新视野大学英语第一册第七课Section B

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Section B

Should I Have a Gun?

ContentReading Skill

Understanding of the TextTest yourself

Post-reading ActivityFor fun

Reading SkillReading Between the Lines Reading between the lines means drawing understanding about the author's ideas from what is written and from what is not written. Writers don't always express all their thoughts openly, either as a matter of style, or because they assume we know and share their opinions-or because they aren't sure how to express themselves.

Reading SkillTo draw inferences about the author's ideas we have to be very careful with what is advised.1) You have to make use of context clues, common sense and our knowledge of the world. 2) Connect ideas and draw conclusion from the reading passage. 3) Form and test what you have understood between the lines.

Reading SkillExample

Now here are some more examples taken from passage A. (1) “Hey,” I said, “just take it.” As I spoke, I set the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway, contriving as I did so to toss my house keys into a bush. (Para. 3, Passage A) Question: Why did the writer toss his house keys into a bush? Possible answer: He would not let the robbers to have his keys to the house.

Reading Skill(2) He wasn’t stupid. I’ve seen enough criminal trials to know victims of armed attacks are seldom able to identify their offenders because their attention focuses on the guns, rather than on their users. I consciously noted details of their faces. (Para. 15, Passage A) Question: Do you think the writer was stupid, too? Possible answer: No. The writer was careful enough to note details of the robbers so that he could identify them later if possible. To get the right answers to the above questions, you have to read very carefully and also make use of context clues.

Reading SkillPractice:After lunch Diana took her bike and sneaked( 溜 ) quietly into the yard. She moved carefully to the plot of soil under the tree in back of the house as she checked to see that nobody watched her. She leaned her bicycle against the tree and bent down. All around dark clouds rumbled noisily in the sky; a streak of yellow zigzagged far away, and she trembled. Digging swiftly in the hot earth she made a small hole and in a moment took a wrinkled ten-dollar bill from her pocket. After she slipped the money into the ground and covered it, she breathed deeply and smiled. She was glad that was over! Now no one would find it or know how she got it. Certainly it would be there later when she wanted it.

Reading Skill(1) Diane is probably_______.

A. a girl of 10 to 14 years oldB. a young mother

C. a child of three of four(2) As for the money, Diane probably_______.

A. got it as a gift from her fatherB. earned it

C. got it in a suspicious way

Reading Skill(3) This event probably took place_______.

A. on a snowy winter afternoonB. before a summer rainstorm

C. one night in March(4) After she hid the money, Diane felt_______.

A. very

guilty and sorryB. relieved

C. that someone had seen her

Understanding of the Texthome

1. advocate (L. 3)


Our premier advocates higher salaries for teachers. 我们的总理 主张提高教师的工资。

He advocates building more schools.他主张多建几所学校。 a sincere advocate He is____________________(真诚拥护者) of equal pay for equal work.

2. odd (L.3)

词语辨析:strange: hard to accept or understand; not known or experienced odd: unusual (含有稀奇古怪与众不同的意 思)

词语辨析:odd (1) Her dress was grey, with _________ brown markings. strange (2) A _________ noise woke him from hissleep. odd (3) The other three exchanged _______ glances. (4)The customs of that ethnic group are strange _________ to us Hans.

3. It wasn’t ignorance of crime statistics that previously kept me from owning a gun nor thinking I was immune to violence (L.3-5)a cleft sentence (强调句) meaning “It wasn’t ignorance of crime statistics that previously kept me from owning a gun; it was not thinking I was immune to violence that kept me from owning a gun, either.”以前我没有枪,并不是因为我对有关犯罪的统计资 料不了解,也不是因为我自认为可以不受暴力的袭 击。

4. ignorance (L. 4)表现出无知 display/exhibit one’s ignorance 暴露出无知 expose/reveal one’s ignorance



mend one’s ignorance

complete/utter ignorance

Someone who has little official education show ignorance of history may __________________________(对历史 一 无 所 知 ), but be very knowledgeable about practical matters. Sometimes children do dangerous things out of ignorance __________________(出于无知). The workers werein complete ignorance of ____________________ (完全不知)the managers' plans.

5. affect (L. 7)

v. 影响

The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health 天气稍有变化就会影响她那脆弱而娇嫩的 身体。 v. (在感情方面)打动 He was in no way affected by their misery. 他们的惨状一点也没打动他的心。

6. transport (L.9)


That yellow bus transports passengers from the airport to the city. 那辆黄色公共汽车将乘客从机场运送至城 里。 苍蝇传播各种不同的疾病。 Flies transport different kinds of diseases.

7. be capable of (L.10)

词语辨析:(1)用作表语时: 在意义上:able 只表示褒义,


capable 则 可 以 表 示 褒 义 与 贬 义 : (褒义)有…能力的; (贬义)能干得出…的,敢于…的

在搭配上:able 仅用于有生命的人或动物 capable 不仅可用于有生命的人或 动物,还可以用于无生命的事物 在用法上: be able to do sth be capable of doing sth/ sth (2)用作定语时:capable 表示的“能力” 没有 able 强 able 指“精明能干的,非常有能力的” capable 仅指一般能力


