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第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What does the woman ask John to do?

A. Leave the room for a moment.

B. Have a discussion with Pete.

C. Get something to eat.

2. How much will the speakers pay for the match?

A. £24.

B. £42.

C. £48.

3. Why can’t the woman pick up the man now?

A. Her car is under repair.

B. She can’t open the car door.

C. She locked her car keys in her house.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In the man’s office.

C. In a theater.

5. How does the man feel?

A. Relieved.

B. Worried.

C. Angry.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分)



6. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A notebook computer.

B. A mobile phone.

C. A new T-shirt.

7. What can the tiny computers do?

A. Receive messages.

B. Switch lights on and off.

C. Operate the air conditioner.


8. What is the woman doing?

A. Deciding on the time for a holiday trip.

B. Learning about some festival customs.

C. Looking through her schedule.

9. When is Easter this year?

A. April 6th.

B. April 8th.

C. April 9th.


10. How will the man go to the Art Museum?

A. By motorbike.

B. By bus.

C. By car.

11. What should the man do when he comes to the third turning?

A. Turn right.

B. Turn left.

C. Go straight.

12. Where is the Art Museum?

A. Opposite a bus station.

B. Beside a hotel.

C. Behind a bank.


13. How often will the man be available to work?

A. No more than two evenings a week.

B. Up to three evenings a week.

C. At least three evenings a week.

14. Why does the man apply for a part-time job?

A. To gain work experience.

B. To improve his social skills.

C. To earn money.

15. What is the man good at?

A. Solving problems.

B. Communicating with people.

C. Working in a group.

16. What will the man do on September 10th?

A. Have a lesson.

B. Work for the community.

C. Meet the woman.


17. From whom did the speaker get the information of the project?

A. Her neighbors.

B. Her cousins.

C. Her friends.

18. Where did the speaker come from?

A. China.

B. Thailand.

C. Australia.

19. What does the speaker ask her family to do?

A. Learn about sea animals.

B. Recycle as much as possible.

C. Take part in the cleaning project.

20. What will One-Day Clean-up focus on January 11th next year?

A. The woodlands.

B. The seaside.

C. The rivers.




Experience the Colorado River the Hualapai Way!

River Runners Offers the ONLY One Day White-water Trip ANYWHERE at the


Since 1973, Hualapai River Runners has been conducting white-water rafting journeys on the Colorado River. Our experienced guides expertly sail along the river and share the history of the Canyon and the Hualapai people with you. .

Visitors experience the excitement of white-water rapids and then stop to enjoy the impressive beauty of Travertine Falls and a tasty lunch. No charge for children 2 years and under.

One-Day Trip

Retail(单价)$249.00 + $79.00 (helicopter and round-trip ground transportation )

White-water rafting tours begin in Peach Springs. Hualapai River Runners transports you to Diamond Creek, which is the starting point for the 37-mile rafting tour. Lunch is included and upon arrival at the rafting tour termination(终点) point, fly out of the Grand Canyon by helicopter to Grand Canyon West.

Two-Day Trip

Retails $549.OO+$79.OO(helicopter and round-trip ground transportation)

Two-day rafting trips with one night on the Colorado River. All supplies and meals are included. Two days in the Grand Canyon, on the Colorado River, allows more time to explore one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Tours Include

Round-trip transportation from Peach Springs to the starting point and from the termination point back to Peach Springs.

Snack, drinks and lunch (vegetarian meals available upon request.)

Waterproof dry bags for storing your cameras, sunscreen, dry clothes, etc.

The helicopter part of transportation is weather permitting. If the helicopter transportation is cancelled because of bad weather, the raft will continue an additional two hours to South Cove and a maximum$20.00 per customer will be given back.

Special website booking rate 15% off rafting in June. So book now.

Call us Toll Free Today! Tel: 1-888-868-9378

21. Where do white-water rafting tours start?

A. Travertine Falls.

B. The Grand Canyon.

C. Diamond Creek.

D. Grand Canyon West.

22. It can be learned from the text that ____________.

A. the guides can help you learn sailing

B. the Grand Canyon is well-known for its history

C. the helicopter transportation can save you three hours' time

D. the cost includes snack, drinks and lunch

23. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To attract people to the rafting trip.

B. To explore the Hualapai culture.

C. To explain how to make a rafting trip.

D. To introduce the history of the Colorado River.


A lot of advice is available for college leavers heading for their first job. In this article we consider the move to a second job. We are not concerned with those looking for a second temporary position while hunting for a permanent job. Nor are we concerned with those leaving an unsatisfactory job within the first few weeks. Instead, we will be dealing with those of you taking a real step on the career ladder, choosing a job to fit in with your ambitions.

What sort of job should you look for? Much depends on your long-term aim. You need to ask yourself whether you want to specialize in a particular field, work up your way to higher levels of responsibility or out of your present employment into a broader field.

Whatever you decide, you should choose your second job very carefully. You should be aiming to stay in it for two or three years.

This job will be studied very carefully when you send your letter of application for your next job. Most important, it should extend you, develop you and give you increasing responsibility. Incidentally, if the travel bug(虫子)is biting, now it's time to pack up and go. You can do temporary work for a while when you return, pick up where you left off and get the second step then. Future potential employers will be glad to see that you have got it out of your system, and are not likely to go off again.

Juliette Davidson spent her first year after leaving St. Aldate's College working for three lawyers. It was the perfect first job in that. "OK ... they were very supportive people. I was gently introduced to the work, learnt my way around an office and improve my word processing skills. However, there was no opportunity for advancement. One day I gave in my notice, bought an airticket and traveled for a year."

Juliette now works as a Personal Assistant to Brenda Cleverdon, the Chief Executive(主管) of business in the Community. "In two and a half years I have become more able and my job has really grown," she says. “My job title is the same as it was when I started but the duties have changed. From mainly typing and telephone work, I have progressed to doing most of the correspondence(通信) and budgets. I also have to deal with a variety of enquiry coming from chairmen of large companies to people wanting to know how to start their own business."

24. Who is intended to benefit from the advice given in the text?

A. People who change jobs regularly.

B. Students who have just finished their studies.

C. People who are unhappy with their present jobs.

D. Those who are interested in establishing a career.

25. According to the author, why is the choice of your second job important?

A. It will last longer than your first job.

B. It will give you the opportunity to know more successful people.

C. It will affect your chances of success in your career.

D. It will be difficult to change if you don't like it.

26. How did Juliette Davidson benefit from the experience of her first job?

A. She met a variety of interesting people.

B. She learnt how to use a word processor.

C. It helped her to earn enough money to travel.

D. It was a good introduction to office work.

27. ln what way is Juliette's present job better than her first job?

A. She has a more impressive job title.

B. She has been able to broaden her skills.

C. She is more involved in the administration.

D. She knows how to start her own business.


Scientists recently discovered that pictures on cave walls at Creswell Crags are the oldest known in Great Britain. But they didn't find out in the usual way.

Archaeologists often date cave art with a process called radiocarbon dating. The technique can measure the age of carbon found in charcoal(木炭)drawings or painted pictures. Carbon is an component found in many things, including charcoal and even people. But in this case, there was no paint or charcoal to test. People carved the pictures of animals and figures into the rock using stone tools. The scientists had an "aha!" moment when they noticed small rocks stuck to the top of the drawings. The small rocks must have formed after the drawings were made.

"It is rare to be able to scientifically date rock art," said Alistair Pike, an archaeological scientist at Britain's University of Bristol. “We were very fortunate that some of the sculptures were covered by stalagmites(石笋).”

When a test proved that the stalagmites formed 12,800 years ago, the scientists knew the art underneath them had to be at least that old. And some of the animals shown, like the European bison, are now extinct - another sign that the art is quite old.

The artists came to Creswell Crags. This place is one of the farthest points north reached by our ancient ancestors during the Ice Age. At that time, much of the North Sea was dry, so people could move about more easily.

Some tools and bones found there are 13,000 to 15,000 years old. They show that the travelers hunted horses, reindeer, and arctic hares. Their artwork is similar to art in France and Germany. It tells scientists that the Creswell Crags artists must have had a close connection to peoples several thousand kilometers away - another important evidence of understanding how humans spread out across the world.

28. When the scientists found rocks stuck to the top of the drawing, they_____________.

A. felt pleased and surprised

B. dated the pictures with radiocarbon dating

C. found carbon in the cave pictures

D. carved some pictures of animals into the rock

29. Why do scientists say the art is quite old?

A. The art was carved into stone with stone tools.

B. Most animals carved in the stone are extinct.

C. The cave is one of the farthest points in the world.

D. Some pictures were covered by stalagmites more than 10,000 years old.

30. By studying the cave art, scientists could learn about___________.

A. how ancient people crossed the North Sea

B. why some of the animals have died out

C. how humans spread out across the world

D. what ancient people had for food at that time

31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Cave Art About Animals Is Most Beautiful

B. Cave Art Is Found in an Unusual Way

C. Cave Art Turns Out to Be Britain's Oldest

D. Cave Art Has a Great Influence on Britain


Planetary changes which will have an influence on many are drawing near because of the poor ecological state of the planet. Actually change has already begun through climate changes, but most humans haven't noticed this yet. Climate change has begun to influence the world already and will begin to worsen within the next few years. Around 2020 most people will begin to see that the results of climate change will be far more serious than now understood.

As the planet is under big geological (地质的) stresses,which are continuously increasing, it will in the future no longer be able to support its population. Short of resources, over-farming, lack of clean air, not enough clean drinking water and drought are some of the issues that will all play a much greater role in the near future.

