我与语篇教学的零距离接触 - 图文

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镇海应行久外语实验学校 梅妙聪


语篇是小学生听说读写英语的好材料,是学生获取语言信息和综合运用语言的重要途径。PEP教材进入高年级后语篇变长,容量变大,语篇中涉及一定量的生词、句型和文化背景知识。心理学家格式塔曾言:“部分相加不等于整体,整体比部分的总和大,整体优于部分并决定部分的性质和意义。”因此,外语教学中的语篇教学尤显重要。我们进行语篇教学整体性研究能够促使我们深入改革英语教学,从根本上改变以往教学中过分注重语法和词汇知识的讲解和传授,却忽视对学生实际语言能力运用的培养的倾向。语篇教学将是解决语言技能和阅读能力培养的最好途径,将是提高教学效率的行之有效的方法。同时,进行语篇教学整体性研究也是学校和教师发展的需要。2008年12月,我校与宁波市部分学校共同举办了青年教师研讨活动,既然是“研讨”,我个人认为,就应该选择一些最近研究的热点的话题来提升自己的教育理念。一直受上海福山路外国语小学吴绯霞老师潜移默化的影响,我对“语篇教学”的追求可谓是“执迷不悟”。在再三权衡下,我选择了ck辅音字母的发音,并上网搜索了许多相应的材料,根据语篇教学“词不离句,句不离篇”这样的教学理念,设计了如下教学思路: 二、语篇整体教学的案例及步骤:

Part 1 Pre-reading 1.Do and say:

Open your book. Tick, tick, tick

Pick up the flowers. Pick up the ruler. Pick up the book. Kick the ball. 2.Show Ss PPT: Show a boy named Jack. T: Who is he? He is Jack. T: Where is he? He is near the rock.

T: What is he doing? He is looking for a backpack.

Guide Ss to say: Jack is looking for a backpack near the rock.

T: Looking, looking, here’s the backpack. 3. Guess what’s in the bag.

a.Get ready for a backpack. And put some things into the bag. Let Ss guess and say.

b.Show Ss PPT and let Ss read these words: (backpack, duck, clock, sock) 4.Tell Ss that CK is pronounced /k/. Then Show Ss PPT and have Ss try to read these words according to the pronunciation rules.

5.After Ss read these words, Have Ss play games so as to consolidate them. Show Ss PPT: Try to read!tickbackpackpicktruckquackchickclickbucket (游戏规则:按照箭头所指的方向指单词。如果老师说tick,学生双手往上举,如果老师说click,学生右手侧平举,如果老师说chick,学生右手往右上方举。为了增加游戏难度,教师还可以同时说两个单词。


Part 2 While-reading

Show Ss a picture of Jack and make a context:

T: Oh, Where are Jack’s things? I can’t find them. Can you help me? Show Ss PPT:

Let’s do together: Look here, Look there. Everywhere! 1. Tell the first part of the story.

a. Let Ss listen to the sound of the clock and guide them guess what it is. Then present the structure: Jack found a clock. Tick, tick, tick goes the clock. b.Show Ss the below PPT and ask them to read and choose where Jack put the clock.

c.After Ss found the answer, T presented the structure:

T: Jack put the clock in his sock. Tick, tick, tick goes the clock.

Jackfound a clock.Tick,tick,tick,goes the clock.Jackput the clockin hissock. Tick, tick, tick, goes the clock.Where did Jack put the clock? d. Have Ss practise the structure in twos. 2. Tell the second part of the story:

a. Present the chick using the shapes part by part. Then guide Ss to say: lock chick sock clockJackfound a chick.Pick, pick, pick, goes the chick. Jack found a chick. Pick pick, pick, goes the chick. b. Ss read and guess: Where did Jack put the chick?

Jack put the chick in his backpack. Pick, pick, pick goes the chick. Read and answerQ: Where did Jack put the chick?A:Hello,Jack! What a nice chick!Jack:Where did you put it?A: Did you put it in your pocket?Jack: No, it’s too big.A:Did you put it in your sock?Jack: No, I didn’t.A:How about putting in your backpack?Jack: Yes,I did. Jackfound the chick.Pick, pick, pick, goes the chick.Jackput the chickin his backpack.Pick, pick, pick, goes the chick. c. Have Ss practice in the way of PK.

3. Tell the third part of the story:

a. Present the structures by having Ss guess with the picture covered. Jack found a duck. Quack, quack, quack goes the duck.

Jack put the duck in his bucket. Quack, quack, quack, goes the duck. Jackfound the duck.Quack, quack, quack, goes the duck.Jackput the duckin his bucket.Quack, quack, quack, goes the duck. b.Let Ss practise in groups. 4. Tell the fourth part of the story.

a. Let Ss make a story by themselves according to what they have learned

provided with the picture.

Jackfound a lock.Click,click,clickgoes the lock.clickclickclick Jack found a . Click, click, click, goes the lock. He put his in his . Click, click, click, goes the lock.

(设计意图:在这一环节,教师别巨匠心的设计为学生理解新知扫清障碍。教师通过声音、图片等资源调动学生的感官,更为有趣的是,教师在每个片段呈现之前,都采用自编的“Look here, look there, everywhere!”音、形结合、琅琅上口的歌谣激发学生学习英语的欲望。最后在学生有一定语量的基础上,让学生学会独立使用语言。)

5.Play a game. (游戏规则,在PPT设置两个选择图标:difficult easy。如果学生选择difficult,点击difficult就会出现一些与ck发音的难句供学生读,教师可以通过学生的读的情况得到反馈。同样,一些学困生可以选择一些easy的题目以增强学习自信心。同时学生每完成一个任务,都有相应的奖励)

Jackput the lockon histruck.Click,click,click,goes the lock.

6.Read and match.. Let me see who has a good memory. Jack put the clock Pictures of backpack tick, tick, tick Jack put the chick sock click, click, click Jack put the duck bucket pick, pick, pick Jack put the lock truck quack, quack, quack After matching, have Ss say the whole together with the pictures on the blackboard.

(设计意图:本环节可通过一些口头或笔头练习,来检测学生对该篇章的理解,即使学生吸收的信息得到强化,又使学生掌握的知识转化为技能。拓展活动要突出知识的综合性和语言的交际功能,在理解和记忆的基础上进行创造性的练习,培养学生运用语言的能力。) Part 3 Post-reading

1. Make a story book and tell stories with the book’s help.

a. T gives out Ss the pictures about the story book.

b. Ss are needed to listen and paste the pictures on the book, then colour the


c. Ss are asked to tell and act out the stories in group.




语篇教学要重兴趣、重成就感、重自信心。小学生学习英语能否取得成功,很大程度上取决于学习兴趣。我们教师应以兴趣为支点,以任务为基础,尽量设计活泼而有趣的教学任务。 如在本课中,教师一开始通过“动一动,猜一猜,说一说”等活动让学生初步感知ck的发音。学生通过这几个游戏活动,找到了学习英语兴趣的支点,并乐于保持饱满的情绪投入到学习中。 (二)创设情境任务是语篇教学的基础。


在本课的呈现阶段,教师采用了各种方法:听声音猜、阅读猜、看形状组合猜、听谜语猜等让学生感知新句型,并借助图片帮助学生理解新的语言点。教师通过创设情境:Where is…? Jack can’t find it. Let’s help him. 并引导学生边说朗朗上口的歌谣边做动作: Look look here. Look look there. Everywhere! 学生在帮助Jack寻找东西的过程就是新的语言学习的过程。


在教学中,我们要给学生一定的任务,给任务一定的趣味性,学生愿意去操练,教师在本课中给学生提供了别具一格的操练形式,单人练习、同桌练习、四人小组练习、小组合作等。对于新内容的处理,采用“词不离句,句不离篇”的教学理念,让学生循序渐进地接受知识,为最后独立运用句型给学生创设一些语用的空间。在学生已经掌握了句型: Jack found a….., …….goes…the…. Jack put the…..in his…. …goes the….,教师让学生充分发挥想象能力,在一个语言支点的帮助下,要求学生在图片的帮助下完成:

Jack found a lock. Click, click, click goes the lock. Jack put the lock in his truck. Click, click, click goes the lock.为了检查学生对文本的内容是否理解,并加深学生对语篇的记忆,教师设计了看图、看句连线,让语篇教学注重音、形、意的结合。在学生的学习接近尾声的时候,教师又设计了一个让学生听、读、演这样一个学习任务,即学生根据录音材料,把手中的图片按照听到的顺序贴在纸上,并折叠成一本story book。要求学生根据故事内容去演一演,学生夸张的肢体语言、优美的语音语调为本课的高潮画上一个圆满的句号。




