王爱unit4 usinglangguage

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Unit 4 Using Language

Learning aims

Read the passage and master the usages of new words and phrases in this part.

Improve your reading ability by different reading skills like skimming and scanning the context. Important points

The usages of new words and phrases The usage of grammar point Difficult points

The usages of new words and expressions Understanding of the text


一)Fill in the following useful words and expressions.

形成,产生________________________________________ 检查,视察 Vt _______________ 意外的

事件,事变_______________ 根据__________________ 凶猛的__________________ 以致于,结果_________________ 结局 ___________________ 忠诚地___________________ 消失 n. _________________________

感激,意识到 _________ 保护区 ___________

without mercy ____________ in the wild __________ tens of millions of__________ endangered species _________

二)重点单词短语解读 ① long before 很久以前

(1) long before 可以单独使用,常用于一般过去时或过去完成时的句子中作

时间状语。eg: Long before there was a big museum here.

(2) long before + 时间点的名词或词组/从句, 此时主句谓语动词的时态


e.g.: I heard of him long before I came here. 早在我来这很久以前我就听说


Don’t be so upset. It won’t be _______ your children cab return to school

again. A. long before B. long ago C. before long D. long e.g.: It was _______________ she came.没多久她就来了。

________________before we see each other again.我们要很久以后才会再见面。 知识拓展:

long before 与 before long 的区别

long before意为“很久以前”,可以单独使用,常与过去时或过去完成时态连用,在句子中作状语,也可以直接加从句,而 before long 相当于soon 或a little later,



e.g.: _________________ he went to Canada to go on with his further education. 不久以后他就去了加拿大继续深造。

A bridge will be built over the river _________________________. 不久以后将在这条河上建一座桥。

【例】---How long have you been studying in No. 1 Middle School? --- More than two years and a half.

--- So it won’t be long _______ you graduate from this school. A. when B. after C. before D. since ②. come into being 形成,开始存在,产生 (无被动形式)

e.g The people’s Republic of China came into being on October 1 st,1949. 翻译:____________________________________________________ 拓展:come into force 开始生效 come into sight 被看见

come into use 开始被使用 come into consideration 开始被考虑

③.according to 基于,根据………..(用来引用出自他人或他处的消息,不可与me,my opinion 连用)

e.g The students will do the exercises according to the teachers’ guidance. 单选最佳选项

____________________ the weather forecast, there will be a heavy rain

tomorrow morning.

A. As a result of B. Because of C. On account of D. According to 阅读遍数 自我评价 同伴评价 学科长评价 小组长评价 完成等级A.B.C 评价人签字



1.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,________ ________humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

2.________ ________many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China.

____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________



Dinosaurs have disappeared during the long history of the earth. ___________ ____________ humans_____________ _____________ _____________ and their future seemed secure at that time. There were many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them _______ _______ live in China. Some eggs have been found in Henan province.

Dinosaurs __________ ____________ suddenly about 65 million years _________ . Some scientists think that it came after an _________________ ______________ when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put _______ _______ _______ into air. We know many other animals and plants have ________ ________ more recently. _____________ ___________ a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years.

Access and sign 完成情况 自我评价 同伴评价 学科长评价 小组长评价 完成等级A.B.C 评价人签字 问题解决评价单


1. Could you please tell us something about wildlife ___________ (保护)?

2. Wild plants and animals have many _________ (敌人), among whom man is the most dangerous.

3. The ________ (丢失) of her gold necklace made her worried. 4. The teacher walked around i ________ their work.

5. What you said will have an __________ (影响) on our decision. 6. It is not allowed to h_________ animals and birds in this forest.

7. After years of war, the people long for (渴望) a lasting p__________. 8. Do you know what other animals have two s__________ besides ants. 9. After washing his face, he r_________ it with my towel (毛巾). 10. It is a p________ drug. It can cure your disease after taking it.

II. 做名师一号75页的阅读理解 1 2 3 4 题号 答案


My questions and problems

Access and sign 完成情况 完成等级A.B.C 评价人签字

自我评价 同伴评价 学科长评价 小组长评价 附本单元的重点句型和交际用语 重点句型

1. We are being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. 2. I’d like to help as the WWF suggests. 3. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.

4. We used to be an endangered species. 交际用语

1. I would rather not ------- . 2. I’m ready to do --------- . 3. I feel like doing -------

4. I intend/mean/plan to do -------. 5. It’s a shame that -------

6. Thank you very much but -------


