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cross through exit all over fresh local
1. Paul picked up his bag, walked toward the and left the airport quickly. 2. Jim was nearly hit by a car when he ran the red light to the road. 3. The rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt and sweet.
4. They were suddenly thrown into darkness as the train went a tunnel. 5. International banks have business connections the world.
B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词) 6. Suddenly, a pile of (leaf) were blown into the house.
7. Tom's ideas and (I) jump together on this matter. Great minds always think alike!
8. The boat floated (danger) near the waterfalls.
9. I've found a great cafe--good coffee and a (friend) environment. 10. Car drivers should give way to the walkers on the (cross). C)用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。
Last summer holiday, my parents and I 11 (take) a trip to the UK and the Republic of Ireland. A place called the Peace Wall made a deep impression on me.
The Peace Wall was built in 1969 12 (stop) crossing between different areas. A large number of fights also broke out there. But today' these 99 walls are full of graffiti (??). Artists from all over the world 13 (be) here to leave their works since 1970, and tourists can write whatever they want as well. Every drawing is about one theme--peace.
I felt very sad when our tour guide told us about the bloody history. So many important events in history 14 (cause) by different thoughts, and even today we cannot stop that from15 (happen).
16 (compare) with the past, society today is more peaceful. Let us treasure the moment, and enjoy the day.
left strange period put up later century
1. There were many important events in the Warring States______________
2. The CBA players still have six games to play in the next three months. 3. Isn't it that animals can sense danger before it comes?
4. But I knew that your contribution is far beyond my imagination. 5. The workers new street signs to help solve the traffic prgblem. B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)
6. It rains a lot here--about 45 (inch) a year--but it rarely pours.
7. Mary used to make (she) a cup of coffee after arriving at the office every morning.
8. The door was found (lock) accidentaliy, and I couldn't get out of the room. 9. You need to think very (careful) about which course you want to attend, 10. I don't want to make the wrong (decide) and then regret it. C)用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,’使短文完整。
A drone (无人机) is a remote-controlled aircraft that can carry cameras and some other things.
New technology 1l (make) drones cheaper and easy to buy in recent years.
More people use drones as a hobby, just like flying a kite. In Australia, drones 12________- (use) to search large areas and protect animals. \don't need 13 (worry) about getting attacked by crocodiles,\
But they may not be completely safe. There are more and more biologists 14 ___________ (use) drones and nobody really knows if they are causing harm to the animals (by scaring them). One day, a drone 15 (crash) at a beach in the US, frightening visitors who were there .to take in the sunset.
Most countries have announced rules about where drones can fly. But there aren't many rules for hobby drones. \ (be) a lot of problems,\
even weighed brave put out poem ever
1, I prefer to write a about how I feel about the life. 2. The lorry was full of goods and a ton.
3. It was of you to speak in front of so many people. 4. It was quite difficult to see, with the light on.
5. The boys felt tired so they the fire and got into their tent.
B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词) 6. We'll have to drive all the (mouse) in the house away.
7. At the Water-splashing Festival, the (wet) you get, the more luck you receive, and the happier you will be.
8. But I had to move forward, far forward, to hear people in the (noise) room. 9. Helen smiled, and held out her hands, and I (gentle) pulled her out of her chair. 10. A good (report) must know how to get news, and from where. C)用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。
When you type \表情符号) appear on the screen. But they all are males. When it 11 (come) to females, you only get a princess and a bride.
Things 12 (change) already. There 13 (be) 1l jobs with new emojis for both men and women by the end of this year. These include farmers, scientists,
teachers and rock stars.The decision 14 (make) by the Unicode Consortium last month. And it is based on an idea from Google 15 (improve) sex equality in the workplace.
\ (achieve) more and more respect,\ \it time that emojis also show the fact that women play a lead role in every walk of life?\
2018年徐州市中考总复习专项练习-词语运用(四--六) 答案:
四、 1. exit 2. cross 3. fresh 4. through 5. all over 6. leaves 7. mine 8. dangerously 9. friendly 10. crossing 11. took
12. to stop 13. have been 14. were caused/are caused 15. happening 16. Compared
五、 1. period 2. left 3. strange 4. later 5. put up 6. inches 7. herself 8. locked 9. carefully 10. decision 11. has made 12. are used 13. to worry 14. using 15. crashed 16. will be (六)
1. poem 2. weighed 3. brave 4. even 5. put our 6. mice 7. wetter 8. noisy 9. gently 10. reporter 11. comes
12. have changed 13. will be 14. was inade 15. to improve 16. are achieving
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