
更新时间:2023-04-28 15:50:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1. What a ____ cough ! You seem _______ ill.

A. terrible, terribly

terribly, terribly

2. I feel eve n ___ now.

B. terribly, terrible

C. terrible, terrible


A. bad

B. well

3. ----- Do you thi nk the fish tastes ______

---- She cooked it _____ , I thi nk.

A good, good

B well, good

4. ______ , he didn ' t fail in the English exam.

A. Luck

B. Lucky

5. She always does her homework _____ .

A. careful

B. care

6. ---1 always liste n to the teacher ___ in class.

--- It ' s very clever of you to do so.

A. free

B. freely

7. ---Is the physics problem _______ ?

——Yes. I can work it out

A. easy; easily easier

8. Will you please speak

A. loudly

9. —How are you? —____ , tha nk you.

A. Quite well

10. We study En glish and

A. very like it


B. easy; easy

_____ ? I ' m afraid I can

B. pleasa ntly

B. Quite good

B. like it quite

C. well like it

11.Trees grow __________ (quick) in spri ng. C. worse


C well, well

C. Luckily

C. carefully

C. careful

C. easily; ease

't follow you.

C. slowly

C. Very better

D. worst

D. Luckly

D good, well

D. carefully

D. Very good

12. Fish and chips are very __________,but I think fried chicke n is _________ of the three. (delicious)

13. ___________________ My father is a

(care) reader.

14. _____________________ the teacher said ____________________ (an gry),

15. Meimei walks _______ ( 慢).

16. The teacher asked us to take a _____ ("stop talk ing.

仔纟田)look at


17.The meat smells _______ (坏).Please take it away.

D. easily

D. easily

D. like it very

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18. The wind is blow ing ________ (str on g).

19. She didn ' t do her homework __________( 仔细 ).

20. How ______ ( 大)the rain is!


I. 对画线部分提问.

1. They bought a new bike yesterday.

2. She is a nurse .

3. She is my teacher.

4. He bought the red one .

5. It is my coat .

6. I am look ing for my sister . _____

7. I get up at six .

8. I am from Hubei .

9. I went to school late because I got up late. _________

10. It is wind ___

11. I am gett ing on well with it.

12. My bag is re _

13. The book is Li Hua 's .

14. I like math best.

15. They are five yuan .

16. I wash it twice a week . ___

17. He will be back in four days . _____


()19. Excuse me _________ is the n earest bookshop ?

Go dow n the street and turn left at the sec ond corner?

A. how

B. what

C. where

D. who

()20. ________ is a ticker for the film Hacker He? About forty yua n .

A. How old

B. How ma ny

C. How much

D. How ofte n

()21. — _______ a re you going? — I ' m going to the library.

A. Who

B. Which

C. What

D. Where

()22. It ' s a nice car. ____________ have you been in it? Just to Shanghai.

A. How much

B. How soo n

C. How long

D. How far

()23. ________ ? It ' s eight.

A. What day is it

B. What ' s five and three

C. How old are you

D. What

telepho ne nu mber

()24. — _____ ? — I ' ve got a headache and a cough.

A. What ' s your trouble

B. What ' s wrong with it

C. Can I help you How are you

()25. ________ tea did you have? Two cups.

s your D.

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A. How many

B. How much ()26. ________ shall we meet in the park? What about half past eight?

C. How soon

D. Which

A. What

B. When

C. Where


Which ()27. ________ a year does your school have sports meeti ngs? Twice a year. A. How ofte n B. How soo n C. How long The one beh ind the tree. B. Who ' s that girl ()28.

A. Whose girl the girl ()29. ________ a re you going to be in the future? I want to be a pers on ____ - Yang Liwei. A. How , like

B. How , as What , as ()30. ____ will your father be back?.

A How long

B how often 77课

英汉互译 1. We' II wait till the rain stops. 2. 我在那座城市,一直住到十五岁。 3. 请等到他来。 4.They did not retur n home till it bega n to rain. 5. H e is now not coming till Thursday. 6. H e didn ' t return home until five. 7.他一直工作到五点。 1. The meeti ng did n ' A. because t start __ every one was there. B. until C. why C. Which girl C. What , like C How soon D. if

D. How many times

D. Where s


D How wide

2. The boy ___ t o bed A. went not; un til until his mother came in. B. didn ' t go; after C. went; un


D. didn ' t go;

3. I won ' t believe you ___ I have seen it with my own eyes. A. before B. un til C. after D. whe n

4. He __ home ___ she was satisfied ___ his an swer yesterday. A. didn ' t g o; until; with B. wasn ' t go; after; to D. didn ' t go; until; to

5. Childre n get gifts __ Christmas and ____ their birthdays. A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in

6. A lot of stude nts in our school were born __ March, 1981. C. on D. since C. does n ' t go;

before; with

D. in; on

A. in

B. at

7. tie sudde nly returned __ a rainy ni ght. A. on B. at C. in D. during 8. My gran dfather was born __ Oct. 10, 1935. A. on B. in C. at D. of 9. The train is starting _ five minu tes.

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A. in

B. at

C. for

D. still 10. Mike does his exercises ____ s eve n ___ the evening.

A. on; to

B. at; in

C. by; of

D. at; o n 介词填空

1. Childre n wake up very early __ the morni ng of Christmas Day.

2. __ a cold win ter mornin g, I met her in the stfeet.

3. It happe ned to be very cold __ t he morning of our sports meet.

4. Why did you get up so early __ t his morning.

5. He went to Shanghai _ September 3, 1991 and came back __ a cold morning last year.

6. Lucy was born __ the ni ght of May 12, 1984.....

7. Mrs Brow n came to Chi na __ 1996.

8. __ the morning

of November 20, 1915, the workers came to Chicago to show their mourning __

Joe Hill.

9. Ann moved _ Hangzhou __ September, 1992.

10. They started off _ an autu mn after noon. 79课

5. Stop, ____________ we will shoot at you.

1. -Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?-

A. may not

B. must not 2. The childre n play football on the road A. can ' t B. can

Than ks, but you ,I ' ve had eno ugh C. can ' t

D .

needn 't C. mustn ' t D

. must 3. You __ be late for school again next time.

A. mustn ' t

B. needn 't

C. don ' t have to

D. don ' t need to

4. -Must I do my homework at on ce?-No, you __ A. needn ' t

B. mustn ' t

C. can ' t

D. may not

A. so

B. and

C. or

WORD 格式整理版

6. Be careful , __________ you will fall off the tree .

A. so

B. or

C. but

D. and

7. — “ Excuse me, may I have _ w ater, please? ”

( 用适当的词填空 ) — “ Sorry, there isn ' t ____ there. ”

8. Whe n some one is ill, he ___________she should try to smile at life.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

9. The poor man n eeds our help, _ he?

A. need

B.needn ' t


D.doesn 't

10. -Must we do our homework first?-No, you __ . You may have a rest first.

B. needn ' t

C. may not

D. can 't 用need 的适当形式填空

He _____ a new coat.

_____ you ______ any help?

I _____ some more tea yesterday.

He _____ (n eed go) to school today.

You ______ (n eed not) be afraid.

_____ you go now?

Yes, I must.


Lily likes fruit. I like fruit, ___________ .

莉莉喜欢水果,我也是。 Lily doesn ' t like fruit. I don ' t like fruit, ______________ either.

莉莉不喜欢水果,我也不喜欢。 We can go to __________ restaura nt. I don ' t mi nd. 我们可以去两家饭店中的任何一家。我不再乎。

I ' m not sure where he is from. He ' s ______________ Spanish ___________ Italian.

我不敢肯定他 是哪人。他或者是西班牙人,或者是意大利人。

It ' s ___________hot in the room. I can ' t stay here.

房间太热了。我简直呆不下去了。 On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied.( A. mustn ' t 翻译)




Seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV.




Lily has some red pen cils.

We have lunch at school.















