专四语法:PART4 定语从句

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专四语法:PART4 定语从句

PART4 定语从句


1) Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, ____ obtaining water is not the


A.for which B.to which

C.of which D.in which

C ① 关系词的使用一看先行词,二看关系词在从句中的作用,在此基础上熟记几

个常用的固定句式,如: the same … as ; such … as

当看到先行词前有the same 或such修饰时,可直接从选项中找as,选择就变得比较简单。在这种情况下,考生用不着考虑先行词是人还是物。如

Our company won't employ such graduates as you recommend.

I'm determined to buy such a flat as you are now living in.

2) A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ____were


A.as results B.which results

C.the results of it D.the results of which

Answer: D

② 上面有两道题涉及到关系词在句中做定语。同学们应该熟悉关系词做定语时的各



the office whose windows are broken

the office the windows of which are broken

the office of which the windows are broken

上面的2)题就属于the windows of which这种形式。


the professor whose car was stolen

the professor the car of whom was stolen

the professor of whom the car was stolen

3) We need a chairman ____.

A.for whom everyone has confidence

B.in whom everyone has confidence

C.who everyone has confidence of

D.whom everyone has confidence on


③ 注意"介词 + which/whom"的结构做关系词

从四级考试对定语从句的测试来看,主要考查的是介词的选择。"介词 + which/whom"主要有以下几种情况

A. 介词是句中短语搭配的一部分,如3)。表示"信任某人"要用have confidence in somebody,所以做定语,应该用a chairman in whom … has confidence。

B. "部分 + of + 整体名词"的结构,该结构,做关系词也就是 "部分名词 + of

专四语法:PART4 定语从句



He invited two scientists to his birthday party, many of _____ were his old classmates.

A.whom B.them C.which D.that

这里很自然地会有many of whom 与many of them的选择。

二是注意该结构可以有变体,即"of whom/which + 部分名词"。

C. 另一种介词是表示最高级范围的介词,四级考题中已经有两个这种考题,如上

面的1)题,其实该句表示的是obtaining water is not the least of its problems, 所以用of which.

Living in the western part of the country has its problems, ____ obtaining fresh water is

not the least.

A.with which B.for which C.of which D.which

D. 更多的是看关系词与先行词之间的关系,如:

He has composed many pieces of music popular with young people, of which this is an example. 这里用of which因为,正常的结构是an example of the music。

E. 有时介词与先行词构成短语,如7)题,to which源于to … extent的短语搭配。1997年1月也有一道题考查该短语搭配。

It is useful to be able to predict the extent ________which a price

change will affect supply and demand.

A.from B.with C.to D.for (1997.1)

4) The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,

___ is often the case in other countries.

A.as B.what C.so D.that

④ A 注意as引导的非限制性定语从句的用法



He promised to help me, which he did.

He was often late for work, which cost him his job.

5) The course normally attracts 20 students per year, ____ up to half will be from


A.in which B.for which C.with which D.of whom

⑤ D 注意先行词为时间、地点或原因时,关系词的选用。如果用when, where 或

why,关系词在从句中应该是做状语,否则的话则应该用which/that等。如上面9)中,先行词在从句中visit的宾语,关系词不能用where,而只能是that/which。再如: I will never forget the days that I spent with my friends in the country.

6) Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, ____overall

consumption is significantly higher than that of women.

专四语法:PART4 定语从句

A.whose B.which C.that D.what

7) We were struck by the extent ____ which teacher's decisions served the interests of the

school rather than those of the children.

A.to B.for C.in D.with

6) A 7) A

⑥ 关系词做代替的成分在从句中不能再次出现。

⑦ 注意定语从句与同位语从句的区别。如:

There are signs ____ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

A.that B.which C.in which D.whose (2000.6)


8) Melted iron is poured into the mixer much ____ tea is poured into a cup from a teapot.

A.in the same way like B.in the same way which

C.in the same way D.in the same way as

9) I've never been to Beijing, but it is the place ____.

A.where I'd like to visit B.in which I'd like to visit

C.I most want to visit D.that I want to visit it most

10) ___ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.

A.As B.That C.It D.What

参考答案:8) D 9) C 10) A

⑧ 适当注意that和which的不同,什么情况下只能用that,什么情况下只能用which。

⑨ 注意从句与其它成分的区别,如下题:

As _________announced in today's papers, the Shanghai Export Commoditiy Fair is also open on Sundays.

A.being B.is C.to be D.been






does this road lead to the village in which the famous scientist once lived and worked? (in which = where,表示在村子里介词用in)

专四语法:PART4 定语从句

i will never forget the day on which i joined the youth league. (on which = when, 表示在具体某一天介词用on)


here comes the kind professor to whom we often turn for help. (turn to sb for help)

who is the young woman with whom our headmaster is shaking hands? (shake hands with sb)


