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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey




写作选用考生所熟悉的题材。考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等,写出一篇不少于120词的短文。写作要求思想表达准确、意义连贯、无严重语法错误。 二、考核技能与要求

写作部分考核学生用英语进行书面表达的能力,所考核的技能包括以下四点: (一)思想表达 1.表达中心思想

2.表达重要或特定信息 3.表达观点、态度等 (二)篇章组织

4.围绕所给的题目叙述、议论或描述,突出重点 5.连贯地组句成段,组段成篇 (三)语言运用 6.运用恰当的词汇 7.运用正确的语法 8.运用合适的句子结构 9.使用正确的标点符号

10.运用衔接手段表达句间关系(如对比、原因、结果、程度、目的等) (四)写作格式



即“能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等, 能写常见的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出至少120词的短 文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。”


四级作文采用总体评分(Global Scoring)的方法,评分时考虑文章是否切题,是否充分表达思想,语言错误是否造成理解上的障碍,遣词造句是否清楚而确切地表达思想。 作文满分为15分,阅卷标准共分五等:2分,5分,8分,11分及14分。阅卷者根据阅卷标准,若认为作文与某一分数的标准相似,即定为该分数;若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数的标准,可以加1分或减1分。



2分:调理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误。 5分:基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。





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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey

字数不足扣分标准如下: 110-119 扣1分;100-109 扣2分;90-99 扣3分;80-89 扣4分;70-79 扣5分。60-69 扣6分;50-59扣7分;<49 扣9分。 注意:如题目中给出主题句、起始句、结束句,均不得计入所写字数;规定的内容未写全者,按比例扣分;如果扣为0分,要慎重处理。


扣分 1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 11分 12分 13分 14分 15分

得分率 67分 63分 60分 57分 54分 51分 48分 45分 42分 39分 37分 35分 33分 31分 29分 标准分 100.5分 94.5分 90分 85.5分 81分 76.5分 72分 67.5分 63分 58.5分 55.5分 52.5分 49.5分 46.5分 43.5分 注意:写作标准分=得分率x10x0.15=106.5~43.5分

Topic 20 On Popularity of Weibo 关于微博 ◇题目要求

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Popularity of Weibo.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.微博迅速成为流行的网络交流平台 2.微博大热的原因包括??


[1] Writing miniblog, adding celebrities as friends and having followers or fans do not just sound tempting. In fact, Weibo, or microblog, has become the most popular social networking tool in China.

[2]Why does Weibo become such a fashion recently? The major reasons are listed as follows To start with, in the fast-paced modem society, more often than not, people do not have time to write a long and thorough article on their blog. Therefore, Weibo, which allows 140 words at maximum, is readily accepted. Secondly, Weibo is a fast way to know changes in the world.

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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey

The information on Weibo updates fast, because every user can contribute to it by posting, forwarding and commenting on the latest news.

[3lIn my opinion, college students should make good use of Weibo to leam new ideas and communicate with people from all walks of life. However, they should not indulge in it. [1]以微博的特点篇,引出全文话题。

[2]以一个设问句提出疑问,转入对微博大热的原因分析。分别使用To start with?和Secondly...作为连接词,层次分明。

[3l用In my opinion者的看法:应利用好微博,但不可沉溺于其中。



第一段抓住“流行”,描述现象。 第二段重点阐述两点原因。 第三段提出作者的观点。 全文翻译:



在我看来,大学生应该好好利用微博来了解新思想以及与各行各业的人进行交流。但是,他们不应过度沉溺在微博中。 ◇亮点词汇

口tempting 以吸引人的 口become a fashion成为时尚

口more often than not通常 口have time for sth.有时间做某事

口be readily accepted被欣然接受了 口comment on sth.对某事发表评论 口communicate with sb.与某人交流 口get addicted to sth.对某事上瘾 口social networking tool社交网络工具 口fast-paced以快节奏的

口at maximum最多 口update v.更新 口make good use of充分利用 口all walks of life各行各业 口indulge in sth.沉溺在某事 ◇万能句型

1.The major reasons are listed as follows.(引出原因的总起句型) 主要原因罗列如下。

2.In my opinion,college students should make good use of...(表达作者观点 的句型)


Topic 21 On Food Safety 关于食品安全

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Food

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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey

Safety. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.近年来,人们越来越关注食品安全 2.出现这种现象的原因是?? 3.我的看法

[l]In the past, people focused more on the quantity of food than the quality or safety of food. However, in recent years, people are paying more and more attention to food safety.

[2]Why does food safety attract people's growing attention? There are mainly two reasons for this. First, with the improvement of living standard, people are much more concerned about their health and their demand for quality food increases. Second, there have been a growing number of incidents involving food safety in recent years. Among these incidents, the toxic milk scandal, pesticide contaminated vegetables and illegal cooking oil have shocked or even scared the nation.

[3]As I see it, food safety is closely related to people's health, so it is of great significance that the government take effective measures to ensure that food safety is well guaranteed.

[l]首段与过去情况作比较, 反衬出现在人们对食品安全的重视。




本文是一篇议论文,讨论食品安全问题,文章内容安排如下: 第一段引出话题。 第二段分析原因。 第三段发表个人看法。 ◆全文翻译



在我看来,食品安全与人们的健康息息相关。因此,政府采取有效措施确保食品安全这一点很重要。 ◇亮点词汇

口focus on...关注?? 口food safety食品安全 口living standard生活水平 口incident n.事件

口scandal n. 丑闻 口be related to sth.与?相关联

口pay attention to关注?? 口attract one's attention引起某人注意 口be concerned about关心? 口toxic ftDksik/口.有毒的

口contaminate v.污染 口be of great significance很重要的 ◆万能句型

1. In the past,?However, in recent years, people have been paying more and more attention to...(对比过去,引出现象句型)

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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey


2. Why does... attract people's growing attention? There are mainly two reasons for this.First,?Second,?(分析原因句型)

为什么?,?越来越受人们关注呢?主要原因有两个。首先,??。其次,??。 3. As I see it?.is closely related to?,so it is of great significance that... (引出解决办法句型)


Topic 22 On Plastic Surgery关于整容手术

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Plastic Surgery. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.整容已慢慢成为一种潮流 2.分析此现象背后的原因 3.在我看来?? ◇精品范文与分析

[1]Nowadays plastic surgery has become a new fashion among young people, although its safety has received much doubt.

[2]The reasons behind can be listed as bellow. Firstly, today's youngsters consider plastic operations as a form of worshipping their beloved stars. Plastic operations have become no rare phenomenon in entertainment circle. Crazy young fans tend to imitate what their idols do, including having plastic surgeries. Secondly, they receive those operations to increase their competitiveness in job-hunting. As the competition in job market is becoming fiercer and fiercer, everybody tries his/her best to become more competitive. Under such condition, having plastic surgery and becoming prettier is one means.

[3]As far as I am concerned, youngsters should give it a second thought when making such a big decision as having plastic surgeries. After all, there exist great risks in those operations. [1]用一句话概述整容受年轻人追捧的社会现象,同时指出其安全性受质疑。




这是一篇议论文,要求就整容这种社会现象做阐述。文章内容安排如下 第一段指出现象。

第二段分析背后的原因。 第三段发表“我”的看法。 全文翻译



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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey

在我看来,年轻人在做诸如接受整形手术这样重大的决定时,应再三考虑。毕竟,这些手术有着很大的风险。 ◇亮点词汇

口 receive much doubt受到许多质疑 口 youngster n. 年轻人 口plastic operations整容手术 口 beloved a. 至爱的

口imitate n模仿 口 under such condition在这种情况下 口give sth. a second thought再三考虑 口be listed as bellow罗列如下 口consider sth. as把某物视为? 口worship v. 崇拜 口rare phenomenon稀有现象 口after all毕竟 ◇万能句型

1. Nowadays... has become a new fashion among young people, although its...has received much doubt.(指出现象句型)


2. The reasons behind can be listed as bellow. Firstly,?Secondly,?(常用引出原因句型)

背后的原因可以罗列如下。第一,??。第二,??。 3.As far as I am concerned,.(常用引出作者观点句型) 在我看来,??。

Topic 23 Urbanization 关于城市化

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Urbanization. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.目前城市化已成为热点话题 2.城市化有利也有弊


[1] The 2010 World Expo has turned “city life” into a heated issue. Evidence mounts that a better. However, urbanization has brought about problems as well.

[2]On the one hand, urbanization boosts regional economy and introduces more

technologies, which enhance people's living standard. Residents are able to enjoy not only convenient transportation, but also various types of entertainment. On the other hand, along with regional development, there also comes pollution. Car exhausts, factory emissions and wasted water damage the environment and city expansion causes extinctions of certain species. Moreover, there have been a growing number of people in city suffering from sub-health problems and physical and mental fatigue due to the stressful and rapid-paced life.

[3]From my viewpoint, urbanization does bring benefits to our lives. Yet, we should by no means ignore the problems that it causes and take measures to handle them.

[1]首句用上海世博会引出“城市化”这一热点话题。随后两句概述城市化存着利与弊。 [2]具体分析城市化的好处和弊端。好处包括:区域经济增长、技术引入、生活水平提高等。弊端包括:环境污染、物种灭绝等。论述比较充分,但由于使用了on one hand和On the other hand作引导, 层次依然分明。



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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey


这是一篇议论文,要求讨论城市化对我们生活的正负面的影响。文章内容安排 如下:


第二段分析城市化的利与弊。 第三段发表作者对城市化的看法。 ◇全文翻译






口tum sth. into sth.把??变成?? 口urbanization /,a:banai'zeijan/n.城市化 口boost v. 促进 口enhance v.提高

口convenient transportation便捷的交通 口car exhaust汽车尾气 口city expansion城市扩张 口fatigue /fa'ti:g/n.疲劳 口take measures to handle 口a heated issue热点话题 口bring about sth.带来某物 口regional economy区域经济 口living standard生活水平 口along with...在??的同时 口factory emissions工厂废气 口extinction n.灭绝 口take measures to handle sth.采取措施处理某事 ◇万能句型

1..?has tumed... into a heated issue.(引出现象句型) ??使??成为了一个热门话题。

2. Evidence mounts that... does make people's life better. However, ?has brought about problems as well.(引出优缺点,并0与弊句型) ’

越来越多的证据表明,??的确能让生活变得更美好。然而,??也带来了一 些问题。

3.From my viewpoint,?(表明作者观点句型) 我认为,??。

Topic 24 TV Talent Shows 关于电视选秀节目 ◇题目要求

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled TV Talent Shows. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.如今电视选秀节目非常流行,不少年轻人参加 2.选秀节目有利有弊 3.我的看法

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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey

[l]Nowadays TV talent shows have become very popular and it is not uncommon to see many young people attend these shows.

[2]TV talent shows, as is the case with many issues, have both merits and demerits. On the one hand, these shows can provide excellent opportunities for the young people to express themselves and to perform their talents of singing, dancing, and so on. On the other hand, they may mislead the youth and make them believe that they can make a big fortune or become famous overnight, ignoring the fact of \

[3]As far as I am concerned, TV talent show is like a double-edged sword, which can do both good and harm. It is extremely important for us to face it properly. [l]开篇用一句话简洁明快地交代了电视选秀节目的现状. [2]先概述电视选秀节目有利有弊,继而分别对此进行说明。TV talent shows,?,have both merits and demerits是概述。On the one hand和 Ort the other hand则分别引出电 视选秀节目的利和弊。



这是一篇议论文,要求就电视选秀节目做阐述,文章内容安排如下: 第一段指出选秀节目流行的这种现状。

第二段分别说明电视选秀节目的优点与不足。 第三段发表个人对选秀节目的看法。 ◇全文翻译



在我看来,电视选秀节目是一把双刃剑,既有利又有弊。正确对待很重要。 ◇亮点词汇

口TV talent show电视选秀节目 口attend v.参加,出席

口merits and demerits优点与不足 口excellent opportunity绝好的机会 口express oneself表达自我 口perform one's talent展现某人的才能

口mislead sb.误导某人 口ignore v. 忽视 口a double-edged sword一把双刃剑 ◇万能句型

1.Nowadays... have become very popular.(提出现象句型) 如今??十分流行。

2?, as is the case with many issues, have both merits and demerits. On the one hand,.On the other hand,.(说明优点与不足的句型)

正如许多事物一样,??也是既有优点也有不足的。一方面,??。另一方面,??。 3.As far as I am concerned,?.is like a double-edged sword, which can do both good and harm.(表明作者观点句型)


Topic 25 On College Students Getting 关于大学生结婚

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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On College Students Getting. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.如今的在校大学生可以结婚 2.人们对在校大学生结婚看法不一 3.我的看法

[l]In the past, Chinese college students were not allowed to get married and if married, they must quit school. However, college students today can get married as long as they have reached the legal marriage age.

[2lRegarding college students' getting married, people's opinions vary from person to person. Some people think that getting married in college would disturb the normal order of schools. In addition, most college students are neither emotionally nor financially prepared to start a family. Rushing into marriage may result in big problems in the future. Nevertheless, other people claim that college students have their right to get married. As long as they are well prepared and think thoroughly, we should respect their choices.

[3]In my opinion, college students should give careful consideration to the responsibilities of starting a family before rushing to get married.

[1]交代论题的背景,由此引出下段对大学生结婚现象的讨论。 [2l转A说明正反双方对大学生结婚现象的不同看法。双方分别从仓促结婚的危害及学生享有的权利等角度展开辩论,各自理由都相当充分,有说服力。 [3]提出个人的观点:大学生对婚姻要慎重。



本文是一篇议论文,要求对大学生结婚这一话题做阐述,文章内容安排如下: 第一段交代背景,强调情况的今昔对比。

第二段分析人们对在校大学生结婚现象的支持和反对的声音。 第三段谈自己对大学生结婚的看法。 ◇全文翻译

过去在中国,在校大学生是不允许结婚的,如果结婚了就必须退学。然而,如今的大学生只要达到法定年龄就可以结婚。 关于大学生结婚这种现象,人们的看法各不相同。有些人认为大学生在校期间结婚会扰乱正常的学校秩序。而且,大多数大学生,不管是从情感上还是从经济上来说,都没有做好结婚的准备。仓促结婚可能会引起未来的大问题。然而,另外一些人称大学生有权利结婚。只要他们准备好了并且考虑清楚了,我们就应该尊重他们的决定。



口allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 口normal order正常秩序 口be prepared to do...做好??的准备 口nevertheless conj.然而 口think thoroughly仔细考虑清楚

口give careful consideration to考虑周详

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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey

口rush to do sth.着急做某事

口quit school退学 口as long as只要


1. Regarding..., people's opinions vary from person to person. Some people think that... Nevertheless, other people claim that...(引出两种不同观点的句 型)


2.In my opinion,.should give careful consideration to... (提出作者观点句 型)


Topic 26 On Celebrities Accepted by Universities关于名人被大学破格录取

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Celebrities Accepted by Universities. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1.近年来,体育影视名人被大学破格录取的现象不少见 2.对此现象,有人认可有人反对 3.我的看法是??

[1]Nowadays, it is no surprise to find out that you enter the same university with a celebrity. Many colleges and universities in China are more than happy to enroll a film star or a sports star.

[2]Heated discussion has been generated by this phenomenon. It is held by some people that colleges and universities should take the lead in providing equal opportunities for each candidate and therefore no exception should be made on celebrities. However, others disagree with the view mentioned above. They argue that celebrities like film stars or sports stars, who contribute to our society in one way or another, deserve a more tolerant attitude and therefore a more flexible policy on their further education.

[3]As far as I am concerned, the current practice with regards to celebrities' admission to universities should be improved and made more transparent. For instance, it is feasible to require celebrities to pass tests with equal importance to the national entrance examination before admission.


[2]该段介绍人们对此现象的一正一反两种不同看法及论据。条理清晰,态度鲜明。 [3]发表作者的观点并提出建议。


这是一篇议论文,要求对名人被大学破格录取现象发表看法。文章内容安排如下: 第一段描述现象。

第二段阐述人们对此现象的不同看法。 最后一段发表作者的看法。 ◇全文翻译

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大学英语四级作文范文100篇之社会热点问题 Topic 21-40 内部资料只作学习交流用途 Edited by Jeffrey


我认为汉语热确实反映了中国在世界的影响力。但是,我希望个人的兴趣爱好,而不是经济利益,将来成为学习汉语的主要原因。并且,我期待更多的不同思 想和文化的交流能有益于我们的祖国。 ◇亮点词汇

口heat up升温 口sweep the world风靡全球

口consensus v.一致同意 口obtain opportunities获得机会 口enhance n提高 口fascinate v.吸引

口reflect v. 反映 口personal interest个人兴趣爱好 口economic benefit经济利益 口exchange v.交流 ◇万能句型

1.?has been constantly heating up all over the world.(提出现象句型) ??在全世界持续升温。

2. Why...? There are mainly two reasons. To begin with,?Furthermore, (分析原因句型)

为什么???主要有两个原因。首先,??。其次,??。 Topic 31 On Academic Cheating 关于学术造假 ◇题目要求

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Academic Cheating. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.如今学术造假现象不少见 2.学术造假的原因是?? 3.我对此现象的看法

[l] Nowadays, \. From time to time, names of some professors appear in scandals of academic cheating. They deliberately copy other scholars' research results in their own papers and books.

[2]Why does cheating become a usual phenomenon in this field? First and foremost, it is because some scholars lack personal integrity. In order to obtain higher academic status, they are willing to betray their conscience. Second, academic field is inevitably affected by the climate of pursuing fame and money. The heated competition for titles and subsidy stimulates academic cheating. Third, the academic review system does little work to find out the piratic contents or prevent the illegal articles from being published.

[3] In my opinion, the short-term benefits such as fame and money are indeed charming to everyone. However, one should resist this kind of temptations, for if academic cheating is disclosed, one may lose not only his reputation and money, but also his freedom. [1] 点明现状,直入主题,概述学术造假频繁的社会现象。





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第一段陈述现象,并简要描述。 第二段分析学术造假频出的原因

第三段谈自己对此的看法,发出呼吁。 ◇全文翻译

如今,“学术造假”一词成了媒体报道中的高频词。时不时地,有一些教授的名字出现在学术造假的丑闻中。他们故意在自己的论文和书籍中剽窃其他学者的研究成果。 为什么并虚作假成了这个领域的常见现象了呢?首先,这是因为许多学者缺乏操守。为了获取更高的学术地位,他们愿意出卖自己的良心。其次,学术领域不可避免地受到追逐名利的风气的影响。对职称和津贴的激烈竞争刺激了学术造假。再次,学术审查制度在找出剽窃内容和防止违法文章出版方面无甚作为。

在我看来,短期利益如名誉和金钱诚然对每个人都很有吸引力。但是,人们应该抵制这种诱惑,因为如果学术造假一旦被揭露,造假的人也许不仅会失去名誉和金钱,而且会失去自由。 ◇亮点词汇

口a phrase of high frequency高频词 口from time to time时不时地 口scandal n.丑闻 口deliberately adv. 以故意地 口first and foremost首先 口academic status学术地位

口be affected by...受??影响 口subsidy n. 津贴,补助金 口does little work没做什么 口prevent... from doing防止?? 口piratic a. 剽窃的 口short-term benefits短期利益 口disclose v.揭露 万能句型

1. Nowadays,?has been a high frequency phrase in media reports. (提出现象句型)


2. Why does... become a usual phenomenon in this field? First and foremost, ?Second?.third?.(分析原因句型)


Topic 32 0n Addiction to Computer Games among Teenagers


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled 0n Addiction to Computer Games among Teenagers. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1.现在许多青少年玩电脑游戏成瘾 2.分析这种现象出现的原因 3.提供解决这个问题的措施

[1] lt is reported that large numbers of teenagers are addicted to computer games. Many of them consequently are near-sighted, abandon their study and isolate themselves.

[2] Why do so many teenagers indulge in computer games? Basically there are two reasons. Firstly, parents are to blame for neglecting their duty to educate their children to play computer moderately. Secondly, teenagers feel either frustrated or dull in the real life and are

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thirsty for a sense of fulfillment in computer games.

[3]Since computer games bring about hazards, effective measures should be taken to prevent more teenagers from indulging in them. To begin with, it is necessary for parents to help their children find satisfaction in other helpful interests. Furthermore, teenagers should face up to the difficulties and pressure in the real life rather than seek refuge from them. By these efforts, it is hopeful that this problem could be solved.

[1] 直接陈述青少年玩电脑游戏成瘾的问题,并罗列这一问题可导致的严重后果。

[2] 从家长和青少年自身两方面分析问题出现的原因。家长方面是疏于管教,青少年方面则是他们对现实感到沮丧或无趣,渴望电脑游戏带来的满足感。



本文是一篇议论文,讨论青少年玩电脑游戏成瘾的问题,文章内容安排如下 第一段提出问题,并简要描述后果。 第二段分析原因。 第三段提出解决措施。 ◇全文翻译



既然电脑游戏会导致危害,我们就应该采取有效措施防止更多青少年沉迷其中。首先,家长有必要帮助孩子从其他兴趣爱好中获得满足感。其次,青少年应直面现实生活中的困难和压力,而不要躲避它们。通过这些努力,我们有希望解决青少年沉迷网络的问题。 ◇亮点词汇

口be addicted to沉溺于?? 口near-sighted瓯近视的 口abandon one's study荒废某人的学业

口indulge in sth.沉迷于?? 口be to blame该受责备 口feel frustrated感到沮丧 口be thirsty for渴望?? 口sense of fulfillment成就感 口bring about引起,导致 口hazard fhazad/厅.危险,危害 口face up to直面?? 口seek refuge from躲避?? ◇万能句型

1.Why…?Basically there are two reasons. Firstly,.Secondly,…(分析原因句型) 为什么???原因主要有两个。第一,??。第二,?? 。

2. Since..., effective measures should be taken to... To begin with,…Furthermore, …(引出解决措施句型)


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Topic 33 Should Parents Limit Children's Time Online?



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Parents Limit Children's Time Online. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1.如今许多孩子上网成瘾,一些家长因而限制孩子的上网时间 2.不少人对此做法表示赞同 3.我对此的看法是?..

[l]With the popularization of computers and the Intemet, many children have access to the Intemet. However, as children have little ability of controlling their time online, many of them are addicted to the Internet.

[2]Confronted with this problem, some parents have taken measures to limit their children's time online. Many people are supportative of these parents for they believe that for one thing children should focus on their study rather than spend too much time on the Intemet, and for another since most children show a lack of self-control, parents should help their children set a limit to their time online.

[3]As I see it, children are too vulnerable to temptations. Once they are allowed to get online freely, they would probably be hooked by various computer games or lose themselves in the virtual world. Therefore, it is advisable to set limits on children's time online. [l]首段开门见山提出很多孩子有网瘾这一社会现象,引出话题。

[2] 这一段主要讲述支持限制孩子上网这种做法的依据:孩子应专注于学习;自控能力差。 [3]最后发表个人看法:限制孩子上网时间是明智的。 ◇写作思路

这是一篇议论文,要求论述父母是否应限制孩子的上网时间。文章内容安排如下: 第一段引出话题。

第二段阐述他人的看法。 第三段表达自己的看法。 ◇全文翻译

随着电脑和互联网的普及,许多小孩都可以使用因特网。然而,由于孩子不 太有控制上网时间的能力,很多孩子上网成了瘾。


在我看来,孩子太容易陷入诱惑了。一旦被允许自由地上网.他们很可能就会被各种各样的电脑游戏吸引,或者在虚拟世界里迷失自己。因此,限制孩子的上网时间是明智的。 ◇亮点词汇

口have access to...可以使用?? 口be addicted to...对??上瘾 口confronted with...面临?? 口spend time on...花时间在??上 口show a lack of显示缺乏?? 口be wlnerable to...易受??的影响 口be advisable to do sth.做某事是明智的 ◇万能句型

1.With the popularization of?,?have access to...(提出现象句型) 随着??的普及,??能够使用??。

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2.As I see it?.(发表作者观点句型) 在我看来,??。

Topic-34 Will High Technology Eliminate Cultural Diversity?


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Will High Technology Eliminate Cultural Diversity?.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.


2.-些人担心高科技发展会抹杀文化差异性,另一些人却认为不会 3.我对此的看法是?..

[1]Thanks to high technologies, the earth has become \ People of different nationalities and colors can know about each other through the Intemet and even interact with each other by means of communication equipment.

[2]People's view differs toward this phenomenon Some of them are afraid that cultures of different nations may converge as one due to more interaction brought about by high technologies. Whereas, some others hold that people seem to have a lot more in common under the impact of high technologies, but their inner worlds are in fact deeply rooted into different soils and their cultures will not merge together easily.

[3lIn my opinion, high technology has indeed provided a platform for cultural exchanges. Nevertheless, cultural diversity won't be eliminated because it is a complex of conception, customs, languages and so on, which is too strong to be assimilated. Instead, culture needs development, and it can develop better by leaming from other cultures with the help of high technology.

[1] 开门见山提出高科技给人类带来的影响,并以互联网与通讯工具的功用为证。




本文是一篇议论文,讨论高科技对文化多样性的影响,文章内容安排如下 第一段简述高科技对人们的影响。

第二段描述人们对高科技是否会抹杀文化多样性的不同看法。 第三段发表个人观点。


因为高科技,地球已经变成“平的”了。不同国籍和肤色的人们可以通过网络 彼此了解甚至借助通讯工具相互交流互动。 对此现象人们的看法不一。一些人担心由于高科技使人们的交流互动增多,不同民族的文化会融合成一体。然而,另一些人却认为虽然在高科技影响下人们看上去有了更多的相似之处,但是他们的内心世界却牢牢扎根于不同的土壤当中,他们的文化不会轻易融合。 在我看来,高科技确实为文化交流提供了一个平台,然而,文化的多样性不会因此被消除,因为文化是观念、习俗、语言等的复合体,很牢靠,不容易被同化。相反,文化需要发展,而在高科技的帮助下文化可以在学习的过程中发展得更好。

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口thanks to由于,多亏 口interact with...与??互动

口by means of利用,通过 口communication equipment通讯工具

口converge /kan' V3:d3/y.会聚,集中 口have... in common有??相同之处 口under the impact of在??的影响下口inner worlds内心世界 口root into在??扎根 口merge /m3:d3/y.融合

口cultural exchanges文化交流 口cultural diversity文化多样性 口eliminate v.消除 口a complex of是??的集合体 口assimilatev.使同化 口with the help of借助?? ◇万能句型

1.Thanks to??has become...(提出现象句型) 因为??,??已经变成??了。

2. People's view differs toward this phenomenon. Some of them are afraid that. Whereas,some others hold that...(引出不同观点句型)


Topic 35 Graduate's Embarrassment A Famous University


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Graduate's Embarrassment A Famous University.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1.名校毕业不一定能找到满意的工作 2.导致这种尴尬现象的原因是?? 3.名校大学生可以做什么努力

[l] Elite schools do not always promise a bright future. Nowadays many graduates from first-class universities cannot find a satisfactory job.

[2]There are mainly two reasons for this embarrassing phenomenon. First, the severe employment situation at present inevitably affects these graduates' job hunting, despite their excellent educational background. Second, these students usually are unwilling to start from a humble job. There is often a wide gap between the salaries they expect and those that enterprises are ready to offer to new graduates.

[3] Since the hope of an immediate improvement in the employment situation is slim, main efforts should be made by these students themselves. Firstly, these students should accumulate more working experience before graduation so as to make themselves more competitive in the job market. Secondly, they should set aside their pride and accept a comparatively low-paid job but with great potential. After all, the way to success is not always smooth from the start.

[1]首段开门见山提出一流大学毕业生的就业尴尬。 [2]针对这一就业尴尬,文章提出两点主要理由:严峻的就业形势及名校毕业生的自尊心强、期望值过高。 [3]最后,用Firstly_ Secondly...等就应对这一尴尬现状提出两点意见:毕业前积累经验,增强竞争力;放下身段,从基层做起。


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本文是一篇议论文,讨论名校毕业生难找好工作的原因,文章内容安排如下: 第一段阐述现状。

第二段分析导致这种现象的主要原因。 第三段提出自己的建议。 ◇全文翻译



由于就业现状立即改善的希望很渺茫,因此主要还得这些学生自身做出努力。首先,这些学生应该在毕业之前积累更多工作经验,好使自己在就业市场上更有竞争力。其次,他们应该放下自己的架子,接受相对低薪但很有潜力的工作。 毕竟通往成功的路并不总是一开始就很平坦。 ◇亮点词汇

口elite schools精英学校 口first-class a. 一流1;6J

口be unwilling to do sth.不情愿做?? 口a humble job卑微的工作 口educational background教育背景 口slim a. 渺茫的

口working expenence工作经验 口set aside放下 口low-paid a. 低薪的 口after all毕竟 口from the start从一开始 ◇万能句型

1. There are mainly two reasons for this... phenomenon. First,.Second,? (常用分析原因句型)


2.Main efforts should be made by?Firstly,.Secondly,?(提出解决办法句型) 主要还得??做出努力。首先,??。其次,??。


Topic 36 My View on College Town 我对大学城的看法 ◇题目要求

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on College Town.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.大学城正在不断涌现

2.出现这种现象原因有?? 3.我认为?一 ◇精品范文与分析

[l]The boom of building college towns is attracting much attention in recent years. Such college towns can be found in many cities, especially in big ones.

[2]The reasons for this boom can be concluded as follows. Firstly, the universities want to reduce their construction costs and increase their interaction with other colleges by joining a college town. In a college town, a university can share resources with other universities and enjoy the convenience the comprehensive infrastructure gives. Secondly, the local govemments hope to stimulate local economic development by a college town. The huge number of college students can not only create a large consumer group for that region, but also attract enterprises to settle

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down nearby.

[3] From my point of view, building college towns in big cities is the trend of the times. These college towns have lived up to expectations basically, since they realize the sharing of resources between universities and bring about economic growth. [l]首段开门见山提出建大学城的热潮。

[2掀用Firstly...Secondly?标志性词汇,从学校及政府两个方面说明建大学城热潮的原因:学校想节约成本,加强与其他学校的互动:政府想靠大学城拉动经济。论述条理清晰。 [3]发表自己的看法:建大学城是大势所趋,并且已基本达到预期效果。 ◇写作思路

这是一篇原因分析型议论文,要求分析大学城不断涌现的原因。文章内容安排如下。 第一段引出话题。 第二段解释原因。 第三段提出看法。 ◇全文翻译


造成这种热潮的原因可以总结如下。首先,各大高校希望通过加入大学城来降低工程费用,加强与其他大学的互动。在大学城里,大学之间可以共享资源,享受完备的基础设施带来的便利。其次,当地政府希望借助大学城刺激本地的经济增长。大量的大学生不仅能为该地区创造庞大的消费群,也可以吸引企业在附近落脚。 在我看来,在大城市建大学城是大势所趋。这些大学城实现了高校间的资源共享以及带来了经济增长,基本上可以说不负所望。 ◇亮点词汇

口boom /bu:m/肮激增,繁荣 口be concluded as follows总结如下 口construction costs建造成本 口interaction with...与??的互动 口share sth.with sb.与某人共享某物口local govemment当地政府 口stimulate economic development刺激经济增长

口settle down落脚,定居 口from my point of view依我看

口the trend of the times时代的潮流 口live up to expectations不负所望 ◇万能句型

1.The boom of... is attracting much attention in recent years.(提出现象句型) ??的热潮近年来吸引了很多注意力。

2. The reasons for... can be concluded as follows. Firstly,??Secondly,?.(分析原因句型)


Topic 37 On More Attention Be Paid to English than Chinese


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On More Attention Be Paid to English than Chinese o.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1.在中国,英语明显比中文更受重视 2.人们对这一失衡现象各持己见 3.我的观点是??

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[l]In China, English has clearly gained much more attention than Chinese, which is rare in other countries in the world. Anything with connection, even a remote one, to English is bound to flourish, such as bilingual summer camp.

[2]This phenomenon has been in the spotlight for some time. Some people argue that the unbalanced situation will put China's traditional culture in danger since language is the medium of culture. However, according to a different view, more emphasis put on English is not necessarily a bad sign. To those who hold this view, English is exactly what we need to know and leam from western countries, which is crucial to China's rise.

[3lFrom my mind's view, recognizing the importance of English should not hinder us from pursuing more understanding of our own language and culture. Therefore, we should devote as much time and energy to Chinese as to English. [l]开篇点明现状(英文受重视程度明显超过中文),并以双语夏令营作为此现象的一个例证。 [2]说明人们对此现象的对立看法,并就重视英语的利和弊进行阐述,层次分明。 [3]表明自己的观点,强调重视英语的同时,应同样重视中文。 ◇写作思路

这是一篇议论文,讨论英语比中文更受重视现象。文章内容安排如下: 第一段阐述英语比中文更受重视的现象。 第二段阐述人们对此现象的对立观点。 第三段阐明作者的观点。 ◇全文翻译

在中国,英语明显比中文更受重视。这种现象在世界上其他国家非常少见。任何与英语有关系的事物,即便只有一点点关系,都会兴旺发达,例如双语夏令营。 这一现象已被关注了一段时间。部分人认为这种不平衡的状况将使得中国的传统文化堪忧,因为语言是文化的媒介。然而,另有观点认为重视英语不一定是坏现象。在持此种观点的人看来,英语正是中国了解和学习西方国家所需的,这对中国崛起至关重要。

在我看来,认识到英语的重要性不应阻碍我们增加对本国语言和文化的了解。因此,我们应该在中文上投入跟英语同样的时间和精力。 ◇亮点词汇

口gain attention得到关注 口with connection to sth.与某事有联系 口be bound to 一定 口flourish v. 兴旺

口summer camp夏令营 口in the spotlight处于焦点

口put in danger使处于危险 口put emphasis on sth.重视某事 口be crucial to...对??至关重要 口China's rise中国的崛起 口hinder us from doing sth.阻碍某人做某事 口devote... to sth.在某事上投入?.. ◇万能句型

1.In China,.has clearly gained much more attention than...(常用提出现象句型) 在中国,??明显比??更受重视。

2.This phenomenon has been in the spotlight for some time.(说明现象受到关注句型)

这一现象已被关注了一段时间。 3.From my mind's view,.(提出作者观点句型)


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Topic 38 How to Limit the Damage Caused by Natual Disasters? 如何减少自然灾害带来的损害? ◇题目要求

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Limit the Damage Caused by Natual Disasters? .You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1.目前自然灾害不断增多,造成巨大损失 2.减小这类损失的方法包括?.一 3.作为一名大学生,我能做什么 ◇精品范文与分析

[l]Due to either cyclical changes or human interventions, there has been an increase in natural disasters in recent years. Earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes have taken numerous lives throughout the world.

[2]What can we do to prevent damage and minimize loss? First and foremost, people should by all means take measures to protect the environment. Methods such as recycling and using renewable energy should be advocated to help us save resources. Secondly, advanced technologies in disaster prediction are of great importance. Precise forecast ahead of time is crucial for people to survive. So the govemment should pay more attention to forecasting teclmology and allocate more funds to support related research and development programs.

[3]As a university student, I will work as a volunteer to help raise the public's environmental protection awareness. More importantly, I would like to teach survival skills during disasters to the people in my university and community.


[2] First and foremost,?Secondly,?从政府和普通民众两个角度阐述如何减少自然灾难带来的危害。

[3]As a university student 从一名大学生的角度,说明自己能够做的贡献有哪些。 ◇写作思路



第二段从两个角度来分析减小灾害损失的方法。 第三段联系自己,说明对此自己可以做的贡献。 ◇全文翻译



作为一个大学生,我将会作为志愿者,帮助提高公众的环保意识。更重要的是,我想要在我的学校和社区中,教人们灾难时的求生技能。 ◇亮点词汇

口cyclical change周期变化 口be an increase in增长 口natural disaster自然灾害 口tsunami n.海啸

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