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Unit 11 Uncle Jack’s farm

课题 教学 目标 (重点 ☆ 难点 △) Unit 11 Uncle Jack’s farm 课型 新授 时数 9 一、知识目标与能力目标 ☆学生能够认读、听辨、默写 Words to learn 中的个单词; ☆能够认读、听辨单词表中相关词汇; ☆学生能够听辨、认读并使用功能句型 ☆能够认读、听辨字母组合 的发音; △能够整体感知text,能力水平较高的学生能够表演; △能够独立完成阅读; △能感知story time,能力水平较高的学生能够表演 能够说唱歌谣,并理解其含义。 二、情感、策略、文化等有关目标 培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧带新的方式自主学习,同时也要注重合作学习。 教学过程中所需的图片、录音、课件、动画素材,以及上课时的单词卡片。 教师准备相关媒体的播放设备,如录音机、电视、电脑等。 课前 准备 严格“六规范”,提高课堂质量。随着学习内容的扩展,教师需要通过认真备课,认真设计,科研课有意识、有计划地培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧带新的方式自主学习,题落实 同时也要注重合作学习。 板 书 设 计 课 后 小 结 作业 设计 Unit 11 Uncle Jack’s farm 1. Read the text 5 times. 2. Copy the new words. 3. Preview next lesson. 选做:小组表演课文或者背诵课文


教学过程 第( 1 )课时


基础设计 集备后修改、补充 2

Text Step 1 Warm up 1. Key structure and grammar point: Future Let's sing: The days of week Future tense in WH-Question, Yes/No Question and negative form. Step 2 Set the Scene “What are we going to do today, dad?” Free talk : “We’re going to visit Uncle Jack.” Step 3 Talk about the story “Is it going to rain?” (“rain” v.) 第一遍阅读: “It’s going to rain this morning.” (Work on the 1. Who are they in the story? meaning of “this” mentioned in Unit 10 text) 2. What day is it today? “But it’s going to be fine this afternoon.” 3. Where are Ann and Ken going? (Focus on “be”) 第二遍阅读: “We are going to ride horses.” P1: “Are we going to ride horses again tomorrow?” P2: (Remind the students the word of “again”) P3: “It’s going to be sunny tomorrow.” (Remind the P4: students the word “tomorrow” in Unit 7) P5: “I’m not going to ride that horse tomorrow.” P6: “I’m going to stay at home.” (“stay at home” P7: Unit 7 chant) P8: 2. “Uncle Jack has a big farm.” 第三遍阅读: Work on “has”, third person singular form of 用Yes, No判断句子对错: “have”. 第四遍阅读: 3. Can …? watch the video or listen to the tape. Can we ride horses there? 第五遍: 4. Meaning and usage of “sure” Imitate the voice of the text. a. Sure, you can. Step 4、Post reading Sure!=Of course! (Book 7 Unit 1) Teamwork: b. I’m not sure. Try to act. I’m not sure.=I don’t know. (Book 1 Unit 2) Step 5 Homework 5. “Let’s listen to the weather report on the 1. Recite the story. radio.” 2. Tell the story to your family Work on the phrases below: a. listen b. weather report c. on the radio (“radio” Book 5 Unit 3) 6. “fine” a. “But it’s going to be fine this afternoon.” b. “---How are you? ---I’m fine.” 7. “This is fun!” “have fun” (Unit 9 Reading comprehension) “interesting” (“How interesting” Book 6 Unit 8 Uncle Booky’s Blackboard) 3


