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Unit 4 I have a pen pal

Part B



A. He likes singing.

B. He also likes doing kun gfu.

C. He lives on the farm.

D. Can I also be his pen pal?

E. That ' s interesting.

Joh n: Where does Zhang Peng live.

Wu Yifa n: __________________________

Joh n: What are his hobbies?

Wu Yifa n: __________________________

Joh n: Me too! _______________________

Wu Yifa n: __________________________

Joh n: Really? I like doing kun gfu, too! ________________

Wu Yifa n: Sure. Why n ot?


Hello, friends! My name is Lili. I am twelve years old. I am happy to have a new pen pal. Her name is Cindy. She is eleven years old. She lives in Wuhan. She likes drawing cartoons and swim ming. She comes to school by bus. I like singing and dancin g. I go to school by bike. We write an email to each other every week.

( )1. Lily is 11 years old.

( )2. Cindy likes draw ing cartoons and running.

( )3. Lily goes to school by bike.

( )4. Cindy comes to school by bike, too.

( )5. They write an email to each other every week.


(1 )写出下列单词的ing形式

play ___________ r ead __________ swim _____________ do _______


9.Is your mother an En glish teacher? 10.Are you going to the Great Wall next week?

J. No, he doesn ' t 1. My gran dpa likes Beiji ng Opera (京剧).He ofte n w __________ CCTV 11.

2. Lin Tan usually r _______ a bike to school.

3. Their h _____ are differe nt.

4. Do you ofte n w ____ to your pen pal.

5. My mother is a nu rse. She w ____ in a hospital.


1. 你的爱好是什么? ________________________________________

2. 我喜欢集集邮。 _____________________________________________

3. 他也喜欢集邮。 ______________________________________________

4. 在星期天有一个邮票展览。 ___________________________________ collect

run look write like

teach watch sing 四、 从B 栏中找出A 栏的答句, 将其序号填入题前括号内。 1. What does he like? A. Yes, she does. 2. Does she go to work by bus? B. No, she isn ' Sthe is a math teacher. 3. What is your hobby? C. He likes swimmi ng. 4. Does Jim live in Shan ghai? D. I ' m going to buy a comic book in the bookstore. 5.Do you like liste ning to music? E. It ' s near the school.

6. What are you going to do this after noon? F. He goes to En gla nd by pla ne.

7. How does your father go to En gla nd? G. I like watchi ng TV.

8.Where ' s your home? H. Yes, we are.

I. Yes, I do.

五、 补全单词


一、1~5 CAEBD

二、1~5 FFTFT

三、( 1) playing reading swimming doing collecting running looking


(2) liking teaching watching singing

四、1~5 CAGJI 6~10DFEBH

五、 1. watches 2. rides 3. hobbies 4.write 5.works

六、 1. What' s your hobby?

2. I like collecting stamps.

3. He likes collecting stamps, too.

4. There is a stamps exhibition on Sunday.

