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Objectives and Requirements

Target: Learn the alphabet (Aa --- Zz) from Do you know? ·Sing a alphabet song together.

·Show the picture and the word about the picture’s meaning. Have Ss regonize the first alphabet of the word.

·Play the tape, have Ss read after the tape. Have Ss read one by one. ·Game: Have Ss read the alphabet one by one, if one student make a mistake, let him/her sing the “A, B, C? song”.

Unit 1 Hello!


Objectives and Requirements Language

Target: -What’s your name? -I’m Jenny. -What’s your name? -I’m Gogo. Additional: Nice to meet you. Alphabet: a , b , c Vocabulary

Key: hello , hi , goodbye , bye

Additional: Gogo , Tony , Jenny , Boomer , Bonnie Alphabet: apple , banana , cat Materials

1)Picture Cards 1-2 plus Tony,Jenny and Gogo;pictures from magazines of people waving,greeting and departing.

2)What’s your name? a large piece of paper,tape,Character Cards 二、情感态度与价值观:教育学生讲礼貌,会用Hello/Hi!Goodbye/Bye!等与他人打招呼。并让学生体会到学习英语的快乐。 三、过程与方法:

Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Getting ready

·Write my name on the board. ·T: Hello! I’m (T’s name). ·Encourage Ss to introuduce themselves. Model the sentences if necessary. ·When Ss understand what they should do,do it again to give Ss a chance to learn their classmates’names.

Using the book

·Before opening the book,show Picture Cards of Gogo and Tony. ·Put the Picture Card of Gogo in front of your face. ·T: Hello! I’m Gogo.

·Do the same with the Picture Card of Tony.


·T: Look(Point to your eyes.)and listen.(Put your hand to your ear.) ·Play the tape and move the Picture Cards like a puppet show. ·T: Now open your books. ·Model opening the textbook.

·Have Ss look at the page and play the tape again.

·Play the tape again,but this time pause after each line to have Ss repeat.

Vocabulary Getting ready

·With your book closed,whisper each word while pantomiming the corresponding action.

·T: Listen. Hello! Hi! Goodbye! Bye! What am I saying?

·Ss try to hear what you are saying and repeat it.Whisper softly so Ss have to concentrate to hear you.

·Once Ss understand,have them repeat each expression.

Using the book

·T: Listen and repeat. Point to each picture.

·Have Ss listen and point to each picture repeating after the tape.

Handwriting : Unit one Hello!

hello,hi,goodbye,bye Hello! Hi! Goodbye! Bye!

Lesson 2 Target & Practice1-2 ⅠTarget

Getting ready

·Approach one student. ·T: What’s your name?

·Elicit a response from S1 or model a response if necessary. ·Go to S2 and do the same.

·Encourage S2 to ask T’s name.(S2: What’s your name?) ·T: I’m Ms.Tang.

Using the book

·Have Ss look at the picture.

·Point to Gogo and then Tony. Model the dialog. ·Point to Jenny and then Gogo. Model the dialog. ·T: Listen and repeat.

·Play the tape,pausing after each expression.

·After listening and repeating,pick Ss and practice the dialog.


Ⅱ Practice 1 Getting ready

·Point to the four pictures. ·T: What’s this?

·Elicit responses from Ss.

Using the book ·T: Listen .

·Play the tape for number 1,and then pause.

·Point to each picture with a questioning expression.

·Once the Ss indentify the correct box,trace the number 1in the box with your finger. Have Ss do the same in their books.

·Continue with 2,3 and 4,but let the Ss identify the correct box in their books on their own.

Practice 2 Getting ready

·Write What’s your name? on the board.

·Point to Ss randomly, ask their names and elicit responses.

Using the book

·Have Ss draw themselves in the box. ·Point to Gogo. ·T: Look.

·T: Listen and answer.

·Play the tape and have Ss respond.


Getting ready

·Point to the pictures. Point to each character and read out the name. ·Have Ss repeat after you. Using the book ·T: Listen. ·Play the tape.

·Listen to the song a few times. ·T: Point.

·Demonstrate by pointing to the pictures when singing. Encourage Ss to join in singing when ready.

Activity Getting ready

·Write Gogo, Tony, Jenny, Boomer and Bonnie on the board. ·Point to each one and say the name out loud.


·Circle the first of each name.

Using the book

·Have Ss look at the written names and the pictures of the characters. ·Point to the written words.

·T: Look and repeat.Gogo. (Ss: Gogo.) ·Continue with the next four names.

·Give Ss time to match the letters with the pictures.


What’s your name? I'm ?

Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready

·Review the Alphabet chant from Do you know......? ·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters. ·T: Sing and point.

·Model pointing to the letters in the song.(Ss sing and point to the letters.)

Using the book

·Point to T’s mouth. ·T: Look and repeat. ·Point to the letter A. ·T: A. (Ss: A.)

·Open your mouth wide so that Ss can see. ·T: Apple. (Ss: Apple.)

·Continue with the letters B and C. ·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter. Handariting: Aa Bb Cc apple banana cat

Lesson 4 Revision


hello ( ) hi( ) bye( ) goodbye( ) Gogo ( ) Tony( ) Jenny( )

二、Copy the letters:Aa,Bb,Cc


Unit 2 My classroom


Objectives and Requirements Language

Target: -What’s this? -It’s a desk. -And this? -Oh, it’s an eraser. Alphabet: d , e , f Vocabulary

Key: table , desk , chair , book , pencil , ruler

Alphabet: dog , elephant , fish Materials Picture Cards 3—8, plastic/real apple,book,desk,ruler,pencil,chair,desk?

二、情感态度与价值观:让学生用英语去询问一些常见的桌椅、文具等单词,在学习中体会到学习的快乐,并教育学生要爱护公物和学习文具。 三、过程与方法 Lesson 1 Story Getting ready

·Bring a book and an apple to class. ·Hold up the book and give Ss a questioning look when asking the questions. ·T: What’s this? It’s a book. Repeat. Book. (Ss: Book.) ·Do the same with an apple.

·Pick one student and show him/her the apple. ·T: What’s this? (S1: Apple.) ·Continue with a couple more Ss.

Using the book

·T: Open your books. What’s this?(Point to the picture of a book.) (Ss: Book.)Yes.Read after me.It’s a book.(Ss: It’s a book.) ·Do the same with the picture of an apple. ·T: Listen. ·Play the tape.

·T: Listen and repeat.

·Play the tape,pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat. ·Show Ss how to act out the dialog.(e.g. Mmmmm!with an exaggerated facial expression,etc.)and have Ss mimic. ·Divide the class into two groups.

·One group takes the role of Gogo and the other half Jenny. ·Assign one student to take the role of the worm in the apple.


Have each group repeat after the T.

Handwriting:What’s this? It’s a/an book/pencil/ apple.

Lesson 2 Vocabulary & Target ⅠVocabulary Getting ready

·Review the conversation.

·T: Look. What’s this?(point to the desk.) It’s a desk.

·T ask again.(Ss: It’s a desk.) T: Good! Desk,desk,it’s a desk.

·Let Ss repeat three times.And then let them make ask each other. ·Continue to ask the other real object: chair , table , pencil , book. ·T: What’s this? (Point to a ruler.) ·T: Ruler. A ruler.It’s a ruler.

Let Ss repeat three times.And make dialog. Using the book

·T: Listen and repeat. Point to each picture. Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.

·Have Ss listen and point to each picture repeating after the tape.


Getting ready

·Point to a desk in the room.

·T: Repeat. Desk. (Ss: Desk.) A desk. (Ss: A desk.) It’s a desk.(Ss: It’s a desk.)

·Hold up a ruler, and do the same. ·Write a / an on the board. ·T: A desk. Point to a. ·T: An apple. Point to an. Using the book

·Have Ss look at the first picture.

·Point to Gogo and then Tony. Model the dialog. ·Repeat with the second picture. ·T: Listen and repeat.

·Play the tape,pausing after each expression.

·After enough practice,point to a desk in the classroom. ·T: What’s this? (Ss: It’s a desk.)

·Hold up a ruler.And ask: And this? (Ss: It’s a ruler.) Ⅱ Practice 1 Getting ready

·Point to the picture of a chair in Picture A. ·T: Chair. Repeat. (Ss: Chair.)


·Continue with other pictures.

Using the book ·T: Listen .

·Play the tape for number 1,and then pause.

·Point to each picture with a questioning expression.

·Once the Ss indentify the correct box,trace the number 1in the box with your finger. Have Ss do the same in their books.

·Continue with 2,3 and 4,but let the Ss identify the correct box in their books on their own.

Practice 2 Getting ready

·Write It’s a _____.on the board.

·In the blank, stick the Picture Card of book. ·T: It’s a book. Repeat. (Ss: It’s a book.)

·Substitute with a couple more Picture Cards and have Ss repeat.

Using the book

·Have Ss look at the pictures. ·T: Listen and answer.

·Play the tape and have Ss answer in unison. ·Pause the tape and point to Picture A.

·T: What’s this, (S1’s name)? (S1: It’s a pencil.) ·Play the tape for Picture B and do as above.


Getting ready

·Use the pictures in the book.

·T: Point and repeat.Book.(Point to the book.)

·T: Point and answer. What’s this? (Point to the book.) ·Continue with the pen, the desk and the chair.

Using the book ·T: Listen.

·Play the tape.

·T: Point to the picture.

·Model this by pointing to the pictures while chanting. Play the tape.

·T: Chant together.

Play the tape and chant along.

Activity Getting ready


·Write a, e, i, o, u on the board.

·Read out the vowel sounds and have Ss listen. ·Write an near those letters on the board. T: An apple.

Using the book

·Have Ss look at the pictures.

·T: Look and repeat.Book. (Ss: Book.) ·Continue with the rest of the pictures.

·Give Ss a few minutes to circle the correct phrases.

Handwriting: table desk chair book pencil ruler

Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready

·Review the Alphabet chant.

·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters. ·T: Sing and point.

·Model pointing to the letters in the song.(Ss sing and point to the letters.)

Using the book

·T: Look and repeat. Point to the letter D. ·T: D. (Ss: D.)

·T: Dog. (Ss: Dog.)

·Continue with the letters E and F. ·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter. Handwriting: Dd Ee Ff dog elephant fish

Lesson 4 Revision


desk( ) chair( ) book( )pencil( ) table( ) 二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。 I E G C B H

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。 I A G F H D d i a h g f


Unit 3 Animals


Objectives and Requirements Language

Target: - Is this a dog? - No, it isn’t. - Is this a panda? - Yes, it is. Alphabet: g , h, i


Key: elephant , panda , monkey , lion , tiger , rabbit Additional: bird

Alphabet: girl, hat, ice-cream Materials

picture card, pictures of a dog, a bird and a cat. Animal word cards, headband, paper, scissors, glue



Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Getting ready

1. bring in pictures of a dog and a cat. First, show the picture of a dog.

2. T: Is this a dog? Repeat. Is this a dog? 3. Next show the picture of a cat.

4. T: Is this a dog? Repeat. No, it isn’t. Using the book

T: Open your books. ( Point to the dog. ) Is this a dog? T: Is this a bird? T: Let’s listen.

Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat. Divide the class into two groups.

One group takes the role of Gogo and the other half Tony. Have each group repeat after the T. Vocabulary Getting ready

T: Look at the pictures. Listen and point. Whale.

Continue with the rest of the vocabulary pointing to the pictures one by one.

Using the book

T: Listen to the tape and repeat.

Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.


Point to the picture of panda. T: Panda. Repeat. Panda.

Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the word. Target

Getting ready

T: Is this a tiger? T: Is this an elephant?

Continue and substitute with different animals. Using the book

Have Ss look at the first picture.

Point to Gogo, then Tony. Model the dialog. Repeat with the second picture. T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Have Ss role play in pairs.

Handwriting: Is this a bird? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. an elephant a panda a monkey a lion a tiger a rabbit

Lesson 2 Practice 1 & Practice 2 Practice 1 Getting ready

Point to Picture A. T: Is this a tiger?

Point to Picture D and ask in a whisper. T: Is this an elephant?

Motion to remaining half of the class to answer.

Point to Picture B without saying anything and motion to half the class to ask the question. Motion to the other half of the class to answer. Continue this activity for Picture C. Using the book

T: Now, listen to the tape.

Play the tape for number 1 and then pause. T: Which picture is it? Write number 1. Continue with the rest of the numbers. Practice 2 Getting ready

Using the Picture Cards of the key vocabulary, cover up a portion of the picture, revealing only a small body part: eyes, mouth, ears, etc. T: Is this a ( lion )? Using the book

Have Ss look at the pictures.

T: This time, listen to the tape and answer.

Play the tape for Picture A and have Ss answer in unison. Continue with B and C. Song


Getting ready

Make one of the animal sounds. T: Meow, meow. Is this a cat? T: Ruff, ruff. Is this a bird?

Continue teaching all the animal sounds to Ss the same way. Using the book

T: Let’s sing. Listen to the tape. Play the tape.

T: This time, point to the picture when you hear the word. Model by pointing to the pictures while singing. Play the tape.

T: This time, let’s sing together. Play the tape and sing along.

Lesson3 Activity Getting ready

Pointing to each picture, pose questions to Ss. T: Is this a dog? Is this a hippo? Is this a panda?

Continue in this way, but allow volunteers to make the questions. Using the book

Ss look at pictures and read the words.

Have Ss make questions, e.g. Is this ( a polar bear )? If it is a correct match. Ss put a check mark in the box. If it is an incorrect match. Ss put an “X” in the box. Alphabet

Getting ready

Write G, H and I on the board.

Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books. T: Circle G, H and I.

Model circling on the board.

Ss circle the letters in their books. ·Point to the letter G. ·T: G. (Ss: G.)

·T: /g/, /g/, /g/. [Ss: /g/, /g/, /g/.] ·T: Girl. [Ss: Girl.]

·Continue with the letters H and I. ·Play the tape and have Ss repeat. Using the book T: Look and repeat. Point to the letter G. Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

Handwriting: Gg Hh Ii girl hat ice cream


Lesson 4 Revision


elephant( ) panda( ) monkey( )tiger( ) lion( ) rabbit( )

二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。 I G E D H C B A F


I A G F H D B C E G d i a h g f g e b c 四、抄写字母Aa-Ii.

Unit 4 My family


Objectives and Requirements Language

Target: -Who’s she? -She’s my mother. -Who’s he? -He’s my friend..

Additional: How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How about me?

Alphabet: j , k , l


Key: family , mother , father , sister , brother , friend, grandmother, grangfather

Alphabet: juice , kite , lion .


Picture Cards, photos of teacher’s family, Character Cards , paper, crayons/markers, pictures of Ss’ families, tape, scissors



Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Getting ready

·Bring in some photos of your family. Introduce your family to the Ss. ·T: Who’s he? He’s my father. Who’s she? She’s my mother. ·Ask Ss to bring in photos of their families for future lessons.


Using the book

·T: Open your books. Who’s this? (Point to Gogo.) ·T: Repeat. He’s Gogo. [Ss: He’s Gogo.] ·Do the same with the other characters. ·T: Listen.

·Play the tape.

·T: Listen and repeat.

·Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. ·Without the tape, show Ss how to act out the dialog with more expression. ·Divide the class into two groups, each group representing a different character. ·Have the class perform the dialog, each group saying its lines in unison or repeating its lines after the T.

Vocabulary Getting ready

·Use the Character Cards of Gogo’s family from WB p.70.

·Before class, hide them around the room with a little of the pictures showing. Tell Ss to remain at their desks, but to point to the hidden cards. ·T: Where are the pictures? (Pretend to be looking around.)

·Ask Ss to point to the pictures they see. As they find the pictures, describe each picture to them. T: Sister. (Point to the picture.) Repeat. [Ss: Sister.] Continue with the other cards.

Using the book

·T: Listen and repeat. ·Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. Point to the picture of family. T: Say family. Repeat. Family. Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say each word.

Handwriting:Who’s she/he? She’s/He’s my ? mother father grangmother grandfather sister brother friend

Lesson 2 Target & Practice ⅠTarget

Getting ready

·Show photos of your family. Make sentences about each family member. ·T: Who’s she?

·T: She’s my mother. [Ss: She’s my mother.]

·Continue this activity using the remaining family photos.

Using the book


·Have Ss look at the first picture.

·Point to Gogo and then Tony. Model the dialog. ·Repeat with the second picture. ·T: Listen and repeat.

·After enough practice, encourage Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.

Ⅱ Practice Getting ready

·Point to the picture of Gogo’s mother. ·T: Mother. Repeat.

·Continue with the other pictures on the page.

Using the book ·T: Listen .

·Play the tape for number 1,and then pause.

·T: Which picture is it? (Sweep your hand over the four pictures.) Write number 1.

·Write number 1 on the board. ·Continue with the rest.


Getting ready

·Refer to the mother picture on the vocabulary page. ·T: Point and repeat. Mother. ·Write mom on the board. ·T: Repeat. Mom.

Using the book ·T: Listen. ·Play the tape. ·T: Sing together.

·Play the tape again and sing along.

·Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the questions, the other sings the answers.

Activity Getting ready

·Photocopy the Character Cards ·Place the cards on the board.

·Write She and He on the board like SB p.27 ·Draw lines to match the words and the cards.

·Erase the lines from the board and mix up the pictures.

·Do it again. This time, ask some Ss to come to the front and draw lines.


Using the book

·Have Ss look at the book.

·T: Read and match. Draw a line like this. (Trace the example line with your finger.)

·Students match She and He to the corresponding pictures

Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready

·Write J , K and L on the board.

·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books. ·T: Circle J, K and L.

·Model circling on the board. Ss circle the letters in their books.

Using the book

·T: Look and repeat. ·Point to the letter J. ·T: J. (Ss: J.)

·T: Juice. [Ss: Juice.]

·Continue with the letters K and L. ·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter. Handwriting; Jj Kk Ll juice kite lion

Lesson 4 Revision


father( ) grandfather( )grandmother( )

mother( ) sister( ) brother( ) friend( )

二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。 I G E D H C B A F J L K


I A G F H J D K B C L E G d i a k h g f l g e b j c



五、把下列左右两边的句子连起来组成对话。 Who’s he? Hi!

What’s your name? It’s a book.

Who’s she? He’s my brother. What’s this? I’m Jenny.

Hello! She’s my mother.

Review 1

Objectives and Requirements Language

Target: --What’s your name? --I’m Jenny. What’s your name? --I’m Gogo. --What’s this? --It’s a desk. --And this?

--Oh,it’s a ruler. –Is this your panda? No,it isn’t./Yes, it is. –Who’s she ? –She’s my mother. –Who’s he? He’s my friend.

Alphabet: a , b, c , d , e , f , g , h , i, j, k. l.


Key: hello, hi, goodbye, bye, table, desk, chair, book, pencil, ruler, elephant, panda, monkey, lion, tiger, rabbit, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother, friend.

Alphabet: apple, banana, cat, dog, elephant, fish, girl, hat, ice cream, juice, kite, loin.


Picture Cards 1 – 14, Alphabet Cards A – I.

Review 1

ⅠGetting ready

·Refresh Ss’ memories on the target language from Units 1 through 3 by creating informal conversations. ·Practice basic greetings.

Using the book ·T: Listen.

·Play the tape for Part A and then pause. ·T: Point to the picture.

·T: Can you see the line from the letter A? ·Trace the line with your finger.

·Continue with B – E and have Ss draw the lines.


Ⅱ Getting ready

·Copy Alphabet Cards A – I.

·Cut them out and distribute them to Ss.

·Call out the words in the activity: goat, fish, bear and egg.

·When you call out words, Ss should hold up the corresponding letters. ·For additional practice, continue this activity reviewing the remaining words from the Alphabet sections of Units 1 through 3. Using the book

·Point to Picture A.

·T: What’s this? [Ss: It’s a goat.] ·Do the same with the other pictures.

·Write each word from this activity on the board: goat, fish, bear and egg.

Culture 1 Family

Objectives and Requirements Language

Target:This is my father/mother/brother/sister?His /Her name is ? Vocabulary

Key:mother,father,brother.sister,friend,grandmother,grandfather. Additional:family tree

Materials:Family tree,photos,pencils and stickers. Look and read Getting ready

.Show the pictures of Tim’s families to the class.

T:(Point to Tim Smith):Who’s this?(Ss:He’s Tim Smith.) T:Yes,he’s Tim Smith.Repeat.Tim Smith. T:Billy Smith is Tim’s father. Mary White is Tim’s mother. Mrs Smith is Tim’s grandmother. Mr. Smith is Tim’s grandfather.

T:This is Tim’s family tree.This family’s last name is Smith.

.Play the tape/disc.The tape/disc says the words from bottom to top and from right to left.

.Ss listen and find the corresponding photos on the page. .Ss say the word as they touth the photos. Family tree

.Stick your family’s photos and write their names.

.Ask Ss to bring their familys’ photos and stick them on the tree. .Draw four trees on the blackboard and ask Ss to stick their familys on the tree.

Talk about your family

.After fishing the family tree,ask Ss to instroduce their families to their partners or group.Then ask some of them to instroduce to the class.


.At last,ask all students stick their family tree on the blackboard or the other board.

Unit 5 Happy birthday!


Target: How old are you? I’m ten. This is my brother. How old is he? He’s seven. Additional: Please count. Alphabet: m,n,o

Key: balloons, candles, presents, cookies. Alphabet:monkey, noodles, orange.

Suggested: balloon, wrapped presents, cookies, paper, pencils, cookies 情感态度与价值观:让学生间用How old are you?询问对方的年龄,并熟练掌握1-10,且体会到学习的乐趣。 三、过程与方法:

Lesson 1 Story & Target Story

Getting ready

Bring in the picture card of Tony and nine candles. Show the picture card of Tony. T: Today is Tony’s birthday.

Sing “ Happy Birthday” using Tony’s name. T: How old is Tony? Let’s count the candles. Repeat after me. One?.Nine. Tony is nine. Using the book

T: Now look at your books and let’s listen. Play the tape.

T: Let’s listen again and repeat.

Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat. Divide the class into two groups.

One group takes the role of Gogo and the other half takes the role of Tony. Have each group repeat after you the first time. Encourage Ss to act out the dialog in pairs. Vocabulary Getting ready

Bring in realia to introduce the new language: two each of balloons, candles, wrapped presents, cookies. Hold up each item and have Ss repeat. T: Repeat after me. Balloons.

Continue introducing remaining vocabulary the same way. Using the book

T: Listen to the tape and repeat.


Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. Point to the picture of cookies. T: Say, cookies. Repeat. Cookies. Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the word. Handwriting: How old are you? I’m ?

How old is ?? He’s /She’s ?

a balloon a candle a present a cookie balloons candles presents cookies

Lesson 2 Target & Practice1-2 Target

Getting ready

Point to a student in the room.

T: How old are you? Repeat after me. I’m ?. Point to another student. T: How old is ?? Using the book

Have Ss look at the first picture. Model the dialog. Repeat with the second picture.

T: Now, listen to the tape and repeat.

After enough practice, have volunteers come to the front of the class and point to different Ss asking How old are you? Other classmates answer accordingly. Practice1 Getting ready

Point to picture A. T: Count the candles.

Do the same with pictures B and D. Using the book

T: Now, listen to the tape.

Play the tape for number 1 and then pause. T: Which picture is it?

Write number 1 on the board. Continue with the rest. Practice2 Getting ready

Before listening to tape, have Ss look at the picture. T: Look at Gogo. Gogo is asking you a question. Using the book

Ss listen to the questions on the tape and respond with the correct answer for them.

Using the target language, have Ss interview each other in pairs. Song

Getting ready


Have Ss look at the pictures. T: How old is Tony?

Continue with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa. Using the book

T: Let’s sing. Listen to the tape. Play the tape.

T: This time, sing together. Play the tape and sing along. Divide the class into two groups. One groups sings the questions; the other sings the answers.

Make new verses with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa. Handwriting: How old are you? I’m? How old is he ? He’s ?.

Lesson 3 Activity &Alphabet Activity

Getting ready T: Let’s count. Repeat after me. One , two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

T: Let’s review . What number is this? Continue reviewing the number in this way. Using the book

Write each word on the board. Have Ss read the words.

Then, add some corresponding numbers. Have Ss help you draw lines from words to matching numbers.

T: Let’s match the words and pictures. Ss do the same in their books.

T: Draw a line from the words to the pictures. Alphabet

Getting ready

Write m, n and o on the board.

Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books. T: Circlem,n and o.

Model circling on the board.

Ss circle the letters in their books. Using the book

T: Look and repeat. T: m

Continue with n and o.

Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

After enough practice, give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

Give Ss one word and have them point to the corresponding letter. Handwriting: Mm Nn Oo


Monkey noodles orange

Lesson 4 Revision


candle( ) present( cookie( )one( )two( ) balloon( ) friend( )

二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。 I G E D H C B A F J L K M N O


I M G F H J K N O L E m k i h g f l e n j o


五、把下列左右两边的句子连起来组成对话。 How old are you? He’s five. How old is your sister? I’m ten. How old is your brother? She’s seven.

Unit 6 Let’s sing.


Objectives and Requirements Language

Target: -Can you read? -Yes, I can.

-What about you? -No, I can’t. But I can fly.

Additional: Let’s sing!

Alphabet: p, q , r


Key: fly , read , sing , draw , swim , cook

Alphabet: panda,queen,rabbit



Pictures, classroom objects(book, pencil, desk, etc.)

二、情感态度与价值观:通过游戏教学让学生体会到学英语的乐趣。 三、过程与方法:

Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Story

Getting ready

·Sing a song that Ss all know,such as What’s your name?from Unit 1. ·T: I can sing.

·Point to yourself and nod yes.

·Sing to the class the first few lines of the song and encourage Ss to continue where you left off.

·If Ss can continue the song,praise them by saying You can sing. When you stop,point to individual Ss and ask Can you sing? Teach them to answer Yes, I can.

Using the book

·T: Open your books. Show SB p.40

·Point to Gogo and Tony and say their names. Ss repeat. ·T: What’s this?(Hold up a book.) [Ss: It’s a book.]

·T: I can read. (Hold your book open and act like you are reading.) ·T: What’s this? (Point to Tony’s book on SB p.40.) ·Play the tape and help Ss point as they listen.

·T: Gogo can’t sing! (Hold your ears as Gogo sings.) ·Stop the tape.

·T: Can Gogo sing? No! [Ss: No!]

·T: Gogo can’t sing. Repeat. [Ss: Gogo can’t sing.] ·T: Listen and repeat.

·Play the tape and pause after each sentence. ·T: Close your books and listen. ·Play the tape again. Vocabulary Getting ready

·Read each word out loud. After each word,make a funny sound effect and pantomime. Have Ss do the same.

·Test Ss to see if they can remember the sound effects and pantomimes by calling out individual words and asking them to make the sound effect and pantomime.

·After Ss have a little understanding of the vocabulary, have them take turns calling out the words while the class performs corresponding actions and pantomimes.

·Ss can continue the activity in pairs or small groups.

Using the book


·T: Listen and look.

·Point to words while listening to the tape. ·Play the tape again and have Ss repeat.

·After enough practice, point to the pictures at random and have Ss say the words.

Handwriting: Can you read/sing? Yes ,I can./No,I can’t. fly read sing draw swim cook

Lesson 2 Target & Practice 1-2 Target

Getting ready

·Write a question mark, a smiley face and a sad face on the board. ·T: Listen.

·T: Can you read? (Point to the question mark.)

·T: Yes, I can. (Point to the smiley face and nod yes.)

·T: No, I can’t. (Point to the sad face and shake my head.) Using the book

·While pointing to the pictures of Gogo and Jenny in the book, model the dialog.

·T: Listen and repeat.

·After enough practice, ask Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.

Practice 1 Getting ready ·To review verbs play the following game using pantomime or sound effects. ·Divide the class into two teams. ·T: Get into two teams.

·Motion for one member from each team come to the front. ·T: Please come here.

·By pointing to the verbs on SB p.41 or showing Picture Cards, give six verbs in random order. S1 pantomimes or makes sound effects for each word. Teams guess the words as fast as they can by making questions with the words, e.g. Can you sing? Can you draw? T can time how long it takes each team to guess all words.

Using the book

·Point to each picture and elicit the verbs. ·Play the tape and have Ss number the boxes.

Practice 2 Getting ready

·Before listening to the tape, point to pictures and ask Ss to make Can you (cook)?questions. [Ss: Can you cook? Can you draw?]


·Draw a smiley face and a sad face on the board.

·Point to the pictures and elicit the responses. [Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.]

Using the book ·Ss listen to the questions on the tape and respond with what is the correct answer for them. [Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.] ·Ask individual Ss the same question.

·Encourage Ss to interview each other in pairs. ⅢChant

Getting ready

·Call out the verbs one at a time from the pictures. Ss should repeat each verb while pointing to corresponding picture.

·T: Point and repeat. Draw . [Ss : Draw.(Point to the picture of draw.)] Continue this activity in order to review all the verbs in the chant.

Using the book

·T: Let’s chant. Listen. ·Play the tape. ·T: Point.

·Model pointing to the pictures while chanting and play the tape. ·T: Chant together.

Play the tape and chant along.

Activity Getting ready

·Write the verbs from Activity 1on the board. ·Pantomime actions similar to pictures in book.

·T: (S1’a name), please come here. Circle the word. Read.

Motion for the student to come to the front and model making a circle around the word read.

Using the book

·Go over the words and have Ss repeat after you. ·Point to each picture and have Ss say the word.

·Play the tape and give Ss a few minutes to draw lines from the words to the corresponding pictures.

·Then have Ss make Can you (swim)?questions for each picture. Handwriting: What about you? But I can fly.

Lesson 3 Alphabet Alphabet

Getting ready

·Write P,Q and R on the board.


·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books. ·T: Circle P, Q and R. (Model circling on the board.) ·Ss circle the letters in their books.

Using the book T: Look and repeat. Point to the letter P. Play the tape and have Ss repeat. ·Continue with the letters Q and R. ·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter. Handwriting: Pp Qq Rr panda queen rabbit

Lesson 4 Revision


fly( ) swim( ) sing( ) draw( ) read( ) cook( )


1. Ff 2. Mm 3. Ii 4. Pp 5. Oo 6. Jj

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。 I M R P H J K N O L Q m k i h p l q r n j o


五、把下列左右两边的句子连起来组成对话。 Can you fly? I’m three. How old are you? He’s eight. How old is your brother? Yes,I can.

Unit 7 Food and drink


Target: What do you like, Tony? I like cheese. What do you like, Jenny? I like cake. Yum!

Additional: I don’t like ants.


Alphabet: s,t,u,v.

Key: cake, noodles,ice cream, bread, rice,milk. Additional: juice, noodles, rice Alphabet: sun,tigter,uncle,violin

Suggested: inexpensive snacks to share, magazine picture of foods, food wrappers or real food, blindfolds, yarn, paper, scissors. 情感态度与价值观:教育学生多吃健康的食品,少吃垃圾食品。 过程与方法:

Lesson 1 Story &Vocabulary Story

Getting ready

Bring in some foods that are inexpensive and easy to share. T: I like (cookies).

Offer a snack to a student.

T: Do you like ?? Repeat after me. I like ?

Continue tasting and offering snacks to various Ss. Using the book T: Let’s listen. Play the tape.

T: Let’s listen again and repeat.

Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat. Divide the class into three groups. One group takes the role of Gogo, another takes the role of Tony and another group takes the role of Jenny.

Have each group repeat after the T. Encourage Ss to act out the dialog. Vocabulary Getting ready

Bring in magazine pictures of food, food wrappers or real food to demonstrate the new vocabulary. T: Repeat after me. Cake.

Continue introducing remaining vocabulary. Using the book

T: Listen to the tape, and repeat.

Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. Point to the picture of noodles. T: Say, noodles. Repeat. noodles.

Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the words. Handwriting: cake noodles ice cream bread rice milk I like ? .I don’t like ?. What do you like?

Lesson 2 Target & Practice1-2 Target


Getting ready

T: I like ice cream. T: What do you like?

Continue asking other Ss the same questions. Using the book

Have Ss look at the picture. Model the dialog. T: Now, listen to the tape and repeat.

After enough practice, Ss can act out the dialog. Practice1

T: Do you like monkeys? Go over each picture. Using the book

T: Now, listen to the tape and repeat. Play the tape for number 1 and then pause. T: Which picture is it? Write the number 1. Write number 1 on the board. Continue with the rest. Practice2 Getting ready

Before listening to tape, have Ss look at the picture. T: What do you like? Using the book

Ss listen to the questions on the tape and respond with the correct answer for them.

Using the target language, have Ss interview each other in pairs. Song

Getting ready

Review the food words in the song. T: I like?

Have Ss look at the pictures. T: What do you like?

Continue with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa. Using the book

T: Let’s sing. Listen to the tape. Play the tape.

T: This time, sing together. Play the tape and sing along. Divide the class into two groups. One groups sings the questions; the other sings the answers.

Make new verses with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa.

Lesson 3 Activity & Alphabet Activity

Getting ready


T: Repeat after me. I like ice cream. T: Let’s review .

Continue reviewing the number in this way. Using the book

Write each word on the board. Have Ss read the words. Ss interview each other in groups of four.

Each student states all the things they like and don’t like.

Partners listen and put check marks in boxes to indicate what their partners like, and they put x’s in boxes to indicate what they do not like. Alphabet

Getting ready

Write s , t ,u and v on the board.

Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books. T: Circle s,t,u and v.

Model circling on the board.

Ss circle the letters in their books. Using the book

T: Look and repeat. Continue with t.

. Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

. After enough practice, give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

Give Ss one word and have them point to the corresponding letter. Handwriting: Ss Tt Uu Vv sun tiger uncle violin

Lesson 4 Revision


cake( ) rice( )milk( ) noodles( ) ice cream( ) bread( )


1. Rr 2. Uu 3. Ee 4. Gg 5. Ll

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。 V M R P S J U N O L Q m u v s p l q r n j o



五、找出不同类的单词,把其编号填在括号里。 ( ) 1.A.chair B.desk C.apple ( ) 2.A.pencil B.book C.table

( )3.A.red B.read C.blue

Unit 8 Sport


Objectives and Requirements Language

Target: -Do you like tennis? -No,I don’t. I like baseball.. -Hey, Tony! Do you like soccer? Yes, I do.

Additional: bat, birdie, racquet

Alphabet: w,x,y,z


Key: soccer, basketball,baseball,tennis,ping-pong Alphabet:watch,box,yellow,zoo


Pictures Cards, objects(soccer,basketball,tennis,etc.) 二、情感态度与价值观:教育学生热爱体育运动,多参加运动。 三、过程与方法:

Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Story

Getting ready

.T: (point to various magazine picture)What kinds of ball is that? What sport is it?

.When Ss say the name of the ball and/or the sport in Chinese,write the English words on the board.

.T: (As you write various sports)Do you like (football)?Me ,too.I like it a lot.

.Contuinue with various Ss until you have covered as many sports as possible.

Using the book

.Bring in a socces ball.

.T: (Show the soccer ball.)This is a soccer ball.(S1’s name),bo you like soccer? (S1:yes, I do./No,I don’t.)


.Model if necessary. .T:Let’s listen. .Play the tape.

.T:What sport does (Gogo) like? (He likes soccer and baseball.) .T:Let’s listen again. Read after the tape. Vocabulary Getting ready

.Bring a soccer,basketball,baseball,tennis,ping-pong.

T:Look at the balls and other things. Do you like ping-pong? .Model playing ping-pong .Continue with other words. Using the book

.T:Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you the word. .Play the tape and repeat.

.Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the words. Handwriting: Do you like ?? Yes,I do./No,I don’t. soccer baseball football tennis basketball ping-pong

Lesson 2 Target & Practice 1-2 Target

Getting ready

.Writing Do you like soccer?on the board. .T:Repeat soccer.

.T:Do you like soccer?

.T:Practice with the natural speed. Using the book

.Point to the picture and model the dialiog. .T:Listen and repeat.

.Play the tape ,read after the tape. Practice 1 Getting ready

.Point to the Picture A.

T:What sport is this?(Ss:football)Yes,Do you think she likes football? Using the book

T:Let’s listen to the tape.

T:Which picture is it? Is it D? Is it C?

Continue with the other three pictures,paushing after each one. Practice 2 Getting ready

T:Open your books.Look at Gogo.Gogo ask you a question.What is he saying? Using the book

T:Now listen and answer the questions. Song

Getting reading


Point to Gogo and Tony

T:What are they playing?Do you like ping-pong? Listen to the song twice.and sing after the tape. Activity 1

T make a modle:I like baseball.I don’t like soccer.

T Ask a student.What’s your name?Do you like baseball? Comntinue until Ss understand the survey style. Activity 2

.Point to the picture and have the Ss identify each one. T:(S1’s name ),do you like ice cream? .Put Ss in pairs or small groups.

Handwriting:DO you like ?? No, I don’t.I like ?./Yes,I do.

Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready

·Write W,X,Y and Z on the board.

·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books. ·T: Circle W,X,Y and Z. (Model circling on the board.) ·Ss circle the letters in their books.

Using the book T: Look and repeat. Point to the letter W. Play the tape and have Ss repeat. ·Continue with the letters X, Y and Z. ·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

·After enough practice, give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter.

Using the book

T:Look and repeat.T:W(Ss:w). T:/w/./w/,/w/,/w/,watch. T:Box,(Ss:box)

Continue with Y and Z.

Play the tape and have Ss repeat. Listen and chant.

T:Let’s listen to the chant.Read after the chant.

Handwriting: Ww Xx Yy Zz watch box yellow zoo

Lesson 4 Revision



soccer ( ) football( ) baseball( ) tennis( ) ping-pong( ) basketball( )


1. Pp 2. Ss 3. Ww 4. Yy

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。 V X R P S Z U Y O W Q x u v s p w q r y z o


五、选择填空,把正确答案的字母编号填在括号里。 ( ) 1.What’s your name?

A.She’s Jenny. B.I’m Gogo. C.He’s Tony. ( ) 2.Is this a dog?

A.Yes,it is. B.No,it is. C.I don’t like. ( ) 3.What color is it?

A.It’s an orange. B.It’s yellow. C.It’s a cat. ( )4.How old are you?

A.I’m fine. B.I’m ten. C.How old are you? ( )5.Do you like soccor?

A.Yes, I do. B.No,I do. C.I like soccor.

Review 2

Lesson 1

Target: What color is this? It’s orange. How old are you? I’m ten. This is my brother. How old is he? He’s seven. What do you like, Tony? I like juice. What do you like, Jenny? I like cake.

Alphabet: m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

Key: yellow, balloons, candles, presents, cookies, cake, ice cream, bread.

Alphabet: monkey,noodles,orange,panda,queen,rabbit,sun, soccer, tiger, violin, watch, box, zoo.

Suggested: Picture Card, crossword puzzle Review 2

Getting ready

Refresh Ss’ memories on the target language from Units 9 through 11 by creating informal conversations. Using the book


T: Now, listen to the tape.

Play the tape for number 1 and then pause. T: Which picture is it? Continue with the rest. (2)Getting ready

1. Have Ss cut a piece of paper into nine squares. 2. On each square, Ss write one letter.

3. Call out the words in the activity: blue, bread, balloons, candles, cups, etc.

4. Ss hold up the corresponding letters.

5. Continue this activity reviewing the remaining words from Units 9 through 11. Using the book

Point to each picture. T: What’s this?

Write each word from this activity on the board. T: What letter is it? What sound is it?

While listening to the tape, draw lines to corresponding letters for each picture.

Point to each picture in the boxes. Ask Ss to say the word.

Ss listen to the tape and circle the pictures that corresponding to the words stated on the tape.

Culture 2:Animals and Countries Objectives and Requirements Language

Target:What’s this? It’s a monkey.Can it jump? Yes,it can. Vocablary

Key:panda,eagle,kangaroo.polar bear,India,Australia.Canda.China.The US,flag


Materials:Word map ,Double spinners game,pencils and clips. Do you know these animals? Look, read and write. Getting ready

.Show the pictures of the panda and the elephant to the students. T:(Point to the picture of a panda):What’s this? Ss:It’s a panda.

T:(Point to the picture of an elephant):What’s this? Ss:It’s an elephant.

T:OK.Let’s learn the new animals :polar bear,kangaroo and eagle. Using the book

.Play the tape..Ss listen and find the corresponding photos on the page. .Ss say the word as they touch the picture. Do you know these flags? Look and match. Getting ready


.Say each word of the animals on P60 Ss point to the corresponding picture and repeat after you.

.T:Can you jump (fly,swim) ?

T:Yes,it can.Repeat .Yes,it can./No,it,can’t.

T:Do you like kangaroo(eagle,elephant,panda,polar bear)(Ss:Yes,I do.I like kangaroo/No,I don’t. I don’t like kangaroo) Using the book

.T:What’s this?(Ss:It’s a panda.) .T:Can it jump? Do you like it?

.T:Repeat:Yes,I like it./No,I don’t like it. Where are the animal from? Look and read. T:Where is panda from?(China). .Talk about the animals


