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MODULE 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog , please.


1、重点句子: What do you want to eat?

I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 2、词汇:

hamburger, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy. 3、导学重难点:

1).Ordering food and drink. 2).the numbers 二、导学过程: Step1 热身:

1 . Greeting class . Hello/Hi./ How are you? / Nice to see you again. / Good morning. /

Where did you go? What did you do on the holiday? 2. Say some food 3. Say the numbers

4. Use “want” to make sentences. 5.

1、) I’m hungry. I want some bread. What do you want to eat? S1:I want some?—S2:I want some ?—? .Play a chain game.

2). Some of your foods are Chinese and some are western . As you know, today we’re going to see what Daming is going to eat and drink?

3).First, Look at the pictures, and think about these questions: (1) Who is in the restaurant with Daming ? (2) What do they order ? 4) What does Daming want ? 5) How much is it?

6.Listen to the tape and ask:”Is a hot dog really a dog ?”and talk about the hot dog to the class .

7.Listen again and answer the questions. Then listen and repeat. Step 2

Work in groups, read and translate the text. Step 3

Work in groups about Part 3. then check the answers. Then try to find

How much is two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas. 随堂检测:


1. Does he__________ (want) an apple ?

2. My father _______ (want) a cola and I ______ (want) some milk .

3. Can you help ________(we)? 4. Let’s go and help ________(he). 5. A cola for ________(I) ,please.

二、Listen to the tape and read or recite the text.

Unit 2 What do you want to do?

一、学习目标 : 重点句子:

What do you want to eat/drink?

I want a hamburger /some chicken and rice. How much is it ? It’s… yuan . 二、预习学案:

词汇:hamburger ,cola, dollar ,cent ,enjoy 句式:1.What do you want to eat? I want?

2. How much is it? It’s? 课前准备:

recorder, some cards, tape ,实物。 三、导学案

Warm up 1. Greetings 2. Free talk New Teaching:

Activity 1: Look at the menu. Then ask your food and pay for your food.

1. Show a restaurant menu to the students.

2. Have them look at the menu and talk with their partners. 3. Do the activity in their groups. 4.Have one group come to the front. Activity 2: Match (Race)

You’ll be the winner of this week if you get the flag.


Activity 3: Listen, say and sing

1. Have the students look at their books and try to read the sentences of song.

2. Read after the teacher and to know the meaning. 3. Listen to tape twice. 4. Sing follows it. 5. Sing and do the actions. Game:

The big dinner

1. Put some food on the desk. 2. Say out the name of the food. 3. Then ask and answer in turns. 4. Buy and pay for your food. 5. Taste the food in their groups. 四、课堂检测: (一)、连词成句 1、 2、 3、

do, you ,what ,to ,eat ,want( ?) want I some noodles (.) food all is nice your (.)


( )1.What do you want to eat ? A、A cola B、Tea C、A hamburger ( ) 2. –What do you want to drink? A. A hot dog B. A cola C. Rice ( ) 3. ---How ___is it ?

--It is seven dollars and sixty cents . A. much B. many C. far

Module 2 Unit1 We’re going to have a picnic.

教学目标: 1、学习新单词:

duck, noisy, hungry , snow, rain 2、学习重点句子:

(1) We are going to have a picnic. (2) When are we going to eat? (3) At half past twelve . ⑷ It’s going to rain soon . 3、功能运用:

能够表达自己和他人的活动计划,能够听懂和表达天气情况,能够根据天气情况制定活动计划并且相互交流。 重点、难点

1.单词:duck, noisy, snow, rain

2.学会用句型:When are we going to eat?这类语句询问计划的活动时间,并能口头表达运用At half past twelve. 这类语句回答。 3、be going to 句型中,当人称变化时,be 动词相应变化。 4、培养学生口语表达,尝试预告某地的天气。 预习学案 预习目标:


(2)听课文录音并找出生词和难懂的句子。 预习内容

一、听一听,读一读。 duck, noisy, hungry , snow, rain



4、去上学________5、一个好天___________6、吃我们的野餐_________ 三、我会欣赏

通过读课文,你领会到课文主要写了什么? 试着用简单的英语句子回答。 导学案 I. Warming up 1、Greetings

2、各小组出示单词卡片,引导小组成员相互询问“What are we going to do now ?” We are going to ...

3、听录音(引出课题并板书)。 II、小组自主互助 1、听录音(整体感知)


3、听录音并跟读,小组内学习新单词和重难点,然后各小组用自己喜欢的方式展示并评比。 4、听录音回答问题(在黑板上)

What's the dialogue about? When are they going to eat? What are they going to do now ?”

5、组内讨论问题答案 ,然后班内共同解决 6、组内讨论课文意思,然后小组抢答并展示。

7、巩固练习:各小组看活动3图片,讨论When are we going to?并进行小组间展示。 课堂检测

一、快乐填一填 。

1、 Let’s ____(walk) to school. 2、 _____(this) boys are very hungry. 3、Look !It ___________ (rain). 4、 It ______ (rain) soon .

5、 They are _____ (eat) breakfast now . 6、 The duck (like) our picnic. 7、 Our picnic ____ (be) very nice. 二、我能行。

用英语写一下在周末你将要干什么。 三、拓展提升

(1) 将Daming他们的对话改写成一篇英语小短文。 (2) 请你写出今天又掌握的5个英文句子。

Unit2 It’s going to snow in Harbin.



2、了解日常生活中有关天气的词语以及相应的图标标示 3、在创设的情景中播报未来的天气 二、预习学案 读单词,画出图标标示

Rain snow windy cold sunny warm hot cool 三、导学案


出示天气符号卡片,快速说出对应的单词。 自主学习:

1、 听第八页Part1录音内容,将每个城市与对应的天气符号连线。

Harbin (cold and windy) Bingjing (snow)

Dalian (warm and sunny) Xi’an (rain)

2、 根据连线内容,利用“It’s going to?”句型,描述各城市天气情况。

如:It’s going to snow in Harbin. 合作交流:

1、小组讨论自学过程中遇到解决不了的问题,互相交流。 2、请同学们讨论以下问题:

(1) It’s going to snow in Harbin.与 It’s going to be warm in Dalian.两个句子中为什么snow 前没有be 而warm 前加be? (2) 如果让你询问明天的天气状况,你该怎样问呢? 提示:询问当前天气用“What’s the weather like today? 3、Practice.

(1) 观察第八页Part 3 地图中每个城市的天气,练习对话。(Pairwork)

如:A: What’s the weather going to be like in Xi’an? B: It’s going to be windy in Xi’an. (2)小小天气预报员

观察每个城市的天气,扮演天气预报员,播报天气。 (3)根据下周的天气做出计划、打算,将句子写在随堂记录本上。

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


windy snow cold rain sunny warm cloudy

例如:It’s going to be cold on Wednesday.I’m going to watch TV. 4、展示学习成果 (对话、角色表演、集体展示等方式) 5、拓展延伸


Thunder、shower、 foggy等。 课堂检测: 一. 翻译下列句子。

1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。

I _________ _________ __________ __________ exciting weekend.

2. Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本科学方面的书籍。 Jenny likes _________ ________. She ________ a book _______ _______ last night.

3. Emma每天都练习弹吉他。可是昨天他没有练习。他为数学考试做准备了。

Emma __________ the guitar every day. But he _________ ___________ yesterday. He _________ _________ the math test. 4. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。 What ________ they _________ _________ Saturday? 二、选词填空

A. to B.in C.on D.with

( )1.they are going to play basketball ____their teachers. ( )2.it is going to snow ____Xi’an.

( )3.They are going to the playground ____walk. ( )4.It’s hot ____Thursty.

Module 3 Unit1 The sun is shining


1、看图片,了解图片内容。 2、找出课文中的现在分词。 (二)预习过程

1、用“ ”划出课文中带ing的单词。 2、小组讨论,尝试用英语描述图片。

3、在笔记本上记录自己的预习疑惑,准备上课交流。 三、导学案

(一)自主交流,预习新知 利用课前时间,各小组成员交流预习时遇到的问题,由小组代表在课前把他们预习时遇到的生词或不理解的句子板书到黑板上,其他小组可以上去补充。 (二)激趣热身,导入课题

1、组内快速问答,复习旧知,找出优胜组。(What are you going to do?I am going to ?) 2、教师在黑板上快速画出一幅简笔画,边画边问What am I doing? What are the birds doing?学生进行抢答:The birdings are singing in the threes. (三)小组合作,初学生词


2、第二遍听录音,边听边读出黑板上的生词,个别难词应该反复跟读,掌握正确的发音、个别学生读不准的或是较难的词教师要适当领读。如shining sending singing 小组合作学习黑板上的生词,包括会读会翻译。讨论解决黑板上的生词及课文中不理解的地方,组内解决不了的问题可以由其他小组的同学帮助解决。 (四)导学单词,强化巩固

以小组为单位检查。小组长示范边读边译,然后进行单词联想造句。 (五)初读课文,整体感知

1、听课文录音,听完后学生尝试描述图片上的活动情况。 2、再听录音,学生跟读课文。

3、小组内互助读课文,最后小组长检查本组的描述情况 四、课堂检测

1、Activity3 各小组选代表登台描述图片。教师及时纠错,师生共同评价。 2、进行draw and say活动。 五 、课堂小结,综合评价

学生自主总结本课所学知识。 六、课后作业


Unit2 I’m looking out of the window


学会运用单词out of , wrong等单词。学习用语句I am on the train .I am looking out of the window.向不在场的人描述所看到的情景。 二、预习学案:

1.自主学习新单词out of, wrong

2.使用学过的动词进行“猜动作”游戏。 3.自行阅读诗歌,勾出诗歌中不理解的单词。 三、导学案: I.课前延伸:


2.复习现在进行时的句子。 II.小组探究:

1.小组读课文,将课文中所缺的(图画)单词填写出来。 2.小组读所写的单词。

3.解决诗歌中不理解的词语句子。 Ⅲ.合作交流,展示提升



3.给学生播放一段有趣的动画片,请学生记录动画片人物的动作,并且以现在进行时的句子书写出来。 Ⅳ.精讲点拨

1.将学生在写作中遇到的生词板书到黑板上和学生共同解决。 2.让学生以第一人称的形式为动画片配音。 四、课堂检测: 1.完成下列空格。

I’m on the bus.I am out of the window. The sun is . The boy is a kite.Some girls are games. Oh,the park is here. I must get off the bus. 2.将下列句子重新排列,完成玲玲给大明的信。 Hi,Daming!

(your thank letter you for)

(had day too funny a we Saturday on) (the went to library we ) (wet got we very )

(photos some mum took Lingling’s) From, Lingling


1. 描述自己的一段活动的记录,要求五句以上。。 2. 制作动词卡片。


Unit 1 I'm making Daming's birthingday card

Studying aims(学习目标): ●Knowledge aims(知识目标):

1. Able to read, spell and use the words. (会读、拼单词并且能理解应用)

2. Able to ask for help in English. (会用英语请求帮助) 3. Practise certain pronunciations. (学习一定的语音语调知识) 4. Able to explain the reason that one can’t help others. (会用现在进

行时说明自己不能提供帮助的理由。) ●Ability aim(能力目标):

Able to talk about the topic“Help”with the natural pronunciation

and intonation.(能用正确的表述方式和准确的语音语调谈论“帮助”话题。) ●Emotional and Strategic aims(情感策略目标):

Enjoy study, be good at challenging ourselves, and seek learning methods to develop a good habit of autonomic learning. (学生通过感知和体验,勇于克服困难、积极参与合作、勇于探究积累学习方法并敢于开口用英语进行交流。) ●Keystones(重点):

1. Word pronunciation. (单词发音)

2. To understand the grammar and to use it. (语法知识的理解及应用)

3. Oral practice. (重点句子的语音训练) ●Difficulties(难点):

Establishment of teaching methods and Teaching Assumptions (教学策略) :


2.将学习习惯培养扎实有效地落实到每一个教学环节中,关注每一个学生,关注不同层次的学生,培养他们善于质疑、倾听和合作的能力。 Stages and procedures (教学程序):

Guide the students to do pre-class preparation(引导学生做好课前准备)

●Leading-in.(导入课题: M4 U1 I’m making Daming’s birthday card.) ●Present studying aims and the studying methods with the knowledge tree. (用知识树展示学习目标和学习方法)

1.Emotional and Strategic aims(情感和策略等目标): Self-confidence——Never give up.

Courage——Be good at challenging ourselves. Strategy——Be good at study. 2.Studying methods(学习方法):

“我读对了单词的三个理由”and“口语训练六最法” 3.Language points(学习内容):

①Words and pronunciations ②Grammar ③Pronunciation and intonation ④A dialogue ●Study new words(单词学习)?? (出示课件)

1.Display the word list,read the words as a model.(出示单词,范读)

card /ka:d/卡片; careful /'k??f?l/细心的,小心的; balloon

/b?'lu:n/气球; fly away /flai ?'wei/飞走; stairs /st??z/楼梯; mess /mes/混乱.

2.Guide the pupils to answer and sum up the methods to read English words(引导学生回答、总结单词学习方法。) 我读对了单词的三个理由:

理由1、根据读音规则就应该这样读。 理由2、根据音标就是这样读。 理由3、听录音或老师就是这样读的。

3. Guide the pupils to study by themselves, and then help each other. (引导学生参照“我读对了单词的三个理由”展开自学、互助、质疑解惑和反馈矫正。)

●Study the grammar(学习语法)?? (出示课件) Grammar 1: How should you ask for help?

①Listen and find out the sentences.(听音,找句子) Who can help me? Come and help us.

②To guide the pupils to practise the sentences with different voices.(引导学


Grammar2:How to explain that you can’t offer help. (如何说明自己不能提供帮助的理由。)

①Listen and find out the sentence: I’m making Daming’s birthday


②Write the sentence ( 师生同时书写句子): I’m making Daming’s birthday card.

③Guide the pupils to understand the sentence and understand the

differences between English and Chinese.(引导学生理解汉意,并理解英语和汉语的差异。)

④Review the using of The Present Continuous Tense.(复习现在进行时态的用法。)

●Let’s practise oral with the “six mosts”. (用“六最法” 训练口语)

1.Present the “six mosts”( 出示“口语训练六最法”) ①As clearly as possible(最清晰)

②As slowly as possible(最慢速) ③As loudly as possible(最大声) ④As quickly as possible(最快速) ⑤As naturally as possible(最优雅) ⑥I can use it(最会用)

2. Guide the pupils to practise the sentence with the methods

learned. (引导学生用“口语训练六最法”逐步训练句子)

E.g. I’m making Daming’s birthday card.

①As clearly as possible: Guide the pupils to pronounce correctly, understand the meaning and the sentence structures. ( 引导学生把每一个单词的音发准确,并准确理解汉意和句式结构等。)

②As slowly as possible: Guide the pupils to experience every point of articulation.(引导学生用最慢速体会每一音的发音部位。)

③As loudly as possible: Guide the pupils to yell the sentence in order to strengthen their confidence(引导学生大声喊句子,增强自信。)

④As quickly as possible :Guide the pupils to practise as quickly

as possible. (引导学生快速训练,提高熟练程度。)

⑤As naturally as possible: Guide the pupils to speak natural

English. (引导学生说优雅、自然的英语。)

⑥I can use it: Guide the pupils to make and use more sentences. (引导学生举一反三用句子。)

3. Guide the pupils to study the following sentences by themselves

with the “six mosts” in groups. (以小组为单位用六最法自主互助学习)

She’s buying things for your birthday. The oranges are falling. The balloons are flying away.

The books are falling. The apples are falling. The kite is flying away. The newspaper is flying away. 4. Act in groups. (小组展示学习过程)

●Show off:Look at the pictures and make dialogues in group, then show off. (小组展示自编对话表演)

●Sum up(课堂总结): What have you got in this class?

Guide the pupils to sum up the experience, the methods and the knowledge they have got.(引导学生总结学习体验、方法及知识等收获。)

●Homework(作业): (出示课件)

Talk about “Help” after class with the knowledge we’ve learned. (课下和同学、朋友组织一个“帮助”话题的交流活动。文明用语,魅力无穷!)

Module4 Unit2 The apples are falling down the sairs

一、 学习目标

1、识别单词和短语stairs , mess ,What a mess!并知道汉语意思 2、口头运用The apples are falling down the sairs说明正在发生的事情。 3、学习一首小诗。 二、 预习学案: <一>预习目标:


2、找出课文中的现在分词,了解其汉语意思。 (二)预习过程

1、小组讨论,尝试用英语描述图片。 2、用“ ”划出课文中带ing的单词。

3、在笔记本上记录自己的预习疑惑,准备上课交流。 三、 导学案。

<一>自主交流,预习新知。 利用课前时间,各小组成员交流预习时遇到的问题,由小组代表在课前把他们预习时遇到的生词或难理解的句子板书到黑板上,如果哪个小组还有黑板上没有板书的生词或句子就上去补充。

<二>回顾旧知, 导入新课。

1、 由老师带领,复习动词短语,进行What am I doing ?问答游戏。

2 、各小组进行unit1 Activity 1的课本剧表演。 3、老师挑选几名小组代表进行全班展示,并评价。 <三>小组合作,学习生词


2、第二遍听录音,边听边读出黑板上的生词,个别难词应该反复跟读,掌握正确的发音、个别学生读不准的或是较难的词教师要适当领读。如falling down, sairs , mess. <四>初读课文,整体感知。


2、听录音,回答问题:What is happening to the apples ? 3、小组互助交流,描述课文。

4、Activity2 听音连线,巩固所学知识。 <五>学习小诗,活跃课堂气氛。

1、 放录音,学生跟读,模仿语音语调。 2、 小组内互助读小诗,边读边做动作。 3、 进行最佳直播解说员”评选活动. 四、课堂检验:

1、Activity5 game:What is he doing ? 学生两人一组进行对话。

2、Activity3 Point and say 各小组选派代表登台看图片说句子,由学生作出评价。 五、课堂小结,综合评价。学生自主总结本课所学知识。 六、课后作业


Module5 Unit1.

Daming is having a birthday party.

(导学案) 一、学习目标: 1. Learning task:

1). Daming is having a birthday party.

2). Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing. 2. Ability:

Talk about \thing is happening, but another thing is happening.\

teaching aids:a tape-recorder

二、预习学案: 读课文完成下列句子:

1)Daming is having a birthday party,but the _____ is ___________. 2)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the_______ is ____________. 3)Daming is playing the trumpet again ,but the ______ is ________ . 4)Daming is playing the trupet again ,but the______ is _______ . 三、导学案: Step1. Greeting:

T:Hello!Boys and girls!

T:What's the weather like today? ( It's sunny.) What's the weather like yesterday? ( It was windy.) What's the weather like tomorrow? ( It is going to be sunny.) T:Sit down ,please. Step2. Revision

Revise the present continues tense: the subject +be+doing

accroding to the game\1. E,g:

picnic---a picnic---have a picnic---having a picnic---We're having a picnic.

The girl is eating dinner , but the phone is ringing. Step5. The text.

T: Please look at the pictures and say \ What are they doing?\1. She's eating dinner , but the phone is ringing. 2. He's riding his bike , but it's strange to rain. 3. She's doing exercises , but it's getting too hot. 4. She's watching TV , but the doorbell is ringing. 5. He's walking in the park , but it's starting to snow. 6. He's listening to music , but his sister is singing. Step6.

1. Play the tape for students ,let them listen carefuuly.

2. Play the tape again ,let them listen and follow it ,let them pay attention to the pronouncation and tone.

3. The teacher can explain the difficulty for students.

4. The teacher can play the tape for students ,and let them read after it .

1) You're waving to say \2) I am high up in the sky. 3) It's getting very dark.

4) Then I wake up from my dream.

5. The teacher should encourage them act and read the poem.

Step7 课堂检测:

1. Let students write down the sentences on the exercise books. 2. Let students look at the picture and describe the pictures orally. 1) They are having a picnic , but it's starting to rain. 2) They are playing football , but it's starting to snow. 3) The boy is swimming , but it's starting to rain. 4) He's wearing a coat , but it's getting too hot. 3. Writing:

Let students write a composition , they can use the sentence structure \ 附:板书设计:

Module 5 Unit 2.

He's riding his bike , but it's starting to rain. I am reading a book , but the phone is ringing. A;I an flying a kite.

B:You are flying a kite and I am flying a kite ,too.

Module 6 Unit One

I bought you this book. (导学案)


1. Learning task:

1). A: I bought you this book. B: Thank you . It looks interesting. 2) . A: Who gave to you? B: Simon's family gave it to me. 2. Ability:

Sending and receiving presents. teaching aids:a tape-recorder 二、预习学案:

1.Do you like sports ? What sports do you know? 1). basketball 2). football 3).volleyball 4).table tennis 5).long jump 6).high jump 7).morning exercises 8).swimming 9).running 2. Let students read the text and answer the two questions: 1)What did Daming buy his mum?

(Daming bought his mum a book about America.) 2)What did Simon's family give Daming? (Simon's family gave Daming a baseball set.) 三、导学案: Step1. Greeting:


T: What's the weather like today? It's sunny. What's the weather like yesterday? It was windy. What's the weather like tomorrow? It is going to be sunny. T:Sit down ,please. Step2. Revision

Revise the present continues tense: the subject +be going to do .

T:The summer holiday is coming.I have a plan. I am going to go to Qingdao. Qindao is very beautiful and very famous. I am going to see the sea. I like the sea. The sea is blue and wonderful. I think I'll swim in the sea .

Would you like to go to Qingdao with me this summer holiday? Would you like to tell me your plan?

Then let several students tell their plan . Others should listen and answer the questions. Step 3. Presentation

1.Do you like sports ? What sports do you know? 1).basketball 2).football 3).volleyball

4).table tennis 5).long jump 6).high jump 7).morning exercises 8).swimming 9).running

2.This class ,we'll know another sport ----baseball. Then teach to read the phrases about the baseball. a bassball stick, a bassball cap, a baseball set Step4. Text:

1. Look at the pictures , who are they? Where are they? 2. Let students read the text and answer the two questions: 1) What did Daming buy his mum?

(Daming bought his mum a book about America.) 2) What did Simon's family give Daming? (Simon's family gave Daming a baseball set.) Step5、 1、课堂检测:

rode ate played was drank saw watched went won Daming and simon _____ to a baseball game in America. They ____their bicycles.Then they ___the game .They ____their favourite team.Their team ____ very well and they ____ . Daming and Simon ____ hot dogs ____ colas . It ____ a great game!

2、写一篇小短文,写出自己完整的一天或一个活动,要求句子最少6个。 附:板书设计:

Module Six Unit One

I bought you this book.

I bouoght you this book. Thank you . It looks interesting. Who gave to you? Simon's family gave it to me.

Module6 Unit 2

What's it about ?


一、学习目标: 1. Learning task:

1). I bought a book for you. 2).This book looks interesting .

What's it about? It's about animals. 2. Ability:

Talk about somthing about presents. teaching aids:a tape-recorder 二、预习学案:

1. T: Look at Part One , What's the book about ? S: It's about spaceship.

2. Look at Part Three , there are lots of books. What's it about? It's about cars/planes/animals/bicycles/America/China.

三、导学案: Step1.

Ss on duty have a report about the presents . Other students listen and answer the questions. Step2.

1.Today the teacher should wear a new sweater and say to students : Look! I have got a sweater .Look. It's green.

(Here the teacher should ask a question : What color is it?) It's very beautiful. My sister bought it to me .

(Here the teacher should let students ask some questions, eg:Who gave it to you? Who bought it for you?

Then the teacher answer the questions) 2. Write down the sentences.

3. Let students talk about their presents like this. They can discuss it. If they have any questions ,they can ask the teacher.

Let several students stand up and talk about their presents in front of the class . They listen carefully and answer the questions about the talk.

eg: Who gave … the present? What is the present? What color is the present? ...


1. If there is a student talked about a book as a gift , the teacher should use the information: T: What's the book about?

2. Open the SB, turn to page 24.Part One: T: Look at Part One , What's the book about ?

S: It's about spaceship.( Pay attention to how to teach the word.) 3. Look at Part Three , there are lots of books. Let students answer the questions one by one. What's it about?

(It's about cars/planes/animals/bicycles/America/China.)

4. Then let students make a dialogue like this and practise in groups.: A: This book looks interesting. B: What's it about? A: It's about ...

5. Let students act in front of the class. Step4.

1. Look at Part 4 , Do you know what is Daming's Mum saying? (S: I bought the book for you.)

2. T: We know , Daming bought a book about America for his mum , so today his mum bought a book for Daming. T: What's it about?

S: It's about spaceships. T: Do you want to read it? S: Yes.

3. T: Look at the three pictures.

Picture1: It's a picture of an America spaceship. Picture2: It's a picture of a Russia spaceship. What is in it?

Picture3.This is a picture of a spaceship in China. 4. Please listen and tell me what's in the book.

Play the tape for students , and let them listen and pay attention to what they say.

5,Play the tape again and follow it. Step 5 1.课堂检测:

I have got a present. My mum _____ it to me on my birthday .On that day , many friends _______ to my house , They _______ “Happy birthday” to me . I _______ very happy. [the key: gave came said was] 2.Talk about something about presents.

描写一件自己的礼物(present)到练习本上。要求写5句以上。 附:板书设计:

Module6 Unit 2

What's it about ?

1). I bought a book for you.

2). This book looks interesting . What's it about?

It's about animals.

Module 7 Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space


1.理解短文的意思,能够完整地谈论一件过去发生的事情。 2.掌握连词‘and’的用法。

3.识别单词;flew,became,spent, hour,son,proud.


1.预习生词;flew,became,spent, hour,son,proud. 2.找出疑难点;不会读的单词,不明白的句子。


1.When did Shenzhou v fly into space? 2.How much time did he spend in space?



以小组为单位交流预习本单元时遇到的问题,由小组长把他们预习时遇到的生词板书到黑板上,板书的原则是;生词表上的四会单词一定板书,不会的疑难词汇要板书。 二、激趣热身,导入课题

因为这一课的功课的功能是用动词过去式描述过去发生的事情。所以教师应先引领学生回顾一下学过的 动词过去式,特别是不规则的动词过去式。可采取小组比赛的形式。并给计分。




2.第二遍听录音,边听边读出黑板上的生词,个别难词应该反复跟读,掌握正确的发音。个别学生读不准的词教师要适当领读。如flew, spent, saw ,proud. 小组合作学习黑板上的生词,包裹灰度,会翻译,能联想相关词汇,运用技巧初步记忆,运用生词造句等。讨论解决黑板上的生词及课文中不理解的地方,组内解决不了的问题可以由其他小组的同学帮助解决,哪个组解决其他组的问题的可以帮忙,并得到相应的奖励;也可以在老师巡视时请老师帮助解决。老师巡回检查指导每组的学习情况,并随时将情况进行评介。


以小组为单位检查并展示学习成果。检查和 展示的方式很多主要从读音,汉义,拼写或单词的不同时态的表现形式等几个方面检查。可以齐读单词,小老师领读,英汉互译,单词造句句型替换等。 五、阅读课文,合作探究



各小组以不同的方式展示表演课文。有的组齐读,有的组两人读英语,两人读汉语,有的组分角色读课文,有的组表演情景剧。 七、课堂检测


1. fly ﹙过去式﹚ ____ 2. become ﹙过去式﹚ ______

3. spend ﹙过去式﹚ ____ 4. make ﹙过去式﹚ _____ 5. one ﹙序数词﹚ _____ 6. our ﹙同音词﹚ ____ 7. sun ﹙同音词﹚_____ 8. outside ﹙反义词﹚ _____

读一读 ,选词填空

of about with from 2. 读课文回答问题



1. Ken is ____ twelve years old .

2. Look ! There are lots ___ flowers in the garden . 3. Lucy is ____ America .

4. Shen zhou VI Flew into space ___ Fei jun long and Nie hai sheng .


Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in 学生自主总结本课所学知识。

九、课后作业:写一篇短文My last weekend



1. 能识别came back ,并能书写单词came 。

2. 口头运用, In October 2003 ,he went to Jiuquan Space Centre . 这类语


3. 学习语句, In October 2003 ,he went to Jiuquan Space Centre . 词汇 ,

came back ,centre .


重点句子的理解和运用 课前准备, 录音机 卡片



抽取教师事先准备的表示时间、地点 、人物 、事件的单词 ,例如抽

到“in shanghai” ,学生造句, He spent three days in Shanghai

. 学习课文


2、再放一遍录音,以小组为单位讨论答案。 3、抽2-3个小组汇报答案。

4、听录音跟读,注意语音、语调 5. 理解 “cm”是厘米的缩写。


1.以小组为单位互换角色熟读课文。 2.逐组展示读课文情况。







1、Look up at the spaceship ____ ﹙fiy﹚ in the sky .

2、 Where did you ____ ﹙go﹚? I ____ ﹙go﹚ to the park .

3、 How _____ ﹙be﹚ Mike on his birthday party yesterday . 4. What did you _____ ﹙see﹚ ? I _____ ﹙see﹚ many dogs .

Module 8 Unit 1


1. 学习语句:

Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. She became blind and deaf .

She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear .

Helen Keller

2. 能口头运用Helen Keller was born in America in 1880这类语句来介绍人


3. 能识别单词: born child as later drew letter herself all over

model ,并能书写单词could 。


单词、词组的记忆及目标句的理解和掌握。 课前准备:

录音机 卡片



1、 让学生根据音标自己拼读单词,老师帮忙改正。 2、 跟读单词。 3、 同桌互读。 4、 记单词比赛。 学习课文

1、听录音回答问题:Who was Helen Keller ? 2、试着在书中找出答案,并用笔勾画出来。

3、再放一遍录音,以小组为单位讨论答案。 3、抽2-3个小组汇报答案。 4、听录音跟读,注意语音、语调。




2、根据活动3图片提示介绍Helen Keller 的 故事。



1、 Linda was ____ ﹙生于﹚ in Eingland 。

2、 First ,Li Lei was a worker . ____ ﹙后来﹚he became

a pilot.

3、She said to ___ ﹙她自己﹚ stardy hard . 4、The ____ ﹙世界﹚ is very big .

5、Uncle Li is a ____ ﹙模范﹚ for all of us .

Module 8 Unit 2 His name is Louis Braillen


1. 2. 3.


1. 识别单词: was ,born

2、重点句子:When was he born ? He was born in 1809 . 学习过程:





学习并能口头运用When was he born ? He was born in 1809 . 这类语句来询问并回答你想知道的人物信息。 识别单词: was ,born 书写单词: was ,born 学习一首韵诗。


