山东省2009年夏季普通高中学生学业水平考试英语试题 - 图文

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第一部分:听力测试(共三节,满分20分) 略。




21. —Hello, is Mr. Smith there? —______

A. Who are you? B. Speaking. C. I’m not Mr. Smith. D. Are you Jack? 22. Get dressed quickly, ______ you’ll be late for school. A. so B. and C. or D. but

23. Last night, my father told me ______ story which took place in ______ early 1800s in China. A. a; the B. the; an C. a; / D. /; the 24. Blackwell is so ______ that he never seems tired. A. energetic B. practical C. serious D. optimistic 25. There are many places in the US ______ English is not commonly used. A. which B. that C. when D. where

26. Joe kept looking at the new teacher, wondering whether he ______ her somewhere. A. had seen B. has seen C. sees D. saw 27. Will you please ______ the music a bit? The baby is sleeping. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn up D. turn down 28. I find ______ important to know about the culture when learning a language. A. that B. it C. one D. this

29. ______ the cries for help, the soldiers rushed into the burning house. A. To hear B. Hear C. Hearing D. Heard 30. —What do you think of the film?

—It ______ be better. Everyone likes it. A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t



Specially trained dogs, called service dogs, can learn eighty commands (命令). The dogs help

disabled persons become 31 . Kristofer of Santa Rosa, California, who 32 a wheelchair, is the youngest person to use a service dog to be able to 33 public school. His clever partner, named Ivy, rests under Kristofer’s 34 until he gives a command. Then she responds 35 to his needs. She wears a backpack (背包) that holds his 36 and lunch. If Kristofer gets 37 while moving his wheelchair long distances, he can just grab a handle on Ivy’s backpack and she will 38 him along. Ivy has become so much a 39 of Kristofer’s life that she takes part in all his activities. Whether Ivy is turning a light on or off, pushing an elevator button, or just 40 a piece of paper for him, Kristofer knows he can depend on his dog. 31. A. patient B. independent C. successful D. generous 32. A. uses B. repairs C. invents D. makes 33. A. leave B. check C. find D. attend 34. A. bed B. car C. desk D. book 35. A. generally B. frequently C. usually D. instantly 36. A. books B. toys C. shoes D. balls 37. A. lost B. worried C. tired D. separated 38. A. push B. pull C. fetch D. take 39. A. style B. way C. topic D. part 40. A. making up B. looking up C. taking up D. picking up




It was a rather hot day. Everybody seemed to be looking for some kind of relief, so an ice cream store was a natural place to stop at.

A little girl, holding her money firmly, entered the store. Before she could say a word, the store clerk sharply told her to get outside and read the sign on the door, and stay out until she put on the shoes. She left slowly, and a big man followed her out of the store.

The man watched as she stood in front of the store and read the sign. “No Bare (赤裸) Feet”. Tears started rolling down her cheeks as she turned and walked away. Just then the big man called to her. After sitting down on the roadside, he took off his size-12 shoes, set them in front of the girl and saying, “Here, you won’t be able to walk in these, but if you slide (拖) along, you can get your ice cream.”

Then he lifted the little girl up and set her feet into the shoes. “Take your time,” he said, “I get tired of moving them around, and it’s good to just sit here and eat my ice cream.”

The shining eyes of the little girl could not be missed as she ordered her ice cream come. He was a big man, all right. Big body, big shoes, but most of all, he had a big heart. 41. The little girl wasn’t allowed to enter the store because ______.

A. she was dirty B. she had no money C. the store was closed D. she had no shoes on 42. What happened to the little girl in the end? A. The big man bought an ice cream for her. B. The store clerk took an ice cream out to her. C. She got her ice cream with the big man’s shoes. D. She left the store without getting her ice cream.

43. From the story we can conclude that the big man is ______. A. kind B. funny C. honest D. hard-working


Believe it or not, there is always something nice to do on weekends. If you take some time to think about your weekends and plan them carefully, they may become more exciting, refreshing and as a result more rewarding.

Throughout weekends, you can join in endless activities. You may attend a weekend course to increase your knowledge, for example, listen to a lecture on ancient Egypt. You may also try various activities, such as short countryside trip, or you may want to go skiing on a cold winter weekend.

You may invite your best friend to a picnic, tell each other jokes and enjoy each other’s company or you may invite more friends to your weekend party and have one another give a talent show.

You can help out in a local library or nursing home and do some voluntary (义务的) jobs. You can go to a sports ground or amusement centre to play various ball games and others. You may do weekend shopping alone or with somebody. Whatever you do, I hope you have a good weekend.

44. The passage mainly tells us ______. A. why to plan weekends well B. how to have a nice weekend

C. when to attend weekend activities D. where to have a picnic with friends 45. The author suggests doing all the activities EXCEPT ______. A. going skiing B. doing some shopping C. holding a party D. going over lessons 46. According to the passage one can go to ______ as a volunteer. A. a nursing home B. a sports ground C. a big company D. a shopping centre


The French spend more time sleeping and eating than anyone else among the world’s wealthy nations, according to a study published recently. The average French person sleeps almost nine hours every night, more than an hour longer than the average of Japanese and Korean, who sleep the least in a survey of 18 countries.

Although they often have a sleep after lunch, the Spanish are only the third on the list after Americans.

And while more and more French people wolf down a sandwich at their desk, they still spend more than two hours a day eating, which is twice as long as that of the average Mexican.

The Japanese, who are famous for their long working hours, still manage to spend close to two hours a day eating and drinking, placing them third behind New Zealanders.

Although the amount of time Americans spend eating each day is the middle on the list, their obesity (肥胖) rates are highest.

The Japanese prefer to watch television or listen to the radio. This takes up 47 percent of leisure (休闲) time in Japan. Turks, on the other hand, spend more than a third of their leisure time meeting friends. Norwegians spend the most time at leisure, over a quarter of their day, while at the low end, Mexicans spend just 16 percent of their time having fun. 47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the study? A. The French sleep the most time of their day.

B. The Spanish sleep more than the other countries. C. The French spend more time sleeping and eating. D. The Japanese have the longest leisure time.

48. The underlined part “wolf down” probably means “______”. A. eat quickly B. take a short rest C. be on a diet D. cook up quickly 49. How much time do Mexicans spend eating daily on average? A. About 2 hours. B. About an hour. C. About 3 hours. D. About 4 hours. 50. According to the passage, people in ______ spend the least time at leisure. A. Japan B. Turkey C. Norway D. Mexico



1.第Ⅱ卷,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。




Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go to work or school every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and 51. r_____ home late in the evening. One advantage of living outside London is that houses are 52. c . Even a small flat in London without a garden 53. c quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s 54. o . Then, in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the city. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can 55. s better at night and during weekends. On summer evenings, one can enjoy the clean and 56. f air of the country. If one likes garden, one can spend one’s free 57. t digging, planting, watering and doing many other things in the garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one enjoys the reward of his hard 58. w . Some people, however, 59. t no interest in country things; for them, happiness lies in the town. Such people would feel that their life was not 60. w living if they had to live outside London.

51. ______ 52. ______ 53. ______ 54. ______ 55. ______ 56. ______ 57. ______ 58. ______ 59. ______ 60. ______



There was once a king who lived in Egypt. He wanted to send a message to a friend who lived far away in Greece. But he didn’t want anyone else to see it. How could he send his friend the secret message? The king thought and thought. Then, at last, he had an idea.

The king called in his most trusted servant. “I want you to shave all the hair off your head.’’ he said to the servant. The servant obeyed and shaved all the hair off his head.

“Now,” said the king, “I’m going to write a message on your head.” The servant bent down, and

the king wrote the message on his head.

“Now,” said the king. “I want you to stay alone until your hair grows back. I’m going to put you in a locked room for a month.”

One month passed. The king went to see the servant. “I see that your hair has grown back,’’ the king said. “Now I have a very important task for you. I want you to go to see my friend in Greece and show him the message on your head. He is the only one who should see it.”

When the servant got to the king’s friend, he shaved his head. The friend read the message. Then the servant washed the message off his head. It may have been the first secret message ever sent.

61. What did the king want his most trusted servant to do for him?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 62. Why did the king want the servant to shave all the hair off his head?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 63. How long was the servant locked in the room?


64. How many people actually knew what the message was about?


65. What would be the most proper title for the passage?



某英文网站Teenage Life专栏征稿, 请你根据下图提示, 用英语写一篇80~100词的短文, 简要介绍你的同学张冰。题目自拟。


21. B [考查电话用语。在打电话时,常用的问句是Is that?speaking?而不用A项;答语是

This is?speaking或直接说speaking。而不用I am?来回答。故选B项。]

22. C [考查祈使条件句。句意为:快点穿上衣服,否则,你上学会迟到的。or否则,要不


23. A [考查冠词。story是一个可数名词,tell sb. a story给某人讲了一个故事,故第一空格

应该用a;第二空in the early 1800s是固定结构。]

24. A [考查形容词辨析。句意为:Blackwell精力如此的充沛,似乎从未疲倦过。根据tired


25. D [考查定语从句。句中的先行词为many places在从句中作地点状语,故用where。] 26. A [考查时态。句子的谓语动词kept looking是一般过去时,后面的宾语从句中“曾经在


27. D [考查动词短语的辨析。句意为:孩子正在睡觉,请你把音乐的声音关小些好吗?turn

off关闭;turn on打开;turn up开大,调高;turn down关小,调低。] 28. B [考查it的用法。it在句子中作形式宾语,代替后面真正的宾语不定式。]

29. C [考查非谓语动词。主语the soldiers与动词hear之间是主动关系,且hear与谓语动词


30. C [考查固定句型。本句型属于用比较级的形式表达最高级的含义。couldn’t be + 比较


31. B [因为残疾人自己本身不方便行动,服务犬能够帮助他们“独立,不依赖别人

(independent)”。patient耐心的;successful成功的;generous慷慨的,大方的。] 32. A [因为故事中Kristofer是一个残疾人,当然得使用轮椅。] 33. D [attend school“上学“相当于go to school。]

34. C [在学校里,Ivy当然是趴在Kristofer的桌子底下了。]

35. D [Kristofer发出命令,Ivy立刻作出回应。instantly立刻,立即;generally和usually都

表示“一般地,通常地”;frequently频繁地。] 36. A [因为是去上学,所以背包里装的当然是书本。]

37. C [根据后文看出Kristofer抓着Ivy背包上的把手,可以看出他摇轮椅摇累了。其他不


38. B [根据实际情况,服务犬只能“拉着”轮椅往前走。push推着;fetch去取回来;take

带走,均不合题意。pull 拉,扯,拖。]

39. D [服务犬Ivy成为了Kristofer生命中的一部分,故用part。]

40. D [根据句意“捡起一张纸”用pick up。make up弥补;构成;look up查找;往上看;

take up占据;从事,均不合题意。]

41. D [根据第三段中“No Bare Feet”可知小女孩被拒绝进入商店是因为她没穿鞋。] 42. C [根据文章内容可知一个男人借给了小女孩一双鞋, 让她穿着鞋买到了冰激凌。] 43. A [根据文章内容,这个男人安慰小女孩并借给她鞋穿,很显然是善良的。]

44. B [根据本文第一段可知,周末有很多有趣的事情可做,并在下文给出了建议,可以推


45. D [文章中只是说可以参加周末培训班增加知识,或者是听讲座,并没有提到复习功课

的问题。因此D项不对。] 46. A [根据倒数第二段的内容可知。]

47. C [根据本文的第一句话可知:法国人在吃饭和睡觉方面比其他别的国家的人用的时间


48. A [根据划线词所在的第三段的意思:尽管法国人??三明治,但是仍然要花费两个多

小时的时间,是墨西哥 人平均时间的两倍。由此可以看出,wolf down意为“快速地吃”。]

49. B [由第三段可知,法国人吃饭的时间是两个多小时,是墨西哥人平均时间的两倍,很


50. D [根据本文最后一句话可知,墨西哥人花费在娱乐休闲上的时间最少。] 【参考范文】

Good Student Zhang Bing Zhang Bing works very hard at his lessons and has good learning habits. As a result, he often gets high marks in the exams. After class, he is ready to help his classmates with their lessons. He takes an active part in out-of-class activities and is good at playing football and basketball. At weekends, he usually goes to elderly people’s homes to help with the housework. He is highly praised by the teachers and students in our school. He has set a good example to

all the students.

