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Unit 1 How do you go there?

Period One

Teaching contents: Part A let’s learn & let’s play Teaching aims:

1. To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot,by bike,by

bus,by train, by plane,by ship,by subway

2. To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following

sentence patterns: How do you go to school? Or How do you go to Canada…?‖And answer with―I go by…‖


Teaching focus:

To master the four skills phrases: by train, by plane, by subway, by ship, by bike,

on foot

Teaching difficulty:

To differ ―subway‖ from―train‖

Teaching methods:

Communicative Approach

Teaching aids:

1. Word cards

2. Tape recorder and tape 3. Multi-media player

Teaching procedure: 1. (Warm-up)

Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again. How are you?

What day is it? What ?s the date? What‘s the weather like today?

2. Presentation

Show a picture of bus

T: What‘s this? S: It‘s a bus.

T: I go to school by bus. How do you go to school?

(Show a picture of bike and help a student to answer with ―I go to school by bike.‖)

(In the same ways)Teach ―by subway‖ and ―by train‖ ―by ship‖ ―by plane‖ ―on foot‖.

Subway: It's an underground railway in a city.It travels very fast.We can see subway in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Gongzhou… Explain the differences between subway and train Pay attention to the pre. ― by‖& ―on‖

3. Play games

Ask one S to the front and stick the word cards next to the phrases written on the Bb when T read the new phrases quickly and the other Ss put up their cards. The one who reflect fastest and correctly is the winner.

4. Listen to the tape of Part A Let‘s learn and follow it. Pay attention to the tone and pronunciation


5. Practice: Let‘s play

T Offer many places (the USA. England Australia Hong Kong Shanghai Guangzhou the moon…) and traffic ways (by car/ taxi/ bus… on foot) Ss practice with above places and ways in pairs: A: How do you go to school? B: I go to school on foot .

Encourage the Ss to make up as many sentences as they can. 6. Spelling competition

Divide the class into tow groups. Show the pictures of traffic tools and ask Ss to spell the phrases. The first one who puts up hand gets the chance to spell. The group spell out more phrases are the winners.


Copy the new words and phrases Finish Page1 of the AB

Bb design:

Unit One How do you go there?

How do you go to school/ Canada?

I go to school on foot/ by subway/ bus/ train/ taxi…

Teaching reflection:

Unit1 How do you go there?

Period Two

Teaching contents: Let’s try & let’s talk Teaching aims:

1. To master the four skills sentence: ―How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike.‖

2. To enable the Ss to ask and answer about traffic ways and explain the simple reason why he or she chose this traffic way. I go to school on foot, because my home is near.

3. To make the Ss understand the listening material in ―Let‘s try‖ 情感目的

Teaching focus:文中的新句子


To use and write the following key sentences:

How do you go to school?

Usually I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. Teaching difficult points:

To write the key sentences: How do you go to school?

Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. To use Adverbs of frequency: usually, sometimes Teaching aids:

Tape recorder Teaching cards a piece of paper Teaching procedure: 1. (Warm-up)

T: Good morning! How do you go to school today? What about you? Do you go

by bus,too?‖ 2. Have a dictation

Ask the Ss to dictate the new words learnt in the last lesson. On foot、 by bus、 by train、 by plane、 by subway…

3. Let'stry

Guide the Ss to look at the pictures and ask

Who‘s the boy? He‘s Mike. How does Mike go to school? Play the tape and listen:

John:How do you go to school,Mike?

Mike:I usually go to school by bike.Sometimes I go 0n foot. John:Is your home near our school? Mike:Yes.it is. J0hn:That's fine! 4. (Presentation)

Let's talk

T: How do I go to school,do you know? Ask me,please!

Draw a bike, a bus, a taxi on the Bb and write the price by each picture. Bus 1

yuan taxi 10 yuan

Encourage the Ss to ask ―How do you go to school?

T: Usually I go to school by bike, because it's good exercise.Sometimes I go by

bus,because it's cheap.It costs l yuan. Sometimes I go by taxi,because it's fast,but it's too expensive.It costs 1o yuan.

Explain that we use usually and sometimes to express frequency. T: ―How does Sarah go to school? Listen.‖ Ask the S to imitate Sarah‘s tone to answer

Sarah: Usually I to go school on foot. Sometimes I go bike.

Ss read after the tape. Then practice in pairs to make up the new dialogue according to each picture.

Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue. 5. Group work


Read the dialogue .Then practice in groups of four. They can expand their dialogue like the following:

A:How do you go to school/ hometown? B:Usually I go by bus. A:Can you go by bike?

B: Yes,I can,but it's too far.Sometimes I go by taxi,because it‘s fast, but

it's expensive. What about you?

A:I go to school on foot,because my home is near. 6. Play finding order games

Show the following word cards and ask Ss to form correct sentences. How, do, go, to, school, you I, usually, on, go, school, to, foot Sometimes, by, bike, go, I


Finish AB Page2

Bb design

Unit1 How do you go there

How do you go to school?

Usually I go to school on foot, because it‘s near. Sometimes I go by bike, because it‘s fast.

Period Three

Teaching contents: Let’s read

Teaching aims:

1. To improve reading skill 2. To consolidate the traffic ways 3. To improve understanding ability.

Teaching focus:

How do we go to the park? It‘s easy.

How to finish answering the questions in the book

Teaching difficult points:

How to express the different ways to a place


Teaching aids:

Tape recorder a piece of paper masks of Zhang Peng and Sarah

Teaching procedure: 1. Review Free talk

2. Dictation 复习上节课学过的句子和词语 How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot.

Sometimes I go by bike. What about you? 3. Review different places

T: This is a very nice place. There are many students and teachers. There are many rooms, such as classroom, art room, music room… What‘s it?

It‘s a beautiful place. Many people like to play in it. There are nice flowers, trees and grass. There are toys. What is it? It‘s a park. 4. Presentation

T: Where is my home? Do you want to know?

Describe with different traffic ways and use ―first‖ ―next‖ ―then‖ .

It‘s a little far from here. First I go to Zenbu bus stop on foot. Then I can go by

the No.74 bus to the East Bus Station... We live on the ninth floor,Room902. Explain ―then‖ 5. T ask individual :

Where is your home?

Is it near the park? Which floor? In pairs practice above questions 6. Play the tape and students follow it.

Ask: How can we go to Sarah‘s home? How can they go to the park?

Finish answering the questions, and then check the answers. 7. Practice

Read the text. Boys to be Zhang Peng ,and girls to be Sarah. 男女分组朗读 Work in pairs to read the dialogue. Ask several pairs to act out. 8. Make up new dialogues


Do Page 5 in AB

Make a survey and fill in the following form

Name Destination What can you see How do you go there? there?


Bb design:

How do we go to the park? It‘s easy. Which floor?

The fifth floor, Room 5A

Period Four

Teaching contents: Let’s learn and let’s play

Teaching aims:

1. To master the phrases: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green


2. To know some traffic rules about traffic lights

Teaching focus:

To understand the traffic lights commands and do the action: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.

Teaching difficult points:

To understand the meaning of the three traffic lights and do the correct action

of the commands

Teaching aids:

Tape recorder


A flash card of traffic lights Word cards

Teaching procedure: 1. Free talk 2. Review

How do you go …?

Ss should make a true answer and give the reason. 3. Warm-up

Ask Ss to do actions when they hear the order Stand up, touch your ears,

Turn Left, right, go, turn around… 4. Revise the words of colours 5. T: ( show traffic lights)

What are they?

They are traffic lights. T: How many colour? What colours are they? What do they mean? T Show a red light and say:

It‘s a red light. I must stop at a red light.

It‘s a yellow light. I must wait at a yellow light. It‘s a green light. I can go at a green light. Do you know the traffic rules?

Draw three traffic lights on the Bb and write the traffic rules next to them Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.

6. Play the tape and Ss follow it.

Explain ―remember‖ by doing gesture. 7. Let‘s play

Ask ten students to the front to do actions of traffic lights commands

Five girls are Group A. The other boys are Group B. When T show the yellow light they must wait. If not the one who disobeys

Should get back to the seat. In the end the group with more people win the game. 8. Consolidation and extension巩固和拓展(难点) Discuss the different traffic ways and rules How do you go to school?

I go to school On foot.Can you tell me any traffic rules? You must watch the traffic 1ights.

I go to school by bus.Can you tell me any traffic rules? Don't run in the bus.

Don't stick your head Or arms out Of the window.

I go to school by bike.Can you tell me any traffic rules?


Don't go too fast.

Never go into the sideways.


Copy the traffic rules written on the Bb Finish AB Page4

Bb design:

Traffic lights traffic rules

Red light Stop at a red light. Yellow light Wait at a yellow light Green light Go at a green light.

Teaching reflection:

Period 5

Teaching contents: Let’s read

Teaching aims:

1. To improve reading skill

2. To consolidate the traffic rules and know different countries have different traffic rules.

3. To improve understanding ability and make Ss get right information from the reading material.

Teaching focus:

Understanding the the meaning of the text and finishing the ―tick or cross‖

Teaching difficult points:

To improve the reading skills

To understanding the following sentences:

In China/the US,drivers drive on the right side Of the road. In England and Australia,however,drivers drive On the 1eft side Of the road. Teaching aids:

Tape recorder flash card of traffic lights A photo of Singapore Street

Teaching procedure:


1. Free talk 2. Review

Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.

Let the Ss do the actions Dictate the above sentences.

3. T: (put up the right hand) This is my right hand. Show me your right hand! Then show me your left hand. Do actions as I tell you:

Turn left. Turn right. Turn back. Touch your left ear…

4. Discuss traffic rules

T: Red means ―stop‖ .if the light is red, you must stop.

Yellow means________ ,if the light is yellow you must ______. Green means _________, if the light is green you can ________.

5. Show a photo of Singapore Street and ask the Ss to find out the differences. T: The traffic lights are the same in every country. But what about other traffic rules? Look at the picture. It‘s in Singapore. what?s the differences. Help the Ss to answer:

In Singapore, the driver is on the left side. In China the driver is on the right side. 6. Read

Ask the Ss to read the passage and do the exercises. Check the answer together. Teach new words:

Find difference every country Always drive if must

Know England Australia however Explain the following sentences:

In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road.

In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. Read the text again and put up any questions.


Ask Ss to find more traffic rules

Bb design

The same every country always Mean drive right side England Australia However if must know


Teaching reflection

Period 6

Teaching contents: Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

Teaching aims:

1. To enable the students to master the four skills sentences: ―How Can I get to

Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus. 2. To enable the students to use polite words in dialogue:

Excuse me. Thank you. You‘re welcome.

3.To Review the names of places: post office , supermarket, cinema, bank, hospital, fast food shop…

Teaching focus:

How can I get to Zhongshan Park?

You can go by the No.15 bus.

Teaching difficulty:

How to use ―how can I get to …?‖‖you can go by…‖correctly The meaning of ―If you like‖ Teaching methods:

Communicative Approach

Teaching aids:

1. Tape recorder and tape 2. Multi-media player

3. A map of Dongguan city.

Teaching procedure: 1.Free talk


2.What day is it today?

How many students are there in your class? Who is No.1/2…?

3. Go over the traffic rules: It's a yellow light,I must wait.Now the light is green,I can go.Don't go at a red light. A car may hit you.

4. Go over the numbers from 1-100.Pay attention to 30, 13 40, 14, 50, 15, 16, 60, 70, 17, 18, 80, 90, 19 5. Let‘s try

Play the tape of this part and students listen and tick.

Man:Excuse me, how can I get to Dongfang Primary School?

Zhang:You can go by the No.14 bus.It's next to the nature park. Man:Thank you.

Zhang:You're welcome. Play again and Ss repeat.

6. Presentation

Let's talk

Show a traffic map of Dongguan and ask Where is (place/ bus number)? Show the map in the book What‘s near the bus stop?

Teach: supermarket, cinema, bank, hospital, fast food shop, bookstore, school Let‘s the students find the places on the map.

Play the tape of this part and get the Ss read after it. Explain: If you like. Ask:

T: I want to buy some fruit and clothes. Where should I go? Where is the supermarket?

How can I get to the supermarket? Show the traffic map of Dongguan. Get the Ss ask and answer:

A: Excuse me, How can I get to Walmarket? B: You can go by the No….bus.

Ask several pairs to act out. 对话都可以请一组人表演


Do Exercise 3& 4 of Ab Page5

Bb design:

How can I get to zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.


If you like.

Period Seven ●Teaching contents: Good to know, let‘s sing, ●Teaching aims:

1. To recognize some usual traffic signs.

2. To improve the student‘s traffic consciousness

3. To understand and sing the song ―How do you go to school? ●Teaching focus:

Ss can say these traffic rules according to the traffic sings:

Crosswalk No entry、 Turn right、 NO bikes、 One way、No left turn ●Teaching difficult points : To recognize the traffic signs

●Teaching methods: Read and perform ●Teaching aids:

Tape recorder Powerpoints ●Teaching procedure: Step 1.Review

1. Duty report: Good morning, everyone. I‘m on duty today. Today is Monday, September 19th.It is sunny today .Everyone is here .Thank you! Step 2.Dictation

Dictate the new words we have learned last week. Step 3.Review the traffic rules

1 Ask some students: ―How do you go to school? Why?‖Get Ss to talk freely. 2. Review the traffic rules.

Show the traffic lights, ask ―What are these? What colors are they? What does it mean?‖Get Ss to answer.

3. T: The traffic lights are the same in every country, but the traffic rules are different.

For example: In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road? What

about in England and Australia? Get Ss to answer: Drivers drive on the left side of the road. Step4. Presentation

1. T: If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know some traffic rules.

What other rules do you know?

Encourage Ss to say some traffic rules. 2. Show some traffic signs

T: Where can you see there pictures? (In the street. /On the road.) Do you know what they mean?

Show the pictures one by one and tell them the traffic rules:

Crosswalk: If you cross the road, you must walk on the crosswalk. Turn right : You can turn right if you see this picture . Turn left : You can turn left if you see this picture.


One way : In one direction No entry :Don‘t come in . No bike : Don‘t ride a bike . No left turn : Don‘t turn left . No right turn: Don‘t turn right . Step 5 .Practice

Get Ss to match the signs with the words.

Ss can make some other traffic signs by themselves. Step 6.Sing a song

Play the tape, Ss listen and try to sing the song ―How do you go to school?‖ Homework:

Finish Exercise 5 on page3 of the activity book.

Make a survey .Ask the classmates: How do you go to school ?And complete

the form on page 10. Bb design:

Crosswalk No entry Turn right Turn left

No bikes One way No left turn No right turn Teaching reflection:

The eighth lesson

Teaching contents: Story time Teaching aims:

To understand the story of this part, and Ss can perform the story. To train the Ss to obey the traffic rules. Teaching focus:

Ss can understand the story and train their good reading habit. Teaching difficulty:

1. Students can perform the story in roles.

Teaching methods: Read and perform Teaching aids:


1. Tape recorder and tape

2. The head portraits of Zip ,Zoom and policeman 3. Some pictures of bike ,car ,taxi and traffic lights Teaching procedure: Step 1. Review

1. Duty report

2. Make a survey .做个调查Ask: How do you go to school? Get Ss to answer and make a statistics. How many Ss go to school by car /by bus /on foot. 3. Review the traffic rules. Step 2. Presentation

1. Show a picture of a people who is walking, ask: What is he doing? (He is walking.)

Do you like walking? I like walking .Because it‘s a good exercise. Write good exercise on the Bb. 2. Play the game of let‘s play.

Ask a student say: stop, wait, go .The other Ss do the actions.

T: You are good children because you know the traffic rules .Let me do it.

I make some wrong actions, when the Ss remind me, write be against the traffic

rules on the Bb. Say .I am against the traffic rules. Step 3.Read

Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 13, introduce Zip and Zoom to them. Then play the tape and Ss read after it.

Then try to ask then some questions: 1.How many dollars do they have? 2. Where are they going?

3. Do the go by taxi? Why not? If they cannot answer, give them some help. Step 4.Performance

Ss read the story again .Then get them perform the story. If someone does very well, give them praise cards. Step 5 .Extension

Ask the Ss, if you are Zip and Zoom, How you go to the restaurant. Get Ss to discuss this question. Homework :

Finish Part 5 on page 6 of the activity book. Bb design:

Good exercise

Be against the traffic rules Teaching reflection:

The ninth lesson


? Teaching contents: Let‘s start. Task time ? Teaching aims :

1. To master the important sentences: How do you go to school?

I go to school ... Ss can use by bike, by car, by bus, on foot to answer. How can I get to...? You can go by the No. bus. 2. To finish the task of task time.

3. To understand the contents in let’s try. ? Teaching focus :

Ss can use these two sentences correctly:

How do you go to school? I go to school by bike, by car ,by bus . How can I get to...? You can go by No. bus . ? Teaching difficulty:

Finish the task in Task time. ? Teaching methods:

Ask and answer.

? Teaching procedure:

1 .Review

1. Duty report.

2. Dictate the new words and phrases in Unit one.

by bike by bus by subway by train by ship on foot go to school traffic lights traffic rules stop wait get to

2. Look at the pictures of Let’s start, say; there are many ways to go somewhere,

do you know what they are. Ss point out the ways in the pictures. Tell them the first one is by horse .

3. Show the flashcards in Let‘s learn and review the words .such as on foot by

bike by car by bus by ship by plane by ship

4. Open the books on page3 ,show the picture to the students ,

Get students to look at the pictures and ask and answer in pairs .

5 Let‘s chant .Play the tape ,students listen and read after it .

Make sure they can understand the meaning of the sentences . 6 Make a survey.

Ss can ask four students in the class :How do you go to school ? Complete the form on page 10 . Write down the names and tick the ways the go to school .

Make sure they can use on foot /by bike /by bus /by car /… to answer. 7. Make a chart .

According to the information of part one .Finish the work of part two . Then get them to make a summary : A goes to school on foot. B and C go to school by bus. D goes to school by car . E goes to school by subway. Homework

Read the phonetic symbols they have learned last week. Bb design:


How do you go to school ?

I go to school on foot /by bike /by bus /by car . Teaching reflection :

The tenth lesson ? Teaching contents : Pronunciation, Let‘s check ? Teaching aims :

1. To recognize and read the phonetic symbol /i: / / i/ /p / /b / /t / /d / 2. To read the syllable that these phonetic symbol make up. 3. Ss listen to the passage in let‘s check and tick. ? Teaching focus :

Recognize the phonetic symbols. ? Teaching difficulty :

Ss can read the syllables include the phonetic symbols have in this lesson ? Teaching methods : Read and listen ? Teaching aids :

Tape recorder and tape

Some cards of phonetic symbols Multi-media player Some word cards. ? Teaching procedure:

1 Review. Duty report.

Ask the Ss freely: How do you go to school ? 2 The phonetic teaching and practice

(1) Write two houses on the Bb, one is high, the other is low.

The teacher points to the first house, say: This is Miss Eagle‘s house .How do

you go to Miss Eagle‘s house? We can go by plane.

Show a word card with peak and say: Hello ,I’m Peak .I’m in Miss Eagle’s

house .Then put this word in the house .

Then show other words cards, and get students put them in the right places. Then get students to read these words and the phonetic symbols

/p / /b / /t / /d / /i: /

Tell the Ss, in a word, the letters ee and ea usually sound /i: /


(2) Then show the house of Mr Pig and use the same way to teach / i/

(3) Play the tape, get students read the phonetic symbols and words after the tape.

(4) Match the phonetic symbols with the right words. (5) Read some words

be bean beef bee dean deed teach pea tea eat bid bit did dig dip pick till tick tip pink (6) Read some tongue –twisters

1. This is a big pink pig, a big pink pig .Is it a big pink pig? Yes, it is, Yes, it is.

2. P .P. P, can we eat some peas? Please, please, please, eat some peas!

3. Teacher, teacher, teacher. Can we eat the pizza? No, no, no, please eat green beans! 3. Listening

Play the tape, get students to listen and do the exercise. ① John: How do you go to school, Amy?

Amy: I usually go to school on foot .My home is not far from school. ② John: How can I get to the post office, please?

Zhang: You can go by bike .It just in front of our school. ③Liu: Where is the zoo, please?

Mike: It‘s near my home.You can go by the No.4 bus. Liu: Can I go by subway? Mike: Sure, If you like.

④ Chen: Is the park far from here?

Amy: Yes, it is .You can go by the No.5 bus. Chen: Can I go by bike? Amy: No, that‘s too far. Homework:

1. Read the tongue-twisters after class.

2. Finish the exercises on page 7 of the activity book. Teaching reflection:

The eleventh lesson

? Teaching contents: Review the words and sentences in Unit one. ? Teaching aims:

1. Review the words in this unit: by foot bike bus train plane ship


subway how go to school traffic traffic light traffic rule stop wait get to

2. The main sentences :How do you go to school ? I go to school …

How can I get to …? You can go by No. bus . 3. Review the traffic rules .

a. Stop at a red light . b. Wait at a yellow light . c. Go at a green light .

d. Drivers drive on the right side of the road in China.

Drives drive on the left side of the road in England ,Australia and HongKong.

4. Review the phonetic symbols /i: / / i/ /p / /b / /t / /d / ? Teaching focus:

Ss can master the words and sentences . ? Teaching difficulty:

Ss can use the words and sentences to make a dialogue . ? Teaching methods:

Read and practice ? Teaching procedure:

1. T: Today we will review what we learned in this unit .

Show the powerpoints of Let’s learn and ask How do you go to school ? Get Ss to answer :I go to school by bike /by car /by bus /on foot. Write the sentences and words on the Bb .

The twelfth lesson ? Teaching contents:

Do some exercises. ? Teaching aims:

To review the words and sentences in Unit One . ? Teaching focus:

To practice the words and sentences they have learned . ? Teaching methods:

Students do the exercises by themselves . ? Teaching aids:


Multi-media player ? Teaching procedure:

Do the exercises

1. Read and fill in the blanks .阅读,填空

1._______ do you go to Hainan? I go by ship .

2.I usually go to visit my grandma ___ foot .________ (有时) I go ___ bike .

3 I am a student ,____ ____ you ? I‘m a student too . 4.---Let‘s go to the park this afternoon . --- Ok ,see you ____ 3 o‘clock . --- _______ _______ then .

2. Read and choose .选择填空

( ) 1. Go _____ a green light . A. to B. at C. in ( ) 2. The ______ are the same in every country .

A. traffic lights B.traffic rules C . traffic

( ) 3. In the Us, drivers drive ______ the right side. A. in B . on C. to

( ) 4 . Look at the lights .Yellow ______ ― wait‖. A. means B meaning C . mean

( ) 5. Now I am standing on the left side ____ the road . A. in B. on C. of

( ) 6. ______ can you get to the zoo ? By bus. A. How B . What C. Where

3. Read and write .朗读,填空

1. Look at me ! I _______ (经常 ) go to school _____ _____.

2. Please remember the _____ _____ (交通规则). ______ at a green light . 3. I go school _____ bike .But _____(有时) I go ______ taxi. 4. _____ at a red light .

5.Look at the ______ ______ (交通灯)。 6 ______ at a yellow light . 7. Go at a ____ light.

4. use the words Making sentences . (连词成句) 1. can ,get to ,how ,I, the , post office ?

2. at , wait ,a , light , red .

3 the same , the traffic lights , every ,in ,country ,are .

4. go , I , school ,to ,foot ,on .

5 by ,go , No.4 , bus ,can ,you .

4. Wring .(写作)



e.g. (例子) Hello . My name is Jim .I go to school by bike .My mother is a … She goes …


Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum ?

Teaching contents :Part A Let’s learn . Teaching aims:

1. To enable the students to master the four skills words :

library ,post office ,hospital ,cinema, bookstore ,and three skills for

science museum.

2. To enable the students to ask for the ways and give the direction ,use the following sentences;

Excuse me ,where is the library? It‘s near the post office .

Teaching focus :

To master the four skills words :library, post office , hospital, cinema, science

museum, bookstore and three skills words

Teaching difficulties:

To master the four skills words: library ,post office, hospital ,cinema, bookstore Teaching methods: 1. Ask and answer

2. Practice in pairs or in groups Teaching aids :

1. some word cards 2. A recorder

3. Multi-media player Teaching procedure: Step1. Review

1. T The teacher and the whole class greet each other as usual talk about the day ,the date and the weather 2. Ask the Ss : How do you go to school ?

I go to school by plane/by bus /on foot… Where is your home?

It‘s near the post office /hospital… Step 2.Let’s learn

1. Tell the students : I want to read some books :Where can I go ?(use the

multi-media player) tell the Ss :I can go here ,then show the picture of library .

Ask :Where is it ? It‘s library. (word card)

2. The teacher says:I have a new book. I bought o tom Xinhua bookstore . You can buy all kinds of books ther .

Show ―bookstore‖


3. The teacher takes out a letter and says : I want to post the letter .Can I go to

the bookstore ?Where can I go ?

4. We want to see a film ,Where can we go ? Teach :post office

5. The teacher pretend to have a bad cold and says ―I ?m not well today .Where

can I go ?

Teach ―hospital‖

At last ,the teacher plays show the picture of science museum ,bank ,school ,zoo ,store ,supermarket Step 3. Drill

Use the multi-media player to ask and answer :Teacher and students ,teacher and student .

student and student Where is the ----? It‘s near the ----? Step4. Homework

1. Copy the new words on the EB 2. Complete the AB Bb design:

Unit Two Where is the Science Museum? Where is the library /post office ---? It’s near ---. Teaching reflection:

Unit two Where is the science museum? The second period Teaching content : Pair work

Teaching aims:

1.To straighten the places: library post office hospital cinema

bookstore bank science museum school supermarket etc.

2.To master the sentences : Where is the museum?

It‘s in front of /near /next to/behind/far from----

Teaching focus:

Ss can ask for the ways and give direction. Where is the -----?


It‘s -----.

Difficulty points:

The use of preposition : near in front of next to behind far from

Teaching methods:

Ask and answer

Teaching aid:

A recorder computer

Teaching procedure:

Step one: Review

1. Revise the places what we have learnt yesterday.

2. Dictation : library post office hospital cinema bookstore

science museum .

3. ask and answer. Where is the library ? It‘s the post office.

Step Two: Presentation

1‘lead in : in front of behind next to far from

Say: I stand in front of the blackboard. Or I stand in front of somebody.

Somebody stands behind of me .S1 sit next to S2 .point to the other

student ; I far farm S3.

2.Encourage the Ss say: Where is the library?

It‘s near /in front of /behind/next to/far from----.

Step Three: Drill

Ask and answer several times

Step Four: Homework Finish the AB. Bb design:

Sentences: Where is the museum? It‘s in front of/behind/next to/far from----. New words: Teaching reflection:


Unit two Where is the science museum? The third period

Teaching contents:

Part A let‘s try & let‘s talk

Teaching aims:

1. To enable the Ss to master the four skills sentences Where is the cinema, please ? It‘s next to the hospital.

2. To improve the Ss listening ability.

Teaching focus:

To master the sentences of four skills and can use them freely. Teaching difficulties:

1. Ask for the ways and give the direction. To involve these sentences. Where is the cinema /post office /library-----?

It‘s next to the hospital/bookstore/bank/science museum-----. Is it far from here ? No ,it‘s not far. 2. To grasp the four skills sentence structure:

Where is the cinema, please? It‘s next to the hospital.

Teaching aids:

A map A recorder

Words cards; cinema hospital post office bookstore library

school bank supermarket

Teaching procedure:

Step one: Review 1. Greetings

2. Revise the new words what we have learned yesterday. Ask Ss ;(use the players)

Where is library /bookstore/cinema-----,please?

The Ss answer : It‘s near/in front of /next to /behind----.

3. Have a dictation:

Library post office hospital cinema bookstore Step Two Presentation Listen and circle

1. First , look at the pictures carefully What are these?(one by one)

The students answer: post office shoes shop( explain in English) 三


school cinema bookstore hospital

2. Play the tape .

The students listening to the tape and circle.

3. Check the answers and then play the tape again .The students following the tape twice.

Step Three Pre-reading

Use a map . The teacher points to the cinema say: the cinema is here, the

hospital is next to the cinema . teach next to

Then go on the other s students : Is there a cinema near here? Student answer :No ,there isn‘t.

Ask again; Is there a cinema near here? Yes,there is . Where is the cinema ,please?

It‘s next to the hospital. ( read after the teacher). Step Four listing

1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions Question : Where is the cinema ?

2. Play the tape , the students listening (close their books) Then answer the question It‘s next to the hospital. 4. Play the tape again listen and repeat Step five: Homework

1. Copy this dialogue of their EB 2. Recite the dialogue. Bb design:

Where is the cinema, please? It‘s next to the hospital. Teaching reflection :

Unit two Where is the science museum? The fourth period Teaching contents: Let’s learn Teaching aims:

1. To grasp the words and phrases: want buy after school a pair of shoe


store get off walk straight minute

2. To improve the students reading ability. .

3. The student can understand the differences between China and the western


Teaching focus:

1. The students understand the main idea of this dialogue and give it the right order

2. Remind the students pay more attention to the pronunciation of straight Difficult points:

1. Complete the exercise according to reading metalloid 2. The students can read and recognize words and phrases Teaching methods

Read and listening Teaching aids;

A recorder and multi-media player Teaching procedure: Step One: Review

1.Ask some students T: How do you go to school?

S1: I go to school by bike/bus/car/ on foot---. T: Where is your home ?

S2: It‘s near/next to /far from -----. T: Is it far from here? S3:Yes ,it is /No ,it isn‘t.

2. Check the reciting Step Two Presentation

1. Play the computer tell the whole students ? school is over, I want

to buy a pair of shoes after class.‘ Then ask the student :

What are you going to do after school? Encourage students to say: I want to ----.

2. Show the places for example hospital post office shoe store

book store library supermarket cinema and school.

Take out a picture of a girl stick to somewhere ask :

where is the hospital/post office ---- ? Is it far from here? Ss answer : It‘s next to the ----.

3. T point to the bus stop sign between the school and shoe store say:

This is the bus stop ,we can take the No.74 bus here. Now ,I‘m at the school ,I want to buy a pair of shoes .

How can I get to the shoe store ? The Ss answer :You can go by the N o.74 bus. T go on ask : Where can I get off the bus? Point to the shoe store say: shoe store . Get off at the shoe store .

4.Point to the map go on ask: Now I‘m at the shoe store .How can I get to the----?


Lead the Ss answer: You can go straight for three ahead. T ?Yes ,I can walk straight.‘

Ask again: ?Is it far from the shoe store?‘ No,

Yes,It‘s not far. I walk straight for three minutes. Then I can get to


Step three: listen and read

1. The Ss close the books listen to the tape. Ask some question:

Q1: What is Mike going to do? Q2: What is he going to buy? Q3: Where is he going?

Q4:Where is the shoe store? Q5: Which bus can he take?

Q6: Is the hospital on the right or left side of the road? 2. Then check the answers

Play the tape again The Ss listen and follow the tape Read in groups/in pairs

Step Four Exercise

Do Ex. Give the right order

Step Five Homework

1. Read the dialogue

2. Revise the sentence structure :

What are you going to do---? I want to buy---.

Bb design:

What are you going to do----? get off I want to -----. Walk straight Teaching reflection:

Unit two Unit Lesson

Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum? The fifth period 27

Teaching Aims Focus let‘s start Let‘s learn B--1 1. 4 skills words and phrases: east west north south 2. one more: middle/center in the middle /center 3. the phrases: in the east/west./north/south of China east/west./north/south of 4. the drill. Walk … for … minutes. Difficult points Teaching aids The usage of the phrases: in the east/west./north/south of China east/west./north/south of T: the word cards of both Part A and Part B; the tape S: the 4 word cards and the places cards Teaching Procedure Teacher’s guide Ss’ activity Follow and Sing the song : How do you go to school? Enjoy the song : Where are you going ? I. Warm-up Play the tape. II. Preview ear/eye… (Aim to review the words: left /right) 2. Put the place-word cards in a mess on the board. Q: What can you see on the board? rolling game) A: I can see a hospital / a cinema / a library / a bookstore/ a science museum/ a school / a post office/ a supermarket/ a mall 1.A game : Show me your left/right hand, Touch your left Listen and act. ( T can let the Ss answer one by one, or take it as a snowball- 28

III. Presentation the mall on the right. Q: Where is the cinema? Where is the mall? Where is the hospital? It‘s in the middle/centre. Teach the word middle/ in the middle 2. SB P14 let‘s start library downside. Q: Where is the library ? Where is the shoe store? 4. Another way : Draw a cross among the places Teach the words: east west (A proverb: East or west , home is best.) the evening? 5. A map . Where is Zhejiang/ Shanghai/ Shandong/ Tibet/…? 6. Where is Inner Mongolia/Guangxi? Teach the words: north south A: It‘s on the left. It‘s on the right. Learn to say and use the word and the phrase. Answer the questions. A north pointer. Check the map and give the answers. Zhejiang is in the east of China. Tibet is in the west of China. Learn the words. Follow to say and point out the directions Necessary to recite the poem. . 29 1. put the card hospital in the center, the cinema on the left , 3. Continue to the first step. Add a shoe store upside and a Read and match. Where does the sun raise in the morning and goes down in Learn the words. 7. Summary the 4 words: east west north south Up,up, north, north Down,down, south, south Left, left, west, west Right, right, east, east North, south, west, east. 8. A game: Listen and arrange The hospital is in the middle The post office is east of the hospital. The post office is west/south/north of the…. 9.On the map, Where is Jiangxi? Use the word cards to arrange the Place according to the order. 10. SB P20 the map of Let‘s talk Where is the post office? Where is the bookstore ? Where is the hospital? Where is the park? Where is the school? Answers may be varied. (If time permit, The same practice can be taken with the map on SB P17) Learn the phrases and Act out 11. walk east/west/north/south If it is possible, finish the action in Let’s play. 12. Walk east for 1 minute/5 minutes. work: Bb Design: Teaching Reflecting


1. Copy the words: east west north south 2.Translate the sentences : 台湾在中国的东部。 西藏(Tibet)在中国的西部。 内蒙古(Inner Mongolia)在中国的北部。 海南在中国的南部。 邮局在电影院的东侧。 公园在学校的北侧。 往西走3天。 向南行10分钟。 north East or west, home is best.

↑ in the east/west/north/south of China west— middle →east …is east/west/north/south of the … ︴ Walk … for … minutes. South

Unit Lesson Teaching Aims Focus 1. 4 skills words and phrases: turn left turn right go straight 2. 4 skill sentences: Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It‘s on the left. 3. Well know the dialogue of Let’’s talk B and recite it and then use it flexibly. Difficult points Teaching aids 1. The pronunciation and the spelling of the word ―straight‖ 2. How to get to somewhere by the map. T: the word cards of both Part A and Part B; the tape S: the 4 word cards and the places cards Teaching Procedure Teacher’s guide I. Warm-up Play the tape. Follow and Sing the song : How do you go to school? Enjoy the song : Where are you going ? II. Preview time. 2. Recite the poem of Up, up , north ,north. 3. Some Qs to review the position 4. Have a dictation. Recite the poem. Answer the Qs . Write out the words and the sentences: east west north south Shanghai is in the east of China, Hainan is south of Guangdong. Go north for three days. 1. Show the coordinate and review the 4 words learnt last Spell the words Ss’ activity Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum? The sixth period Let‘s learn B—2 Let‘s try Let‘s talk 31

III. Presentation Let’s try : listen and circle. Let’s learn 1.Talk about the traffic signs on the road. ∣→ ←∣ right on the left on the right 2. ← ↑ → One way means go straight ahead. straight go straight Circle the answer B Turn right! Turn left! Learn to spell the words One way! S- tr-ai-gh-t straight. Answer the Qs ,answers may be varied. Listen to the tape and understand the dialogue by guiding on the map . Listen and repeat and act our the dialogue. Discuss and then give the answer. Practise in pairs and then presentate. Teach the phrases: left right turn left turn 3. If the practice is not enough in unit 1, You can Add a game here. SB P19 Let’s talk. 1. Look at the map, Where is the cinema? Where is the post office? get to the post office? 3. Play the tape recorder. 4. Flexible-usage of the dialogue. How to get to the bookstore from the cinema? How to get to the park from the school? etc. Work : straight 2. I‘m here , on the left side of the cinema, how can I Copy the words: left right straight turn left turn left turn right go Translate the sentences: 1. 在电影院那里左拐,然后笔直朝前走。 2. 在公园处右拐,然后笔直朝前走, 3. 医院在左边,公园在右边。 4. 邮局紧挨着银行,电影院它的在左边, 32

Bb Design: Unit 2 Where is the science museum? ←∣ left turn left on the left ∣→ right turn right on the right ∣─ straight ↑ ↓← → go straight Turn left at the cinema , then go straight. It‘s on the left. Teaching Reflecting Unit Lesson Teaching Aims Focus Difficult points Teaching Aid Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum? The seventh period Consolidation and extension of last lesson: Group work Activity Book P12-2, P14 ,P 16 1. Activity Book P16 Use the map to go to a place. 2. Talk and make dialogue.s. 3. AB P16 Read the map ,and tell how to get to the place that I want to go? 4. Task time read the map and how to go to sw. A.B ,and the tape AB Teaching Procedure Teacher’s guide Ss’ activity 33

II. Warm-up Play the tape. Follow and Sing the song : How do you go to school? Enjoy the song : Where are you going ? II. Preview 5. Let‘s talk 1.Read the dialogue of Let‘s talk. 34

IV. Presentation Group work Look at the map , I‘m now at school , I want to go to somewhere, it is not far from the school, You should turn right at the school, then go straight, it‘s on the Try to guess the place. left. Where is it? Encourage the Ss to make riddles like that. I.Ab P12 2. Are the traffic lights the same or different? 3. What color is the first/second light? 4. How can I go to school on foot? 5. How can I go to the hospital/ shoe store/…? II. AB P14 The upside picture Where are they? Where do they want to go? How can they go there? III. AB P16 What can you see in this map? Is there a library in the map? bookstore? Target some other goals Make riddles and guess the riddles. Fill in the blanks first and then read out the instruction . In the book store. Read the dial. And then draw the route. Read out what Mike says. Give the route and practice in pairs and then show in the front. Qs: 1.Look at the map , what can you see on the map? I can see the … and two traffic lights. I‘m here at the library, how cab I get to the 35

Work : AB P16 Use the map to answer the following questions. 1. Excuse me , how can I get to the hospital? 2. Excuse me , how can I get to the bookstore? 3. Excuse me , how can I get to the park? Unit 2 Where is the science museum? Excuse me , how can I get to the hospital? Excuse me , how can I get to the bookstore? Excuse me , how can I get to the park? Bb Design Teaching Reflection Unit Lesson Teaching Aims Focus Difficult points Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum? The eighth period Let‘s try. Let‘s read B 1. Read our the passage fluently. 2. Make an invitation card 1. Start from the bus stop in front of our school. 2. Take the No.17 bus . 3. Get off at the post office. 4. Walk west for three minutes. 5. Find the white building on the left. 6. Look for me near the door. 36

Teaching Aid the tape , a birthday card an invitation. SB Teaching Procedure Teacher’s guide Ss’ activity Let‘s chant. Enjoy the song : Where are you going ? A happy birthday song. III. Warm-up Play the tape. II. Preview 1. The homework yesterday.

1.Tell how he/she go to sw. Unit 3 What are you going to do?

The first period

Teaching content: Part A Let‘s learn

Teaching aims: 1.Master four skills phrases: nest week , this morning/afternoon/evening

2. Three skills: take a trip, go to the cinema, read a magazine ,tomorrow, tonight

3. Learn how use the sentence pattern: what are you going to do|…?

I‘m going to …

4. Tell the Ss how to arrange their activities and time.

Focus: 1.Four skills phrases: take a trip, go to the cinema, read a magazine 2.The usage of ―be going to‖

Difficult points: How to use ―be going to do ― to arrange activities and time

Teaching aids:1. Teaching cards 2. a calendar 3. Multi-media player

4. a magazine

Teaching procedure: I Warm up Play the vcd

Sing a song ― What are you going to do?‖


II Revision

Revise the verbal phrases learned before by asking : What do you usually do after school/ on the weekend ? I usually climb mountains / read some books / go shopping go hiking/ play sports/ clean my room…

III Presentation:

1. Show some pictures of resorts and ask

Is it a beautiful place ? Do you want to visit the place? You can take a trip there.

Get the Ss guess the meaning and say : I want to take a trip to Hongkong. Ask the Ss to say the similar sentence I want to take a trip to … 2. Show a magazine to teach the word ―magazine‖ Ask : What‘s this in English? It‘s a magazine.

Do you like reading magazines?

3. Show the word card of ―go to the cinema‖ and ask Where are they going ?

They are going to the cinema. 4. Go over the above phrases

Show part of each word card and get the Ss speak out the new phrases Do actions and let the Ss guess.

IV Presentation

1.Show a calendar and ask:

What day is it ? What‘s the date today?

Teach: this morning/ afternoon/ evening tomorrow tonight next week /

month /year

Pay attention to ―tonight‖ not ― this night‖

Tell the students that all above are used to express the future. If time permit

teacher can tell them some more

future time phrases

2. Say I‘m going to read a magazine this evening. Ask : What are you going to

do this evening?

Help them to answer ― I‘m going to …‖

Explain in Chinese that ―be going to ― is used to express the plan in future. Practice in line : what are you going to do tonight/ tomorrow/ this afternoon/ this morning…?

First help them to answer with right verbal phrases: play sports/ read books /

visit grandparents/ go to the cinema / do homework …. 3. Practice

Have a competition between two parts

Ask the Ss to make up sentences as many as they can to use the time phrases


and verbal phrases on the blackboard. For example: S1 (from Part A): what are you going to do tonight? S1(from Part B): I‘m going to read a magazine. S2 : What are you going to do this evening? S3: I‘m going to the cinema.

( The one who can make a correct sentence can get one point)

VI Pair work

Show the following table Activities When Visit grandparents Play sports Read books Go to the library Say : Look ,here are some activities that are good for . Please decide when you are going to do them and

tell your partener. Pay attention: you can do them in two weeks.


Make up three mini dialogues with the four-skill phrases and ― be going to ―sentence pattern

eg: What are you going to do this evening? I‘m going to read a magazine.

Teaching reflection:

Unit 3 What are you going to do?

The second period

Teaching content: Part A Let‘s try /Let‘s talk

Teaching aims: 1.Master four skills sentence pattern:


What are you going to do on the weekend?

I‘m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. We‘re going to …

2. To train listening skill

3.To Learn how to make a schedule for the weekend.

Focus: 1.Four skills sentences:

What are you going to do on the weekend?

I‘m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

2.How to use ―be going to‖ to express the future plan and to communicate

with others.

3.To speak out correct future time phrases: on Saturday


Difficult points: How to use ―be going to do ― to arrange activities and time

Teaching aids:1. Teaching cards 2. a calendar 3. Multi-media player Teaching procedure: I Warm up 1.Play the vcd

Sing a song ― What are you going to do?‖

II Revision

1.Go over the words learned in the last lesson with the teaching cards:

take a trip, go to the cinema, read a magazine, this


2. What are you going to do ….? 3.Play a guessing games

T writes down an activity on a piece of paper and cover it ,then ask the students

to guess

Ss: What are you going to do?

Are you going to read a book…?

III Let‘s try

Say I have a friend in Shanghai. What is she going to do ? Let‘s listen to the tape

and find out.

1. Where is she going? 2. How is she going there? 3. Who is she going with? 4. Is she happy? 5. What is she going to buy?

Listening material: I am a girl from Shanghai. I‘m so happy, because I‘m going

to Beijing on the National Holiday. I‘m going by plane with my mom and dad! They are going to buy a new computer for me. I can‘t wait.


IV Presentation

Say my friend is going to Beijing to buy a new computer. Now if there is a

three-day holiday and if you are a tour guide. What are you going to do? Where are you going? Can you tell me some famous places in Beijing?

Show some pictures of places in Beijing to teach: Theme park the Great Wall

Play the tape o f let‘s talk . Say Wu Yifang and John are talking about the


What is John going to do this weekend? How is he going there? Repeat after the tape

Show the word cards ― what ,do , going, are, the , to , you, on , weekend‖ ― I, going, visit, to , am , my , this , grandparents.‖ Ask the students to put them in right order to form a correct sentence.

V Practice

Work in two parts to use different places and time Then work in pairs

Explain in Chinese ― be going to + place‖ to express the future tense Ask individual :

What are you going to do on the weekend? I‘m going to ….

VI Group work

Ask what are the sightseeing places in Dongguan/ in Shenzhen/ in Beijing?

Now you are tour guides Please write a schedule for this weekend. See who can design the best schedule for us. Time Saturday Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening


1. Design a schedule for this weekend and tell your friends 2. Finish the AB

Teaching reflection:


Unit 3 What are you going to do?

The third period

Teaching content: Part A Let‘s read( the first class)

Teaching aims: 1.To revise ―be going to ― to express the future activites. 2. To improve reading skills.

3. To enable the Ss to fill the form of Liu Yun‘s weekend plan when

they finish reading the passage

Focus: 1.To help the students to comprehend the reading material. 2.The usage of ―be going to‖ in different forms.

Difficult points: 1.How to connect ―be going to do‖ with different person..

2.To narrate the passage with the third person instead of the first


Teaching aids:1.Multi-media player 2.some tables 3. a tape cassette and a

record 4.some phrase cards

Teaching procedure: I Warm up

Sing the song ― What are you going to do?‖

II Revision

Ask : What are you going to do on the weekend?

Let individual student answer the question. Then ask another one: What is he /she going to do on the weekend? Help them to answer with he/she is going to ….

III Presentation:

Stick the verbal phrase cards or write the phrases disorder on the Bb.

Say Liu Yun is going to do these things on Saturday and Sunday. She is going to have a busy day.

Teach ―busy‖ and make up sentences with the word. ―be busy with doing Sth.‖. ―together ‖ Let‘s do it come/go together.

Ask the Ss to open the books and read the passage to ― Then ,I‘m going to go home and read the new books.‖ Ask the following questions:

1.What is Liu Yun going to do on Saturday? 2.What is she going to buy?


3. What is she going to do at home?

If necessary Ss can discuss to find the right answers. Play the tape and ask the Ss repeat the passage. Go on reading with the questions:

1. What is she going to do on Sunday? 2. Who is she going with?

3. What is she going to do in the evening?

Go on playing the tape for the Ss to repeat the rest text.

IV Exercise

1 Let the Ss finish filling in the table

Ask one to the Bb to stick the verbal phrases in the right blanks then check the answers together. On Saturday On Sunday go to the bookstore go to the supermarket buy a new CD and some visit aunt story-books go home and read the new books Watch TV 2 Practice reading the passage together again 3.Chain train

Work in groups of four. Read the passage one by one sentence in a round turn.. Ask one or two groups to act out.

4.Help the Ss to narrate the passage with the table. Then let them to narrate it by themselves.

Ask one to narrate it in front of the class without book.


Make a weekend plan for themselves.

My weekend On Saturday On Sunday

Bb design:

Liu Yun‘s weekend plan Have a busy weekend On Saturday On Sunday go to the bookstore go to the supermarket buy a new CD and some visit aunt story-books


go home and read the new books Watch TV

Teaching reflection:

Unit 3 What are you going to do?

The fourth period

Teaching content: Part A Let‘s read (the second class)

Teaching aims: 1.To revise ―be going to ― to express the future activites.

3. To enable the students to narrate Liu Yun‘s weekend with the third


4.To enable the Ss to narrate their own weekend plans and write


Focus: 1. To narrate Liu Yun‘s weekend with the third person 2.To train the Ss how to write their own plans.

Difficult points: 1.To write down their own weekend plans.

Teaching aids:1.Multi-media player 2.some tables 3. a tape cassette and a

record 4.some phrase cards

Teaching procedure: I Let‘s start

Let‘s chant.

Show the verbal phrases on the Bb. Buy a book/ take a look / bake a cake/ walk near a lade/ take a trip / take a sip/ go outside to play/ have a good day II Revision:

Go over the passage Liu Yun‘s weekend plan by asking: What is Liu Yun going to do on Saturday?

Also teacher can organize a competition here between two parts. Encourage the Ss to ask their own questions as many as they can. Pay attention to ―be‖ in ―be going to ―sentences.

Is Liu Yun going to have a busy day? What is she going to do on Saturday?


How is she going to there?

What is she going to do/buy in the bookstore? What is she going to do after that? …

III Show the table of Liu Yun‘s weekend plan.

On Saturday On Sunday go to the bookstore go to the supermarket buy a new CD and some visit aunt story-books go home and read the new books Watch TV Say this is Liu Yun‘s weekend plan. She is going to have a busy weekend . On Saturday, she is going to the bookstore… Ask the Ss to say together. Pay attention ―be‖ should be changed correctly. Then practice in groups.

At last ask individual to narrate the passage with the third person.

IV Writing

Show the following tables:

My weekend

On Saturday On Sunday Guide the Ss to fill in the blanks . After finishing filling it ask one to narrate his/her weekend plan.

Work in small groups to narrate weekend plan to each other with the first person. I‘m going to …

Exchange their weekend plan to report their classmate‘s weekend plan.with the third person.

He is going to …

Ask individual to report his /her classmate‘s weekend plan .

V Play games

If time is enough, T can collect some students‘ tables of their weekend plans. Then ask a student to do actions and the other one guess. What is he / she going to do on the weekend? She / he is going to ….



Write down a weekend plan.

Teaching reflection:

Unit 3 What are you going to do?

The fifth period

Teaching Aims:

1. SB unit 3 B Let‘s learn ( P31 ) 2. SB Unit 3 B Let’s play (P31 ) Teaching Focus:

1. 4-skill-words: magazine dictionary comic book newspaper post card. 2. Task : buying in a bookstore

Can I help you?

Yes! Do you have comic books? Yes! Here they are!

What are you going to buy , …? I‘m going to buy some comic books. Difficulties:

The spelling and the pronunciation of ―dictionary magazine newspaper ‖. Teaching aids:

The media , the tape recorder and some books: an English book, a Chinese book, a math book, a notebook, a dictionary, a magazine, a comic book a post card, a piece of newspaper. Teaching procedure: 1. Greening 2. Daily report:

3.Enjoy the song : What are you going to do? ( On media ) 4. Show on the screen: the bookstore.

T: What did you do in the bookstore?


S: I bought a dictionary.

5. Teach to learn the new words. ―dictionary‖

a. Get the dictionary ,and tell the students that I know the word of it , but I don‘t know how to read it.

dictionary ( tell the pronunciation of tion and a here , get the pronunciation of

the word and then do a chain practice.)

b. Copy the word dictionary on students‘ exercise books one time.

6. a. T: A dictionary is a very good a patient teacher for us to study. Now please

ask this teacher what meaning the word ―comic‖ is!

( Ss look up the dictionary for the meaning of it : 滑稽的,可笑的

funny or humours)

T: How to read the word comic ?(still with the dictionary ) Is the ―o‖

pronounced as [ ou ] ? so how do you read this word ? S: Comic .( read the word and practice the word. )

b. T: Now let‘s have a look at some comic figures: Show Snoopy , Blue Cat on the screen .

S: It‘s a comic book. (Read the phrase and practice.) c. Copy the word comic book on students‘ exercise books one time. d. T: Do you like reading comic books? S: Yes!

T: What kind of comic books do you read? S: Laofuzi etc

T: What have you learnt from the comic books ? ( Ss can answer this question in Chinese) 7. Learn the word paper .

T: Both the dictionary and the comic books are made of this, what‘s this? (show a piece of paper)

Learn and Read the word paper. (Show a piece of newspaper.) ―newspaper‖

Write the word on the Ss‘ exercise book for only one time.

T: Reading newspaper is a very good way to renew yourself ,to know the

world and learn many knowledge. Try to train a hobbit to read the newspaper, OK?


8. (Show a piece from a magazine )

( Show a magazine)

Learn the word ―magazine‖

Write the word on the Ss‘ exercise book for only one time. 9. ( Show a card , Learn the word post card )

T: This is a post card. Learn the word : post card 10. Summary: 11. Consolidation

a. Watch and match b. Fill in the missing letters c. Word-cases

d. AB P20 listen and match and write. 12. Extension

Let‘s play Shopping in a bookstore 13. Work Copy the new words Teaching reflection

Unit 3 What are you going to do ?

The sixth period

Teaching contents : Let’s try . Let’s talk of Part B(The first lesson) Teaching aims :

1. To listen ,say ,and recognize the special questions of where ,what ,when and answer the questions

2. To master the four skills sentences :

(1) Where are you going this afternoon ? I‘m going to the bookstore . (2) What are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic book . 3. To finish the exercise of Let’s try . 3. Ss can read the dialogue . 4. To make a new dialogue .

Teaching focus :

To master the four skills sentences :

(1) Where are you going this afternoon ? I‘m going to the bookstore . (2) What are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic book .


Teaching difficult points :

To master the use of the special questions .

Teaching methods :

Listen ,read and act .

Teaching aids :

Recorder ,tape and pictures

Teaching procedure : Step 1.Review

1. Show a picture of a bookstore ,ask :There are many kinds of things in the bookstore .What can you buy in the bookstore .Review the words they have learned in last class .

Get Ss to spell the words when they are answering .

2 Say to a student :I am going to buy a dictionary .What are you going to buy in the bookstore ?

Get Ss to say :I am going to buy a …. Step 2.Let’s try

Say :Sarah wants to go to the bookstore .Listen to the tape ,and circle the right picture .

Then play the tape again and try to answer the following questions : 1,Where is Sarah going ? 2.What is she going to buy ? 3.When is she going ?

Draw a form on the Bb .When the Ss answer the questions ,Write the answers down in the form :

Who Where What When

Sarah bookstore buy a after school dictionary

Step 3.Presentation

1 Then the teacher says :Sarah is going to buy a dictionary .What is Chen Jie going to buy ?

Let’s listen to the tape . Then play the tape of Let‘s talk ,and get Ss to answer the question >

write the answers down :


Who Where What When

Sarah bookstore buy a after school


Chen Jie bookstore

2 Then show a picture of a fruit store ,say :ChenJie is going to the bookstore .Where are you going ? Write the sentence on the Bb .Make sure the Ss can answer :I am going to the fruit store .Then show them some pictures ,such as :cinema ,post office ,supermarket ,the Great Wall ,theme park .

3 Then ask :What is ChenJie going to buy ? He is going to buy a comic book . What are you going to buy in the bookstore ? Write the sentence on the Bb .Get Ss to answer freely .

4 Ask :When is ChenJie going to buy a comic book ? Play the tape of Let’s read and answer the question .Complete the information about ChenJie . Then ask :When are you going ? Lead the Ss to answer :I am going this weekend /this Saturday /next week . Write the two sentences on the Bb .

5 Look at the information about ChenJie ,ask questions about her with where, what and when . Step 4 Read

Play the tape of Let’s talk and get Ss to read the dialogue . Then read the dialogue in pairs .

Ask the Ss to narrate the dialogue according to the information in the table . Homework :

Copy the four skills sentences in the exercises books Teaching reflection :

Unit 3 What are you going to do ?

The seventh period

Teaching contents :Let‘s talk .(the second class ), Pair work

Teaching aims :

1 To practice the special questions with where ,what ,when 2 To make a survey


