必修五 unit4 词汇学案

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一、Word forms.

1.记者________ 编辑 ________ 摄影师 _________ 助手 __________ 参加面试者________ 打字员___________2.难忘的___________ 令人钦佩的__________ 3.任务___________ 约会;任命___________ 部门;系___________ 4.快乐的____________ 有天赋的 ___________ 5.富于想象力的____________ 否定的___________

6.有罪的___________ 贪婪的____________ 7.最后期限__________ 家庭主妇 _________ 二、KEY WORDS

1、assist v.___________ ; ___________(助手);______________(帮助 n.)

(1)assist sb. to do…/in doing…. ;assist sb. with sth….(2)come to one’s assistance 援助sb. 【小试身手】


②In the near future, robots will assist us ________ the things that are boring. ③Despite his cries, no one_____________________.(帮助他)

2、inform v.____________ ; ____________(信息 n.);___________(非正式的 a.); informed___________

(1)inform sb. of sth. (2) inform sb. that从句(3)keep sb. informed (of) 使某人随时了解 【小试身手】

①The surveys inform us______ the parents’ over-protection of their college children. ②他通知我们他已到达。__________________________________________________. ③因特网让我们随时了解最新的信息。______________________________________. 3、case n.___________

①It was a classic case of bad management.____________________________. ②There are thousands of new cases of AIDS in Africa every year. 【归纳拓展】

③Take an umbrella with you in case it rains. ④In case of fire , press the red button. ⑤In no case will China use nuclear weapons.

⑥I can think of many cases where students knew quite a few English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.

4、demand v.__________; n.____________; adj.____________ 【用法归纳】

(1)be in (great)demand非常需要的;受欢迎的 meet/satisfy one’s demands满足某人的需求 (2)demand to do…要求做… ; demand that sb./sth. (should )do… ; ①The soldiers demanded that they______________(send)to the area struck by the disaster.

②这名记者要求了解正在发生什么事。_____________________________________________. ③He found the journey too ___________(demand).


⑤The shopping center is trying every means to____________________(满足顾客的需求) ⑥I saw a man loudly demanding the return of the money he paid from the shopkeeper.

5、approve v.____________; n.____________


★approve sth. 批准/通过某事 ★approve of (sb./one’s)doing…赞同/同意(某人)做… 【单句改错】

①I never thought mother wouldn’t approve my decision.

②Do you expect our plan will be approved of by the local government? ③I won’t approve of your leave here. 三、KEY PHRASES

1、concentrate( one’s mind/attention/energy/efforts) on…

①他专心学习,没有注意到我的出现。__________________________________________________. ②We must concentrate our efforts on __________(improve)education.

★表示“专心于”的其他常用表达方式还有:_____________________________________________ 2、depend on___________

①When the delayed flight will take off depends much _____ weather.

②他依靠父母来照顾孩子。(depend on sb. to do…)________________________________________ ③You may depend on _____ that all the goods will be shipped abroad in time. ④—Can you finish the work before Sunday ? ---It all depends./ That depends. 3、accuse sb. of… =charge sb. with…_____________

【翻译】这名罪犯(criminal)被指控蓄意谋杀(deliberate murder)。 ①____________________________________________________. ②____________________________________________________.

4、 so as to、in order to、in order that、so that辨析【参考同步练习册P75】 【一句多译】为了如期((before the deadline))完成这项任务,我昨晚熬夜到很晚。 ①__________________________________________________________________________. ②__________________________________________________________________________. ③__________________________________________________________________________. ④__________________________________________________________________________. 5、ahead of______________

①She is always well ahead of the rest of the class, which makes her parents very happy. ②He is always ahead of the age.

③多亏了你的协助,我们提前完(ahead of time)成了任务。__________________________________________. 四、熟读背诵。

1、Zhou Yang is anxious to know the result of the exam ,for he’s eager to be admitted into the university. 2、She was very delighted at/by/with the news I told her. 3、Please submit your report to me before the deadline.

4、The necklace she picked up accidentally was assessed at more than10,000 yuan. 5、There is no denying that protecting the environment is of great importance. 6、Your composition needs polishing. 7、Her husband is three years senior to her.

8、The project is not accomplished but is still in process. 9、He made an appointment with his dentist at 8 am.

10、Our head teacher demanded that we sweep up the classroom thoroughly yesterday.

