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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes ) Section A 1. A) T B) F

Script: Just like Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Josiah Henson was a long-suffering slave who was unwilling to stand up for himself. 正确答案: B 2. A) T B) F

Script: The Underground Railroad is not a real road but a secret system used for helping thousands of slaves to escape north to Canada. 正确答案: A 3. A) T B) F

Script: After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parker helped other slaves to escape to get freedom. 正确答案: A 4. A) T B) F

Script: Supported by his religious convictions, Levi Coffin, a white American, worked as a \ 正确答案: A 5.

A) T B) F

Script: Many escaping slaves had to travel at night because it was easier for them to find the direction.

正确答案: B 6. A) T B) F

Script: Many fugitives chose Canada as their primary destination because slavery had been abolished there. 正确答案: A 7. A) T B) F

Script: The law at that time required black people seated in the middle area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them. 正确答案: A 8. A) T B) F

Script: According to Rosa Parks’ own statement, she refused to give up her seat to the white because she was too tired after work. 正确答案: B 9. A) T B) F

Script: The bus boycott in Montgomery didn’t come to an end until the Supreme Court announced the racial separation illegal on city buses. 正确答案: A 10. A) T B) F

Script: Rosa Parks was the first African American to be honored in the Capitol building after death.

正确答案: B

Section B

The central theme of Martin Luther King’s campaign for civil rights was non-violence. It worked better for King in the US than it did for Gandhi in (11)_________________ , where independence was (12)_________________ by terrible fighting between Muslims and Hindus (印度教教徒). There are lots of examples in King’s campaign of non-violent protest working. His campaign brought huge (13)_________________ and because King taught blacks to meet the whites with love, not hate, it made the whites look (14)_________________ and evil in the eyes of the world. For example, when students organized (15)_________________ protests, the world saw white men arresting peaceful blacks because they sat in the wrong seats in a lunch bar in Woolworth’s. When children (16)_________________ in Birmingham, Alabama, the police used water cannon and dogs against them, arrested them and put them in (17)_________________ .

Another important weapon in King’s (18)_________________ was publicity. For many poor blacks, life was simply a struggle to feed their families and keep a place to live. King needed to reach all those people and show them that their lives could be better. He made speeches all over America. He held meetings. When (19)_________________ , news of his arrest was in newspapers around the world. Black African-Americans became radicalized and wanted to fight. Some went further than King wanted, and used violence, as in the Watts Riots (暴动) in 1965 in Los Angeles. But he taught them that they could change things. Publicity then included posters, newspapers, meetings, (20)_________________ , marches, demonstrations, radio, and early television.

Script: The central theme of Martin Luther King’s campaign for civil rights was non-violence. It worked better for King in the US than it did for Gandhi in India, where independence was accompanied by terrible fighting between Muslims and Hindus (印度教教徒). There are lots of examples in King’s campaign of non-violent protest working. His campaign brought huge publicity and because King taught blacks to meet the whites with love, not hate, it made the whites look silly and evil in the eyes of the world. For example, when students organized lunchtime protests, the world saw white men arresting peaceful blacks because they sat in the wrong seats in a lunch bar in Woolworth’s. When children marched in Birmingham, Alabama, the police used water cannon and dogs against them, arrested them and put them in jail.

Another important weapon in King’s fight against injustice was publicity. For many poor blacks, life was simply a struggle to feed their families and keep a place to live. King needed to reach all those people and show them that their lives could be better. He made speeches all over America. He held meetings. When he was arrested, news of his arrest was in newspapers around the world. Black African-Americans became radicalized and wanted to fight. Some went further than King wanted, and used violence, as in the Watts Riots (暴动) in 1965 in Los Angeles. But he taught them that they could change things. Publicity then included posters, newspapers, meetings, word of mouth, marches, demonstrations, radio, and early television. 正确答案: India

正确答案: accompanied 正确答案: publicity 正确答案: silly

正确答案: lunchtime

正确答案: marched 正确答案: jail

正确答案: fight against injustice 正确答案: he was arrested 正确答案: word of mouth

Part II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )

Section A

In the 1820s Coffin moved west to Newport (now Fountain City), Indiana, where he opened a store. Word spread that fleeing slaves could always find 21 at the Coffin home. At times he 22 as many as 17 fugitives at once, and he kept a team and wagon ready to convey them on the next 23 of their journey. Eventually three principal routes 24 at the Coffin house, which came to be the Grand Central Terminal of the Underground Railroad.

For his efforts, Coffin received frequent 25 and warnings that his store and home would be burned. Nearly every conductor faced similar risks — 26 . In the North, a magistrate might have imposed a 27 or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping. In the Southern states, whites were 28 to months or even years in jail. One 29 Methodist minister, Calvin Fairbank, was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky, where he 30 his beatings: 35,105 stripes with the whip.

A) conformed B) converged C) fine D) sharply

E) death threats F) prejudiced G) courageous H) kept a log of I) crippled J) leg K) or worse L) refuge M) identity N) sheltered O) sentenced 21. ______________________ 正确答案: L

22. ______________________ 正确答案: N

23. ______________________ 正确答案: J

24. ______________________ 正确答案: B

25. ______________________ 正确答案: E

26. ______________________ 正确答案: K

27. ______________________ 正确答案: C

28. ______________________ 正确答案: O

29. ______________________ 正确答案: G

30. ______________________ 正确答案: H

Section B

Passage One

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

There was one shop in the town of Mufulira that was notorious for its color bar. It was a drugstore. While Europeans were served at the counter, a long line of Africans queued at the window and often not only were kept waiting but, when their turn came to be served, were rudely treated by the shop assistants. One day I was determined to make a public protest against this kind of thing, and many of the schoolboys in my class followed me to the store and waited outside to see what would happen when I went in.

I simply went into the shop and asked the manager politely for some medicine. As soon as he saw me standing in the place where only European customers were allowed to stand he shouted at me in a bastard language that is only used by a boss when speaking to his servants. I stood at the counter and politely requested in English that I should be served. The manager became exasperated and said to me in English, \serve you.\

I went to the District Commissioner’s office. Fortunately the District Commissioner was out, for he was one of the old school; however, I saw a young District Officer who was a friend of mine. He was very concerned to hear my story and told me that if ever I wanted anything more from the drugstore all I had to do was come to him personally and he would buy my medicine for me. I protested that that was not good enough. I asked him to accompany me back to the store and to make a protest to the manager. This he did, and I well remember him saying to the manager, \Council, and you treat him like a common servant.\said, \given him proper service.\

I had to explain once again that he had missed my point. Why should I have to introduce myself every time I went into a store ? any more than I should have to buy my medicine by going to a European friend? I want to prove that any man of any color, whatever his position, should have the right to go into any shop and buy what he wants.


\ A) a bar which is painted in different colors

B) the fact that white and black customers are served separately C) a bar of chocolate having different colors

D) a counter where people of different colors are served with beer 正确答案: B

正确答案: L

27. ______________________ 正确答案: I

28. ______________________ 正确答案: M

29. ______________________ 正确答案: J

30. ______________________ 正确答案: N

Section B

Passage One

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

There was a time when big-league university presidents really mattered. The New York Times covered their every move. Presidents, the real ones, sought their counsel. For Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower, being head of Princeton and Columbia, respectively, was a stepping-stone to the White House. Today, though, the job of college president is less and less removed from that of the Avon lady (except the house calls are made to the doorsteps of wealthy alums).

Ruth Simmons, the newly installed president of Brown University and the first African American to lead an Ivy League school, is a throwback to the crusading campus leaders of old. She doesn’t merely marshal funds; she invests them in the great educational causes of our day. With the more than $300 million she raised as president of Smith College from 1995 to 2001, Simmons also established an engineering program (the first at any women’s school). At a meeting to discuss the future of Smith’s math department, one professor timidly requested two more discussion sections for his course. Her response: \

Her own dream was born in a sharecropper's shack in East Texas where there was no money for books or toys — she and her 11 siblings each got an apple, an orange and 10 nuts for Christmas. When Simmons won a scholarship to Dillard University, her high school teachers took up a collection so she’d have a coat. She went on to Harvard to earn a Ph.D. in Romance languages.

Simmons has made diversity her No. 1 campus crusade. She nearly doubled the enrollment of black freshmen at Smith, largely by traveling to high schools in the nation’s poorest ZIP codes to recruit. Concerned with the lives of minority students once they arrive at school, she has fought to ease the racial standoffs that plague so many campuses. In 1993, while vice provost at Princeton, she wrote a now famous report recommending that the university establish an office of conflict resolution to defuse racial misunderstandings before they boiled over.

Her first task at Brown will be to heal one such rupture last spring after the student paper published an incendiary ad by conservative polemicist David Horowitz arguing that blacks economically benefited from slavery. \’s no safe ground for anybody in race relations, but campuses, unlike any other institution in our society, provide the opportunity to cross racial lines,\says Simmons. \’re hurt, you can’t walk away. You have to walk over that line.\


What does the author intend to illustrate with the example of Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower?

A) The president of the first-class university was really very important. B) The presidents gave them some good advice.

C) The presidents of the university could easily go to the White House. D) The presidents had more power and authority than Avon ladies. 正确答案: A 32.

What does the author mean by \of the Avon lady\

A) College presidents can get their position with the help of the Avon lady. B) The jobs of college presidents and the Avon lady were quite similar. C) College presidents get inspiration from the job of the Avon lady.

D) The jobs of college presidents and the Avon lady should be separated. 正确答案: B 33.

What can we infer from the 2nd paragraph?

A) Simmons was an old crusading campus leader. B) Simmons wanted to expand her university.

C) Simmons knew well about how to invest the money. D) Simmons was a competent and ambitious president. 正确答案: D 34.

What does the 4th paragraph mainly talk about?

A) Simmons greatly sympathized the black people. B) Simmons wanted to diversify her university.

C) Simmons made a great effort to solve the racial problems. D) Simmons wrote a famous report. 正确答案: C 35.

Which of the following is true according to the text?

A) Simmons had successfully solved the racial problems. B) Simmons owed her success to her high school teachers.

C) Simmons was born in a rich black family and received good education. D) Simmons asked her professor to be more ambitious. 正确答案: D

Passage Two

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Probably the hardest part of setting goals is the first step of actually deciding to take action! The first barrier facing most people is the incorrect assumption that goals are only for business people. The reality is everyone sets goals mentally throughout the day. There are always occasions where something has to be done at a particular time or in a particular place. Simple examples could be getting up at a certain time in order to be at work, or to meet with a friend for a leisure activity.

The beauty of having goals is the uniqueness of each one to the goal setter.

Whether it is personal, financial, business or spiritual, they are all specific to that person and their circumstances.

The most important part initially is to write them down. Having goals written down gives you incredible power while helping you to focus on this area.

Aim for something that will stretch you while remaining achievable. If you achieve your goal too easily, it is not high enough to make any significant change in your life and needs to be adjusted. On the other hand, if you consistently miss the goals, you will only get discouraged and probably give up. The aim is to keep growing, and moving into a more satisfactory position for your particular circumstances.

As you obtain the levels that you have set for yourself, always include a small reward at each point. This might only be a small thing in the early days like a meal out or a weekend vacation.

Remember that these changes will not happen overnight and there will be a period of time when nothing seems to be happening. This is why the goals need to be detailed and as specific as possible with a consequence and benefit.

Allow some time on a daily basis to educate yourself on how to make the necessary adjustments in your life. This could include listening to a CD, or reading a book on motivation, etc.

A simple method to start with could be one goal in the main areas of life to be achieved in one month, six months, twelve months or five years. Break that down further into a daily, weekly and monthly system. Stay focused and disciplined to achieve all that you desire.


The simple examples in Paragraph 1 convey the message that ___________. A) goals are set mostly for important things

B) most people know when it is time to set goals C) people set goals to get things done all the time D) it is necessary to set goals occasionally 正确答案: C 37.

The charm of having goals is that each goal is ______________. A) important

B) motivated C) special D) spiritual 正确答案: C 38.

A good goal is one that ________________. A) keeps growing all the time B) is high enough yet attainable

C) moves one into a satisfactory position D) is evaluated from time to time 正确答案: B 39.

Goals have to be detailed so that people ________________. A) can know their achievements at each stage

B) will eventually reach the levels set for themselves C) may get small rewards such as a meal out D) can adjust them on various occasions 正确答案: A 40.

For a goal to be achieved, one has to ________________. A) believe in what he is doing B) adapt oneself to new changes C) divert from routine sometimes D) concentrate on it until it is attained 正确答案: D

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes )


A good salary alone is no longer enough to _____________ staff. A) accelerate B) illustrate C) motivate

D) underestimate 正确答案: C 42.

We _____________ under a tree until the shower passed. A) refreshed B) negotiated

C) preserved D) sheltered 正确答案: D 43.

Brown is certainly confident ________ his future success. A) in B) with C) of D) to

正确答案: C 44.

She was sent on a special ________ to Africa. A) mission B) cause C) tour

D) delegation 正确答案: A 45.

A membership card ________ the holder to use the club’s facilities for a period of 12 months.

A) forces B) authorizes C) admits D) imposes 正确答案: B 46.

My professor suggested that I ________ the data accumulated over the years when I work on my project.

A) make use of

B) take possession of C) benefit

D) benefit from 正确答案: A 47.

It is her personal ________ that all corruption should be exposed and dealt with according to law.

A) convince B) idea

C) conviction

C) because the black weren't for them

D) because the conflicts between the North and the South were not settled 正确答案: A 40.

It can be inferred that in 1880s, ______.

A) some areas in the South were still occupied by the North B) the blacks in the South were freed at last C) many blacks fled to the South

D) the blacks in the South had the right to vote 正确答案: D

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes ) 41.

The desire to win glory for their country _____________ the athletes to train diligently. A) impels B) scatters C) prolongs D) terminates 正确答案: A 42.

There are many ways of _____________ a two-dimensional representation of an object. A) generating B) penetrating C) anticipating D) contaminating 正确答案: A 43.

She was sent on a special ________ to Africa. A) mission B) cause C) tour

D) delegation 正确答案: A 44.

A membership card ________ the holder to use the club’s facilities for a period of 12 months.

A) forces B) authorizes C) admits

D) imposes 正确答案: B 45.

Many people like white color as it is a ________ of purity. A) symbol B) sign C) signal D) symptom 正确答案: A 46.

We met some American soldiers _______ in brown uniforms. A) to be dressed B) dressed C) to dress D) dressing 正确答案: B 47.

To call the music of another music culture “primitive” is ________ one’s own standard on a group that does not recognize them. A) putting

B) emphasizing C) forcing D) imposing 正确答案: D 48.

You have to be prepared to _________ the things you believe in. A) stand up for B) stand for C) conform D) assume 正确答案: A 49.

She cut her hair short and tried to ________ herself as a man. A) decorate B) disguise C) fabricate D) fake

正确答案: B 50.

Think the conveniences of living in a big city and you will not hesitate a moment to choose to live in the ______ area. A) rural B) urban

C) underground D) domestic 正确答案: B 51.

Chang also said the franchise approach would have a great ______ on local drug retail market.

A) mission B) confidence C) impact

D) commitment 正确答案: C 52.

John was ______ to give up his property by her aunt. A) compelled B) repelled C) propelled D) expelled 正确答案: A 53.

It took them a few years to ______ the sunken wrecks out of the water finally. A) patrol B) haul C) forge D) veil

正确答案: B 54.

He makes a little money ______ by cleaning windows in his spare time. A) on the side B) as a result

C) by a small margin D) at one time 正确答案: A 55.

In the story the clever little fox ______ the hunters and escapes from the trap they set.

A) outsmarts B) imposes C) defeats D) disguises 正确答案: A 56.

The government is trying to do something to _________ better understanding between the two countries. A) raise B) promote C) heighten D) increase 正确答案: B 57.

Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about _________ compliments to his political leaders. A) paying B) having paid C) to pay

D) to have paid 正确答案: C 58.

As I'll be away for at least a year, I'd appreciate _________ from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along. A) hearing B) to hear

C) to be hearing D) having heard 正确答案: A 59.

You can lock up a person physically, but you cannot _____________ his heart. A) impulse B) implicit C) imprison D) immerse 正确答案: C 60.

Any young men who wish to do research must be ___________ enough to question old beliefs.

A) conscious B) conspicuous C) courageous D) cautious 正确答案: C

Part IV Translation ( 10 minutes )

61. Learning that he couldn't keep both ends meet after his unemployment, ____________________ (她安慰他说她替他支付房租和电话费).

正确答案: she comforted him by saying that she would pick up the rent and the phone bill for him

62. Everyone of us was required to ____________________ (充分利用暑假为下学期尝试在线教学做好准备). 正确答案: make the best of the summer vacation to get well prepared for our trial of on-line teaching next term

63. ____________________ (在美国人的眼里,迈克尔·杰克逊是世界流行音乐之王) thanks to his greatest contribution to the music.

正确答案: In the eyes of the Americans, Michael Jackson is the king of pop of the world 64. The life-sized wax image ____________________ (如此栩栩如生以至于人们往往把它当成真人).

正确答案: is so lifelike that it passes for a real person

65. It is self-evident that we tend not to ____________________ (在失去某物前懂得珍惜它的价值).

正确答案: appreciate something until we lose it



Part I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes )

Section A 1. A) T B) F

Script: Barbara Carter was very proud of her ancestor’s persistent struggling for freedom. 正确答案: A 2. A) T B) F

