is very excited.He is going to study Physics,Chemistry,History... He is going to write emails to Sam and Amy. He will miss them.
2)Sam and Amy's plan:They are going to a new middle school in England. They are going to speak Chinese. Step4.Let's go on learning some words about subjects. Let students open the book,look at Activity 1 1.Play the tape,listen and answer the questiions: 1)Where is the girl going? She is going to London Middle School. 2)Where is the boy going? He is going to Bridge Middle School. 2.Play the tape again,ss listen and answer: 1)What is the girl going to study? She is going to study History,Science,Chemistry and Chinese. 2)What is boy going to study? He is going to study Physics,Chemistry , Chinese,History andGeography. 教学札记: 在学生自编对话并表演的活动中, 学生发言积极, 思路开阔, 气氛十分活跃, 学生们充分发挥想象力和创造力,运用已学的词句,巧妙设计,自编出一组组内容新颖、幽 默、富有生活趣味的对话,表演生动、活泼,真是让人对这些孩子们刮目相看。我邀请同学 们进行互评, 最后, 对每组的表现进行了评价, 并给予不同的奖励, 以此鼓励他们继续努力。 课 题 Review Module Talk about their holiday from May,1st to May,7th
Dictate the words . 教与学过程设计
Step1.Greeting between the teacher and students Ss:Hello,Ms Zhao. T:Hello,boys and girls. S:... Step2.Talk about the holiday with students. T:Were you happy? Ss: T:Why? Ss:.. T:Who travelled in the holiday? Ss:... T:What did you saw ? T:Who stayed at home all the holiday? Ss:... T:What did you do at home? Ss: 1.I watched TV. 2.I did my homework. 3.I read a book. 4.I played basketball. 5.I played football. 6.I played table tennis.
7. I cooked dinner and helped my mother. 8.I wrote a letter to my mother. 9.I learned maths and Chinese Step3.Play a game: Let atudents read the sentences two minutes,then clean up the sentences .Then let students say out the sentences. Step4.1.Give students five minutes to write the words ,then dictate the words. 2.Let students check the words each other. 3.Correct the wrong words. 教学札记:本课为复习课,让学生通过复习巩固所学知识,主要复习动词的过去式,通 过看、听、说,让学生加深记忆。 课 题 Review Module Ss can grasp the present future tense.
Ss can express their plan with "be going to" 教与学过程设计 Step1.Sing the song"what do you want to eat?" Step2.1.Play the tape for students and let them follow it. 2.Let several groups read the text in groups. 3.Let them try to remember the text. Step3. 1.Let students look at the pictures on Page 7,then make sialogue like this: A:What are we going to do ?
B:We are going to go to the park. A:When are we going to go to the park. 2.Let students discuss

in groups of two,then let them show hteir dialogue. B:We're going to go to the park at 11. Step4.Let student turn to Page 45. 1.And explain:The Smart Family are on holiday.They are going to beach for a day. Do you know what are they going to do? Let see together. 1.have breakfast 2.take a bus 3.go swimming 4.go clcying 5.go to the park 6.have a picnic lunch 7.look at the big ship 8.go to the theater 2.Then students close the books ,then listen and fill in the box with the time. 3.Then let them answer like this: They are going to have breakfast at 8 o'clock. Step5.T:I think they are going to take some photos. Look. These are their photos. Can you gusee what I am saying. 1.They are seeing a film.(Picture 5) 2.They are looking at the big ship.(Picture 4)
3.They are having a picnic.(Picture 3) 4.They are riding bikes.(Picture 2) 5.They are swimming.(Picture 1)

