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综合英语(4) 试题


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一、 将你的准考证号、学生证号、姓名及分校(工作站)的名称填


二、 仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目的要求答题。答案一定要写在


三、 用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔无效。


I. Vocabulary & Structure (20 points, 2 points to each)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER Sheet. Example: The homeless couple ______ at last in finding a flat to rent. A. managed B. did Therefore you should choose D.

1. Jane has several tests this semester, but she may have passed the last one. A. denied C. failed A. Giving C. Given

B. done D. succeeded B. Gives D. Been Given B. include D. progress

C. finished

D. succeeded

The sentence should read, “The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent.”

2. ______ her age, she really had done a good job in such a short period of time.

3. In the space station’s rooms, scientists will ______ important experiments. A. conduct C. produce year. A. appropriate C. extensive games. A. disruption C. disrespect

B. controversy D. contrary

B. probable D. traditional

4. Some teachers say a twelve-month school year makes more sense than the ______academic

5. The city became a scene of last weekend as a parent group try to ban the sale of violent video

6. If you ______ back toward Earth on the Moon, you ______with the naked eye only one

structure: the Great Wall of China. A. look, could see C. looked, could see A. is not C. were A. for that C. so that A. permits

B. had looked, could see D. looked, could see B. had not been D. be not B. in that D. in order B. permitting

7. He wished his teacher ______ there when he was sneaking out of the classroom.

8. I went to business school ______ I could study marketing.

9. Weather ______ we’ll go climbing the mountain this afternoon.


C. is permitted A. No matter C. Even if

D. permitted B. Suppose D. Whether

10. ______ you go out every night you can't see all of it.

II. Cloze Procedure (20points, 2 points to each)

Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Students will need to use all of their language skills in order to understand the reading selections in Reader’s Choice. The book contains many types of selections on 11) ______ topics. These selections provide practice 12) ______ using different strategies to extract the message of the writer. They also give students practice in four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading for thorough comprehension, and critical reading.

Skimming is quick reading for the general ideas of a passage. This kind of rapid reading is 13) ______ when you are trying to decide if careful reading 14) ______ desirable or when there is not time to read something carefully.

Like skimming, scanning is also quick reading. However, in this 15) ______ the search is more focused. To scan is to read 16) ______ in order to locate specific information. When you read to find a particular date, or number, you care scanning.

Reading for thorough comprehension is 17) ______reading in order to understand the total meaning of the passage. At this level of comprehension the reader is able to summarize the author's ideas but has not yet made a 18) ______evaluation of those ideas.

Critical reading demands that a reader 19) ______ judgments about what he or she reads. This kind of reading requires posting and 20) ______questions such as “Does my own experience support that of the author?”, “Do I share the author’s point of view?” etc. 11. A. the wide variance of

C. the wide variety of 12. A. on 14. A. is

B. in

13. A. appreciate 15. A. sense 17. A. slow 18. A. right 19. A. makes

B. a wide variance of D. a wide variety of C. with C. was C. case C. slowly C. careful C. make C. answer

D. for D. appointed D. will be D. way D. quickly D. proper D. important D. making D. answers

C. approved

B. appropriate B. would be B. part B. fast B. critical

B. casually

16. A. carefully

C. determined

B. to make B. answered

20. A. answering

III. Reading Comprehension (20 points, 2 points to each)


Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Questions 21~25 are based on the following passage.

Beverly Schnell is a middle-aged woman who lives alone in a nice old house near Milwaukee. The house needs work. It has a vacant living space on the second floor. So Schnell decided to rent the space to someone who could do repairs. In exchange, she would cut the rent.

She placed an ad in a local paler that read: “Apartment for rent, one bedroom, and electric included, mature Christian handyman.” Then the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council —which looks through classified ads trying to find discriminatory rental or sales ads—ran to a state agency and tattled on Schnell.

For what? For starters, sex discrimination. That’s because she used the term “handyman”. And religious discrimination because she stated “mature Christian handyman”.

Schnell found herself accused by the state of violating Wisconsin’s fair-housing law, the ad snoops offered a deal. They would drop the case. But it would cost her $ 500 for their lawyer’s fees and $ 50 for their effort.

Now she knows better. She was found guilty and ordered to pay the housing council “reasonable attorney’s fees”, which the council now estimates at $ 8000. Schnell hasn’t much choice but to appeal, and she still hasn’t found someone to pound in a few nails. 21. Beverly Schnel1 ______.

A. wanted to buy a new house B. had a building in Milwaukee C. would cut the rent D. wanted to rent an apartment 22. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Beverly Schnell’s house is too old to live in. B.Bevεr1y Schnell lives on the second f1oor. C. Beverly Schnell wanted to rent rooms. D. She owned a local newspaper. 23. She was accused of ______.

A. placing an ad in a local paper B. not paying $ 550 C. violating Wisconsin’s fair-housing law D. cutting the rent 24. Had Schnell been careful enough in planning the ad _______.

A. she could get a handyman B. she would not have met the trouble. C. she would not pay the money D. she might not be accused 25. The best title of the passage is ______.

A. Rent Control B. Beverly Schnell C. How to Rent a House D. Accusing Questions 26~30 are based on the following passage.

We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when 1 broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” “And Pau—why didn’t I pick up that he was friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it’s too late.


Why do we go wrong about our friends—or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don’t really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You are a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You’re a lucky guy,” that’s being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There’s a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn’t see it himself. But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn’t think you deserve your luck.

“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another noise that says one thing and means another. T could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn’t important. It’s telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven’t got a date for Saturday night.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

26. The author ______ when he recalls some things that happened between him and hiss friends.

A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B. feels he may not have “read” his friends’ true feelings correctly C. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his friends D. is sorry that his friends let him down

27. From the sentence “You’re a lucky dog”, we can conclude that ______.

A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly B. it means the same as “You’re a lucky guy” C. the word “dog” shouldn’t be applied to people

D. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words 28. The main purpose of this passage is to tell us how to ______.

A. avoid mistakes about money and friends B. size up people

C. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you D. keep people friendly without trusting them

29. In listening to a person the important thing is ______.

A. to notice his tone, his posture and the look in his eyes B. to listen to how he pronounces his words

C. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice and his posture D. not to believe what he says

30. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ______.

A. be fortunate enough to have a date on Saturday evenings B. misunderstand what people say

C. be able to avoid making mistakes about money

D. be careful to weigh what people say to determine their real meaning IV. Translation (15 points, 3 points to each)

Directions: Put each of the following sentences into English or Chinese, using the word given in the bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.


31. Twisting and turning in search of a comfortable position in bed makes your body do the

opposite of what it’s supposed to do at night.

32. Despite these changes, Graham always remained true to a basic belief that dance expresses

emotion we often try to hide and cannot express in words.

33. The specialist will study the hands and face for signs that a fight took place and will remove

any evidence, such as a bullet, that is in the body.

34. 有人曾经问他,是否他的突出成就让他很难把作为公众人物的Julio Iglesias同作为普通

人的Julio Iglesias分开。(separate… from…)

35 更有甚者,由于防范心理会导致更多的防范心理,结果是经理和助理都会陷入苦苦的权

力之争。(be locked in) V. Writing (25 points)

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “On Social Practice” in about 120 words. You need to include all the information. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. 努力学习是必要的。 2. 增加社会实践也很重要。 3. 结论。

You can write the composition in three or four paragraphs. Remember to write it neatly.




综合英语(4) 试题答题纸

1. 6. 2. 7.

I. Vocabulary & Structure (10小题,每题2分,共20分


3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

11. 16. 12. 17.

II. Cloze Procedure (10小题,每题2分,共20


13. 18.

14. 19.

15. 20.

21. 26. 22. 27.

III. Reading Comprehension (10小题,每题2分,共20


23. 28.

24. 29.

25. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

IV. Translation (5题,每题3分,共15分)


V. Writing (1题,25分)

On Social Practice






I. Vocabulary & Structure (10小题,每题2分,共20分) 1. C 6. D

2. C 7. B

3. C 8. C

4. D 9. B

5. B 10. C

II. Cloze Procedure (10小题,每题2分,共20分) 11. D 16. D

12. B 17. C

13. B 18. B

14. A 19. C

15. C 20. A

III. Reading Comprehension (10小题,每题1分,共10分) 21. D 26. B

22. C 27. D

23. C 28. C

24. B 29. C

25. A 30. D

IV. Translation (5题,每题3分,共15分)

31. 夜晚在床上辗转反侧,试图找到舒服的位置,往往适得其反,身体难以服帖。 32. 尽管有这些变化,Graham总是坚持一个基本的想法,那就是舞蹈可以表达我们努力隐藏


33. 专家会检查双手和脸部以寻找打斗过的痕迹,同时还会取出身上的任何证据,如子弹。 34. He was asked once whether his astounding success makes it hard for him to separate Julio

Iglesias the public person from Julio Iglesias the human being.

35. What’s more, since defensiveness often leads to more defensiveness, the manager and the

assistant will now be locked in a bitter power struggle.




V. Writing (1题,25分)

On Social Practice



