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导入:句子结构黑板展示 What he said ,a very nice lady

After he came in the room, His words reminded me of a teacher. (who had treated me nicely)

what is important to me.



Who wants the apple is Tom.

Whoever wants apples can take one.

The boy is who we are looking for. The school isn’t what it used to be.

Li Ming gave us what we want most.

Do you know why he was late this morning?

The question why the earth moves around the sun has not been answered yet. The idea that we should take a day off was put forward by Tom. 总结:

连接词:that 不做成分,没有意思

Whether/if 不做成分,有意思“是否”

What/who/which/whom/ whose /whatever/whoever/ whichever/whomever/ 做成分,(主语,宾语,表语,定语);有意思 When/why/where/how/whenever/however/wherever 做成分(状语),有意思


I don’t understand why he cried suddenly? 练习:划结构,判断从句 What he said is not true.

I don’t know where we should go.

Do you know that he has gone to university? Word came that our class had won the games. He doubts whether he will come back tomorrow.

I was very satisfied with what you had done yesterday. I can’t imagine how he did it. It looks as if he is ill.

Whether he will come back today is not sure. Where he went remains a mystery.

That he broke the cup made his mother very angry. The problem is where we should stay.

The story is that a girl was abused by his step father.

Have you heard the news that five children were killed at the school yesterday?


概念:在主从复合句中,充当主语的从句,叫主语从句。 结构:连接词、语序

基本句型:根据引导词分类: 1. that/whether/if

That you are coming to London is the best news I have heard this long time. That she became an artist may have been due to her father’s influence. Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. Whether they would support us was a problem. 总结:that 无意思;在从句中不做成分 Whether/if 有意思“是否”,在从句中不做成分 2. 连接代词引导主语从句, 在从句中充当主语,宾语,表语或定语:what, who, whose, whom, which“哪一个”, whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever(无论) What I have seen today has made a very deep impression on me. Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine.

Whichever of you comes in first will receive a prize.

What you need is more practice.

总结:引导词 有意思; 在从句中做成分:主语,宾语,表语或定语

3. 连接副词引导主语从句,并在从句中做状语,表时间,地点,方式和原因等。 When, where, why, how

When we will have a meeting is an important question. Where we shall do the test is still under discussion. 总结:引导词 有意思, 在从句中充当状语


一、it 做形式主语,代替that/whether引导的主语从句 Whether he will come back is unknown. It is unknown whether he will come back. That he will come back is true. It is true that he will come back.

It be+名词词组+主语从句(a pity, a shame, a fact, an honor) It is a pity that you can’t attend my birthday party. It be +形容词+主语从句

It is obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.

It is important/natural/impossible/necessary that we (should) keep the balance of nature. It be +过去分词+主语从句

It is suggested that the old man (should) go to the countryside to have a rest. It +动词(happen/seem/ appear/ remain/occur)+主语从句 It seems to me that you disagree with the plan.

It remains to be seen whether our team will win the game. It occurs to me that I should finish the homework first. It hits me that I should finish the homework first. It surprised him that they came to visit him suddenly. 二、whether与if区别: “是否” 1. 介词后用whether 2. whether 后加or not 3. whether后加to do

4. 在句首引导主语从句用whether 5. 表语从句、同位语从句用whether 三、主语从句的主谓一致(根据语意)


Whether he will come back is unknown. ②What 引导主语从句的特殊情况

What you left_____(be) only three books. What you said ____(be) of great importance. What he needs _____(be) friends.

③主语从句有and 并列(表同一件事情:V用单数;表两件事:V用复数) What he says and acts doesn’t concern me. What he says and acts don’t agree.

What I say and what I think ____(be) no business of yours.

When and where we should go ____(have) not been decided yet.

What you eat and how much you exercise ____(be) important factors in weight lose program.

What cause the accident and who is responsible for this _____(remain) a mystery.


概念:在主从复合句中,充当宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。 结构:

He said: “Why are you here?” He asked me why I was there. 句型:基本句型: 1. that/whether/if

I asked her whether he had looked at a map yet. We have decided (that) we will go there by bus. I doubt whether he is a student.

I don’t doubt that he will pass the exam. 总结:???

2.连接代词:I want to know what he has told you. You can take whatever you like. 总结:???

3.连接副词:do you know when our teacher will come back? I really don’t what I should do next.

It is easy to understand why he was angry. 总结:???


考点:一、it 作为形式宾语

1. find/feel/think/consider/make/believe+it+adj./n.+that 从句 I think it necessary that we drink plenty of water every day.

I have made it a rule that I run for half an hour every day. 2.hate/like/dislike/appreciate/prefer+it+宾语从句

I hate it when they talk with food with mouth. I would appreciate it if you help me.

3. take it for granted that(认为什么是理所当然的)从句/ see to They take it for granted that they will pass the exam.

二、that可以省略 三、时态


(确保) 1. He said that he will go to the station.

2. Our physics teacher once told us that light __________ ( travel ) faster than sound.

3. Tom says that Mary ____ (go) abroad last year and

_________ (be) there for nearly 5 months. 四、虚拟语气


insist/command/order/suggest/advise/recommend/propose /ask/request/demand/require+that…(should) do sth be done eg: The police demanded that the gate should be shut. 五、否定前移

条件:1.第一人称 2. 谓语动词多为think/believe/imagine/suppouse… I think (that) he understood your question.

I don’t think (that) he understood your question.


概念:系动词 在主从复合句中,充当表语的从句叫做表语从句。 结构: 连接词:原来的基础上+as if/though because 例句:

My advice is that we should get there by bus.(that不可省略) The question is whether you can do the work well. The city isn’t what it used to be any more. This is where I don’t agree with you. That is why he was late for class again.

This is because he stayed up late last night.

The reason why he asked for two days’ leave is that he had to take care of his sick son. It looks/seems as if it is going to rain. 考点:一、because/why

What he couldn’t understand was _____fewer and fewer students showed interest in his lessons. He was late for school and that was ________ he was ill. 用适当的连接词填空

1.I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer,which is _____ he never finishes anything. 2.I’d like to start my own business—that’s _____ I’d do if I had the money. 3.The reason why he didn’t go to school was ____he fell ill. 4.He came late. That was ______ he got up late. 5.The question is ______we can reduce the cost of the product.

