更新时间:2023-08-16 12:12:01 阅读量: 教学研究 文档下载
1、Discuss with your partner energy crisis and the use of clean/renewable energy in China.
B: Hi, cs, what are you reading? You look a little worried.
C: Hi, zs, I’m reading a newspaper which shows the situation of energy crisis in China. It’s really horrible.
B: Energy crisis?
C: Yes. With the development of industry and the growth of population, there has been an enormous increase in the global demand for energy in recent years. Limited fossil fuel in our earth will be run out in the next few decades. In China, the situation is worse. If our demand for energy doesn’t change, the world’s energy will disappear.
B:Really? What can we do? How about we suggest people to drive cars as less as possible and try not to use high-power electrical appliances..
C:That’s a good idea. What’s more, people should shut down computers and all electrical equipments when people go away.
B: Yeah. People also can open air-condition as less as possible.
C:That’s a good idea, too. But I think this is only a temporary solution not a permanent one.
B: Then what should we do?
C:I think we should take advantage of more renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydroelectric power.
B:Good idea. You are right. The fossil fuel is limited. But the renewable energy is endless.
C:Yeah. The renewable energy has many advantages. Besides, it is non-pollution. B:Yes,you are right. The carbon footprint in China will be much less if we use renewable energy. What’s more, a series of pollution problems will be solved.
C:Yeah. The pollution in China has been quite serious. With using renewable energy, the environmental problem will be greatly improved.
B: I agree. I think we should make more people be aware of this problem. Do you think so?
C:Yes. Let’s go to do this.
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