
更新时间:2023-08-10 18:53:01 阅读量: 工程科技 文档下载











Thanks to the vast territory and huge population of China, different living habits with geographical features have been an ever-lasting topic among Chinese. Netizens (网民) went wild again as they recently discovered another striking difference in the ways the country’s northerners and southerners shop for food.

According to netizens from so uthern China, they usually buy what they need for just one or two meals. “It is quite normal for us to buy one or half of a Chinese cabbage (大白菜) at a time,” said a netizen. However, one may be looked down upon if he does this in the north. “We love to sto re up on food. Buying 25 kilograms of Chinese cabbage is normal,” said a netizen from the north.

Besides, in the south, it is said that winter melon (冬瓜) is always sold in slices, “One slice is enough for two meals!” one said. While in the north, it is simply not possible. “Of course we buy a whole one, otherwise nobody is willing to buy the other half,” said a northern Chinese.

Experts say that the difference is due to the varied climate. Food can be stored for a relatively long time in the north as it is usually cold and dry there. However, the comparatively hot and humid weather in the south forces southern Chinese to buy just enough for one meal or one day, otherwise it might go bad.

Besides obvious ways of food shopping, other north-south differences in China include the flavor of tofu (豆腐) (northerners prefer a salty taste while southerners like it sweet), and the way to give directions (northerners prefer say “go east/west,” but southerners usually say “go left/right”).

21. In what case is a buyer looked down upon by a northerner?

A. When he buys a whole winter melon.

B. When he buys too small an amount of food.

C. When he buys a bag of a Chinese cabbage at a time.

D. When he buys food just enough for one or two persons.

22. Why do experts think there is much difference in how much food to buy between northerners and southerners?

A. Due to different habits.

B. Due to different customs.

C. Due to different climates.

D. Due to different characters.

23. How do southerners prefer tofu?

A. They prefer it to taste sweet.

B. They prefer to have it taste salty.

C. They prefer it much more than northerners.

D. They prefer to have it more often to keep healthy.


Fifteen-year-old David had spent six months planning a hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon (大峡谷) with his classmates. No one could have known it would end in tragedy.

When the group arrived at the starting point for the hike, they found out there was a problem with their permit. To solve it, the five boys and three leaders walk back up to the ranger station (护林站) — only to find out it was closed.

When the boys got moving, they’d already drunk most of their water. In the burning sun, temperatures reached 115°F. Even the leaders were having trouble walking on. But the group finally made it down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Heat evil was occurring. "My son made it about 100 yards from the river and then dropped,"says his father, Robin. Two boys of them raced to the river to get him water.

When the boys arrived, the last rafting (筏运) trip of the day was passing by. As luck would have it, among the waiting riders were a few doctors. They rushed to give David first aid before going for help. But it was too late. David passed away from the heat evil.

It’s been 21 years since the boy’s deat h, and hiking still holds a strong memory of David for his family. The summer before the tragedy, his father had a long time to devote to his family. David and his dad spent the summer hiking all over the High Uintas, where snow-topped peaks reflect tower over glacier (冰川)-formed lakes.

The photo Robin took of Christmas Meadows there won the Reader’s Digest"From Sea to Shining Sea"photo contest and appeared on the July 2017 magazine cover. To Robin, it isn’t just a fascinating landscape —it’s also a powerful reminder of his late son.

24. How many people does David’s group consist of?



A. 11

B. 10

C. 9

D. 8

25. What does the sentence "Even the leaders were having trouble walking on."in Paragraph 3 suggest?

A. The leaders were taller and older.

B. The leaders covered shorter distance.

C. The leaders were healthier and stronger.

D. The trouble the group faced was so great as to be beyond expectation.

26. Where did Robin take the photo which won the Reader’s Digest"From Sea to Shining Sea"photo contest?

A. On the High Uintas.

B. Where David had been to.

C. In the Grand Canyon.

D. In the Christmas Meadows.

27. What does the passage intend to tell us mainly?

A. Take enough water with you when hiking.

B. Don’t hike to the Grand Canyon in too hot weather.

C. Robin still misses his late son, David.

D. Doctors can’t necessarily succeed in saving every patient.


In 1975, George Carlin appeared on a popular TV show, Saturday Night Live, with his famous words about blue food. "Why is the re no blue food? I can’t find blue food—I can’t find the flavor of blue! I mean yellow is lemon; orange is orange and red is cherry. Where is the blue food? "

Well, Carlin almost has it right—there’s not no blue food, but there’s certainly not a lot of it. Fresh-picked blueberries are blue, though they become purple when they are turned into jam. The blue in blueberries—like the purple in grapes and the red in tomatoes—is found in nature. But it isn’t a hot color for food. People don’t seem to prefer blue food. Some diet programs even suggest that those determined to lose weight should make their food blue.

Eating, in part, begins with our eyes. Charles Spence—an experimental psychologist from Oxford University—points out that color can change our taste experience. Commonly, we consider red-colored foods up to 20% sweeter than they actually are and green foods as being more sour. Spence suggests: human expectations may be influenced by our long history of watching—green fruits can become sweet as they grow up and turn red.

But what about blue? Except blueberries, much of the blue food we see these days is dyed blue artificially. Food producers argue that artificial color doesn’t do much harm to health. A lot of research shows that some physical problems of kids are related to food dyes—while other studies show no effects at all. Blue birthday cake or even blue-dyed chicken can be served on the dinner table. 28. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To introduce the topic.

B. To introduce a TV show.

C. To state the author’s opinion.

D. To explain why people dislike blue.

29. What can we learn about blueberries from Paragraph 2?

A. The blue in blueberries is found natural.

B. Blueberries are still blue when processed.

C. Most people don’t eat blueberries owing to the color.

D. People often feel cold when they eat blueberries.

30. What does the author mean by saying eating sometimes begins with our eyes?

A. People prefer red-colored food to green food.

B. We should examine food carefully before eating.

C. Our taste experience can be influenced by color.

D. Red-colored foods look sweeter than they actually are.



The common over-the-counter painkiller, Aspirin (阿司匹林) gained popularity right before the turn of the 20th century, but after many a decades’ worth of work, it was eventually replaced by other medicines.

31 Soon it was being handed out by doctors for daily usage to help prevent blood clots (凝块) and being packed away in purses across the globe for the purpose of heart-attack prevention. That is, unless you’re this age, which could make a use of aspirin deadly. 32 It may just help keep your teeth in good condition, according to the BBC.

Scientists in Belfast, Ireland, recently completed a study analyzing aspirin’s ability to help protect teeth, and the results were promising. The researchers at Queen’s University found that the common painkiller improves teeth’s ability to avoid tooth decay (腐烂).

33 The researchers are currently looking into ways in which the aspirin can be applied practically, as the drug needs to be installed in a way that it can slowly release doses into the tooth over time. For example, aspirin could make fillings abandoned, because the teeth would regenerate (再生) themselves.

Professor Tom Green, one of the researchers behind the study, expressed that the commonness of aspirin can prove to be a huge advantage for future research and application: "We are not really talking about something in 10 or 20 years’ time. 34 This novel approach could not only increase the long-term survival of teeth but could also result in huge savings for healthcare systems worldwide."


A. Aspirin becomes more and more valuable.

B. But aspirin’s application increased sharply.

C. But aspirin’s application shifted and changed.

D. Now it appears this miracle drug has one more use.

E. Soon it could be tried in a clinical trial with patients.

F. The solution isn’t as simple as simply taking an aspirin a day.

G. The more researches scientists do, the more aspirin’s additional uses grow.




When we rescued her, we didn’t know Serenity was pregnant until we saw her newborn baby on the ground. We stood at a short distance to 36 this miracle of life with her. But 37 she realized we drew near, Serenity did something we would never have 38 : she stepped over her baby, 39 herself on top of him, and looked at us with 40 begging us silently not to take him away from her.

We instantly stepped 41 so she would not feel afraid. From then on, we gave Serenity and Rumi as much 42 as we could. When we had to clean their house, we did not look at the little 43 , to seem non-frightening, and we kept telling Serenity that they will never be 44 for the rest of their lives.

As the 45 passed, now Serenity realized that we were not going to take away her son and she began to get 46 and trust us. She finally even allowed us to 47 her son. Now her son is seven years old and has his friends and activities, but Serenity is never far away and always paying 48 attention to him.

We saved Serenity from a slaughterhouse(屠宰场)and thank goodness we did because a few weeks later she gave 49 to her son, Rumi. That is 50 we learned that most dairy cows are sent 51 pregnant to a slaughterhouse so that they weigh more, thus 52 more money. How 53 the dairy industry was to separate moms 54 babies! They want and love their babies as much as we do. All babies should be raised with love, safety, and their 55 , no matter what species they are.

36. A. predict B. celebrate C. attend D. deliver

37. A. suddenly B. shortly C. immediately D. finally

38. A. experienced B. expected C. operated D. known

39. A. positioned B. protected C. behaved D. quit 40. A. wonder B. relief C. surprise D. fear

41. A. forward B. in C. down D. back

42. A. care B. distance C. food D. water

43. A. pig B. dog C. cow D. child

44. A. killed B. parted C. taken D. frightened

45. A. days B. months C. hours D. years

46. A. relaxed B. amazed C. excited D. disappointed

47. A. like B. howl C. pet D. hit

48. A. close B. simple C. occasional D. rare

49. A. way B. hand C. expression D. birth

50. A. why B. how C. when D. that

51. A. originally B. temporarily C. deliberately D. unwillingly

52. A. taking in B. bringing in C. making up D. giving away

53. A. cruel B. silly C. wise D. ridiculous

54. A. from B. into C. among D. off

55. A. doctor B. owner C. father D. family





Snakes are just about the most frightening thing in the world, according to Dr. Henry Walton Jones Jr. The only thing 56 (bad) than a snake you can see is a snake you can’t see, however. And thanks 57 the photos Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers offer, you can experience the latter horror from the comfort of almost anywhere else besides the place 58 that snake is.

The snake-l ike animals’ removal(移动) and relocation 59 (serve) from Queensland, Australia posted a challenge to its 51,000 some-odd fans 60 (find) the snake in the photo.

Any luck? The photo shows that this particular backyard seems like 61 regular "I Spy"book for snakes, so it’s understandable if they are still looking hard. The snake is actually in the top right corner, __62__ (hide) in the crook(藤条) between the two fences.



Fear of snakes 63 (call) "Ophidiophobia"(蛇恐怖症) or "being a rational person". People are afraid of a lot of odd things, though.

This fun little puzzle proves to just be further evidence that Australia is a 64 (terrible) dangerous place where everything 65 (try) to eat you. We’ll just stick to trying to find turtles in flowers, thank you very much. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)










Dear editor,

Last year, I went to England for a student exchange programme.

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Li Hua



Many people are fond of listening to music. Whether it’s light music or jazz music, it can improve our moods. Music has been with us since very early times in human history. Have you ever wondered how music might affect our health?

Research shows that having musical training and listening to or playing music at an old age can help keep the brain healthy. Since listening to music is like exercising the brain, one can expect the benefits of better memory and mental sharpness as he or she ages.

Music can make you feel happy, excited or even pumped up. Listening to music that hits you in a special way causes your brain to release dopamine, which is known as a "feel-good" chemical. It causes us to feel happy and excited. Listening to music provides us with the same burst of happiness that we would get from eating a piece of chocolate.

Music can strengthen the heart and shorten the recovery time of patients who are suffering from heart disease.

A study found that heart disease patients who listened to music for 30 minutes had lower blood pressure, slower heart rates and less sadness than those who didn’t. Researchers from Drexel University found th at cancer patients who either listened to music or worked with a music therapist had better blood pressure levels and improved moods.

Music can reduce levels of the stress hormone, which weakens the immune(免疫) system, increasing risk of heart disease, affecting learning and memory, lowering bone density (密度) and blood pressure, etc. Research found that by listening to just 50 minutes of uplifting music, the levels of antibodies in the human body increase.

Research has found that listening to music promotes better sleep patterns for people and even creates more restful sleep. In some cases, music might even be able to be used to effectively treat sleeplessness. Music can have positive effects on the soul and quality of life as well.

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