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Http:// I am the best ! NCE Examination for Grade 2 Lesson1—Lesson16

Name: Teacher: Mark: (满分:100+5分)

1. 填入下列单词所缺的字母。(20分)

priv te(私人的) c__nvers tion(谈话) __tt ntion(注意) a nt(婶,姑) p cket (口袋) s nd (沙子) j zz (爵士音乐) l__wy r (律师) d__m__ge(损坏) _nt_rrupt(打断)

la gh(笑) rece ve(收到) wa e(招手) s__l__ry (工资) p__rform__nce(演出) __ll__w(允许) pr__ __d(自豪) _xp_rience(经历) n_rvo_s(紧张的) __mport__nt(重要的)

2. 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(10分)

1) say play gather bake ____ 2) theater those think thirsty ____ 3) after angry ask basket ____ 4) cover box brother mother ____ 5) meat heavy steal tea ____ 6) crowd how low down ____ 7) touch teacher machine chair ____ 8)often occasion box dog ____ 9) weak tea heavy please ____ 10) group about blouse shout ____

3. 从A.B.C.D中选出恰当的选项。(20分)

1)He sometimes goes home night. A. at B. to C. behind D. until 2) Amy likes football. A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing 3) Is Russia__European country or __Asian one? A.a,an,a C.a,a, an 4) I don?t like black tea and Selina doesn?t____. A.too B.also C.either D.neither

5) I really enjoy __ that kind of job. B.doing do be doing 6) The firm couldn?t pay__large salaries. B.such a C.such D.a such 7) He decided to visit the family__ Friday night . B.on D.over

8) English _____ all over the world. A.speak B.speaks C. is spoken to D. is spoken 9)They have been in the library since__ . A.a long time ago had been open C.eight o?clock D.two hours 10)David ___ out to do some shopping two hours ago. A.came B. went C. goes D. comes 11)He had a good seat. He was sitting in a good___. A.chair C.armchair D.class 12)He___out of the window and saw that is was raining. A.saw B.looked C.watched D.looked at 13).A waiter usually works in a ___. A.public garden C.restanrant D.private house 14)He is working for a big firm.He is workin for a big__. A.society C.factory 15)He has sent requests for spare parts. He has __spare parts. A.asked B.asked for C.begged D.pleased 16)Two men took the parcel off the plane. They___. A.took off it took off C.took off D.took it off. 17)Recently it was damaged . She damaged it___. A.late B.lastly C.lately D.finallly 18) The Atlantic is . ocean B.a sea C.a river D.a spring 19)Our neighbour, ___name is Bear, will sail tomorrow. A.whose B.whose his C.his D.of whom

20)Neither of us spoke. We____. A.neither spoke B.either spoke C.both didn?t speak D.neither speak

4. 语法题。(15分)

1) games played yesterday in their room the children quietly 按照语序重排顺序: 2)Jason is (正在做饭) now.

3)Fred always (come/comes/is coming/has come)here at 12:00. 4) (do/did/are/were)you play tennis last day? 5)I (已经洗了)clothes.

6) (从某种意义上来说),you are right.

7)I (am doing /was doing /doing)my homework at this time yesterday. 8)Captain Alison will (出发: set out/set in/set at)at 8 o?clock. 9)I was born (on/ in/at/) Monday, June 1st.

10) David cooked the food last night. 变被动语态:

11)He (works/will work/has worked/working)in the office tomorrow. 12)I (will see/will be seeing)you at this time next month. 13)I (have eaten/had eaten)before I watched TV. 14) (如果)it?s fine tomorrow, we can go out.

15)I (必须)see boss and (不得不) say Goodbye.


1) 我昨天给他买了一本书.

2) 我的朋友,狮子,喜欢踢足球.

3) It?s none of your business.

4) When I was sleeping, a thief came into my bedroom.

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5) Could I borrow your umbrella?

6. 阅读理解:根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。(5分)

Everyone has a name. Names are different in different countries. Chinese usually have two, three or four Chinese words in a name. They put their family name first and then the given name. But in England and America the last name is the family name.

To many people the meaning of the name is important. Fathers and mothers always want to give beautiful names to girls and great names to boys. People use Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss before their family name. In foreign countries children can call their father or mother?s name directly(直接地). But in China they can never do that because it is not polite.

( )1). In China, the first name is the family names. ( )2). Americans put their family names first.

( )3). If your English teacher is Sally Green, you can call your teacher Ms Sally. ( )4). Usually, people give boys beautiful names.

( )5). It?s impolite to call your parents? names in China.


It?s Saturday morning. Kate is having her _1_. Kate?s mother and father are with her. _2_Saturday morning Kate _3_to school. She helps her mother and father _4_.

This morning she says to her mother with a smile. “_5_I help you, Mum? ” “Yes, you can help_6_,Kate,”her mother says, “You can go to Mr Green?s shop. Something is wrong _7_our clock.”

It is in his shop. Is he __8__our clock?” Kate asks. “Yes.” her father says. “And this morning it is ready .” her mother says ,”Go to Mr Green?s shop, Kate. Take this bag , you can __9__the clock in the bag.” Kate takes the bag. She goes to the shop and gets the clock__10__.

( )1. A. meal B. breakfast C. lunch D. supper ( )2. A. In B. For C. At D. On

( )3. A. go B. doesn?t go C. don?t go D. isn?t go ( )4. A. do some housework B. do some shopping C. do their homework D. wash some clothes ( )5. A. Must B. May C. Do D. Can ( )6. A. I B. my C. me D. mine

( )7. A. with B. to C. at D. on ( )8. A. mending B. doing C. making D. selling

( )9. A. look at B. find C. take D.put ( )10. A. to home B. at home C. home D. in their home

8.书面表达。 (10分)根据所给的内容要点,写一篇日记。(不少于60个单词) 要求: (1) 阴天 ,2003 年4月23日

(2) 我背着书包回家,看见一个小孩在路边哭,他告诉我他找不到妈妈了。 (3) 我陪他等妈妈。

(4) 半小时后他妈妈来找他了, 并向我表示感谢。




Lesson 15 Good news

The secretary told me that Mr.Harmsworth would see me.→



Http:// I am the best ! NCE Examination for Grade 2 Lesson17—Lesson32

Name: Teacher: Mark: (满分:100+5分)


st_ge(舞台) b ll(帐单) ret_rn (退回) s_dly(伤心地) wa te(浪费) ca_ch(抓住) r_ason(原因) thr_w(扔) m d(发疯) dr am(做梦) stran e(奇怪的) po ter(搬运工) han (悬挂) fie d(田地) ra e(罕见的)

ki k(踢) retir (退休) wr p(包裹) arr_st(逮捕) l_nely(偏僻的)


1) A fisherman usually fish. a.buys b. tries to catch c. sells d.eats 2) He always goes with an empty bag. home house c.home 3)I am determined to stay here.I stay here. going to will to c.may d.must 4)You can buy at the post office. a.sweets. b.stamps c.apples d.pencils 5)I had a letter yesterday.I one. a.sent b.took c.received d.heard 6)At last he understand.He understood . the end least. c. lastly d.end 7)This curtain material is very good . a.clothes b.cloth c. matter d.dress 8)He is a rare person.You meet such people. a.often b.seldom c.never d.ever 9)The man was rowing ,so he was using . a.rows b.sticks c.oars d.guns 10)He saved money,so he had to . a.spare it b.economise c.keep it d.spend


1) You must give up (fish/fishing/to fish)

2) John cooked the food last night. 变被动语态: 3)He speaks French speaks English.(或…或…) 4) Tom I like playing football.(两者都不) 5)She always (告诉)me that he is a great actor. 6)Where (do/did/does)you go last night?

7)The girl who is standing behind the tree is my litter sister. 英译汉: . 8)There (be)some eggs in the ice-box.. 9)Is there (some/any/a/the)soup in the bowl?

10) What were you doing at 2 o?clock? I was watching TV at that time英译汉:. . 11)Her English is (和…一样好)his English.. 12)There is (little/few/small)bread in the box. 13)When did you come (into/on/at)(走进)the store? 14)Don?t worry!I (将)bring a sleeping bag. 15) (钓鱼)is my favourite sport..

4. 句型结构.(10分)

1) is your favourite sport?

---Fishing. a.Who b. Which c. whom d.where 2)Passing planes can be heard night and day.

You them all the time. a.can hear b.can heard c. can to hear d.can hearing 3)Did she the bottle into the sea? a. threw b.throw c. to threw d.throwing 4)The house has many rooms. many large rooms. a.there are b.there have c there is d.there was 5)English not a difficult language. a. was b.are c. is d.were 6)Do you like my picture?

---It?s . a. a new b. one new c. a new one d.a news 7)Where did the stream ? a. flow b. flowed c. fly d.flying 8)How many people in ancient myth? a.believes b. believe c. to believe d.believing 9)Why did they kick the ball so ? a. hard b. hardly c. hardy d.harder 10)Which dress did she ? a. choose b.chose c. chosen d.choosing

5. 改错:(15分)

1).I saw him coming yesterday. 2). --- How many is the pork?

--- Seven yuan a kilo.

3). Don?t be later again.

4). There was no meeting last night. Wasn?t there?

5). Could I borrow them to you.

6). Please give Mary and I some books.

7). In winter there is many ice and snow.

8). What a good work!

9). Hello ,May I speak Jim?

10). Do you have something to eat.

11). I think the snow will stop late on.

Http:// I am the best ! 12). Beijing will be rain next week.

13). Don?t go into. They are having a meeting.

14). How tall building they are!

15). Thank you for your helps.


1) 莎莉(Sally)既教英语又教中文.(Both…and) 2) 它既 不会读也不会写。(neither…nor) 3) 欧文(Owen)没有农场。 ________ 4)安迪(Andy)好长时间没有写语文作业啦! 5) 哭是杰森(Jason)的最喜爱的运动。 6)安妮塔(Anita)的飞机将要修啦! 7) 至今贝蒂(Betty)已经去加拿大100次啦! 8)The boys put up the tent in the middle of a field. 9)It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. 10)She wanted him to repair their grandson?s bicycle.


The moon is not as big as the earth,it is far away, It?s three hundred and eighty thousand kilometers away from us. In 1969, two Americans got to the moon by spaceship. It took them more than three days to get there. They didn?t find any living things there. It is too hot in the day and too cold at night. And there?s no air or water there. Everything on the moon is much lighter. Walking in the moon is like jumping and flying. So you can jump much higher than on the earth.

( )1.The moon is as big as the earth.

( )2. In 1969 two Russians went to the moon by spaceship. ( )3. There is no air or water on the moon. ( )4. Walking on the moon is much easier.

( )5. You can jump much higher on the earth than on the moon.

8.写作(15分) 假设你是Jeff的笔友,请你给他写一封回信。

Dear Jeff, I?m happy I?ll see you in China soon! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear XX, I?m very happy to see you soon! I?ll go to China next month. But I don?t know much about China and Chinese food. What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Do you have hamburgers or coffee for lunch? What?s your favorite food and drink? How about the weather and people? Can you write to me soon? Yours, Jim

9.附加题:(5分) 请完成默写第31课前四句。 Lesson 31 Success Story

Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling_____________________________________________________________________

in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.

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Examination for Grade 2 Lesson33—Lesson48

Name: Teacher: Mark: (满分:100+5分)

1. 填入所缺字母。(20分)

st_ _m(暴风雨) r_gr_t(后悔) r_s_(冲) s_cc_ed(成功) _nt_nd(打算) g_v_rment(政府) c_p_tal(首都) _xc_pt(除了) c_mpl_in(抱怨) p_t_ent(病人) t_gh_(紧身的) m_rk_t(市场) s_rio_s(严重的) f_r_st(森林) br_ _th(呼吸) w_ll_t (钱包) p_rc_nt(百分之) d_sc_ver(发现) gh_s_(鬼) c_ll_ct (搜集)

2.词汇题.( 15 分)

1 Cliffs are usually ______ a narrow b wide c steep d sharp 2 Dan was amused. He must have ______. a. shouted b cried c laughed d clapped 3 It is very ____ to drive a bus . a excited b exciting c excite d excitedly 4 Debbie hopes to ___ a new world record. a do b make c build d fix 5 How often do we ____ the Olympic Games? a make b do c have d play 6 It rained continually.

It _____. a stopped occasionally b never stopped c hardly rained at all d never rained

7 A ___ usually performs operations. a surgeon b doctor c nurse d matron 8 The opposite of “tight” is ____? a lose b loose c loses d loosen 9 She looked in the mirror and saw her _____. a reflection b.idol c imagination d picture

10 It was covered with coins .

There were coins ___ it . a in b over c under d all over

11 Byrd at once ordered them to do this .

He ordered them to do this _____.. a once b soon c immediately d quickly

12 The bag contains money .

Let me see the ________of the bag. a contains b containing c contenting d contents 13 He removed the cotton wool from my mouth.

He _____. a took it off b took it in c took it out d took it up

14 He admitted hiding in the box . He ____it. a announced b described c confessed d declared 15 Owen is selling his pub. His pub is _______. a sold b to let c for selling d for sale


1 What _____ to her ? a happen b was happens c happening d happened 2 He never expected that ____ find the bicycle. a to b to be c they d they would 3 He got such a fright .

He was _____ frightened. a so b such c such a d a so 4 She is sure to succeed .

Many people feel sure ___ it . a to b for c in d of

5 We are all very excited . _____ are very excited. a All we b Us all c All us d All of us 6 When did he _____ ?

He left immediately. a live b left c leave d leaves

7 John Gilbert was in hospital

He was taken _____ hospital last week. a at b in c to d on 8 I asked her ___ she was enjoying her dinner . a weather b in case c if d unless 9 ___ do you find it ?

Beautiful. a What b How c How much d Where 10 Did it ___out of the basket ? a rose b rise c raise d risen 11 Did the mountains ______far below? a lie b lay c laid d lain 12 They were going though the contents of the bag.

____ she ran straight at them. a For this bThat?s because c That?s why d That?s so 13 Some more money was sent to Sam.

Sam _____some more money. a sent b has sent c was sent d had sent

14 What did he find ? He was surprised at what_____ a did he find b he did find c he has found d has he found 15 He heard a noise ___-coming from the bar. a which was b who was c that is d which is



1)She was ___kind that everyone liked to talk with her. a. so b. such c. too d. enough 2)__arriving home, I telephoned him. a. On b. At c. In d. For 3)__it was raining, we had better take a taxi. a .Because of b. Since that c. As d. When 4)I look forward to __you again. a. see b. saw c. seeing d .seen

5)What is he doing? He is busy__his bike. a .to repair b .repairs c. to repairing d. repairing 6)Please remind me___this letter tomorrow. a. to send b .send c .of sending d. sending

7)This house is too old. It needs ____. a. to repair b. to be repaired c. repairing d. being repaired 8)The house cost ___that we didn?t buy it. much money many money c.such much money d.such many money 9)There are ___children in the park. a.a little b.much c.the number of d.a number of 10)The child didn?t___a word in the dictionary. a.look at b. look up out


11)If it rains tomorrow, we___ (call)off the match. 12)This hospital______________( build) now.

13)I can?t tell the_____________(different)between Linda and her sister. 14)His words _______________(suggestion)that he had known the truth. 15)Unluckily, we_____(catch)in a heavy snow last night.


16)Don?t let him (走)

17)He (is used to/used to)work sixteen hours a day.

