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课题 Module 4 Unit 1 I`m making Daming`s birthday card 本模块的教学内容是说明场景、寻求帮助。 课时 1 课新型 授 教材分析教学目标教学重点、学会运用Who can help me ? The balloons are flying away! 难点 英语点读教法 活动教学法 教具 笔、课件 教 学 过 程 教 学 环 节 教 师 活 动 预 设 学 生 活 动 预 设 1.通过听录音、网络等方式预习本单元将要学习的新单词、课文。将不会读的单词和句子进行标注,不明白的地方找出来。 2.了解生日歌和生日蛋糕的起源。 3.学会下列短语 在超市________________ 买东西____________ 举行生日聚会______________ 生日卡片___________________ 小心______________ 飘走 ____________ 4. 阅读课文,小组讨论并回答下列问题: (1)Where is Simon?s
自主学 习 指导学生自主学习 1. 学习目标语句:Who can help me ? The balloons are flying away! 学习词汇: balloon, fly away 2.学会运用Who can help me ? The balloons are flying away! 并能口头运用说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事。 3.识别词汇:card, careful, balloon, fly away书写单词card, cake. 三、导学案 (二)课内探究 3.精讲点拨 四、课堂检测 mum? (2)What is she doing ? (3)Can Simon help his mum? (4)What is he doing? (一)课前延伸——预习检测 (5)Who can help 1.小组长带领检查预习单词情况。 Simon?s mum? 3.学会下列短语 (6)What are 在超市________________ 买东西happening? ____________ 举行生日聚会______________ 生日卡片 ___________________ 小心______________ 飘走 ____________ 1. 自主学习 (1)点明本课的教学目标 (2)展示导学案,学生讨论,小组展示(可 小组长带领,也可组内成员轮流),回答预学生讨论,小组展示(可习学案中的问题。 小组长带领,也可组内成员轮流),回答预习学(1)Where is Simon?s mum? 案中的问题。 (2)What is she doing ? (3)Can Simon help his mum? (4)What is he doing? (5)Who can help Simon?s mum? (6)What are happening? (3)个人学习 学生在学习新单词后,自主学习新课文。遇学生在学习新单词后,到不懂得地方可在小组内交流解决。记录好自主学习新课文。遇到重点、难点。 不懂得地方可在小组内2. 合作探究 交流解决。记录好重点、(1)小组内解决刚才自己找到的不懂的地难点 方。 (2)讨论如何用句型Who can help me 向 别人寻求帮助,且给寻求帮助的人以回答。 (3)讨论一下P15 Activity 3的图片,并在 小组内相互交流。 (1)Fly away与fall down的区别。 (2)现在进行时句子的结构:主语+be+动 词的ing。 (一)单项选择 1. Who can help ? Yes, ______ can. A. me, me B. I, I C. me, I
2. We ______ going to have a picnic in the park. A. is B. are C. am 3. _______ sun is shining. A. A B. An C. The 4. The ducks are eating ______picnic. A. our B. we C. I 5. It?s going to _______hot in Beijing. A. is B. be C. / (二)连词成句 1. am, going to, I, have, birthday, party, a (?) 2. I?m, birthday, card, Daming?s, making(.) 3. help , you, can, I (?) 4. help , you, can , I(.) ___________________________________________________________ 5. she , your birthday, buying things, for, is (.) ————————————————————————————— Unit 1 I?m making Daming?s birthday card My balloons are flying away. Who can help me? Yes, I can . My book is falling down. No, I can?t. 今天上完这一课,感觉特别的欣慰,学生学的很投入,学习效果较好。仔细思考这节课的成功之处,其实就是选用了贴近学生生活的几个道具和选取了几个会发生在每个人身上的生活片段而已。其次就是我的表情动作吸引了学生兴趣,带动了他们一起跟我感受和学习。就是这么简单的举措,却让整个课堂活起来动起来了,真让我意想不到。 本节课的教学目标简单的说就是让学生学会以下句型 1.The balloons are flying away. 2.The oranges are falling. 3. Who can help me? I can help you./ Sorry, I can't.以及让学生能够准确的朗读课文第一段和第二段。伊始我把气球藏在我的手心里,然后我就神秘的告诉同学们: I will show you some presents for you. What?s in my hand? Can you guess?经过一番猜测,提前预习的同学说出了It’s a balloon. 我迅速竖起大拇指表扬Yeah,you are right. I can blow the balloon, now look at .学生聚精会神的看着我,随着气球的增大,学生也越来越兴奋。为了巩固balloon这个词,也为了导出The balloons are flying away.这个句型,我设计了touch the balloon and say the word的活动,在学生触摸时气球不小心飞走了的情境下,学生对fly away 有了初步的理解,为了让同学们加深对这个词的印象,我接下来又给同学们演唱了fly away这首歌,同学们的阵阵掌声把课堂气氛推向了高潮。
课题 M4 Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs. 新授 课时 1 课型 教材分析教学目标在这一模块中,复习讲述正在发生的事情同时,谈论向他人求助以及根据客观情况说明自己能否向他人提供帮助。 1.学习目标语句:The apples are falling down the stairs. 学习词汇:stairs, mess 2.学会运用The apples are falling down the stairs.并能口头运用说明正在发生的事情。 3.识别词汇:stairs书写单词:apple 教学重学会运用The apples are falling down the stairs.并能口头运用说明正在点、难发生的事情。 点 教法 情景教学法 教具 英语点读笔、课件 教 学 环 节 自主学习 (一)课前延伸——预习检测 (二)课内探究 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 预 设 指导学生自主学习 1.小组长带领检查预习单词情况。 2.翻译下列短语 捡苹果________________ 洗苹果___________ 在电话里交谈______________ 打扫楼梯___________________ 1. 自主学习 (1)点明本课的教学目标 (2)展示导学案,学生讨论
学 生 活 动 预 设 1.通过听录音、网络等方式预习本单元将要学习的新单词、课文。将不会读的单词和句子进行标注,不明白的地方找出来。 2.学会下列短语 捡苹果________________ 洗苹果___________ 在电话里交谈______________ 打扫楼梯___________________ 。让学生听录音,学习录音 (三).精讲点拨 教师板书 The girl is crying The apples are falling down. The eggs are falling down, too. The cola is falling, too. The girl is sitting on the floor. 为降低难度,教师可以将人称写出,引导学生完成后面部分,如: The woman ________help the girl. She ______ __________ ————— —————— ———————— The man _______ help the girl. He __________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ The boy ________ help the girl. He ________ ___________ __________ _____________ The girl _________ help the girl. She _________ ____________ —————— (1)Who can help ______?。这里如果是代词用宾格。 (2)现在进行时句子的结构:主语+be+动词的ing。 (3)一般将来时句子的结构:主
中的语音语调。用自己的话说一说图片中究竟发生了什么。 1.个人学习 学生在学习新单词后,自主学习新课文。遇到不懂得地方可在小组内交流解决。记录好重点、难点 2. 合作探究 (1)小组内解决刚才自己找到的不懂的地方。 (2)小组讨论Activity 1的图片,在小组内描述图片中的内容,让小组记录员做好交流学习的笔记,比一比谁描述的更精彩。 (3)分小组轮流汇报交流结果 (4)小组内交流Who can help the girl? 听录音,连线。听两遍,请部分学生重复录音内容,全班共同连线检查。然后分小组讨论,用自己的话以第三人称单数的形式描述一下这些人会帮助小女孩吗?如果会,他们是如何帮助小女孩的。
语+will+动词原形。 (4)谈论能不能干某事: can/can?t+动词原形。 (一)单项选择 1. The woman is talking ______ the phone. 四、课堂检A. to B. on C. at 测 2. The apples are falling _______ the stairs. A. down B. to C. at 3. The man will pick _______ the apples. A. up B. to C. / 4. The girl will ______ the floor A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned 5.Mum is ________ in the kitchen. A. cooks B. cooking C. cook (二)连词成句 1.-What is he doing ? He __________(clean)the blackboard 2.-What is the boy doing ? He ____________(carry) a bag. 3. What are they doing? They ____________________ 4.What are the boys doing? They ______________________ 写一写你会帮助别人干什么,至少 三句。例句:I can help my mum. I 五、课后作will clean the floor. 业 在课文学习的过程中,我引导学生进行了角色表演,当我搬着一大堆东西走到同学们中间寻求帮助Who can help me?时,学生争先恐后的回答I can help you Mrs Cui.这个重点句型就在表演中不教学生就已经会了。在分角色表演的活动中,学生也把Sorry,I can’t.理解了,同时也运用在了生活中。
课题 Module 5 Unit 1 He is playing the suona,but the phone rings. 新授 课时 1 课型 教材分析这一模块主要是让学生谈论正做一件事时另一件事情同时发生。可以先复习以前学过的一些动词或动词词组,再过渡到谈论正在发生的事上来。在练习的过程中,注意让学生根据自己的实际情况来表达。 1、 认知目标: (1)让学生能听、说、认、读ring ,bell,loudly,nothing. 教 (2)使学生掌握He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 学2、能力目标 目 (1)、培养学生的听、说能力以及能用所学的语言描述图片。 标 (2)、通过视、听让学生充分理解课文内容并把所学的语言运用到现实生活 教学重点 本课所出现的新单词和句型He is playing the suona, but the 教学重phone rings. 点、难点 教学难点 能够用所学的词汇和句型交流。 教法 情景教学法 教具 英语点读笔、课件 教 学 环 节 Step 1.Warming up Step 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 预 设 1.Greetings T: Hello ,boys and girls .Nice to meet you ! 2.T: Let?s say a chant . T: You?ve done a good job.
学 生 活 动 预 设 Ss: Hello,teacher,Nice to meet you ! say and do actions . Play,play.I?m playing . Run ,run .He?s running Eat ,eat . She?s eating . Sing,sing .They are singing 2.Presentation. Step 4. Practice Step 5 Summary Step 6.Homework Ss look and listen . T: What are they doing ? T: Yes ,today is Cubby ?s birthday ,He?s having a birthday party . ( Suddenly ,teacher?s phone is ringing ,) T: We?re having a class ,but my phone is ringing . It?s Daming .today is Daming?s birthday ,He is having a birthday party too. Do you want to go to Daming?s birthday party ? T: What?s Daming doing ? . T:What?s happening ? T: Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing . 4. Play the tape again , 5. Read after the tape . T: Daming is having a birthday party now . Let?s sing a song for Daming . Sing “Happy birthday “song T: I will give Daming a present .Look birthday cake . 2. Make sentences T: Look at the blackboard who can eat cake first ? Congratulations 4. Pair work Fill in the blanks 1. Read the text three times . 2. Copy some important sentences . 3.Do exercise 1and 2
Have ,have .We?re having . Ss: They are having a birthday party . Ss: Daming is playing the trumpet The phone is ringing . Ss listen and underline the important sentences . 3. Play a game Do and say e.g Lingling is speaking English ,but Fangfang is playing . Say a chant 整节课教学重、难点把握准确,教学过程做到突出重点,突破难点;呈现新知前能通过热身活动激发起学生的学习动机,并激活了学生原有知结构;能通过创设情境给学生提供可理解性语言输入,如学习loudly时,我让两个学生一个在静静地看书,另一个在大声读书。然后说xxx is reading quietly, but xxx is reading loudly.通过这一情境,学生很容易就理解了这个词。此外,操练形式多样,活动具有目的性、知识性,趣味性和层次性,使学生在体验中学习,在学习中成长;学生主动参与学习的积极性高,学习兴趣浓;听、说、读、写得到了充分的训练,达到了预期的教学目标。
课题 Module 5 Unit2 He`s riding his bike,but it`s start to rain. 新授 课时 1 课型 教材分析教学目标这一模块主要是让学生谈论正做一件事时另一件事情同时发生。可以先复习以前学过的一些动词或动词词组,再过渡到谈论正在发生的事上来。在练习的过程中,注意让学生根据自己的实际情况来表达。 教学目标: 1. The students can finish the exercises with the help of the teacher. 2. Get the Ss to master the Present Continuous Tense.. Teaching preparation:a tape-recorder / pictures 教学重、难点: Ss can finish the exercises in Activity Book. Ss can grasp the words and sentences. 情景教学法 教具 英语点读笔、课件 教学重点、难点 教法 教 学 环 节 Step1.Warming-up Step2.Revision. Step3. Presentation. 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 预 设 1. Greetings. 2. Play a game. 老师做打篮球的样子,问:“What am I doing?”引导学生回答 Let several students describe the pictures they have just learned last lesson. (设计意图:该活动的设计主要是为了复习巩固上一模块中学生对图片的描述能力,在给学生提供一个展示自我或表演天分的平台,这种形式学生比较喜欢,也愿意开口、动脑,是激励学生的好办法。最后一步播放原音是为了让学生轻松一下,无其他目的。) 1. I show some pictures of “ sleeping/swimming/watching TV” and ask “ What am I doing? ” The
学 生 活 动 预 设 学生回答:“You are playing basketball.”Let students do the actions and say the similar sentences with“swim/play football/play table tennis” students describe the pictures they have just learned last lesson.
Step4.Do some exercises. Step5.Homework. students say “ You are…… ” 2. Let the students draw some pictures and practise in pairs using “What am I doing? You are…… ”. 3. T:Have you dream before? T:Would you like to see a dream? (1).Play the tape for students ,let them listen carefully. (2).Play the tape again, (3).The teacher can explain the difficulty for students. (4).The teacher can play the tape for students ,and let them read after it . (5).The teacher should encourage them act and read the poem. Use the present continuous tense to make some sentences. 1) Daming /have/birthday party 2)Daming /play/trumpet/phone/ring 3)Daming/play/trumpet/doorbell/ring 4)Daming/play/trumpet/dog/sing Let students write a composition,they can use the sentence structure\ students draw some pictures and practise in pairs using “What am I doing? You are…… ”. listen and follow it,let them pay attention to the pronoucationa and tone. make some sentences.
新授 Module 6 课题 课型 Unie 1 It was Daming?s 课时 1 birthday yesterday. 教材分析本课主要是以大明过生日的时候,Simon的妈妈送给他一本关于太空旅行的书,书中介绍了中国、俄罗斯、美国的宇宙飞船。读完这本书后,他们制作了一个宇宙飞船模型,并将其送给Simon的妈妈。 a. Using Ability task :Using simple past tense: b. Moral task: Students know that how to express giving and taking 教presents. 学目A.Basic Demands: 标Vocabulary:brought get home Sentences: Simon?s mum bought him a present too. Key words:brought get home 教学重点、Teaching difficulties: 难点 The using way of “buy sb sth” 教法 情景教学法 教具 英语点读笔、课件 教 学 环 节 1、Warm up ⑴Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss (2)Chant: “My dream” T: Did you have a dream yesterday? T: Yesterday, I had a dream. Had---have (3)Review past tense words. T: go! 2、导入 (Leading ) (1)A.1 T: What did you do yesterday? Ss use past tense words talk about things they did yesterday. 2. Ask students to guess
教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 预 设 学 生 活 动 预 设 Ss: Yes/No. Ss: went! students can answer like: “You did…” 3、呈现(Presentation) 4.Practice what did teacher do in her dream, One cola two colas 3. T: In my dream, I bought a book, it?s about sports, can you guess which sport? Lead out “baseball”, ask a student to introduce baseball. Help students use the 4.T: In my dream, I bought structure:You gave this book and I gave this book to a sth to sb. student in our classroom. Can you guess? 5. T: Yes, I gave this Ss sing the song book to …, because tomorrow will together. be his birthday. Let?s sing “Happy birthday” for him. B. Lead in T: In our book, Da Ming is back in China, he bought lots of presents for his friends and family, let?s see, what are they? (1)S open their books (2) Teacher gives the questions: a. Where is Daming? b. What did Daming buy for his Students answer the mother? questions c. What did Simon?s family give for Daming? d. Wht did Daming buy for his friends? (3) Listen to the tape, students pay attention the questions. (5) Teacher teach the key points. a. The key points: baseball team Students three a group interesting give--- gave to do dialogue: buy----bought S1: I bought you a b. The main sentences structure: pen. “buy sb sth” and “buy sth for sb”. S2: Thank you. (6) repeat after the tape. S3: Who gave it to you?
S2: … gave it to me. 教学反思: 这节课是小学新标准英语第十二册第六模块第二单元。本模块围绕大明的礼物这一题材开展,向学生介绍了有关太空的知识。在第一单元,以大明的礼物——一本关于太空旅行的书为主线,为第二单元的课文讲解和制作宇宙飞船做好了准备。
我设计了三个礼物,通过听力和阅读的方式介绍了我,Amy 和Lingling的礼物,逐层递进。最终落在了学生的写作上,这样的环节设计,层层推进,学生很自然地就进入到比较深层次的环节,因为有了之前词汇和句子的累积,学生在写作的过程中并没有遇到很大的困难。课堂最后结合本课主题,介绍了杨利伟和神舟五号宇宙飞船,培养了学生的爱国主义思想,并且让学生在课后查阅相关资料,为下个模块的学习做好了准备。
课题 新授 Module 6 Unit2 课型 The name of the spaceship 课时 1 is Shenzhou V. Unit 2介绍了Daming 和 Simon 制作的中国宇宙飞船模型。这个宇宙飞船的名字是“神州五号”。 它讲一名中国宇航员、一面中国国旗和一些种子送入太空。 A.Basic Demands: Vocabulary: team spaceship space about B.Revision: simple past tense and the using way of “can…” 教材分析教学目标Key words:bought gave sent took 教学重点、Teaching difficulties: 难点 The using way of “buy sb sth”
教法 情景教学法 教具 英语点读笔、课件 教 学 过 程 教 学 环 节 教 师 活 动 预 设 学 生 活 动 预 设 1、Warm up ⑴Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss (2)Sing a song: Where did you Sing a song go? 2、导入 Ss use past tense words talk (Leading ) (1)1 T: What did you do about things they did yesterday? yesterday. 2. T: Yesterday, I went to library, I saw lots of books… Show ppt, the pictures of 3. 操练 books, teacher describes with ( Practice ) the structures: This book looks + adjective words. 1. Students try to describe It?s about some books on ppt with animals/plants/food… teachers help. 2. Students describe their own books. 3.T holds a student?s book and says : This book looks useful. Ssudents practice the What?s it about? structure in pairs. S answers: It?s about… Structures: This book looks 4、呈现 useful. (Presentation) What?s it about? It?s about… T: In our book, Da Ming?s mom also bought a present (1)S open their books, first for him, let?s see what it is, look at the pictures. 5.Homework and what is it about? (3) Listen to the tape and (2) Teacher gives the answer. questions: (4) Students talk about a. What is it? Daming?s book.
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